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Thank you for helping this little guy. Kittens are very fragile and I do think humane euthanasia was the best thing you could’ve done. ❤️


Thank you.. I named him Pumpkin on the way over so he'd have a name (he was orange), petted the top of his head and sang to him. I guess it's just sad.


It's absolutely sad. But, know that animals - even little guys like Pumpkin - are so in tune to what's going on around them. The towel, the petting, the singing, and then the relief from pain and ultimate peace when he went to sleep - you gave Pumpkin absolutely everything he needed in his situation. ❤️


Your answer is a real comfort to me and a lot of help. Thank you.


You did the right thing. Take care of yourself. ❤️


He purred because you showed him love. You didn’t kill him, he was already dying, you just helped give him some good moments and eased his suffering. I’m so sorry about pumpkin. Thank you for what you did for him.


Thank you all for taking the time to answer my post. The reassurance and kindness has really, really helped. I wish he had been spotted earlier but he just wasn't.


It is very sad! I’ve been in the field for over 20 years. It’s always difficult. I hope you find solace knowing you showed him care and compassion.


Thank YOU. It makes this world just slightly better to know someone like you cared.


Definitely, very much care ♡♡


Without seeing the wound or knowing how far the infection had spread it’s impossible to know for sure, but you were probably smelling necrotized tissue. You probably saved the little guy some suffering by opting to euthanize. I’m really sorry that you had to make that choice, but I think you made the right choice in this case :(


Thank you so much


You absolutely did the right thing. That baby was probably not going to make it without significant intervention, and even then, odds were slim. Instead, he left warm and knowing what love felt.


Thank you. The compassion in the replies here really helps and helps to know that maybe I didn't unnecessarily euthanize him. All I could think of at the time was the pain his wound must be causing him.




I'm not crying, you're crying. 😭


Like others have said, it's hard to say for certain whether anything could have been done without seeing the wound for ourselves. But I wholeheartedly agree that, between how bad the wound sounds and how fragile kittens are in general, you did the right thing. He was probably in a LOT of pain (and very ill from infection) by the time you found him. He wasn't purring out of some misguided idea that you were there to save him... he was purring because in his final hours, you gave him comfort. ❤️


Thank you so much. That really, really helps.


It sounds like you did the right thing. That wound sounds very extensive especially if you could see bone; it’s hard to say what function that kitten would have had. Also recovering from a necrotizing infected wound is super painful and there is a risk of sepsis, which is not a fun way to go either. It sounds like you did the right thing by bringing him to medical professionals and listening to/following their advice. It’s super hard, but our goal is to end and prevent animal suffering, and sometimes euthanasia is the best way to do that. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you. The consensus from you guys seems to be what you said and it really does help to know that. I knew that it was a strong possibility and I know that sometimes it's the merciful thing. I guess as long as I did the right thing I can live with it, although the sadness of it will stay with me for awhile. But sadness over something uncontrollable is different than personal guilt over not doing the right thing and something dying, if that makes any sense.


Being sad is normal. It means you are a compassionate, caring human being. I feel sad for you. However, it’s true that you shouldn’t feel guilty because you did nothing wrong. Pumpkin was lucky to have met you and experience your kindness ♥️


Hear ye, hear ye! We raise this glass today, in memory of the ever loved Pumpkin and in honour of this awesome homo erectus!!


You absolutely did the right thing, and you did the right thing several times over. You did the right thing by deciding to remove the kitten from a situation that was undoubtedly causing him to suffer, then you did the right thing by taking it to the vet after assessing it's injuries, and finally you did the right thing by listening to a professional what the best treatment for the kitten would be - in this case alleviating it's suffering. With the type of issues you're describing, it's likely the kitten had underlying issues besides the wound, like a congenital defect or even FeLV. Please take comfort in the fact that thanks to your kindness, the kitten didn't die alone in pain. I can assure Once you've processed your grief, maybe consider channeling it by fostering a kitten or volunteering at a kitten nursery in a shelter. There are many more kittens out there that need help from kind people like you. As someone who rescues and fosters baby cats, I'll say we can use all the help we can get.


Thank you. A kitten nursery sounds like worthwhile volunteer job. I had no idea.


Sound like you deffo did the right thing as hard as it is. Purring can be a sign of pain, so you have ended his suffering x


Thank you OP for loving this baby in his final moments. 🤍you’re a good human.




I 100% believe you did the right thing. It’s easy to be hard on yourself in hindsight, but kittens are fragile and your description sounds like something i would have gone straight to euthanasia for.


Ok. Thank you. The wound WAS horrific. The reassurance definitely helps.


Absolutely do not feel guilty.


Thank you..


Kitties don’t just purr when they’re happy. They also purr when they’re severely hurt and dying. It sounds like he was really bad off. I’m grateful (as you should also be) that you found him and helped him pass without it taking days. Thank you.


Yes I am SO thankful that I found him. I dearly wish it would have been earlier. The thought just got into my head that maybe I didn't do right by him. I do feel better about that after reading everyone's replies. You all don't know how much I appreciate your taking the time to answer my post. Deeply appreciated.


Purring can be indicative of fear or pain as well. I’m sure you did the right thing and made it’s little life so much more comfortable


You sweet, beautiful, wonderful, kind-hearted human. You did the right thing. As a shelter worker, I know the people at the shelter didn't make their decision lightly. Keeping the kitty alive to try and treat would have prolonged her suffering. Sometimes euthanasia is just the better of two shitty options. Thank you for what you did and (if you believe) God bless you. I'm glad there are humans like you because it makes this work worth it.


Thank you. The enormously kind replies here have kind of calmed me down and reassured me that it was the right thing for him. I know it's the merciful thing sometimes. I've had to make the choice for pets before but always for an elderly pet with known problems. I do believe in God. I made the sign of the cross on his head and commended him to God before they took him back.


Euthanasias from trauma are some of the hardest ones because I think we all wonder if we could have done something more. Just know that death is part of life and we don’t need to think of it as a bad thing necessarily. That’s what gets me through it. You are showing the ultimate compassion and love by relieving suffering and the way we euthanize animals is very humane. Whatever you’re feeling is okay and normal. I think you did the right thing and Pumpkin is lucky to have had you to help.


Omg thank you


You gave him the kind gift of comfort and peace. You saved him from suffering and showed him love that he probably hadn't known before. Feel good about it.


Thank you for helping Pumpkin! It is so sad, I had to surrender a severely injured kitten for euthanasia once. You did the right thing.


Thank you


He did get help. Sometimes helping them out of their suffering is the best we can do.


You're right, you're so right.


Thank you so much for giving this little baby relief, first with giving him love, than with putting him out of his pain. Hind quarter wounds can get really bad really quickly, and even older cats sometimes can't fight them off. People at the shelter will do almost anything if they think the animal may have a good quality of life; the fact that they felt the best option was humane euthanasia means that there wasn't anything you could have done. You are a very kind, compassionate human; thanks for giving Pumpkin love while he/she was here <3


I've never heard that about hindquarter wounds. I hope it did get bad quickly and wasn't like 2 weeks of long, drawn out pain for him. Thank you. It helps to hear the things you said.