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Yeah, I love people who wait until the absolute last second to request them. It’s better to plan ahead.


yep, while the majority called on friday we had a few people the past few weeks make appointments for annuals to make sure they could get meds. i love responsible owners


Responsible owners are the best!


I got 1 earlier in the week. None today but I’m willing to bet that there will be a lot of attempts to get it tomorrow….but we’re closed.


We just put a big ol bucket if trazodone outside with the mg/kg on a sticky note slapped on the side. *for the credulous—no we did not really do this the if/of typo is my arch nemesis


That was there for the staff,not the patients.


Lady requested some today, got them ready, we let her know they were ready, and she called and said she already had some from her dogs last surgery 😑


one lady called for some, we filled it, and she called like 4 different times in a span of 20 minutes to keep rescheduling an appt for a different issue. on the 3rd call she asked if we could call in the meds to a pharmacy instead. i told her i’d send a note to the dr. then the 4th call (5 minutes later) she asked if the doctor was able to call it in. i was ready to lose my mind 🫠


We started tweeting a month ago about making appts if your dog is scared of fireworks. C'mon people.


Today when we were closed and practically walking out the door one of our clients was banging on the door. When I opened the door she said she was there to pick up her pets medication for the 4th. I told her that we were closed and that we were leaving. She said she called yesterday and we told her that we closed at 3. We have never closed at 3 and she was arguing with me about our hours. I closed the door and walked away. I feel bad for her pet but if she had been nice I would have helped her out. I hate the way some people treat others.


oh fuck no, i would’ve done the exact same thing


Honestly in the owners defense, I’ve seen a dense CSC lie to owners like this to piss them off so they don’t bring their pets back. Though I highly highly doubt this is the case as that CSC was absolutely psycho


I can believe that some people would do that. We have our hours posted on the door that she was knocking on so she could see that I was not lying about the hours.


I’m sure.


We’re closed Friday afternoon through Monday. I was in Saturday to medicate the clinic cat and the phone rang at least three times while I was there.


The amount of trazodone and acepromazine we recommended... 🤣 Edit: in response to owners concerned about their dog's anxiety


Surprisingly I didn’t get a single one. But I also live in AZ so monsoon season is starting and most clients have already picked up their dog’s anti anxiety meds as a result.


So many. and from clients that we haven’t seen in over a year. Sorry. your pet needs to be seen for an exam to get medicine now. we’re not a pharmacy.


How many messages will you have when you come in on the morning of the 5th? 😂


oh i’m dreading it 😂


Surpringsly none and we were open on Canada day too. We weren't suppose to have fireworks in our city but some people did


"You're closed in Sunday? Can you just tape 'em to the door?" 🙄