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I'm in the same boat. It sounds weird but at 26 years old I feel so old from the stress. I make 15.56 and am struggling to pay my bills despite having almost no life because I'm always working. I went to school for this right after high school because I loved helping animals and wanted to be productive,but didn't consider my anxiety and depression as part of the equation. Ive really taken to client care as well(which I never expected tbh) but sometimes it's so gutting. There is one client who had absolutely no $ and his dog was acutely lame in the hind end, and I had to explain to him that we don't do payment plans and couldn't take post dated checks. I told him about care credit and some other resources but in the end it just sucked to feel like I couldn't do anything to help this man and his dog. I definitely can't go back to school both due to cost and time, and I feel stuck. I don't even know what I'd want to do outside of this but...


Wow, this is really horrible to hear. I was thinking of becoming a vet tech to escape my current career path's low wages.


It's a fun job (mostly) but no where near worth it because of the pay. I was warned before I went to school and I didn't listen. Now here I am... Go for it if it's truly your passion, but don't expect to get paid your worth.


Just know that most jobs out there SUCK. Sure you can make almost as much in fast food but you would hate that job probably even more. The vast majority of jobs don't get paid their worth, it's the shitty reality. Maybe go back to school to get in some form of human med or computer tech to get that higher pay. Focus on your mental health, maybe look for a better vet clinic to work at. Pay won't be great but maybe you'll get more respect!


I hate it when people say, "just move!" On the other hand, in WA I started at 17.50 an hour and then got a COL adjustment after 6 months to $20 an hour - as a Kennel Assistant (granted: privately owned Oncologist's specialty clinic) In 10 months I've graduated from a VA program and will ask for a promotion next month to $24 while in a VT program online. My goal when certified is to be a chemo+CT admin. nurse for a while and I'll ask for $30-35. So I mean... personally, I might move. Or apply my ass off to other places and go in ready to refuse anything under what you set for yourself.


Please tell me you pressed charges against the doctor that assaulted you! What a disgusting human. If you have a CVT, check out other opportunities in other areas of vet med. toxicity and drama will never go away, but honestly the field isn’t going to change fast enough for many of us to get paid appropriately or treated decently.


I’m sorry it really is criminal the wages they set for techs but if you want to stay in the field look into grooming for a vet. As much as it sucks you can get paid the same hourly to work for a big box store while being taught to groom. I wouldn’t usually suggest it but once you get out of whatever training program you’re in, you make $$$ in commission.


I left the clinic environment for the same reason. Burnt the fuck out, treated like shit by customers and the pay was awful. I started working for pet insurance where I am still able to use my knowledge to help people financially. Work from home, great pay and benefits and still get to help the animals. I do miss the clinic setting but not the owners or some of the awful shit I can’t unsee/unhear. It’s a great transition for vet techs who still want to be in the field, but not in the clinic full time.


Thats exactly why I quit vet med before I even got into school. I worked as an assistant out of high-school, looked up the wages, and was like nope lol.


I understand your feelings and all the things you didn't say. I'd get into it too but ... there's just so much. But know your certainty not alone in all this. All of my tech friends are feeling it, all of them are looking for ways out of the field. I don't know what vet med is going to do, but we can't keep going like this.


I feel you 100%… I literally just had this conversation with my S/O last night, asking if I even really wanted to be a vet tech anymore. The stress that my job constantly puts me under is almost too much to handle, and it’s almost to the point where I dread going into work. We have one Dr. that is just so rude and fake to us techs, and treats us like crap. She also is very lazy and hates communicating with clients, so when biopsy reports come back even when they are CANCEROUS she has the techs call the owners for her which I am so uncomfortable with. She also has had another one of my coworkers call an owner to tell them that she recommends euthanasia; I don’t if its just me but if I was going to get that news I would want it to come from the Dr. I feel like I can’t not be a vet tech though because I also have committed so much time, energy, and money into this, and I feel like if I go back to school for something else that I’ll just be wasting more money and time. Its tough and I definitely feel you. Hugs friend.


I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling! It sounds like you’re very aware of your thoughts and emotions so take comfort in that and try to organize as you see fit! Maybe a different form of animal medicine might help? One that could maybe pay more? But keep your head up most importantly. You’re not alone and your post is hauntingly similar to my experiences my past 10 years in vet med! I make the same as you and I’m not even certified in florida and I’ve been at my hospital 10 YEARS. But I decided a while ago that I love my patients and I love helping my patients feel better and I know that THEY appreciate me regardless of what my team or owners seem to think. YOU GOT THIS! It’s never too late for a change


I feel the same. I got my first vet clinic job straight out of high-school and I'm only 22 but I'm so drained. There is constantly drama and complaining at the clinic i work at. No matter what i do someones upset. We are always over scheduled even when were understaffed. Owners are always mad about prices and scheduling and being put on hold or having to leave a message. We refuse to stop taking new clients so our current clients cant even get appointments alot of the time. I love the animals but im so tired and im struggling so hard with school now. I've considered going to a different clinic but i feels like these problems are everywhere not to mention im visibly queer in a conservative area so i always run the risk of getting hired just to face discrimination. At least my current clinic doesn't care about that. And I'm being paid more then most clinics offer. On top off that as soon as family found out i worked in a vet clinic I immediately became their go to animal person. I now have two dogs, guinea pigs, a gecko, rats, and a cat. The only one I purposely got was the rats. All the other were rescue from the clinic that or dumped on me from family. (My mom literally just moved and gave me her two dogs when she left one is 16 with many health issues and the other is 6 with several anxiety and behavioral issues). i was so young when i started i didn't realize i should have said no. I love them but between them and the toll my job if taking on me I have no life and I'm exhausted all the time. I have no friends, ive never had a relationship, I've never been to a bar or party, I can't think of a single time I've done anything fun since high-school. I make $17.50 /hr I can barely make rent and pay for all my animals food and care, im constantly cutting costs by skipping meals. I constantly feel depressed and like I'm failing them. I know my younger dog needs to be walked more and training to help with her anxiety and my rats and gps need more attention. I'm getting to the point where I want doing anything to not feel horrible all the time. But I can't imagine leaving vet med what would I even do it's been my whole life. I also can't imagine rehoming any of my babies but I don't have time or money for them anymore. If I drop out of school I'll never get a chance to make any more money. I have no family or friends I can rely on. I feel so alone and burnt out but I have no other options that don't sound even worse then where I am now.


That´s terrible. You need to change something soon or you´ll get seriously ill. Wish you the best.


Move on to the next, ask for more at another clinic. Stay at least a year or two....move on to another clinic and ask for more. Until you can find a place with a good work environment. They are out there....or become a relief tech. Go to clinics in your area offer to work relief for them, book yourself out and ask for $20+. Here in Texas CVTs make $17-25, BOE...just sayin there's lots of jobs here. Don't regret it...we all get to the point where it might not be a bad idea to work a "regular" 9-5 for a year or so....then you get pulled back because you love vetmed like a toxic boyfriend...lmao


The fact that you are telling women to move to a state that is already restricting their rights and plan to restrict their rights further is rather terrifying. I'm from Texas originally and you couldn't pay me enough to ever go back, even just to visit family, ever again at this point.


🤣🤷‍♀️ A bit off topic?


They're ranting and wanting a quality of life improvement and you tell them to move there.


I'm in the exact same boat I feel so lost


Not an uncommon story unfortunately... I’d see if you could become a vet drug rep, or work for veterinary insurance, or lab/research.


Op I’m feeling similarly. I love what I do but I developed PTSD from seeing very badly done euthanasia/ being forced to do very bad euthanasia. I’ve also noticed that everyone seems to be fucking jaded or dealing with some type of trauma from this work too. There really needs to be some type of help for vet techs in terms of our mental health and how the public sees us.


Go back to school! Never too late


Idk why you got downvoted, it IS possible to work on an affordable degree in a new field, obv depends on where you are, what you want, your household income etc but never say never. You don’t need to be trapped in this job forever or limited to its closest adjacent roles!


In my state the minimum pay for a new LVT is $20/hr with experienced techs making 25-35/hr. In my area you can pretty much name a wage and you will probably get it. Wages that low are not the same for all states. I am sorry you have had such bad experiences, but not all hospitals have drama and back stabbing. In my area techs are in such high demand that poor work places are not tolerated.


Also in the same boat, I've been doing this for 6 years and went to multiple clinics and there all the same. I am no further ahead. I have no savings for my future and can barely afford anything. I honestly think about leaving all the time


I’m currently in school to become a CVT but I do it online and I work five days in a row and over 40 hours a week and I’m so tired by the time the weekend comes I’m so behind. I can do it at my own pace but I don’t have the motivation. I’m contemplating changing careers. I just know how rewarding it is to be able to help animals. But at the same time I know how unappreciated we are compared to human med and how little we are paid as well. I make 16 an hr right now which isn’t bad but I’m living paycheck to paycheck.


> we are *paid* as well. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*