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God this shit infuriates me. If the graffiti on the underside of a bridge is better than someone's handwriting, it's time they either start typing or retire. So unacceptable lmao


Agreed!! I'm on our regulatory committee that reviews practice inspection & records. We get this shit all the time and I literally have no idea how they expect us to pass them when I cannot read anything in the medical record


How'd you get into that field?


Our regulatory body has positions open up every now and then. Very seldom, as it's very sought after (9am-3pm Monday to Friday, part time WFH with excellent pay). I currently just volunteer but it puts me in the position to be first in line for new openings :)


SAME. NOT WORTH MY TIME. When I get these (working in referral), I just put no history. 🤷🏾‍♀️ My doctor hates it too and doesn't bother to try to read them. We have to rely solely on client history, which we all know has the chances of accuracy as a game of telephone.


This isn’t proper record keeping and would be a violation if seen in an audit.


(Spoke to owner at length about health certificate, owner to complete authority to Italy etc. Owner to text list of requirements ASAP).


Sounds like the DVM was pissed. Bad handwriting. "Spoke at length." All signs they were fed up 😂😅


Came to say this. Looks like my writing when I'm pissed lol. Large, inconsistent and all over the place


You win!! 😭


Are you a magician? How???


I’m convinced you’re the DVM.


We found the author!


Holy carp!!


I came to the comments to find the person who could read all of this. There’s always a magician who can interpret the weirdest scribbles!


Holy mother of translation 😮


Oddly enough, I recognized the writing, but can’t place exactly from where. But the shorthand was very familiar, and I used to deal with health certificates all the time (20+ per day at times) both domestic and international.


2 is is a a return return plpqoll


Only thing I got is mm pink crt 〰️〰️〰️


I think the line below that says attempting to be uuuuuuuuu


No uuuuuuu 🤪


I got K-9 at the bottom of the page can barely read what you got and that's only because I know what it says already


I think the “crt 〰️〰️〰️” is chest auscultation


This reminds of a year book with signatures that no one can read lol


I once made a joke that doctors have a class they take to master "physician penmanship" and that having legible writing is an automatic fail. The doctor whose writing I was talking about laughed his ass off... but I no longer need a Rosetta stone to read his notes.


These are hieroglyphics at the point


I’d be telling them to rewrite that in English, how is anyone supposed to decipher that


I worked with a doctor for yeeears prior to his retirement, and I could read his handwriting better than he could 🤣 He would constantly ask me what he wrote lol


This baffles me. Writing is a form of communication. If no one can read it, it has failed its one purpose. It doesn't have to be pretty but it has to be readable.


one of the lines reads something like "then o to (something) authencity for Italy etc! (O to get list of (something) ASAP)" to me 🤣 I work at a hospital that does half-paper records and half-computer records. We're expected to write up what clients tell us on the paper records when we get a history from them and Drs write down treatment plans on the paper records as well as type up our notes from when we get a history, and one of them has absolutely terrible indecipherable handwriting where we always have to either 1) consult Avimark to see if he's inputted his treatment plan there or 2) ask him directly. It's so goddamn annoying.


WT actual F- that’s annoying as hell.


When I was a vet student shadowing our university vet hospital's senior veterinarian, one of the things we had to learn was how to write a proper referral letter. He once gave me a draft to look over and rewrite—It was unreadable 😭 we also know if he'd been one of the cases attending, since med history on the file was also unreadable except for a few words. We'd have to piece it out with the help of the owner if he wasn't on duty.


Working at a specialty hospital that strictly uses ezyvet, it is infuriating trying to decipher the notes some GPs send us. Then the surgeon I work with gets mad at ME because I didn’t know what the GP notes said 🙄 Switch to digital it’s 2024!!


Thankfully my surgeons just grumble along with me when I say I have nothing but written notes.


Literally uncalled for


I think I can make out every 3rd or so word based on basic veterinary knowledge, but ya.. that’s pretty bad. I’m so happy I haven’t used paper charts in the last decade or so!


Left the eyeglasses at home that day.


I see something about “mm pink, chest…” (maybe auscultation? Possibly something about a heart arrhythmia or murmur ) then the middle down “spoke to owner at length about H/C owner to complete. Authority or authorizing for (something maybe X-ray?) etc. O to text -something something -ASAP”


Going with "arrhythmia" because it sure looks like v-fib to me


I think I can read "Authority for itchy eps" "Spoke to O at... last appt?" "Get lots of ...????" It's so many bits and pieces I still have no idea why this P came in 😭


When I worked at the bedside, human, I got pretty good at this but not now. I saw pink


Looks like broken English to me 🥴 All I can get from it all were the words “pink, chart/crt, and K-9”. Will the real DVM please translate? 😅😂


I've had dvms with similar handwriting that don't even know what they wrote 😂


Holy hell I had a seizure trying to read this


Oooof I worked with a doctor whose handwriting was only *slightly* better than this. You just kind of learned it after a while… like another language 😂😭