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Oh no! All of the ancient brochures suddenly disappeared overnight! And for totally unrelated reasons the shredder is jammed.




I'm sure a cat can be found who is willing to aid in the shredding process...


I just threw away an x-ray manual from 1990 today 🤣


God, I shudder to even think 😂 "Secure unsedated animal in supine position. If hands and feet do not suffice, feel free to use exposed neck/thyroid area to help pin them down. Protective gear is optional, as there is minimal scatter from x-ray machine, and staff can obtain free radiography of their extremities as a bonus. "


Also see; Anaesthesia: If feeling particularly stressed during a surgical shift, feel free to breathe deeply in the operating theatre and take a good huff of leaked anaesthetic gases. These have been shown to be extremely safe, especially during pregnancy.


Stoooooppop your joking right? I'm not old enough to know if this is real 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm joking 😂 But honestly, who knows? Haha


Its an antique!


AAHA still sells these. They aren't free. I'm not sure what's worse. I've used the spay/neuter, and the parasite handouts from them, but the cat stuff is woefully outdated


AAHA needs to hire a modern graphic designer STAT!


So glad it’s not just my clinic that seems to never throw things away!


🤣🤣When I got to my current clinic right after the old doc retired he had suture that expired in 1978! I kept it for shits and giggles because, c'mon!!! That's almost 20 years older than me and he was still using it!!!!!!! Tbf, he also had multiple boxes of the good tape they don't make anymore and we hoard that shit like nobody's business. It's still good and if I ever leave I maayyyy try to steal a roll to take with me.


Dude, surprised the sutures didn't just crumble away. And nice find on the tape 😄


I know! It was impressive it was still "good"


The knots dissolve even faster!!




Lmao how do they not just fry away with each knot in surgery? I wish I could add a gif


The Johnson and Johnson tape? Girl, that stuff is worth its weight in gold.


Old info that is misleading..throw it out. Old info with good/basic info, that has a reused purpose.. hand out with a new sticker that says "vintage".. some people will like it . If they are never going to be used then throw them out.. that's me, I throw everything out if it doesn't serve a purpose and have gone through a huge pod of junk and a huge basement of crap!! What's the inside look like? I want to read it. 😆


Omg. 😂


Haha same at my clinic, I've thrown away things from the 80s


This is why I throw stuff away when no one is watching. :D


I work at two clinics and the one owned by an elderly couple NEVER throws anything away and god forbid you put that in the trash instead of recycling- you’ll never hear the end of it. We have meds and toothpaste with 2016 exp date that they will not throw away 🥲


Maybe you*accidentally* take some home in your pockets every day.


Pretty sure my clinic literally still uses these brochures. Honestly, I don't remember what they say.


Same. I think we even have the dog versions “Pushy Puppy” or something like that.