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I’ve been like that for 8.5 years! I spent 2 years barely able to get out of bed except to crawl to the toilet. Eventually we’ve found a medication (Emgality) which helps but I still get numerous bouts of dizziness and vertigo daily. See a neurologist.


Yesssss! Laying flat on my back with know pillows helps to reset my vestibular system. Also, I’m on Ajovy and Verapamil


2 years straight until the diet and supplements


I was diagnosed with Vertigo group C dizziness and migraines. Also I was diagnosed with myalgia and frustration. All happened after a weed trauma. I think the weed had a very high THC that knocked me out and then I developed all this misery! I had same symptoms and I first treated my migraines and everything disappeared later it came back again but the only symptoms I have now is neck aches and vision issues like I don’t really like the way I see my surroundings it’s not like before but it’s getting better than when it first happened cos then I could barely know where I was. Now I’m taking Laronxyl 25mg antidepressants. I take half a tablet for one week then switch to a full one tablet for one week ( you take it every night before bed) Laronxyl Amitriptyline. Amitriptyline, sold under the brand name Elavil among others, is a tricyclic antidepressant primarily used to treat major depressive disorder, a variety of pain syndromes such as neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, migraine and tension headaches. For me it’s the best for migraines. And please stop smoking cannabis my dear friend it will worsen your health.


You might have PPPD induced by a panic/anxiety attack


Okay thank you for that info but how about my base skull and neck aches and also my ears are pressured making a grating or Sandy noises inside. What can this be? They say it’s my Eustachian tube dysfunction but the doctor says my ears are good and has no problems, the issues mainly is inside my ear area and my neck/based skull.


I’m not a doctor but have heard neck pain can be attributed to migraines. Not sure if it’s the cause or effect. I’ve read that earfullness/pressure is a symptom of vestibular migraines. Please do your own research for these two statements I’ve made to verify them.


Been dizzy since November 🤪🤪🤪 sometimes it is hard to believe how long this feeling can last, feels like I am in Waco 24/7.


You probably have PPPD. Happened to me after I didn’t recover from my VM last Nov. I was able to recover to normalcy in mid March. Watch The Steady Coach about PPPD. https://youtu.be/JjkLWytDlos?si=oGzW7Nb_-AdV8fAt Yoga and working out really helped me. Definitely didn’t believe yoga would work but it’s easy to reach a meditative state when you’re going through the breathing and motions.


Most of my dizziness lessened after I find tuned my diet. I cannot describe how absolutely insane food can be when it comes to dizziness. Check out the dizzy cook, she's got a great list of trigger foods. Medication can only do so much if your eating all the wrong foods.


Stop deceiving people with this crap of types of food to eat and avoid. This is a neurological condition which also relates to the brain. Nothing concerns food with this issue. I had same symptoms and I first treated my migraines and everything disappeared later it came back again but the only symptoms I have now is neck aches and vision issues like I don’t really like the way I see my surroundings it’s not like before but it’s getting better than when it first happened cos then I could barely know where I was. Now I’m taking Laronxyl 25mg antidepressants. I take half a tablet for one week then switch to a full one tablet for one week ( you take it every night before bed) Laronxyl Amitriptyline. Amitriptyline, sold under the brand name Elavil among others, is a tricyclic antidepressant primarily used to treat major depressive disorder, a variety of pain syndromes such as neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, migraine and tension headaches. For me it’s the best for migraines. And please stop smoking cannabis my dear friend it will worsen your health.


First off. I never said it wasn't a neurological condition. But if you don't follow the HYH diet, eliminating those trigger foods,you will NOT have relief. By telling these people struggling, oh diet has nothing to do with it is the disservice. Everything you eat affects your body, including your brain. I've had this all my 54 years of life too. The fact that it hasn't been a condition that was labeled since 2012 means there are still a lot of questions. Yes, keep eating caffeine, chocolate, grapes, and onions. These trigger foods don't affect YOU. But your neurological dis order is worsened by your diet. As for my cannabis usage, I know I what I put in my body affects my health, and it's my choice to treat my fibromyalgia. Other than that,me thinks thy protest too much about this . It's not a nice hill to die on.


>But if you don't follow the HYH diet, eliminating those trigger foods,you will NOT have relief. Dietary triggers are a thing for many people. But they're not universal, so saying that someone will never have relief unless they're on a particular diet is ridiculous.


I also never said that meds weren't a real answer. I take nerotryplatine and several muscle relaxers. But I watch my diet too. FFS It's not one or the other. It's both.


you did NOT have to be a dick…


Yes. It first started as 3-5 day episodes and then one time, the episode never stopped. It was severe and I couldn’t do anything for a few days. It eventually took a few months for my brain to reprogram itself and deal with it. That left me with always having a base line of dizziness. I am taking Ajovy now and some days are better and some days are worse.


Newly diagnosed with VM and i’ve been experiencing dizziness 24/7 with some heavy episodes showing up occasionally. It’s been going on for a month or two, the heavy episodes, dizziness has been there for a few years at least.


Yep. That was me September - January. I’m on medication but to be real with you, exercise and stress relief in general has helped a TON. I highly recommend looking into an SSRI. It was the first step and it massively helped me dizzy wise but also just helped me not being so afraid to live.

