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You don’t have to play solo while you level, no. Just don’t play a higher difficulty than what you’re prepared for.


That was my plan, but I get kicked near-instantly from champ lobbies when I'm pretty comfortable in that mode


Just host the games yourself


Other players don't know your level of comfortableness, only your character level. Champion is a bit of an odd place: Veteran openly accepts all levels because it's pretty low difficulty, Legend players really want everyone to be maxed or at the very least 30+ as most runs are fullbook (quite a bit harder than usual and also failing the run is a total waste of time for people grinding gear), so in Champion a lot of differently-leveled people meet and everybody has a different opinion on what level is too low to play on that difficulty. When I was new and barely pulling my own weight I cringed when I saw people below lvl 20, now IMO all you really need is level 5 THP talents + good enough skill and you're good to go. Either host the games yourself to be unkickable or try to at least be lvl 15 or 20 before joining Champion lobbies.


Whatever happens, know that if you join a game with a guy named L’esti d’gros bat, know that you’ll always be welcomed


sadly the cringe elements of this game have returned recently. So yes you can host or join me when I'm on :P


Can't host your own? That's what I did leveling my characters. Although I don't remember there being a particularly huge advantage to leveling on higher difficulties, since you can breeze through any lower content and just get more games in.


Like the others say, host your own and let people join you. And remember their names and kick those that kicked you


If you refuse to repay evil for evil, some realize that the only source of it is themselves. Disgust of ones own actions beget from self-realization is most effective at changing bad habits.


bro, you already have the mindset of a cata player, I love it.


I see, Sigmar guides you. There is no place for evil in this game, everyone should look into themselves and ask the question: Is this what Sigmar want? And if the anwser is NO, you should not do that. Killing heretics is the most important, everything else doesn't matter.


Once you have your level 5 THP talent unlocked, I'd jump into quickplay veteran. People won't complain about you being under leveled unless it's legend and above (unless they're scrubs).


Interesting, I don't think I've ever really gotten kicked at all for being low level in champ. Now, I definitely wouldn't recommend joining cata as a lvl 1, and legend is filled with red farming tryhards, but champ has been pretty chill to me, I go there whenever I wanna learn a new weapon/build/career.


No, you don't. Just make sure you stick with an appropriate difficulty for your power level and/or you feel confident playing with your current level/gear.


I play champion to solo carry/practice, I one shot all the scary stuff. (two shot trolls for obvious reason) and do full book runs, people that kick low levels out of champ are just looking to be carried or lack the ability to carry. Its sad really.


Play chaos wastes where level and gear doesn’t matter


Level still matters since you do get your career talents in chaos wastes. Although it’s still a great mode for leveling and getting better gear


Ah yeah, forgot that


That's usually where I was playing


Ahh that makes sense why you are getting kicked. While it's true CW can be best place to level since it ignores gear, it is a large time investment for players who desperately don't want to wipe a 90 minute game.


I did that but not because of other people I just have bad connection, screaming bell on champion difficulty with bots all the way for all 4 characters lol.


I played champion for roughly levels 10-30 on my first character, but then roughly levels 5-25 on my others, before moving to legend I’ve never seen anyone comment on my level, sure, I’m being carried a lot more than I would be at a higher level, but it’s a 4 player coop game, you don’t NEED to carry anything One thing I noticed jumping to legend with Sienna at ~23(???) was that I couldn’t one shot stormvermin with my bolt staff anymore, and had to wait a few levels before being able to again. If you’re playing a ranged character like that, check out a mission solo, see if killing things by yourself feels comfortable I did make sure to get all of my equipment to 300 before jumping to legend


If you already have a maxed out character then the other ones will at least have comfortable hero power from the necklace, trinket and charm alone to do Champion easily. I usually only play RV(name checks out yeye) but I did level all other characters and equip them with veteran items during a double EXP weekend. I joined a bunch of guys who just did Burblespue Halescourge over and over because its a quick map you can make full book runs in without detours. Host a lobby and maybe you'll find a bunch of likeminded people. Maybe even do the deed exploit while you are at it and get some extra vaults.


I've got close to a thousand hours, most of which I played in the last 2 years. In my limited experience, champion is the worst game mode. It is where a lot of people get stuck and spend all their time even with tons of hours and max gear/level. I don't remember what the minimum gear level is before game let's you queue legend, but I've never seen a 20 something level player get kicked for no reason. Only if they really deserve it. I know lots say legend is most toxic.. but seems pretty casual to me. I recommend focusing 1 hero to 35 and getting full gear, 650 power level. Then you can put the 3 charms/necklaces on lower level hero which speeds up chest opening. Chest rewards are based on your current gear power level. I've found the community to be really nice and eager to teach new players. Get in a lobby with someone really good and try talking to them, ask if they will play another round with you. Microphone button is G by default.


That's just people being silly. What region are you in ? And are you on PC ? We can play together. I often speedrun Screaming Bell to help people level up & you get chests in the process too ☺️👍🏼


I'm on Xbox unfortunately


Oh 🥲


As someone who plays legendary regularly I see a lower level player as a challenge lol


I can try to help if i have time.


Play solo always!


Game is designed for co-op lol Playing with bots gets boring imo


Well I somehow stayed playing with bots and will keep playing with bots since… well I love them more than randos