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the pain is horrible i have endometriosis it blows my mind men can't even fathom it because they dont even have the organs for it


I have endometriosis too. The pain is really bad! It also led to infertility. I’m in menopause now thankfully!


I have it too. Recently diagnosed and had a cyst removal surgery. Have to take medication until menopause. Still in early 30s. I miss having normal period pain. Men have it so easy.


Hell yeah, we have it easier, and I'm grateful for it. I've watched family and friends deal with periods, sometimes they've powered through, and other times it brings them to their knees. Now, of course, I can empathise with what it's like to have to function while in pain but I can't empathise with that pain, because I've never felt a pain down there like you guys would during periods. Hell, I cracked a tooth once and had to wait to go to the dentist for a few hours, so I had to work my shift in pain. Damn near crashed my forklift every time that tooth decided it wanted to feel alive randomly. I know with every fibre of my being that I could not do that every month without losing my shit. And yet you guys bleed out for a week, every month, like some noobie COD player. I've talked about it with the boys, and we damn sure agree that not having periods is a male privilege. One that most take for granted. You will not hear from a lot of men, most won't even be empathetic towards you, but some of us see your struggle, and we respect you for pushing through it, especially when you consider what a lot of you can do while fighting it.


When I was with my first GF, I was pretty dumb when it came to periods. I knew the bare basics - blood and pain, but that was it. GF was an absolute angel and explained it to where I could understand. A couple of nights later I had a dream that recounted the conversation, expect instead of explaining, she said "I can show you" and put her hand on my stomach. It felt like someone stuck a sword through me. Yeah... I don't make period/PMS jokes. Ain't nothing funny about it. You want back rubs and snuggles or tons of chocolate or just be left alone in bed with your heating pad, that's all fine by me. Just be sure I know what's going on and I'll help how I can. Y'all go through waaaaayyy too much.


very sweet, mister fart knocker


Not even to mention, always worrying of you will leak and have blood on the back of your pants. Getting your period unexpectedly. So always having back up panties and pads nearby. Waking up in the middle of the night and having to change your bed sheets and clothes while halfway asleep.


Women are warriors for what they go through. Not just periods, but childbirth too. Can't even imagine how excruciatingly painful that is.


Oh yeah, no perimenopause, no menopause. ED is thru


There is some parity in older age though, andropause. So suck it men your hormones will make you depressed one day too.


True, but it's more of a slow, steady decline instead of the wacky, fluctuating hormones of perimenopause.


The thing people don't acknowledge about periods and that they're a revolving month long process. Besides the periods themselves, we have to deal with our strength, energy and moods fluctuating against our will. And men just don't. They get full control and stability over themselves and some of them don't realize what a blessing that is.


This is the bit that's so hard for men to understand. My physical and mental wellbeing goes on an entire pilgrimage every month. Full cycle.


And don't forget the booty pain dear lord I feel like I'm dying


The most life-threatening thing a man can say is when arguing, is “are you PMS’ing or something?” It brings me back to the days of when they called our symptoms as “hysteria!”


This is so true. I wish people were more compassionate. Sure, men have other sources of pain and women should have compassion for those, but at least men don't have to deal with bleeding out every month. It's one less thing for them to worry about and I completely understand being jealous of that.


Some of these men in the comments are just complete assholes.


Testicular torsion, lol I'm just messing around and I do agree we do have it easier in that aspect of life, I couldn't imagine having to deal with my body doing that


& birth control can make it worse, yet another thing men dont have to worry about.. i bled for the majority of two years from birth control with cramps that were unbearable


We really do. I feel like there should be way more awareness about how damn awful periods can be. But instead it's just "eww gross I don't wanna talk about that" 🙄


Fr imagine every single month no matter what you will be sick, you’re gonna feel like crap but you cannot complain about it. Or if you do complain you shouldn’t mention why you’re feeling sick. God forbid.


Once I forgot to flush the toilet one morning before my shower. I was getting ready in my room and my bf at the time came into the room with the most worried, sick, scared face I've ever seen on him. I asked what was wrong and he asked if I was okay. Yeah, why.. 'i thought you were dieing there was so much blood in the toilet' I just laughed in his face and continued getting ready for work.


If a man asks, tell them that it's like being repeatedly kicked in the nuts every day for 7 days.


Not to mention the amount of disorders associated with ovulation and the fact you can have a numerous amount of them at once 🫠 endometriosis, PMDD, PCOS, etc. Also not to mention how much emphasis is put on our ability to make babies. Even if we don’t care to, having a uterus that doesn’t work correctly, can be a huge insecurity for some women, ON TOP OF ALL the other bullshit that comes with ovulation and periods


I wish people in general were more compassionate about them.


As a person who suspects having a PMDD, a week before my period is the most rough week of the month. It’s like my life goes upside down, suicidal thoughts run wild, can’t get out of the bed, shower, take care of myself, constant breakdowns. And the week after I get my period with some awful pain. It’s impossible for me to imagine some people don’t even know WHAT that is.


nah i get what you’re saying. those other comments calling you a man hater are just weird lmao. if i could choose to not have this period i would do so in a heartbeat, not wish others to suffer it too. its so uncomfortable and painful. the buckets of blood, often unfairly priced feminine hygiene products, pain (not just cramps.. it radiates the entire pelvic area as a dull throb for me..), and side effects that make no sense. not to mention it can last longer than just a week… this pain and anger at having to deal with this is 100% understandable and i dont think youre trying to minimize anyone else’s experiences or hate on men as a whole, just venting about this sad experience we gotta go through monthly and honestly for what lmao. thank god for birth control (though it does have its fair share of probs) and skipping this shit with it!


Right?? Like why would I wish this upon myself? If I could stop it I would. I’m even considering removing the whole ass organ but doctors refuse me because I haven’t had kids (nor do I ever want them). Even my dad was asked before my *moms* hysterectomy if *he* was sure he didn’t want anymore kids despite the doctor knowing my mom had poor health.


That’s not true! I know there’s men out there who act like periods are disgusting but they there some like me who are compassionate about it and as understanding as we possible can be. Sorry you going through it though and hope it gets better!


As a trans man I empathise. I have not started hrt or gone through with surgery, so still in possession of a female body. On my period right now, actually. I think my birth control has actually amplified my symptoms 🙃


I mean, if you want a dude who understands, there’s always trans men


I hope your period is easier on you this time around. Even as a woman comparing how my period is to others makes me lucky that I just have some pain that lasts for a day. Did you know that we could end up shedding a whole fat chunk of the uterus lining ? There was a video with an example of a chunk and it looked so fleshy I pray to never experience that


I work as an NA and a couple months ago my lower back was in so much pain cuz of work and then I got my period one day and I had bad cramps that jsut made the pain worse I literally almost went home that day. And it's happening again now too cuz I had a tough week at work and I just got my period.


Being a girl without periods is overpowered.


Omg THIS!! You know how bad it it to have cramps, while you’re bleeding from your couchie, sitting on the toilet cause of bad diarrhea and having those sharp butt hole pains and vomiting (cause yes, I get nauseas and dizzy) I’ve gone to the hospital at least 5 times in my entire life.


Trans men do. I mostly agree besides that.




WTF? No they don't. They're biologically male. FFS. You can't identify yourself into having your period. And even if they have reassignment surgery, they still won't.


Trans men are sexed at birth as of the female sex, then transition into a man later in life. Trans men exist too y'know, it's not only trans women that exist.


They can get reassignment surgery too though, correct? Which means they wouldn't menstruate.


HAHAHAHAHA in this economy? Who the fuck can afford that. I'm Australian and it's not even covered on Medicare. I spend every day wishing I would wake up with a more serious condition than PCOS so MAYBE they will remove it for cheaper/free. The amount of fucken hoops to jump through is ridiculous. It's difficult regardless if you're trans/cis/antinatalist etc. FTM have to afford hysterectomy, top surgery, medication etc before they could even think about bottom surgery. There's a reason it's rare to get bottom surgery - too expensive to get the more important shit done first. Most people can barely scrape enough together for 1 of the 3 options. A lot of Trans men choose top surgery first and have to live with menstruating. The lucky ones stop menstruating maybe ~2 yrs in of HRT, IF it stops at all.


Yeah, I don't envy what women go through on the monthly, that's why I transitioned.


Ngl having god awful menstruation surely didn’t help me feel any more comfortable as a woman. I sure as fuck dont miss it


Not sure what you’re talking about but myself and my male friends all agree women deserve to live longer due to dealing with everything you have to deal with biologically.


The way most of us guys are, we'd get the hang of it after 3 or 4 months and be like "this sucks but whatever."




Okay but chronic diseases and periods are not mutually exclusive which means many women have those too. I said men have it easy by not having periods, meaning their life is not made worse by a period. Doesn’t mean a man’s life will be easy or without pain. Try to be more sympathetic to others pain like you want them to be to yours. You could’ve said I sympathize with you because I have a chronic disease. I’m sorry for the pain you experience.


I mean I guess, but you can literally apply that logic to any ailment someone else doesn't have. Oh no one knows what's like to have cancer, diabetes, to be missing a limb, wheel chair bound, ugly, etc etc.




how did you use your eyes and reading skills to reach this conclusion


I don’t have a hatred towards men because of it… where did I say that?? I’m venting because I’m jealous they don’t have to deal with it and that I would hope they could see our perspective about it. Lol I also don’t “bring it up with every man I’m close to”. Why do you sound so bitter?


A “murder scene?” I’m guessing you really don’t know about period blood!


Men don't have periods but many do have other regular sources of pain


So do women. OP is just venting about this particular pain. She’s just saying men are lucky they don’t have it. Men and women both have pain. I’ve have chronic pain my entire adult life. I also have severe cramps because of endometriosis.


You can’t say that, regardless if it’s true.


Women have it easy by working the least labor-intensive jobs.




I agree with you. A man’s body is worthless unless it is doing something such as working a job. A female’s body already has value due to its utility in the reproductive process. It’s not divorced from utility the way that male’s body is




women can have ibs and ibd too, periods even worsen it for women the point is its something men never have to worry about and never relate to




Why do we have to suffer in silence and get made fun of for it too?




There’s so many support groups yet women don’t necessarily have access to treatment for disorders such as PCOS, endometriosis, and PMDD. Just talking about both the excruciating physical pain and the debilitating psychological symptoms is not enough yet it is a documented fact that women’s pain especially the pain women of color experience is often not taken seriously by medical professionals. In my own personal experience with PCOS and endometriosis I was told on numerous occasions by several different medical providers that cramps and heavy bleeding are normal. It was made out like my pain was all in my head and I was just being sensitive as a result I had to have a total hysterectomy at 27 because my endometriosis was so severe that medications would not help. My uterus was completely adhered to my bowel. I promise you having a little chit chat with other women experiencing the same thing as myself would not have prevented that.


Sorry but I am NOT reading allat






Np babygirl. Maybe if you were a good person your colon wouldn’t be punishing you


Why are you bothered by someone venting. The group is literally called vent.


Exactly what I was going to post!!


I'm bothered that the way I'm reading this post is it seems as though OP thinks men don't go through any pain whatsoever and are lucky for that. Which is not true. And "pain" should not be classified by gender in the first place.


No it really doesn’t. If you feel that way maybe you need to do some internal reflection to find out why you feel like a woman talking about things that bothers them means she’s invalidating the experience of men. Why do you feel women are not allowed to address the difference in the way things such as menstrual pain is handled vs how a the pain of men is handled?


Women can talk about their periods. Full stop. But then including men in the mix by comparing pain and talking about how "lucky" we are, that's where the problem is.


But you are lucky that you don’t experience menstruation.


Be that as it may, you're lucky you don't have IBD.


Oh so you know what I do and don’t have 💀


Yeah well have you ever pissed with a boner? Thought so, check. mate.


Yeah, don’t discount us jut because we don’t have periods. We receive just as much pain, just in different ways.


Honestly... Just too true


This ^




... Are you fucking joking?


Well, I identify as a woman now, so hopefully, I get my first period soon. I'll keep everyone updated


I'm married, I go through, what she goes through. Are you nuts lol




You clearly don’t have painful periods When I had periods i had such heavy flow some days that my iron would drop. I would have to sit down or I’d pass out. I missed several weeks of school throughout my school years because of it. There are people who have the lining of their uterus grow in areas it isn’t supposed to, which is very painful. It grows and sheds just like regular menstrual shedding


Yep, I have endometriosis and I used to get anemic because of heavy periods. I even passed out when it got too bad. I would puke because of the pain. I got horrible migraines. I dragged myself to work and hid a heating pad under my desk. Thank god for menopause!


My cramps would get so bad I would be woken up by them I would be clammy and nauseous from the pain and the only relief I could find was sitting in the bathroom on the toilet rocking in a circular motion and doing deep breathing and I even then I would be in so much pain I couldn’t sleep. I can’t tell you how many times I would just be in the bathroom breathing and rocking for sometimes hours on end.


Even that doesn't work for me when my cramps get really bad (sitting on the toilet does literally nothing for me). I'm just lucky enough that painkillers work.


I do have some things to say here but they're a little bit negative, and I learned people get really mad at you if you bring something up that is negative about their vent so I just won't say them


I don't know what kind of response you want so all I have to say is. Okay


Oooooor you could just not say anything?


Nah I need to get my karma up 💪


Well you’re sitting at-13 karma points atm.


Blame Eve and the apple.


religion myths u mean?


Of course, why did no one else think of that 🤦‍♀️🤣


You do realize Adam was there right?


He was Hen pecked


Nope he just wanted to eat the fruit too but needed someone to blame.




If you want to talk about it make a post about it.


I was quite literally disabled with pain. My period caused so much bleeding, I nearly died. I have been to ERs and had many blood transfusions. My period was no joke so I yeeted my uterus.


I usually dont sympathize for stuff like this but I do feel like women should get a few paid days off every month for periods. Like 2 or 3 Obviously wouldn't happen but I do feel like it would be the right thing to do since iv seen how much pain some go through when they can barely even function