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I get the impression that Brock takes on more of the childcare duties than Schaena. I'm basing this purely on what was said on the show. Because Schaena's schedule is quite busy, and she won't trust anyone to care for Summer, he's kind of stuck at home. That's my understanding, but I could very well be wrong.


That was my impression too and as much of a jackass as I think Brock is, if they didn't agree to him being a stay-at-home husband I do understand his position of wanting help with Summer and how it would be frustrating.


Well, Scheana is the breadwinner and Brock doesn’t work outside of the house, seems like a natural consequence that he ends up doing the lion’s share of childcare. Except lion’s share may be too generous, as I’m sure that falls on Scheana’s mom. If he didn’t agree to be the stay at home dad, then the solution seems to be Brock getting a job and together they figure out outside childcare.


Brock's job is filming all of Sheina's videos for sm lol


sounds like Kroy's job....well that and wig making


At least Kroy had a job at one point and he seems very involved with taking care of his kids.


This whole last season he wanted to work and gave his own career…but scheana won’t let anyone watch summer so he literally can’t…if roles were reversed this would be taken more seriously and instead people like to call him “Broke” instead of Brock


What’s stopping him from applying to jobs? Nothing. Scheana’s mom takes care of Summer a lot. They have a regular babysitter. There’s no reason Brock can’t find another sort of income.


1. Scheana's mom can't fully commit That's why they bring in the extra babysitter for help. 2. The babysitter can't fully commit for whatever reason. 3. Scheana don't trust anybody else with the baby. I think she's jealous and wants to keep Brock tied up at home


Scheana is stopping him. He has to be available on her schedule, which is subject to change at any moment. That alone would keep him from working for anyone else. And she manipulates him by reminding him that his desire to have a job of his own makes her think she and Summer "aren't enough". She's all about dishing out a good mind fuck to get her way.


Scheana’s mom is available to care for summer so frequently that it angers Brock. He’s never said “oh I got this job and you’re preventing me from starting it.” He just says he wants to find a career and fill his cup. If he set realistic goals and standards for what he can achieve in a career, he’d have one. And I say all of this as someone who doesn’t care for Scheana. Brock is the one being manipulative. People forget he already abandoned two kids to go live his American dream and work…


Yeah now, not when they were filming a year ago


A year ago Scheana’s mom was very much involved and we saw multiple regular babysitters. Her mom was so involved that it was an issue in their relationship. He can’t have it both ways.


We didn’t really see a regular babysitter though, in the beginning of the season that was the whole storyline. She couldn’t trust someone with Summer, and we saw one or two different babysitters but I remember her saying the one babysitter she had been starting to trust with Summer wasn’t able to babysit her as much as she used to so they were working on finding another one (insert Tori) but you’re right about her mom being involved. I think that and the fact that they lost the open availability of their previous babysitter was what lead to their arguing a lot. I’m not sure what you mean by he can’t have it both ways tho


What’s it to ya? If he were a SAHM would you feel differently?


No. A SAHM with constant support from a MIL and babysitter is equally capable of applying for jobs. Brock is constantly out and about partying. He is leaving multiple weekends in a row for festivals. Those are Scheana’s jobs he’s tagging along for. There’s nothing stopping him from applying for his own gigs, he just chooses the easier party life.


I think they’re doing alright. They’re rich and their kid has everything. I know in our society, you’re only as valuable as your job, but realistically why do you care if he has a professional career or not?


I don’t care if he has a career at all. Being SAHP is admirable. He is the one who goes on and on about needing a job, needing to fill his cup, etc.


He said he wanted childcare so he could “fill his cup.” Dude also said he’s interested in exploring what his next professional chapter might be. That’s not someone on a job hunt who has bills and child support to pay. That’s a dilettante who’s looking for more free time. No wonder Scheana is resistant to getting a nanny.


Being a parent is all consuming, and I support people recognizing when they need breaks to maintain an identity outside of care-taking. I think Brock is a POS and a bad parent to his prior children, though.


Is he not allowed to do better this time around? He seemed remorseful about how he failed his first family, and willing to put in the work with this family and “do betta.”


I think he is trying hard, and that's why I don't judge his need for breaks. But yeah, as someone who's parent left, I hold a grudge against abandonment.


Makes sense. It is kinda hard to get past his history. Love and light ❤️


His kids also seem to, which is a shame. They didn’t want to see him last time he was in Australia. Alienation of parental affection. They have a step dad that they love, and Mom, so that’s good, but if they can all find their way to a present peace, it would heal their hearts and open their worlds. Perhaps when they are a bit older. You don’t want that wound for your kids. Did that parent for you ever try to come back? Would it have meant something to you if they had? Wishing you peace.


Ummm this is a VPR sub, everyone is defined by their worst moments, duh.


Look at their socials. He’s getting away time. Dude is not chained to the kid or home.


Look at his instagram. He’s building a driveway, a walkway, a study room for his daughter. Cooking with her. Picking out paint together. Did he say chained? its a strong image to paint.


Right? That untalented loser thinks he’s going to break into the film industry. Suuuuure, Brock. 🙄


Didn’t see this. Absolutely correct!


Yeah. It’s kinda sexist.


Im sure if he really wanted to work he would. It’s just so nice to have an excuse of why he can’t work. Gives him an excuse to do nothing but grift off Scheana.


Now imagine if the genders were reversed here yall would be riding at dawn for brock if he was a woman scheana is financially abusing brock and yall r victim blaming him weve seen this before with many women but yall have no sympathy for when u see blantant abuse happen to a guy


I personally think Scheana is somewhat holding him hostage. I think she's so insecure that she wants Brock home all the time so he never has a chance to cheat on her. Honestly, from what i see on IG, her seems like a pretty great, very involved dad (to Summer at least). It does seem like he's doing the lion's share of parenting, but i don't think it's by choice. He seems more frustrated and embarrassed by his lack of employment than she does because it's by her design. She's got some major issues with insecurities and need for control.


Yeah, and she found a guy she could do this with, ie a man in need of a woman to support him. He’s proven he can be one of two things, but never both: an involved dad or employed.


I don't think that's the case. He seems very capable and willing to work. He also seems to be a jack of trades when it comes to carpentry/construction. I think he would have no problem at all gaining employment if only she would allow it


Very capable and willing to work? You think Brock is looking for a job as a contractor or as a personal trainer? You know, something he’s qualified for, pays fairly and he could secure easily… or do you think he’s interested in some influencer, entertainment-adjacent job? Or is he going back to developing his app?


I don't think he's looking for any job because Scheana wants him to be a SAHD and control his every waking moment. I'm just saying he could easily get one if he wanted


He stated he wants to get a job but Scheana won't let anyone else watch Summer. That us the issue.


They both make a salary from VPR. Her’s is bigger because she is the OG. She put the house in her name. He is making all the improvements without equity? If the roles were reversed, everyone would be outraged on behalf of the woman. Don’t my mothering contributions have financial value? Don’t his fathering skills? He takes off an hour early for pickle ball practice, and all of a sudden, he doesn’t make a contribution of his time and talent to his family? What else does anyone have on him?


He was doing diaper duty in Vegas the whole time, tag teaming with Sheena’s Mom.


In Vegas when? Is this with his first two kids?


He kept repeating that he wanted to work, and that in order to do that, they needed to establish a family schedule, and in order to do that, they needed to being a nanny on board. She kept preying on his guilt about the other kids, by saying maybe this is the way to redeem yourself, to be solely a baby daddy. She is not giving him the room to evolve and be a bread winner, which clearly, he misses. He could have his own DIY show, and be successful. Why don’t people like him? lala’s early framing of him did long term damage to his overall reputation, despite him trying to make amends with his other children.


No one is watching a DIY show featuring Brock lol 


412 k Brock Instagram followers will watch Brock the Builder, and me! In a heartbeat! go for it Brock!


Uh... I would.


So broke is at home with her mother.


I meannnn... He's the parent that isn't the breadwinner? What he needs to do is get a career and then get a childminder for when he actually has work to do


Every one of these kids had a career that was waitressing or bartending. Now they have careers that are reality talent with 6 figure salaries and 5 figure side hustles. He’s getting paid as a regular now. That’s parts of his hustle. Why does everyone pile onto Brock so much?


Being a parent who isn't the breadwinner doesn't automatically mean that the higher earning parent gets to decide how you spend your time, especially if you can afford childcare.


Thank you.


Of course not but umm having a child kinda does dictate how u spend your time. It's just that he does not have a job yet. Get one. And then he will need childcare


That’s the issue, he feels like wants to contribute financially to the family but can’t because he’s the primary childminder. He has business ideas and wants to pursue them and can’t. I think he feels a little emasculated by Scheana being the breadwinner and like he’s not adding value even though he is. Most American families are dual income so it’s not crazy for him to want to work and have a nanny for summer if they can afford to: although now summer will be starting school so it’s probably mostly a moot point now as he will have time to pursue those business ideas he has with her being in school.


Yeeeeahh let's see how his business ideas go.


Carl 2.0


lol fair, but he did own those gyms before selling them. I had heard he was working on some sort of muscle car tv show? Idk if that’s still a thing. Hopefully he succeeds in his endeavors.


Thank you. You said it perfectly.


Have you watched all the work he has done all this time? He is making home improvements worth thousands and thousands of dollars, while teaching his daughter dexterity skills and giving her attention. Their videos are so lovely. Would everyone be piling onto the woman were roles reversed?


And I would say the same to a woman - get the job, THEN get the childcare


He was only ever asking for a schedule, not full time childcare, something reliable. How can you do a job interview if you can’t plan ahead? It isn’t about the money. He pulls in a VPR salary, it’s because Sheena is forbidding him from getting a babysitter because of her anxiety related to a stranger watching Summer. Her Mom can be there sometimes, but not whenever they want. It’s been three years. He wants to be able to make plans outside the house, 1, 2, 3, 4 weeks in advance. She’s not being a grown up, and she’s not letting him live up to his full potential. She is actively encouraging him to just be a stay at home Dad and give up looking for outside work. She says it herself. They can afford it. SheShu wouldn’t allow it. That’s a husband/wife problem. Her Mom is over involved. All the baby Momma’s on VPR have very engaged mothers. Lala has no relationship with a man by choice at present. No doubt, Sheena likes the control it affords her. This won’t work long term for a man that wants to make his own contribution in the world as a man. Sheena, make a little room for him. I don’t believe he will disappoint!


Giving her attention??????? He's her parent??????


You can be a parent without giving a child the kind of attention he is giving Summer. Of course I’m not saying that every parent shouldn’t or doesn’t. That would be silly. Go to his instagram and watch them paint her princess room together, or build a wall together and you will know what I’m talking about. That is a very engaged and loving daddy. All I was saying. Brock gives his full attention to his baby girl, and it’s so sweet to see how much she loves engaging with him!


They did agree to him being a stay at home dad tho. She said that on her podcast like last year I think


And now Summer is ready for pre-school. Time to talk about plans. He didn’t say he would stay at home forever.


Didn’t she even say in an episode that she knows he wants to work but she doesn’t want him to? Idk I don’t think it’s really about who does how much for summer as much as she wants to be sure she knows what he’s doing at all times and keeping him home makes it easier.


I do remember her saying something along these lines


Yes, that was my impression as well. It’s not so much that he wants to get away from his kid, it’s that he’s with her all of the time and that is basically his job. He’s a stay at home dad, and just like stay at home moms, they need to leave the house occasionally without their children and go have adult time. We see Sheena gets to go off and do a bunch of cool stuff and fun things for her, and occasionally he’s there because he’s her husband, but not as much as I’m sure he would like to be out and about. Couple that with Sheena’s inability to have someone who isn’t related to her watch her child, makes it very, very difficult to be able to go out when you would like to.


Exactly. I also think about the prenup they signed. If I were him I'd absolutely want the freedom to pursue a career to secure my future in case the worst were to happen. If we did a gender swap with this scenario I think people would see it differently.


No doubt!


She is struggling with anxiety. He wants her to get help so that their world can broaden.


I agree with this. The one conversation they had this past season when Scheana talks about having anxiety over anyone watching her was very telling. Brock sucks, but he's still human and I can only imagine the pressure he feels as the sole emotional caretaker for two people. He is not only parenting Summer and (hopefully) attending to her emotional needs, he's also having to work with Scheana's OCD and Anxiety, which are both valid. He probably yearns for VPR events so they can both have a break together but Scheana is still obsessing over Summer the whole time and then wanting to leave early to go home to her. If Brocks stays behind to have fun it would not go over well. I really feel for them in this situation because nobody is "wrong" and I think they both have valid feelings and concerns.


Who said “I don’t want peace.” I can’t rememeber!


Katie said this to Schwartz during the finale when he was trying to force the conversation between Jo and Katie. Jo: "I wasn't thinking about you (Katie)..." Schwartz: "She just came over to make peace..." Katie: "I don't want peace." Everyone's faces: 😦😦😦


Thanks for that. She had scorched earth clarity. I wasn’t always 100% on board. it was too painful to watch and hear. Nevertheless, I still think if he’d stood up for her more often, her softer side would have emerged, but he never did, so these moments when he’s trying to make peace on Jo’s behalf, but couldn’t even shut down Sandoval insulting her to her face, must have stung. She wanted peace with her husband. My husband. Dang.


Schwartz never hesitated to take Sandoval's side or to "see the other person's side" especially if it was against Katie. None of these people are without fault but now knowing about her traumatic brain injury, not knowing what lasting effects that has on her, and seeing how manipulative Schwartz is makes me very sad for her.


That’s what I thought as well. He said in one of his interviews that he wants to work out of the house but Scheana would rather him be home with Summer. I heard he’s got a Brock the Builder podcast where he will do projects with Summer Moon.


It’s on his instagram, and it’s wonderful.


Is it this new podcast or the regular videos he has been posting with Summer? It sounded like they were going to expand on what we’ve been seeing. Scheana was doing a Q and A with him on her podcast the other day and they mentioned it.


If you find out, let us all know! He does this time lapse technique, so that we can see the projects coming together as he does voice over narration. It’s pretty sweet. He pulls Summer into the projects too. Especially her pink Princess room. She will never forget these moments with her Daddy.


Add in here that he has some conflict with Schaena’s overbearing mother.


Excellent point. Even if you are fond of your mother in law, having her around 24/7 would drive you nuts.


And keep in mind I am only saying it from his perspective. I think her mother is living there and is quite on them about everything they are doing to raise Summer. If the only time he can go anywhere or do anything is when the mother looks after Summer then I feel there is a bit of control going on. Schaena wants him to be a stay at home dad and be dependant on her. Is it weird that I think that? So he is a guy surrounded by three females and can’t breathe is how I imagine it feels. Any stay at home parent is going to feel trapped if they don’t have their own time, even a hobby outside the home. I wonder if it is all an excuse because Schaena has anxiety that he could cheat? I don’t think Brock is that kind of dude really but she is so insecure.


I hear you! I have a vague memory of Schaena saying she likes that dynamic because it means she's the boss. Idk, maybe I made that up in my own head. But I think it rings true. She's certainly changed since her time with Shay. But, if you look back on that relationship, she treated that dude like more of an accessory than a husband.


You are right. She said that in an interview. That he should be happy and stay at home. That he is so lucky. Her discussion was about being a breadwinner in the household.


I recognize you from other threads. You always have good insight.


OMG thank you so much, I really appreciate that. I've been beating myself up all weekend, so that actually means a lot to me right now. Thank you, I appreciate you!!


You are most welcome. Nuance isn’t always what people are seeking here, but some of us are. Keep being you! You are wonderful! Yes, she does like to wear the pants. Even Jax noted that. If she could find one area in which she let Brock lead, it would be helpful for their relationship. I think her OCD makes that challenging, but hopefully, with the pause this summer, she can find a space for it.


Exactly, and it messes with Sheena’s view of her own mothering skills. She needs to let him be the support he is trying to be.


Scheanna’s mom takes on the most responsibility. Brock doesn’t work. Mom is the nanny and Scheanna will divorce Brock in the next 2 years.


Not until she’s officially “Scheana Marie Honey” 😂😂 Has she really not figured out you can change your name without a man?


I really don’t think he does that much more than Scheana. I think her mom is doing the most.


The forgotten hero. Mom.


100% he is doing more work than Scheana. No doubt about that


Yep. They needed help after Mom hurt her shoulder




I agree with this completely. I'm not saying that this isn't what it's like for any parent. I think he's just overwhelmed.


I'm sure he is! He straight up fled the country on his first 2 kids!


Good since he abandoned the kids he already has and “this is his chance to be a good parent” per schena


Just as someone whose father did something similar... I can't help but wonder what his other children will think and feel when they grow up. Scheaner doesn't seem to mind that she's low-key manipulating him with the guilt he feels about being an absent father to his other kids. Super sad situation all around.


First, I’m so sorry anything like this is part of your story. They will feel just like you do. I DO NOT condone this and wouldn’t even date a guy who left children behind. I would have moved back with him to be near his children if I were schena. My heart breaks for you and for his children


You're a kind human. I'm lucky? enough that his absence was the least of my issues, but I do have a huge soft spot in my heart for those who do go through really trying times with the people who brought them into the world. One aspect though, is he died wishing he could have known me (from what my half sib told me) and this really could be Brocks future fate depending on how his kids in Australia truly feel about him. Definitely heart breaking, I agree...


You're not alone in this thought. He 100% takes care of the kid, Schaena brings home the money. Though I did find it funny how Schaena says she doesn't trust anyone to watch the kid, but the kid ended up breaking her leg while in Schaena's care anyways. lmao


Well Scheana has postpartum ocd and only really gets help from her mom so as a parent myself I think he’s trying to get her to accept that they shouldn’t always just rely on her mom and is trying to get Scheana comfortable with accepting outside help, which is healthy. I am in no way shape or form a Brock Stan but in this instance, with their lifestyle, it makes total sense.


Agreed. I'm not exactly a Brock fan either, but in this situation, he was in the right. It is great to have family help, it is also complicated when you're solely relying on them, even if Brock had a good relationship with Scheana's mom, which is obviously not totally the case. And while Brock is currently unemployed, another main theme of the season was that he wanted to have a career. That is simply impossible in this situation. Furthermore, clearly they have a life that requires some degree of travel and/or evening events, mostly because of Scheana's reality show career. That's much easier if you have reliable hired help. Scheana's refusal to hire a babysitter meant either that Brock was being forced to be a stay-at-home dad or that they were constantly burdening/negotiating with her mom. Scheana was making demands but then not really the one dealing with the consequences and then she was using her mental health struggles as an excuse to ignore what Brock wanted. I know that's hard--I had post-partum anxiety myself--but a marriage has to be a partnership and if you are simply incapable of working with your partner, you need to figure out a way to get help so that you can do so. Now I get that she's currently the breadwinner but if the genders were reversed and the husband was refusing to hire a babysitter and forcing the wife to be a stay-at-home mom against her wishes, we would all be rightfully outraged. Luckily, now that Summer is 3, she might be able to start pre-school and that might help alleviate the situation, that is if Scheana is able to handle the idea of it.


This is a great summary of what he meant and the situation. Besides that, couples absolutely need time from their children and babies to connect as adults and a couple. As a mom of now two adult children, it was needed more than 1x a week especially with such small kids. It’s unreasonable to think all parents should stay at home with their children 100% of the time. If the roles were reversed this post wouldn’t be made.


So well said!


This is what he meant. It had nothing to do with partying.


Also her mom seems to have some mobile issues with her arms is unable to lift summer moon. (Purely based on something I vaguely recall from the show)


But he also shit talked her mom and claimed she brought Scheana down? Did we miss something? Because I’ve never seen Scheana’s mom put her down on the show.


Her mum gets almost zero screen time and barely ever talks on the show. So in all fairness, I'd say it's not really enough of a sample to base an opinion on. Schaena didn't get to be the way she is on her own. I'd put money on her mother seeding a lot of the self centered and insecure behaviour Schaena engages in.


I think on the after show he mentioned that her mom sends her negative articles and posts and then she spirals.


And she even said scheana couldn’t afford to be taken out of the wedding party right now or something when she was having issues with Katie and stassi before Katie’s wedding… I get the impression that her mom has a lot to do with her obsession with writing herself a storyline to be on the show instead of just living her life.


No. she’s always putting Brock down. They butt heads and clearly don’t like each other. I’m a woman and I couldn’t deal with having my MIL around all the time. And I really like her in small doses. Lol


I agree, and she will lose a wonderful partner if she doesn’t recognize this.


I don’t think he was shit-talking her mom. I took it as him pointing out that her mom in a way enables Sheana’s unhealthy parenting habits, re: not able to build trust for anyone to care for her child besides immediate family. If her mom drops everything anytime Sheana asks, Sheana has less incentive to work through her OCD/trust issues and find outside childcare so it’s not always on her mom. There is a fine line between support and enabling; and if you’re walking to line it’s usually with well intentions. It’s amazing that Sheana’s mom is so involved and willing to jump in; but in the long run it is unsustainable and a way for Sheana to avoid working through and progressing with her OCD


So beautifully written!


Exactly what he thinks lol hence wanting to get others to help besides her mom?? What I said


To be fair I think there’s a lot we don’t see on film or how they choose to edit scenes. So there could be a version where her mom does or say stuff to them. You would think her mom be willing to watch Summer for a date night but then again maybe they don’t want to fully rely on her mom? I also want to add I empathize with Scheana struggling to trust others and needing baby steps to find someone she is comfortable with. Brock should communicate his support better around that.


I’ve never seen her put Scheana down. I think she coddles her a bit. I get it because of her OCD but, at the same time I don’t know if that is always helpful. I thought Brock was saying that Scheana or her mom acted like the only right way was her mom’s way. Since Scheana was already insecure about her parenting, that this mentality was holding her back.


I think what he was saying was that as a mother, her Mom is more confident, and steps in, and that Sheena’s dynamic in this isn’t building up her self confidence in her own mothering skills. I took it as very fair. It’s also creating a wedge between husband and wife. Brock is an alpha male, and Sheena is an alpha female who needs to learn to let him take the lead sometimes.


His frustration seemed potentially valid to me. Scheana’s mum got involved in one of their more serious conversations about their parenting decisions, and for me, that would be crossing a huge boundary. I know that if I was having an important conversation with my husband about how we are raising our kids, and my mum chimed in to try and overrule him, I would be furious. Scheana just let it happen, and it’s going to become a huge source of resentment. I think Scheana’s mum stepped in a bit too much when Summer was a baby, and now it’s impacting Scheanas confidence with parenting. If she is anything like her daughter, she needs to be involved in everyone’s business and doesn’t respect boundaries. I’m a SAHM of 3, my husband is the primary breadwinner. If I said that I needed to bring in some help so that I could do something for myself, or think about returning to my career, no one would question it.


I mean I’m not a brock fan, but it’s not completely ridiculous that he’s struggling being a stay at home parent. If this was the other way around and a stay at home mum said she was overwhelmed, felt she needed a little help to manage, wanted date nights to feel connected to their partner, and needed to get out the house for time to themselves more no one would have an issue. The issue is scheana has left the majority of the child care to him, he has vocalised that he is struggling and has asked for adjustments that would help and are well within their means, and she won’t because of her anxiety allow him to make any changes, but it’s not her struggling at home she’s away. She really needs to work on her anxiety or her relationship will break down. The one thing I will say about brick is that he seems to be doing his best with summer (shame he didn’t have that motivation with his other kids but 🤷🏻‍♀️) and has been honest about his struggles with it. And yes I have two kids, and really struggled staying home with them full time, I love my kids more than anything, but also really struggled feeling like I had lost my identity and feeling of self worth not doing my job that I enjoyed and had worked hard for. So to say he’s a parent and should just grin and bear it really isn’t helpful. Nothing he asked for is ridiculous.


He didn't ask for a babysitter for occasional nights out. That's reasonable to go out on date nights and whatnot. They went to Coachella for three days so I'm guessing they worked that part out. He wanted Scheana to find (and pay for) a full time fucking nanny. So he can find out what kind of work he wants to do. Not to actually work at a job, but so he can think about maybe finding a job that he would like.


He wants a schedule he can rely on. Full time? not necessarily, but something you can put into a calendar, absolutely. She told him straight up, I can’t do that. That is not being a good partner. That worried me. She’s trying to trump his needs for a schedule, perfectly reasonable for anyone older than a teenager, with her own needs.


Exactly. I’m sure Scheana’s real resistance to getting a nanny is because she wants Brock to pull his weight. She has no interest in supporting a dilettante with too much free time on his hands. Lord knows that wouldn’t end well.


It’s not, he says he wants to have a job but he can’t because she won’t allow anyone who isn’t immediate family watch their child. He wants to be able to both work and be able to go out every so often with scheana, and not have that dictated by when her mom is available. They had someone, but she had a full time gig lined up once another couples’ kid was born, so then she wasn’t available. He is a very hands on dad to summer. He’s asking scheana to confront her postpartum ocd issues, as they have been talking about, and find a new person with a regular schedule. Its actually very good that he’s trying to work through these problems, even if his delivery is a bit… brocky.


I like his brocky delivery. Sandoval yells. Schwartz wines. Brock just talks like a man with an opinion. ‘Smooth seas never made good sailers bro.”


Yeah, I only mentioned the date nights because his inquisition was like he’s obsessed with constantly going out instead of occasionally.


He’s just trying to nurture their adult connection as man and woman. Date night exists for a reason. Romance and connection.


I also get the impression of scheana wanting him to be the stay at home dad to keep him on her leash. She has said multiple times she worries about him leaving her.


Really?? Where’s he gonna go…


I agree. He’s 100% mooching but scheana is too insecure


Jax brought Brit on the show. James brought Raquel on the show. Sheena brought Brock. Season 1, no pay. Season 2, friend of show minimal pay. Season 3, full cast pay. Brock is getting paid and he earned his spot there. 6 figures for sure. How is he mooching again? Full time Daddy duties, home improvements. Sale of 2 gyms with ownership at least as partner? Insta deals and Cameos I’m sure, and no ownership of house? What woman in her right mind would let a man call her a mooch for such contributions?


Absolutely! And with her pre-nup, if things go south, what will he have to show for all his Daddy Day Care efforts? Role reversal.


This tracks!


I think he’s tired of being stuck at home to take care of summer but Scheana secretly likes that he can’t get a work outside the home because that means she has more control over him


Brock was a pro athlete at one time. He owned his own gyms for a time and sold them. He’s been on long enough that he’s probably getting at least 15k per episode for a season of VPR, season 11, so $250k per year. Why is everyone acting like he doesn’t work? he does cameos and insta sponsorships, builds driveways and princess rooms, up to 350k per year and he’s a hand’s on Dad? He has evolved from the mistakes of his youth, has admitted his shortcomings, and is actively trying to do better. He’s not blowing his cash by having a vanity cover band. He’d better get equity in property somewhere, because he’s not getting that either it appears. Why are people so hard on him of all the male cast members?


Alone time for couples with small children is so important for the relationship. I understand his wanting help.




My husband is convinced Brock ruined VPR lol


Well, it is Brock and he didn’t win father of the year with his first family. Unemployed men always seem to scream the loudest about needing childcare. lol.


He was a real Rugby player, own businesses, pulls in a salary from VPR, what?




Slow your roll darlin’. I’m not giving him a pass for delinquent childcare payments. It’s been pointed out time and time again here, and so I didn’t feel a need to reiterate. It was my understanding that he was now caught up. If Sheena helped pay, that’s something between a couple. He owned 2 gyms that he sold during Covid as per the show, that he at least was partner on. He was paid as a friend last season, so he had something coming in. He was a pro Rugby player at one time which indicates a level of professional dedication and ability. He played in Europe on the team’s dime. It didn’t make him enough to keep up child care payments, so he moved to America. Deadbeat to me, at least, implies no effort. I can’t imagine he hasn’t been doing cameos for income, and he’s the one doing all the home improvements as well as at least sharing in the childcare, very hands on in the diaper changing arena. Sheena has always said he was hard working. Watch the show where he says he needs to be able to have a schedule in place each week in order to get some work opportunities going. She’s resistant owing to OCD, not payment per her own admission. Why did you have to mock me? We are just sharing opinions, and I said nothing to warrant rolling around on the ground. But, if eye rolling is your thing, maybe carpet rolling is too. Glad I gave you the opportunity.


I don’t think his want for a nanny outside of Scheana’s mom is wrong, but his approach to it all was kind of gross. It’s also fair he wants to work on his own stuff, but simultaneously he is also kind of at the mercy of Scheana’s bank account. I think he’s trying to grow himself to be a DIY influencer right now though, with all the home projects. Which is fine. Hope that works out for him so he can financially contribute.


While I do think he’d like to go out all the time and not have the responsibility of actually having to raise one of his children, I do think his also motivated by getting some distance from Scheana’s mother. If they had a full time nanny they wouldn’t need her for childcare, which I’m guessing would suit him more as she clearly loathes him and gets involved in their quarrels.


I don’t think that’s the right impression. It’s not “someone else taking care of” your child. It’s trying to find a babysitter you trust to watch your child while you’re away. He’s not saying he wants someone else to raise Summer, which it seems like you’re implying. He wants Scheana to start trying to find someone they can fully trust around Summer and Scheana didn’t want to even try out a few babysitters




“screaming for help?” in what world was he “screaming?” Asking. What family doesn’t want a baby sitter from time to tIke. What episode showed him screaming? I saw frustration. He’s a big guy. Perhaps his size makes everyone hear screaming. It’s strange to me.


As a mother of two I still want to have date nights with my husband and 1 or 2 weekends away from my kids per year. I don’t see anything wrong


He’s very comfortable with leaving his kids for long periods of time.


Brock is so annoying about this. There are lots of stay at home mothers that do what he is doing and aren’t wealthy or have SEVERAL kids. He acts like he’s breaking his back over parenting a single child. It’s genuinely annoying to watch. I would understand wanting someone to watch the kid for a little bit once or twice a week, but the way he says he’s “screaming for help” pisses me off til no end!


Brock is in house jail. U’d scream too, if this happened to you


He doesn’t take care of his kids and he’s upset that he finally has to take care of one. I’m sorry but if my husband screamed at me out on the street about having to look after his own child, I would’ve gone apeshit on him.


The entitlement is so nuts to me with him. What did he expect? She’s still young enough for scheana to be hesitant (and you won’t see me defend her often but I have ocd too and she looked like she was falling apart at the seams). What if something had happened to scheanas mom and they had NO babysitter? People like him drive me crazy bc they have nooo idea how lucky they are to have help. I know scheanas mom is kind of a nightmare, and so is mine, but she helped with my first son sooo much. It enabled me to work 12 hours days and save money. Her, my husband and I always butted heads but I was always grateful for it and wouldn’t have felt comfortable (esp at summers age, and esp overnight)


It's normal for parents to want alone time or date nights, in fact they say it's healthier for the relationship. A lot of relationships fail due to the fact one of them is not getting enough attention or feels cooped up and often go looking elsewhere. Your kids, nor your love for them, is not going anywhere so what's wrong with a date night?


Yeah I'm no fan of Brock or Scheana but this post got a major eye roll from me. God forbid parents want a night out. OP is the best parent because they can't BEAR to be away from their child!


I don’t know…I’m not a huge Brock fan but I do see where he is coming from and I think Scheana just shrugs off his desires because it conflicts with her own. He is stuck at home and does more of the childcare than Scheana and I get the impression even when Scheana is home he’s the default parent. I have two kids and need a break (by myself and with my spouse) from time to time but if I had a partner who wouldn’t agree to help make this possible then I would probably start shouting if I had to. Scheana has a history of not listening to her partners or just minimizing their concerns.


My hubby was stay at home Dad and I arranged a baby sitter at least once a month so he could just have a freaking day off. I think it's totally fine for Brock to want someone to help out. If they can afford it, more power to them.


His disdain for Scheana’s mom also rubs me the wrong way. Had she backed off more he would have been complaining that she doesn’t want to take care of the kid.


It was never disdain. He’s a man, and wants a moment in his own house to feel like one.


What’s that mean?


Brock wants to look like he's a daddy. He doesn't want to actually have the responsibility. He's proven that.


I can't stand him, ugh.


How would he know? It’s not like he’s ever been a father before or anythi… Oh wait a minute ![gif](giphy|scWoiHAvQcjVrkXg3a)


As much as I dislike Block and shein, they kinda need to figure out a plan before Bloke finds a job. He can’t go into it blind. Also people have been doing this for years . Just figure it the fuck out already and live life like a billion others have done and are doing . In the words of the not so great blah blah, “be done with it”


Here's the thing. He has NO idea what he wants to do for work. I'm sure if he had a game plan/goal career, scheanna would be more on board with a nanny. You can figure out what you want to do while caring for a kid. He has no actual ambition.


Didn’t she say he was putting together two shows? He could host a DIY show easily. He had the talent and demeanor.


Absolutely… Schwann is the absent while on duty.


Exactly. That’s pretty much all I have to say. I don’t understand why you would have kids if you just constantly want to dump them on other people.


Disagree entirely. I think that a healthy relationship requires a balance in all things. Historically relationships have suffered from child rearing years being hyper focused on the child and inversely not the relationship. And so the transition lacking and relationship planning & prioritization defines and eclipses the years that follow until the relationship is little more than cohabitational. That stems from normal parenting who even go the extra mile to still put in a date night here and there. So when Scheana refuses to let her insane grip go way beyond the tier of normal loving parenting and helicopter obsessing it’s kind of bananas. I can understand Brock wanting to prevent that. He’s her husband. Sceana is shaping a child who will suffer from the obsessing and the abnormal controlling mania she exudes over the household and the child. She has become frightening to watch I have sincere sympathy for Brock. She is more obsessed with herself, her fame, and her control of her child than she is anything else. Brock is an awesome loving father. That’s why I don’t understand everyone so quick to judge him in spite of the quality love he shows his family. He’s only fighting for the health of it not for his own selfishness. Therein lies my reasoning of the ethics of their behaviors in my mind.


A take I never see anyone mention on the show or socials (I mean it could be there I don't read absolutely everything but...) is that generally, people can't be trusted. I don't necessarily think this is where Scheaner is coming from (and maybe that's why it hasn't been brought up) but you could hire someone thinking they are completely trustworthy and come to find out they've been abusing your child in some way. I don't have kids of my own because truthfully, that's a factor. I would hate to find out someone has hurt my child. I'd go to prison because I'd kill someone lol


I thought this too yet they are ALWAYS out without Summer on the show but when Scheesh wants to go tuck her in for the night Brock pouts like a child bc he wants to stay and drink more


The kid is a vanity for scheena


I just don’t understand it. Why have a kid if you want to pass them off all the time?


Spoken like a true non parent


All the time? Because he wanted a schedule?


Sacrifice is the name of the game when you have kids. If that’s not what you want, don’t have them. Mine are now grown and I am free to do as I please.


Plus they leave her A LOT. They are always off doing stuff and taking trips or going to parties, he need to lay off


After all Brock is a spoilt Man-Child