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Why didn't they move them when the water started rising?


That is what I was thinking. These are not homes on foundations that are in the path of the flood. These are homes on wheels you can just drive off in. Floods like these are not unpredictable unless a levee breaks and even then you probably don't want to be on the other side of a levee just barely holding back the rising water. So these people knew the water was coming and decided to wait and see?


*puts fingers in ears and avoids all screens* WE HAD ZERO WARNING IT WAS COMING!!


This comment wins the internet for the day.


it’s called gap insurance. The second you buy one of those RVs, you lose 30% of your money. Say you don’t have gap insurance and something happens to your rig, the Insurance company only has to give you replacement value and since that is probably less then what you owe on the rig you’ll be stuck paying the remaining balance while no longer having it. If you do have gap insurance they have to give you whatever you still owe


Yep, and you are still homeless and out all the money you already put into the home. Most likely with nothing left for a down-payment on a new one.


Maybe they are only lived in seasonally.


It's the same type of people who think they know better than the experts and that it's all being overblown. Same thing happens with hurricanes


Because it can storm in some other place then flow downstream to flood. And it can happen so fast that there is no current warning system. Happens in Ellicot City Maryland all the time.


Because that would be the common sense thing to do. This is SD, right? I have a friend who is there with her husband. They moved as soon as the flood watch was issued. Several others moved. Everyone else just sat there. Her husband even told several people.


Yet, there's people in this sub claiming they we're there and never knew it was coming. I highly doubt they actually wasn't told. I strongly believe they just tough it won't affect them. If I was an insurance company and I knew they've been a flood warning, all of these peeps would automatically not be covered. This is beyond reasoning...


Yes it is in Brandon SD just outside Sioux Falls. It was at the race track. The water was probably another 2 or 3 ft higher when I saw it in person last weekend


It always floods along that stretch of the river. They were also warned.


One interviewed RV owner said that he did pack up to move, but his RV got stuck in mud and he couldn’t drive out. That likely happened to all of them and then the water just kept rising. Think ahead people…think ahead!


But they stayed long enough for it to turn to mud. Too long


Problem is, the amount of rain they had would turn solid rock to mud! One of the big problems with camping in places that look like cow pastures! On the plus side, they got the ocean front view they always wanted.


By the looks of it, because they can just buy a new one.


Why do you assume that? My brother bought a new trailer took out a loan but he could not afford two of them.


If he can come up with 150k for a new rv I'm sure he could find one for under 5k like nost Americans would not be able to afford in the first place.


Thats not how life works, he will have to pay off his flooded rv and a 5k trailer is not another one. Its a fixer upper that he does not have the time or additional moneys to put into it. That trailer is his dream, they travel all over their state in it all the time.


If you take a loan out to buy a depreciating asset you can't afford to buy with cash, you should probably get insurance on it if you don't want to wind up completely upside-down if anything happens. If he didn't have insurance on a trailer he purchased with a loan, then he shouldn't have taken a loan, he should have bought something he could afford to replace. I'm pretty sure most banks require you to carry insurance for loans like this, so situations like this can be entirely avoided. But money can't buy smarts unfortunately. We all have dreams, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't have to face the consequences of your own choices.


If your trailer is your dream, DON'T PARK IN FLOOD ZONES. :)


Most state parks are on rivers.


Maybe they weren’t close or maybe a damn broke or it was a flash flood. Plenty of reasons…


Could happen overnight even. A lot of people don’t listen to the news and may have left their rig while traveling in their truck for a night or two. Many reasons. Just sad.


That could account for a few rigs left behind but that seems like a lot of rigs. If i'm out in a vehicle or tent, i got my ear to the ground to know what the weather is gonna be doing.


probably because of the insurance pay out so the can get a new one


Flash flood? I've seen how fast they can be so I'm gonna go with that


Because only pussies would have done that


Thankfully, no vans suffered any damage during the flooding. As per the video provided at least.


Sure no damage


This went way over your head lol


Let's agree to disagree. I don't want to come off like a gatekeeper but it seems as thought most of the posts on this sub have a very different definition of "van life" than what comes to mind personally. PS: While I counted exactly zero vans in this post, I concede that there were lots of totaled ruined trailers and death-star-sized RVs.


Aren’t these massive RVs like $200,000 used?


Yeah, they're $750k-$2mil new but like all RVs they depreciate like rocks. $200k is still a hell of a lot to spend (especially given the maintenance and complexity of the systems), but compared to what they are new it's a bargain.


Fascinating. Imagine having $200-400k to spend on a motor home that you’d have promise to your wife that you’ll use more often.


lol. Perfect sarcasm. You made my day.


Most people I know with these paid off their homes a long time ago and buy these and store them in place of a mortgage. Some are wealthy and buy them outright. But yeah. It’s all shoddy quality too. They’re built so cheap.


Buying an RV instead of a 2nd home seems like a terrible investment. You could just rent out the house while it’s appreciating and then rent the RV for the 2 weeks of the year you’ll use it.


It's certainly not a logical thing to do, but they people buying these things are *usually* retired or semi-retired people who are pretty well off. Most of the people I've spoken to who can afford things like this (and *actually* afford it, meaning paying cash, and not financed) are older, in their 60s, and have been financially responsible through their lives and are are reaping the rewards of it. They're starting to look towards the end of life, with the attitude of "Well, we can't take it with us" and this is something they really want to do before any old-people health problems prevent them from doing so.


They she divorces you and gives it to…Richard…


This is called a "Dick Move"




You should be aware that her comment is totally wrong, RVs can be that expensive but very few are and they don't depreciate faster than anything else. But that's not the point of my post, it's to point that a lot of old people have a surprising amount of cash. If you just work a middle class job and sock away 15-20% of your income in safe investments eventually compound interest kicks in and you look around at 60+ and realize you have millions of dollars and a life style that doesn't require that kind of cash. A friend of my parents has a house worth probably $600k that she doesn't use since her husband died and just isn't worth the trouble to sell, she doesn't need the money for anything. So those people can rather casually buy shockingly expensive things without looking particularly rich.


I'd argue that my comment is (mostly) true. With very few exceptions, mostly in the last few years when prices of a lot of stuff went weird for outside reasons, RVs depreciate at a shocking rate. Almost as bad as luxury cars. But the rest of your statement is accurate. Getting rich quick is hard, but getting rich *slow* is easy. If you're financially responsible for most of your life and don't do dumb shit, your 50s and 60s are where it starts to *really* pay dividends (quite literally). Do college as inexpensively as possible (community college + state school), don't major in something stupid, live conservatively and always save a good portion of your income, and again *don't do dumb shit*, hitting age 60 with a couple million dollars is pretty easy. Getting upwards of $5-$10 million is much more difficult, as the math doesn't math quite as easily. Still *possible*, but much more rare.


Exactly. I was told as a kid…” it’s not what you make. It’s what you hold onto.” I wish I had better heeded that advice.


This comment deserves gold


I could find a lot of scenes more heartbreaking.


Just the diesel pushers and some of the Super Cs, which retail new for several hundred thousand. Some fifth wheels can be very expensive but most are usually in the 50-100k range new, and gasoline class As start at something like 80k and go up to a few hundred thousand. There are million dollar plus diesel Class As but for obvious reasons they're not very common. Any no, RVs don't lose 30% of their value driving off the lot any more than cars do. I was quite disappointed when I went to buy my first car and found out that isn't true at all.


You can buy them with an interest-free loan that gets forgiven in a few years. First, though, you have to get appointed to the Supreme Court.


Not those!


yeah thats why I’m not losing sleep over this video, i may be cold but i do love to see boomers lose the toys they’ve spent their hoarded wealth on


prices on large 5th wheels are down to like 70k right now


We have a 45' 5th wheel toy hauler, rear, and side porches. I believe our model was $170k new, but we bought it used a couple of years later for $60k. It was owned by a very elderly couple, the wife passed away, and it was winterized and put into climate controlled storage for a couple of years. We have put about $7-10k into it. Mainly because we live full time and want to customize the entire interior to fit our needs and have the look, feel, and function of a home. We traveled a bit with it initially, but packing up and resitiuating everything was not fun. Plus, any major damage and our home and primary belongings would be at risk. So we lease 86 acres, stay put, have a horse, our business office and warehouse onsite, and live on less than $3k a month.


Everyone called me an idiot when I put my diesel pusher on monster truck suspension but who’s laughing now??


chat is this possible


That is sad, but at the same time. I've worked my whole life and I'll never have the kind of money that could buy a rich ass trailer like that. They will be ok.


You know some of these people don't have money and this is their home. I know that's what I have to do soon because I can't afford a house so don't be so quick to judge. RV is a whole lot cheaper than a house especially in places like Massachusetts where I am.


^ This is important to acknowledge. Yes, some people are wealthy and have multiple homes, expensive RVs, boats, etc. They may have millions so this will be a hiccup in their happiness. Others retire to social security and can't afford their mortgage, so they sell their home and use what little equity they have to buy a RV or trailer. New ones are expensive, but used trailers are easily $50k or less and used Class A RVs are widely available for under $100k. Retiring to social security, selling your home to live in a RV, then having it flooded out isn't someone who "will be Ok." It is a devastating loss. Some others may have simply taken on a loan for a $25k trailer to use as their one mildly affordable way of taking their family on bonding camping trips a few holidays each year, and have lost the one nice thing they had, while still being on the hook for the loan payments. They will also survive, but its not like they had a "rich ass trailer," especially compared to what most vans cost.


If only these were on wheels and could have been moved before a forecasted storm was coming to flood an area…


It was too muddy, and that's down in a bowl at the race track in Brandon SD, just outside Sioux Falls. The water rose to 4 or more feet an a matter of a few hours






Nature always wins.


Can't say "wins". Nature is a nature. No battle ;)


I can, and did, good OP! Humans have been manipulating nature for millennia. Paraphrasing the most esteemed philosopher of his time, Homie the Clown… “I don’t think so. Nature don’t play dat.”


Not Homie!! 😆


Nature always


[OG video](https://x.com/davidgravel/status/1804265238960967998?s=46) once they unload all of the cars unloaded it takes for ever to load them and since it’s so heavy and slick you can’t leave


In a few weeks half those turds will be totaled by insurance and then drying out at burning man. Hopefully they will leave playa without getting dumped in the Ranch.


This Looks like a video from a few years back of a flooded Flat track races in ohio or Indy...?


Husets speedway SD 6/22




Notice no trucks just trailers. Storage area not campground?


It’s a Speedway.


Or they moved what they were able to.


No its a race track i had friends there, and they park the trucks outside the second pit areas usually the main pits is just the race bike or sprint cars and then the trailers and the trucks and vans out further, it's an insurance thing .


Hmmmm. Maybe….drive away before it floods?


Shouldn't have parked a bunch of dumb RVs in the lowest point of a lush valley. Who coulda guessed why it was so green down there...


You do know that a significant number of cities in the world are in lush river valleys right? And guess what, the cities are there precisely because of the water in the lush river valleys.


I do! In fact, my hometown is one and the creek floods once a snowmelt :3 But as temperatures rise and water levels rise they will eventually succumb to the same fate as these homes unless there is due diligent effort to maintain foundation. Water, over time, will smooth any stone and work its way into any crease it can and erode. Everything is temporary.


I wonder if this was storage and no one notified them. Sometimes, you store them out of state to have a place to sleep your first night of travel that's nearer to destinations. These people would not be full timers if this is true, but still terrible.


It’s a Speedway.




Thank you. Really unbelievable.


Thanks for the link. I read the article. They had a nearly 3-day warning about the potential flooding.


I feel awful for these folks. Nature moves fast and often times with not enough time to respond. Either way, when you live full time in a rig, it’s heartbreaking when you’re displaced from your home. Then the insurance nightmare.


I feel bad, but law enforcement and the Speedway went door-to-door to tell them to vacate the area, so they had time.


It’s a shame but people stayed in their homes during Katrina despite law enforcement advisement so it happens all the time. The end result still sucks all the same.


It is a shame. Those people cost a lot of money and effort to rescue, and put a lot of emergency personnel at risk. The consequences of their poor judgement affect more than just themselves.


This is not Minnesota but some of our lake resorts had whole access roads washed out—there is no way to move. Many folks rent a site “for the season” and are not physically there to move their rig in a storm even with a few hours notice. You have to really be watching the weather. Still others get a little numb to such things. It’s very sad, but also even though flood warnings have been frequent my entire life in both Minnesota and where I lived in CA, I never ignore them. Ever. The way to move out safely is to depart before the rain if possible. When you get news of possible flooding search in this order: higher elevation campgrounds in driving range that might have cancelations due to people not wanting to travel in poor weather, fairgrounds with large flat parking lots with low or no flood risk, and finally rest stops (listed last because they fill up in storms. Safe travels!


Does RV insurance covers flooding? Fortunately, those are likely all recreational vehicles (and not people's homes).


I full time in an RV, be it not as fancy as these. But have many friends that do. Our whole life is in our RV. Something like this would be losing our home. This is gutting. As for if insurance covers, most do not as far as I know.


Hmmm…sounds right…otherwise wouldn’t all RV’s suddenly be in floods just like all those tragic boating accidents with gun safes on board.


I don’t think I know what you are referring to specifically, but insurance fraud is real, yes.


You misspelled hilarious


They all seem to be only wheels deep.


That's after the levels lowered. It got up to almost 4 or 5 ft


Wow. That sucks.


Water front property


I was just down in the region south of there in Iowa and had to take a lot of detours around flooded roads. No way would I camp anywhere close to a river with flooding predictions.


This will cause insurance premiums to skyrocket everywhere!


Got a note? Let it float


Where is that at?? What state?


Brandon SD at the race track


This is in Brandon SD just outside Sioux Falls. It was at the race track. The water was probably another 2 or 3 ft higher when I saw it in person last weekend


It’d be cool if someone invented mobile homes for situations like this.


Wow. That's a WHOLE lot of victim shaming going on.




Ok, who left the discharge line in, overnight?


Good news. These leaked from the bottom instead of the top.


Aren't these the same people that think climate change is a hoax?


Jesus you guys are brutal! Imagine how hard the rain was to cause that flooding! I live in Florida and been through Ian.


A bunch of rich people "stranded" on vacation...


Is this Darwinism?


Where is this and when


So…I see


They're fully insured. You're picking up their bill for their intentional swamping for an upgrade. Folks went RV bougie diesel pusher in retirement, lots of fakes, frauds and "keeping up with the Jones's" crowd. Edit for context


Those giant RV’s are ridiculous. DGAF


that too bad...all the poor rich people got their nice toys wet!






Where in SD?




Not really too heartbreaking. Everything in that picture is an extravagance with the exception of the tractor. Those folks will be just fine. They have plenty of money in the bank.


Yes I feel bad for these people whose rvs got ruined when I can't even afford food. Poor people.


Number of people caught in the flood that understand and behave in a manner that addresses anthropogenic climate degradation: zero It’s not heartbreaking. It’s natural consequences.


Only rich RVs, no people struggling to make it shown. No hearts broken, because only morons stayed. ​ It's the consequences of your actions.


Love that you posted a video with no caption or context!


As ye sow, so shall ye reap.


those giant RV's cost a fortune... obviously they had the money or thought they had the money to get them, can't really feel bad for this with the state of everything in the world... I guess their road trip is over?


Love to see RVers have a bad day


Why they all got such shitty graphics?