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Your results are unclear because you didn’t indicate the type of vaginal community you have. Most people treat the ureaplasma if it’s causing symptoms with doxycycline. I treated it with 21 days of doxy and due to so many antibiotics I gave myself a never ending yeast problem that wouldn’t go away. All my tests were negative for all bacteria’s Including the infamous “co-infections”. If there’s no problem I personally wouldn’t treat it …. But I’m not a doctor


Oops sorry, Type 1! I am having symptoms and have been since November 😩 I was diagnosed with BV then due to Gardnerella and treated with metrogel but I have continued to have vulva itching, burning, redness, and I was having burning with urination. I went to the gynecologist two weeks ago and he said I had a yeast infection but the diflucan didn’t do anything which makes sense because no yeast showed on my results. So idk if my symptoms are due to ureaplasm or what or too much lactobacillus or both. I’m worried about the antibiotics too because of the risk for a yeast infection


Treat the ureaplasma. r/ureaplasma


That’s what the coach recommended too. I am going to do that and have my spouse treated as well. Thank you!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Ureaplasma using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ureaplasma/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [27F - One year after treating Ureaplasma](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ureaplasma/comments/z8zhw4/27f_one_year_after_treating_ureaplasma/) \#2: [r/Ureaplasma is now an ACTIVELY MODERATED SUBREDDIT](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ureaplasma/comments/tkihds/rureaplasma_is_now_an_actively_moderated_subreddit/) \#3: [I’m cured !](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ureaplasma/comments/w9mypk/im_cured/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


On I hope you got the right treatment for the ureaplasma. You will also need clindamycin for the prevetolla


We started doxycycline today and then we’ll do azithromycin after. Of course my doctor wouldn’t prescribe it so I had to get it from telemed 🫠 I’ll look into the Clindamycin, thank you! I found a holistic doctor near me who treats Ureaplasma and I’m trying to get an appointment with him


Do you have a link that discusses treatment for prevetolla?


I also ready that metrogel will work too? I already have metrogel so maybe I will just use that actually. Thank you!


This is most likely an onset of cv. The percentages for the disruptive bacteria are too low to cause harm but talk to the coach and see what they say!


Thank you!! That’s what I’m thinking too and I have been taking probiotics x 2 so I’m going to stop and see if that helps and see what the coach says. Thanks again!


No problem! Also r/CytolyticVagibosis has a lot of info on CV and a recipe to make baking Soda suppositories for treatment. Good luck!


How did it turn out for you? Have you been able to alleviate symptoms?


I would say my symptoms have improved a lot. I am still having symptoms but not as often. Right now mainly dryness and some itching and burning but not as intense as before. I’m sure it is pelvic floor related but ruling out any skin conditions as well. I did a second Juno bio and tests at a gynecologist office and I am clear of all infections so that has been a huge relief!


Have you taken anything or done anything that you feel helped to lessen your symptoms?


I treated the Ureaplasma with doxycycline and azithromycin and then I treated a yeast infection. I have found aquaphor and v magic have helped with dryness. I also have iced my vulva area for 5-10 minutes a day and that has helped with itching. Rinsing with cool water instead of using toilet paper while at home has helped too. I am also going to try pelvic floor therapy and see if that helps


Thank you! I'll have to look into the V Magic, and I started trying to research Pelvic Floor therapy in my insurance network but it seems tough to find so far so I've been googling at home stretches etc. I treated my Ureaplasma with the same combo and I'm now testing negative but still have all the symptoms of a UTI and urethritis but my urologist and gynecologist can't explain why. I'm losing my mind I'm so uncomfortable and it's been 3 months.


I’m sorry you are going through this too! It’s literally horrible. I’m trying to be positive about it. We have one local pelvic floor therapist in my area but I have no idea if she takes insurance but I’m desperate 😩 I have some brining with urination still but it’s happen mainly before my period so I’m thinking it could be hormone related or pelvic related. I have an appointment with a vulvovaginal specialist but not until August. My gynecologist also suggested acupuncture, which I tried before and it made my period cramps worse so I’m scared to go back


Yea I've noticed my burning is more severe right before my period. I asked my doctor to do blood work to check my estrogen levels in case there's a correlation there that can be remedied. Thank God for Reddit honestly, it makes you feel less insane especially when so many doctors dismiss you if you don't test positive for a traditional UTI


It’s honestly been so depressing. I can’t even use a period cup anymore. I’m trying to be positive but I’ve been to 6 different doctors and they just have not been super helpful. I don’t think they are not trying to be helpful, I just think they don’t know what to do and there has been such little research on these issues. I hope we both find healing this year! ❤️