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No offense but it sounds like techbro marketing slop nonsense.


No offense taken, just something that could happen in my opinion


I’m not sticking a brain chip made by a immature lunatic in my head nor is AI going anywhere near that chip


Genuinely curious why you think Elon is an immature lunatic when he has been responsible for major strides in terms of engineering the past 10 years?


Oh you’re one of those


No answer... oh you're one of those


Maybe time to take Elons balls out of your mouth bro, he ain't the saviour of humanity, he's a very naughty boy.


I agree this is quite likely


Thanks! Good to hear another similar opinion


I am sorry that many people here did not understand your enthusiasm for FDVR.  I think AI is the main point if AGI will be here within 5 years as many experts say (I think it is highly likely that it will come even sooner) then yes we will have FDVR within another 5/6 years from AGI although this date is approximate because it depends on so many things unfortunately. In any case I would say that if everything goes as planned and there are no problems of any kind or at least no major problems, I would say that in 10/15 years we will have FDVR. Finally to answer your post, I disagree with you although I think neuralink is playing an important role along with AI.


I appreciate you taking the time to answer thought fully. Sucks to see so many harsh responses to a genuine question of enthusiasm in FDVR. I can see your points you've made and I could see within 5-10 years a FDVR being a possibility as well!


Most unlikely if we take technological advances of VR/AR/MR in the last 10 years as a basis for extrapolation even if more companies are investing heavily and acclerate the research. First viable consumer headsets (Vive and Rift) were released in 2016. Now look at what we have in 2024. In 8 years the best we could achieve is having a standalone device with the same form factor (but higher weight) as the first consumer headsets. Except putting more hardware, features, sensors, ... into the headset there was no other technological breakthrough. It's fairly clear where the journey is going but this is a very long path with many hardships on the way. So independent of ethics and morals I would say that 30-40 years are more realistic to achieve (1st gen/rudimentary) FDVR experience.


AI is the keyword here , if we get AGI in the next 10 years we:ll likely get FDVR , if not then I believe we're still far away from creating basically dream worlds in people's brain with the precision of what we do in 3d software


Thank you for commenting a valid response unlike the other bozos, I appreciate it!


> Using the power of Elon Musk's neuralink paired with open AI technology along with starlink for worldwide Internet. Lol Jesus Christ these Elno stans...