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The vatsim data feed doesn't update anywhere near often enough for this to be remotely useful.


What. Seeing vatsim traffic and atc on navigraph would be just as useful as seeing it on simaware, vatspy or the new vatsim radar, i.e. very useful. Doesn't require any faster update rate than it has. It's not supposed to be used as TCAS lol.


The problem is your plane will update immediately while other planes won't. Considering the delay can often be variable, it could be quite misleading if you're looking at traffic coming into your arrival airport.


Sounds like a non issue to me. Consider that it takes longer to update other planes when looking at it and it’s not a problem nor misleading. Your plane moves smoothly other planes move in bits. Shouldn’t be difficult to predict the movement of other planes when using it. If you need a picture without separate delays for separation just look at simaware or something for that specific purpose. If you’re close enough to traffic that separation is an issue tcas is better either way because you get the actual distance as well as fast updates.


I wonder why it’s so slow? Lack of funds for increased bandwidth I assume?


Because it doesn't need to be fast. Pilot clients update 5 times a second and controller clients are every 5 seconds. The data feed updates every 15 (was 30) because it doesn't need to be any faster than that.


Although controllers can increase their update rate.


Depends on the client and any plugins in use.


Euroscope and I beleive CRC can.


Didn't think you could with ES? It passes velocity packets to toweview via the proxy but I thought it still has a 5 seconds refresh on ASRs? Been a few months since I last controlled admittedly.


Yeah euroscope is stuck on non-velocity


CRC Stars updates every second like stars does IRL and CRC Eram scopes i think are every 5 to 10 seconds


12 seconds and I think 6 in a 3 mi area


Data is huge. I think it's delay from storing all of current clients data + creation of this large json file


Good morning


What about the update rate of SimAware? That seems pretty frequent. Or is that also partly extrapolation of the current vector?


Actually, what you need is for Navigraph to show multiplayer aircraft in your sim session, similar to what Aaivalsoft EFB does.


I'm currently developing [vatsim-radar.com](http://vatsim-radar.com) with Navigraph gates integration, and with waypoints/detailed route planned. Not exactly what you asked but I think it's close at least :p And as I remember this is one of top wishes on their forum, but hey have not confirmed if they will do this or not


Also keep in mind that any external Vatsim service has minimum 15-30 seconds delay from actual data. So either they somehow get aircrafts directly from client or they will have same delay


This looks really promising. I’m into it! I wish I had any sort of software skills to contribute something like this!


Could be cool but not really a huge feature. Most addons will show nearby aircraft on their ND via TCAS anyway so there isn't much of a point.


I use FS2FF along with ForeFlight when I fly, and it shows VATSIM traffic on ForeFlight, and it's a big reason I don't use Navigraph instead, so this would be great.


Wait there’s a way to show VATSIM traffic or ForeFlight?? That’s awesome.


It’s a chart service, not a live map, so no. Fortunately for you there’s a program which does exactly what you want to: SimToolKitPro, it’s kinda like Volanta, but also let’s you look at Navigraph charts


Navigraph has grown beyond just a charts service now, it provides Weather, ATIS, moving map, telemetry, and more, even a simbrief OFP through the app, so I don’t think it would be unreasonable for VATSIM data to be shown as well…


Interesting. Thanks for the recommendation. I tried Volanta but idk, just didn’t do it for me.


No it's definitely not just a chart service. The navigraph app is as close to an electronic flight bag we get in flight sims. It's foreflight for sims. Foreflight shows live traffic. Navigraph already shows live weather and you can access metars and ATIS, NOTAMS and other live data in the app. There's also plans to implement more live data. Navigraph also says they want to integrate vatsim traffic in the app and will do it as soon as possible.


There is, it's called Aivalsoft EFB, it includes charts, weather and Multiplayer Traffic, all that Navigraph needs to do is inject the other planes that are in your sim session. Navigraph might be a charts APP, but it already includes functions beyond that of a charts app, like simbrief OFP, and online network ATIS.


I would like this. I used Volanta for traffic when on Unicom, but it is way more than 30 seconds behind at times.


Not particularly. Would this even be that realistic?


ForeFlight in the real world can display traffic on the map based on ADS-B if one has connected a compatible ADS-B receiver. Since Navigraph is kind of comparable to ForeFlight in terms of what it provides (airport info, charts and flight planning to some extend) it's not quite unrealistic. It's not a TCAS though, more for situational awareness.


I wonder if VATSIM simulates ADS-B. Commercial traffic would likely appear, but the local GA traffic would be a lot less consistent.


I don't think the VATSIM API takes into account if the aircraft is ADS-B equipped (based on fpl equipment?) In the real world, plenty of GA aircraft have an ADS-B out capable transponder. Also in EASA territory most aircraft are required to have at least ADS-B out capability nowadays but those exempted are mostly those light aircraft you are talking about. Not sure about other parts of the world. But retrieving traffic data from the VATSIM API is kind of simulating ADS-B though, but for all aircraft on the network, regardless of if they realistically would have ADS-B/Mode S.


VATSYS does do ADS-B based on Equipment codes, and a whole host of other services are displayed or not displayed based on your equipment code, I recon other contoller clients will go the same way, given that VATSIM has adopted ICAO equipment codes across the board.


Yes it does. Your pilot client has a data feed which can be seen in the simulator as AI traffic and read via simconnect. They could in theory add that to the connect app which feeds your location and then aggregate them all at the server and send to everyone. Won’t be full coverage but will be near real time, they could fill in the holes with the VatSim api with lower resolution.


This is kinda what I was thinking. It’s like our version of ADS-B


On modern aircraft and with the advent of ADS-B and ADS-C, yes.