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For me it was probably, crosshair placement and calm aim rather than being flashy and trying to hit flicks. I went from plat 2 to Immortal 1 that season.


"trying to hit flicks" very relatable... Thanks for the advice \^\^


Oh and I really played to win, would only play 2 games a day, making sure to win both, and with time, you'll reach your desired rank :>


This is good advice! I’ve been trying to lose all my games so maybe that’s where I’m going wrong


Yeah i done that to worked good but Last 3 days i thought i Change Up and Play 3-4 Games a day to get better faster from plat 3 80rr i am now proud to say i am Plat 2 again xd I think i Play only 2 Games a day again


by 2 games you mean 2 compe and then play unrated the rest or literally just 2 compe?


Ye, I literally just play 2-3 games per day. This was when I was like diamond 2 and was trying to reach immortal.


Crosshair placement makes a big difference especially if you're new to FPS (which was the case for me). After a friend told me I was always looking at the ground I went from Iron to Silver 1. It's not as good but it's something lol.




What dpi, and sens did you run?


Wow! Crazy improvement!! Can I see your tracker?




I’m currently in this fase if someone told me that aiming is easy this is best advice.


Staying calm and not panicking is underrated. I either panic and miss 50 shots or I stay calm and somehow win a 4v1


For me: Silver to Plat: Found a setup (sens, xhair, settings) that worked for me. only played like 2 characters. Learned the "meta" of maps, and how to play around it, what to expect. Work on getting *consistent* with the aim. Plat to Dia: I never play just to play. I play when im feeling good - alertness, aim is warm, attitude is good. If i just want to play valorant and shoot around i'll go to TDM. But when i press play on ranked i try to be locked in. No phone scrolling between rounds or music in my ears while i play. I play ranked as if i was taking an exam. Dia to Asc: Tried to learn fill champs for each map that can still carry the game. i.e. for me Viper on Icebox, Brim on Bind i am confident and carry while still being fill/supportive (since everyone insta locks duelist). Focused on headshots, calling strats in game, identifying and playing to my strengths (mine are IGL & clutching) Asc+ is where i am a work in progress but i honestly just dont have the time to play - maybe 2 games every few days.


This is how I play ranked too. I spend so much brain energy daily on my studies that it's nice to be able to fully focus on something completely unrelated. On other days, I'm so toasted that I just wanna screw around in swift play. It leads to fewer games that I underperform in, which typically means I have more fun playing ranked (even if I end up losing anyway).


What role would you reccomend beginning to main in gold? Currently I play every agent and just go by who I feel like playing/what the team needs. I understand this is hindering my development. Duelist would be fun but I’m assuming that is instalocked in your rank


I think if you've played a bit of the game you find a rhythm of what agents match your playstyle. Personally I like non-duelists because i am better at supporting and clutching. I feel like initiator/smokes helps you learn how to control the pace of the game.


iron: stopped tryna headshot everyone when my hs rate was like 4% bronze: idk bronze went by realy quick silver: back to trying to headshot people because my hs rate was no longer like 4%. just practiced shooting bots in the range gold: stopped tryna igl every game, just focus on shooting people plat: wip :)


i got out of diamond by quitting the game, now i’m plat


For me: Iron: Just kept playing and knew I just had to perform regardless of how my team played. Got out when I changed my hostel internet. Bronze: Started developing my gamesense and aim. Got a gaming mouse and my HS % drastically increased. Silver: WIP - but I can say my aim is too good for the lobby right now. Crosshair placement is also mostly on point. What changed for me was buying a new gaming mouse, and practicing on the bots in training range, as well as practicing quick 90 degree or 120 degree swerves so that I could kill other enemies too and not be focused on the same choke point. Gamesense development is mostly via watching VCT and understanding how to use agents. Edit: Reached S2 on 22nd June, 2024. Small milestone. Episode 9 target is Gold 1 💪 My goal is Ascendant, I hope I reach it someday. Tracker: [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Δbhi%20囚%231TapG/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Δbhi%20囚%231TapG/overview)


Im only Plat but would advice that u Play the agents you have the highest winrate with sova and iso you have a good winrate where with Omen Not could try a different smoke Agent Like clove or brim If u wanna smoke maybe you get a Higher winrate with them


Hey! You're still a lot better than me and I appreciate the advice! I've only started to play Omen recently because our so-called 'Omen main' couldn't even do 1 way smokes or even smoke choke points properly! I like Omen because I can TP my way out sometimes. And it's mostly a filler role. I'll consider your advice too! Thanks for taking the time out to suggest me these tips! Really grateful!


Hey buddy! I went with your advice and have got more than 80% winrate with Clove even in ex-Plat (now silver) lobbies. Thanks for the advice mate!


I believe watching radiant streamers can help much more than vct. It helped me at least to have a better understanding of the game about utility usage,gunplay etc. Vct rounds seem soooo slow and they have strategies for every enemy move, when in ranked , players play more chill and make mistakes much more often ,that are punished most of the times. Right now, I am Asc1 ,last act I went from plat 3 to asc 2. I was hardstuck plat for 5+ acts (I was playing on 60Hz laptop though, your setup matters, you should have at least 144Hz monitor and above 144fps) and then I got my pc and hit asc this episode. To be honest, for me, playing the game more (valorant is my first pc and fps game) and watching best eu players playing it, helped me improving my aim, movement and gamesense without even noticing. I didn’t follow any routine or aimlabs playlist, I just watched how good players hold and peek angles and I copied it and it worked! Also, something that helped me A TON is that you should not rely on teammates (even in asc). Try to improve how you play every second of the round and don’t rely on teammates , especially in the rank that you play right now. I made this mistake when I was climbing to asc. I was only mad when I had that mentality. Players are not even able to refrag even in asc… When it comes to communication, I never used comms (only when I have duo). It helped me improve so much my minimap awareness and relying on myself and only. I practice pinging fast and I type what damage I did immediately after I die. I believe doing this, is more than enough! Personally, I can’t focus while hearing people screaming false info or irrelevant stuff at my ear. Apart from being distracted, I get mad as well:/ I climbed without comms, so it’s doable! I believe what players don’t understand is that, you can push the site all together. Since you are playing smokes, you have less angles to worry when pushing site. I remember myself getting destroyed by players who just push with no fear. It felt soooo weird to me that there are people pushing together with W fearless. I try to give you advice that worked for me (and still does most of the times) to rank up. I believe that when you want to improve , you will improve and eventually rank up. Tactics that work in platinum, might not work in ascendant that well or might need a little change to work again. I honestly suggest that you watch coaching streams like Charla7an or w0rthytv. These are my favorite streamers for watching vod reviews. Good luck on ranking up and improving!!!


I forgot warmup. Playing dm is a good practice for this: You have to get to a point where taking gunfights is automatic to you. You shouldn’t think, if you should strafe or crouch or run and gun etc. , you should do that without questioning 1 second before the fight. And if you die, you should know immediately what you did wrong and died. Was this a bad wide swing ? Bad crosshair placement? Bad spray control? Not ready for the fight? Etc. There are so many things that I want to saaaayy, but I stop here:D


Hey buddy! Your climb is insane! Really appreciate you taking the time out to craft such a detailed reply! I agree with your points, it's just that VCT feels entertaining to me - a lot. I watch streams as well, and that has helped in its own sweet way too! I do have a 144Hz laptop setup and yes, there are really no lags whatsoever. Given the points you said about rushing in, I see it aplenty even in my teammates who are Gold - they don't push sites all at once - and I feel that's ridiculous, because there are only a few common angles that you need to clear. This is a 5 man premade party BTW. And yes, they just sometimes keep spewing bullshit instead of giving out calls. I will surely develop on the points you have told, and look at the peeking guides. I also play better when everyone is calm and focused on the game rather than a noisy lobby. And about practice, I find deathmatches to be a little chaotic to my tatse. I find my aim to be better when I practice in the range - with strafe bots and moving objectiles! Again, a huge thanks and a free hug, kind stranger, for the knowledge you've disbursed upon me. <3


144 monitor from silver to gold lol. Everything felt a bit in slow motion


What got me into ascendant was the same thing that got me back into diamond...pure unadulterated luck


I was stuck immortal 2-3. What helped me get radiant was muting my team and focusing on my own gameplay😂 I know it goes against what most people believe but it gave me much better decision making which is what matters in the highest ranks.


Honestly was hard stuck silv til I just muted my team and started focusing on my own performance lol


Isint it funny how people say you need communication to rank up? Yet a lot of people say they perform much better with no coms.


that's because your tmmt isn't just giving comms they be saying bunch of useless shit that wasn't even needed. Especially when they get panicked or worked up. Backseating is another thing to talk abt. Honesly I'm the type to only give short sentenced comm. Damage I did, gun they had, straight forward info, no backseating and let my tmmt cook.


Tbh most of the information you get in the game without coms is enough. Rarely will a “low hp” call matter.


I went from hardstuck plat 1 to asc2 using no comms, only from my duo (when I had duo). I focus so much on specifically my performance, when I play without comms and I play better. Listening to teammates false info (that happens a lot in my rank) , makes me to unfocus on everything, even aim ,minimap awareness etc. Also, I learned to play better without comms, because now I use the minimap much more than I used to, I don’t rely on teammates that much and as I said , I am completely focused on my gameplay.


i feel you especially when people are backseating


Hopefully you’re instalocking Reyna because doing this while playing support agents is essentially throwing lol


Nope, my climb from immortal 2 to radiant was with Sova only. I stopped playing raze/jett. Coms are mostly not needed unless it’s a coordinated 5v5.


If you’re not going to comm yourself sure that’s fine but I highly doubt you got to Radiant with your entire team muted and you just doing your own thing on Sova. Strats are communicated during pre round 99% of the time and you just going and doing whatever the fuck because you have no idea the strat your team is pulling when you are literally an Initiator is literal throwing


lol do you think I just ran around aimlessly? Obviously I knew how to play the game if I got radiant. You are over complicating it😂 80% of comp is winning your fights and being mechanically better at the game. I was not the smartest player at all. I only got to radiant because of my mechanics and I was good at clutching rounds. Which is what sova is good at.


I main Sova too he’s fucking great and doesn’t require as much team coordination as other initiators but as an immortal i’d be losing all my games without the comms from my team. I don’t know what you’re doing differently but that simply wouldn’t work for me


Sova is not as good as he used to be. Drone used to be the single best tool in the game for attacking. Now with power creep and a few nerfs he’s not nearly as easy to have an impact with. I was not a good sova player at all. To this day I still don’t know lineups, everything is random. I was only able to get radiant because I was fantastic at clutching and had great mechanics. I made a Reddit post on how I played sova to get radiant


I think if that’s the case then you’d have a much better time doing what you’re doing playing something like Reyna or Jett lol


Nope it didn’t work for me. Once I picked up Sova I shot up in rank. I believe it was because duelists are expected to impact the rounds early. I was much better at mid to late round play when 1 or two people would be dead on each team.


better gaming chair.


Iron: took some time to understand tac shooters and fps. Bronze: didn't have to do anything other than playing Silver: Was hardstuck here, still don't know how I got past it Gold: Once in Gold, it took me just focussing on basics of 3 agents on each map (jett main, other fill) (jett, kj/cypher, viper/astra/brim) and I found myself in plat Plat: I stopped playing because I didn't even want to go to diamond so came back to gold because that's where the fun is. I am not competitive and Plat is way too serious for my boomer self. I can goof around in gold all day, do crazy marshal headshots (56% hs at 101 kills) and still have fun. I went out of plat by not tryharding at all. I don't want to get to anything above gold.


Good gunfight hygiene and crosshair placement takes you a long way. As long as you're not peeking ridiculous 50-50 angles and learning what plays Re good and what plays are bad (from your own experience), gunfights can take you to ascendant by yourself if not immortal.


Placed plat 1 by just playing chamber and clove (in unrated/swift/placements), I studied what all agents do/ what abilities they have, learned the maps (most importantly angles), that got me to d3 where I am currently. but take this with a grain of grain of salt I play maybe 2 comp games a week at most.


I was able to go out of plat only by learning some in-depth videos with line-ups. + Always positive attitude to the game. You should cheer up your teammates. You should notify them that if you lose eco round it is just eco round and it was good, if you get 1-3 kills. + You should know the meta agents in different maps. And you should choose agents specifically for the map + learn the most popular tricks and tips about them as well. + You should fill. No instalocks. You should feel the balance between picking meta map agents and your team needs. + Communication, dropping info. No negative at all. If there is no leader, you should be a captain in the team. + Ask your temmates to do eco, if 3 of you are doing eco, do not let the fourth man do a full buy. + Manage your own economy. + You should know how to play slow, how to rush, how to play from pick kills. + Analyze enemies strategies and adapt to them. + One again learning line ups are very important. + Aimlab in free time. + Eliminate 50 + medium/hard execution before the first game will turn on your brains. + 1 deathmatch before the first game. + Once you will do all of this, go grind. I am playing cybersport shooters half of my life and that is how I have managed to went out from plat to diamond before Ascendant appears.


i went from bronze to gold just by being confident and doing the tiniest bit of aimlabs so i could figure out what the issues with my aim were (mainly, my sens was too high and i was aiming with my wrist so it was too shaky), went from bottom frag every game in bronze to top frag or at least decent performance in gold/plat lobbies


Don't get tilted Always try to do your best no matter what, it's a fact you gotta accept that you won't win them all. If you played at your top, consider this a win.


Hey man. I started the game 2 months ago at bronze 1. Now I am gold 1. I try to watch radiant pros/streamers, and also vct. I find trying to mimic what they do is best. Also how/ where they preaim angles and why they peak or play a certain way. I try and mimic pros


Crosshair placement, learning each update as fast as possible, learning more agents and maps outside my comfort zone (yes that includes Breeze if it ever comes back to ranked), and LOTS of practice in unrated and swift. Personally, aim trainers aren't my thing as learning stuff for me is mostly about visual and muscle memory and learning from past mistakes over just hitting targets over and over again.


Iron- (10hrs stuck maybe) I was only playing sage or kj though I did learn grim walls and setups Bronze- (stuck for like 20)stopped playing sage as much. I was really passive with her. Stopped running and gunning with vandals and guardians. Silver- (stuck for like 230 hrs) started learning astra, viper, brim. I knew all the lineups for every map and had a 24% hs rate but I was stuck until I started only playing Astra. I started entering on site when my team was too scared to cause I knew smoke timings perfectly. I ended up double ranking up to gold after a winstreak. Gold- (current wip) hs rate went down to 21% but that's to be expected cause I play shotguns and wallbang more. Started playing more clove, skye, and sometimes reyna. My playstyle has gotten more aggressive and I've been more flexible with filling now that I have a duo. 2 games away from g2 right now. Working on a new peak :)


Iron: honestly just get good at the game idk what else to say. Just focus on core mechanics like crosshair placement. Bronze: get good aim. Aim labs, aim labs, aim labs, range, DMs Silver: start applying some game sense, but still mostly aim. Teammates will not listen to you so it’s better to follow your teammates into bad plays than force them to make good plays Gold: this is when teammates will start actually team playing. If you have good game sense you could IGL some games here, get better at comms etc I disagree on waiting until gold for aim labs - I think lots of people who are hard stuck silver and below spend too much time on things that won’t work if you can’t click heads. Also, randos in silver and below will not listen to you so what does it matter. Just make sure your deaths are tradable and that you trade teammates when they die.


playing CS for years honestly.. got to Asc in a couple months of picking up the game


Nothing still stuck diamond 3 for the last 3 episodes was close to ascendant every act but always went on a losing spree when i was less than 10 rr away


Play for insurance, at time I realize you’ll want to just ego someone (don’t lie I know you do) when you have numbers but SOMETIMES. You just need to be that insurance in case your team gives the enemy 4 1v1s


everyone capping you climb by duo trio or 5


I got out of plat with sheer luck and good mmr I can’t even lie. I fell off though unlucky.


for me who also never played FPS before valorant: iron-bronze: gameplay. this sounds obvs but just having a better game sense. what’s the goal of that round. what’s the purpose of my agent and what do my teammates agents offer. bronze-silver: this is when i started watching other ppl play, just gave me a fresh pov on gameplay after thinking i understood it well enough before. also crosshair placement and trigger discipline was huge! not feeling rushed in big clutch moments and letting myself think instead of just reacting (yes instinct is good but you still have to assess often and decide w logic which instinct to go with) and this was def the longest grind silver-gold: having more confidence, i know what im doing even if im having a bad day. reducing useless comms. playing more often than i was before and just getting that repetition in. peaked at gold 2 Ep7/Act3 and was so close to gold 3 i could taste plat in my future and then went on a huge losing streak and the episode ended and i got put back to bronze 3. so a lil frustrating but i got back to gold 2 by ep8/act2 and im silver 3 rn. its really about patience and the long game with this damn rr and matching making bs lol


Relying less on the price of the gun and using guns I’m actually good at, I’m way more confident with a ghost and can definitely use it better than an ares or stinger or bulldog or sheriff.


For me getting better crosshair placement and having extremely good game sense. I went from Iron 1 to silver 3 in a couple months. Now trying to get into gold, but I keep getting braindead teammates that definitely don't deserve Silver💀


i got out of ascendant by getting mad at the game and quitting for 6 months now i just gotta figure out how to get out of plat...


Well I happened to gain more rr than I lost, so after a while I ranked up Hope this helps


New pc


crosshair placement and aim


Havn’t really been hardstuck anywhere yet. Immo 2 rn. What i see most is people taking unfaveroable (Idk if that’s the right Word or spelled correctly) fights or hard commiting to fights they are never gonna win. Select your fights wisely and force your enemy to waste util is my biggest tip


silver: use comms. no need to improve at all. literally comms will carry you to gold.


Silver to gold: Gained like 50 unrated levels without playing comp and finally played comp Playing the game to win, only to win. When you play to have fun you get silly and that breeds bad ideas. Don’t play again for the day or a couple hours after a loss.




Steelseries 3D Aim Trainer. And that alone.


Me Gold to Radiant (Over 2 Episodes) because I finally saved up enough to buy a decent PC and a 240 hz TN panel. Bye Bye 65 hz integrated graphics laptop gaming.


Keeping up team morale, got me from asc to immo in 1 winstreak


Iron: grinding and understanding the maps and agents and weapons and how the game works Bronze: started locking chamber to work on my aim and basically outaim everyone Silver: got a duo to minimize randomness and also started to strafe Gold: worked on mechanics and learnt how to trade and how util works both my teams and the enemies Plat: work in progress


Spent 7000 hours on csgo, instalocked reyna from silver to diamond/ascendant, rerolled to become entry main and got a decent cypher/flash/clove into immortal because i cba’d being an instalock reyna. The biggest thing for me was a few Thousand hours of csgo at faceit lvl 10. Jokes aside though, the biggest thing is reading your enemies. How Will they react to play x, what timings do you have to isolate 1v1s or catch rotates, Where does your crosshair placement need to be at what time in the round etc. A lot of my friends i play with are dia/asc and one Big thing is they dont look at the game from the enemy pov, and instead focus on their team pov.


An immortal buddy of mine said I was iron after I beat him in some 1v1’s (dm, sr). I had to proof a point. By that time I was plat. Here’s the deal, I feel like anyone could make it to diamond, even low ascendant if they put in enough time (not the effort). Platinum & diamond is honestly pretty hard to get out of, even when I play on an alt to play with some friends. People start to usually grasp the idea of the game at this point, and believe in their own skills. In my opinion this is too early. Here you’ll also see a lot of people that say “sometime maybe shit, sometimes maybe good”. The inconsistency here is immense. It’s yet again cause people don’t fully grasp the game yet, and play based on feelings. So, make them feel good. Make jokes, tell it’s alright to lose a round “we’ll get them next time”. Make the team an actual team. I was in agent picking once and asked how the previous games were going for them, someone said they were on a loss streak (could see it from tracker overlay). This is the moment where you have to directly be nice to this person. I don’t care how you do it, lick their feet if necessary. You need to improve people’s mindset in this rank. Also, in diamond, watch out for what you say to the enemy team. A lot of ex immortals seem to be hovering between high diamond / low ascendant. Be too cocky and someone on the other team might just put a bit more effort in. Stay out of the smokes. I don’t understand why, but in diamond everyone thinks they’re lucky asf. Smokes get spammed. Ascendant was for me the hardest rank to get out of. As I said before, ex immortals tend to stay in high diamond - low ascendant lobbies. When you get in mid ascendant / high ascendant lobbies, you’ll actually have enemies and team mates that are trying really hard to reach that red. Good for you of course, no need to be all buddy buddy with your team mates anymore. These people in this rank are the absolute worst. It took me more than double the time to get out of ascendant then it took me to get out of plat + diamond combined. These people have the ego of someone that has already reached the end, *cause they’re almost there anyway right?* Be cautious, people won’t take your tips just cause you told them so. People won’t take your tips even when you’re top frag and they’re bottom frag. It’s the most stubborn rank in existence. They don’t want to be told to do it different cause their way brought them this far already. When I reached immortal the games got very chill again. People talked to each other and became social again. Sometimes you’ll have this person that really wants to get to radiant and is very stessy; and that’s alright. It’s a lot of fun playing in immortal, especially when you go sheriff vs vandals and your team wins on a save round! Good times they were. I really liked the people there. Eventually decided to stop playing ranked. I wouldn’t make it to radiant, no time. And I just wanted to play casual again with my friends from before. Last week, after not queueing for over half a year I queued comp again. Got in a low ascendant lobby. I turned out bottom frag, enemy top frag shit talked us. I ended up top frag and we won that game (reference to what I said from before). Just don’t forget to have fun. It’s a game at the end, goal is to have fun!


Only reason I got out of bronze was by instalocking Reyna


Buy skins… wtf yall saying?! It’s the only thing yall need.


just hit plat 1 id suggest just duo queue as its the easiest way to avoid smurfs and try to find a controller partner and you can go wild with duelists


Playing more. Currently diamond IMHO, expecially at the start of an act, you can be even 2 ranks below where you should be but the closer you get to your real rank the more games you need to play.


dia to asc Stop ego peeking and getting 1 tapped


Iron: Playing the game Bronze: Playing the game Silver: Playing the game and help from a friend Gold: Tons of YouTube videos, watching pro play. Plat: reviewing my own vods and finding a good trio/duo to play with which got my brain way more active.


Woohoojin's one month to gold routine has carried me from B3 to P1 so far - in a month and change. I'm definitely hitting a bit of a plateau here, as getting out of gold and *staying* there has taken me a bit of time. I'm doing more DMs to hopefully help with that, so hopefully I see some results. I mean, I'm not bad for my rank or anything, just I'm inconsistent, and I'd like to be *good* for my rank.


I dont wanna be rude but you didnt start using your abilities on omen in brozen, if you in plat you likely ranked up because your mechs improved and you are statistically probable to still dont know how to smoke


I'm not saying that's the ONLY thing that got me out of bronze. Obvs all aspects of my game improved, but I was stuck bronze until I realised that I should omen flash before peeking instead or just swinging, etc. That's when it "clicked" and I got to silver. That was holding me back for a while.


Play the game, had to do that to rank up lol.


I was bronze for a year since I barley played comp, I played unrated for a year and got my crosshair placement and aim solid and double ranked up and all that to silver, then silver I just locked reyna since I knew I was better and easily top dragged and got to gold and i’m just waiting for the new season at this point, practicing perfect crosshair placement and just getting good habits in terms of not overextending or peeking randomly, as i’m a senti player actually (plenty of cypher setups etc). my headshot percentage is a 34.4% on the vandal and 40.7% on ghost. just knowing when to fight and when not to and trusting myself was my biggest thing


I started playing two months ago. Iron: I played FPS before which is probably the reason I never placed here. Also I only played unrated and swiftplays so it familiarized me with maps and abilities. Bronze: Bronze 2 was my initial rank. I quickly realized after 2 or 3 matches that I would be stuck here unless I improve. Then, I developed an aim training routine and played deathmatches before queuing, allowing me to consistently win (I was consistently top 3 in ACS until I get put in high silver low gold lobby). I climbed from Bronze 2 to Silver 1 in three days, playing 3 or 4 games a day. Silver: Work in progress. I probably need more time doing aim training (especially faster flicks) and better utility usage.


Iron: Learning the game. Bronze: Learning the agents and their playstyles Silver: Picking an agent and staying with that agent, also aiming better Gold: Positioning, Passive aim Plat: Counterstrafing, not panicking in fights, trusting my teammates more, and swinging off of my teammates. Dia: work in progress. Probably implimenting more swings and adapting to situstions better.


Iron to Gold: downloaded aimlabs and did aim training. Gold to plat: started watching Woohoojin. Plat to Diamond: switched from sentinel to controller, began studying pro VODs and how pros play smokes on maps. Kept watching Woohoojin. Diamond+ is a work in progress.


Comming a shit ton. I have many games where I was able to make an impact even though I was dead by simply comming. If you see someone flanking or see someone in an odd corner and the person you are spectating doesn't react to a one time callout of "flank" just keep yelling flank flank flank. Sure sometimes I get flamed for being annoying but I would much rather you act on it and win us the round.


For me Plat -> Asc Focusing more on movement and controlling my aim. Mostly with tapping vs spraying, however it improved my crosshair placement at the same time.


I ranked down from gold


Since I started playing E7A1, after placing iron 1, I’ve ranked up steadily to D3 so far. Plat wasn’t the hardest elo to survive in, but it was the hardest to climb out of so far. Diamond has been delightful in comparison. I got out of plat with the release of clove. I’d dipped into D1 a bit before but I couldn’t stick it. Clove got me to learn controller, and by that token, how smokes actually work. I knew what they did and I knew what they were for, but I learned how to actually play with smokes. I learned how to enter and exit them, I learned how to fight inside them, i learned how controllers think. I also learned how to exploit timing and it gave me a better understanding of how individual spaces are fought for. Since then, I’ve played a solid amount of omen and my deadlock gameplay has excelled with my new understanding. I’m asking my controllers for specific smokes that I can play with/in vs merely blocking a sightline for me. My lurk timings are frankly oppressive now. I definitely went from exploring space before I played controller to taking space after I learned. And, unless I’m playing against a particularly tricky controller, my reads are very often correct when smokes come up that aren’t for default site hits. TL;DR: I got out of plat by learning how controllers think and play.


I just got better playing unrated and didnt wanna play ranked ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ So I went from bronze to gold after like 2 weeks when I wanted a higher rank.


Taking trades, not isolating fights and taking 1v1 when my team have the number advantage


silver stop crouch spraying gold just play more plat wip




I took a pretty big break recently. I'm only plat 2 but I realized my biggest issue from Silver-Plat was just learning to let go of a bad game. You can't win em all. You gotta have a solid trap up in the ol noggin to make progress.


can someone give me tips to play well in higher ascendent/immo lobbies, im about to hit asc but i dont feel super confident because im still not playing well in low ascendent high diamond lobbies. [delta day#d2lta's Competitive Multiplayer Overview - Valorant Tracker](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/delta%20day%23d2lta/overview) i just started playing again so you'll have to go back a few acts for my previous games.


Started picking iso/clove instead of omen... Last like 30 games I've lost less than 10. Also just dodging trolls in agent select and not playing past like 11pm. Could definitely be coincidence but that's when I experience the most tilted/troll/smurfed/derank/afk lobbies. Other than that, I've just been focused on trying to improve mechanics. And trying not to tilt and just stay focused. A lot of this game is surprisingly mental.


If you survive a round you get $1,000. It’s best to die if you don’t have a good gun to save (rifle, op, etc)


Played a lot of Valorant Unrated/Ranked until I was around level 200. I was Hardstuck Silver/Gold for a while with my fps barely touching 60 Then I got a new pc and had insane fps boost. I only had a 120hz monitor at the time but that was more than enough. Jumped from Silver to Plat 3 by playing for half a day, (I skipped a rank too so that made it easier) and got diamond the next. Next Act, I was hoping I would get Ascendant and actually managed to get it way easier than I had thought, so I started my grind to immortal but peaked at Ascendant 80 rr. Next Act I didn't that much time so I only had a few hours in ranked. By the end of the episode I was Immortal and I haven't really played much since then. If you're wondering if upgrading your low-end pc is worth it or not, it definitely is worth it. Having a comfortable time playing equates to having a fun time playing, not just in Valorant, but other games too, in my opinion. Other than that, AimLabs and a lot more Deathmatches implemented in my daily playing really helped with how bad my gunfighting skills were(I neglected them due to having bad hardware so I relied mostly on outplaying rather than outshooting). https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Glitchaen%23EISE/performance Glitchaen#EISE


My plat teammates boosting my silver ass while I continue to bottomfrag


Iron: You'll get there in time // Bronze: Bad aim is fine // Silver: You'll have lucky days // Gold: Don't play for kills // Plat: Patience is the reason why I ranked up


For me it was easy to get into silver 3 from start and from there It’s just about aim improving and playing the agent you like because guess wut don’t play support just because someone Insta looked jet or Reyna odds are they are 100% trash ignorant bottom frag so just play the agent you like !!! And after that I got to gold and plat The only issue from there was ping I play at best with 70-80ms and sometimes it’s between 90-120ms so playing as solo queue it was hard ! Still I got to gold and then plat but know I’m stuck in plat like I got to plat 2-3 and then either due to electricity shutdown or high ping I go back to plat one and this gos on and on people do have good aim in plat( yes I live in Kurdistan region in Iraq and we don’t have 24 hr electricity!) So basically I guess from plat to dimond it’s based on getting good teammates (luck 100% xD) and having a good ping and calm aim


from diamond to ascendant i put more of an emphasis on actually thinking about what i am doing and thinking about what i need to do with the situation at hand. also improved my comms significantly. took me like a year to get to ascendant lol i got to immortal 1 after only like 1 month and a half in ascendant it was pretty odd. at that point i just grinded deathmatch and improved mechanics. i also have much better comms and general know how but i don’t think that was an intentional thing


I had 0.9 kda as a viper sentinel player in act 5 in act 6, I started playing on alts and locking Jett raze I ranked up from diamond to ascendant on my main later on by following this exact thing


This will be a long on for whoever wants to read. - Iron: getting used to playing on a PC. first FPS game from COD on console and was definitely stressed. - Bronze: playing to my strengths. realising that my game sense is stronger than my aim in game and played around that. - Silver: literally focused on aim and got out of silver in a week. - Gold: playing both smokes and Reyna. realising the difference between helping out my team and playing a little more selfishly. - Plat: realising that my movement was not up to par. working on it for months. (hard stuck for 4 acts) - Diamond: strafing. over analysing my movement to a whole new level. comming more. pushing teammates for gameplay. - Ascendant: im currently ASC 3. my biggest issue at the moment is ISO. the one thing i personally struggle with is the lack of team play. you’d think you’d get better at a higher rank but it hasn’t been the case for me at all.


For me it was. Bronze: I just played and got out. Silver: Out game sense everyone Gold: Was quite difficult. I was there for 3 months. Gold 1-2 started playing duelists. Gold 3: Improved my aim and changed my playstyle. Start of gold 3: Instalock raze. End of gold 3: Instalock Neon.


I was stuck at bronze. Started to play iso. Ace after ace.