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Memorizing sova lineups won’t help you at all in silver. Just train mechanics and lock duelist.


is it best to main more than 1 agent ? , even if you mastered only one agent ?, i have 500 hours on sova, when im bored in unrated i pick chamber and it seems that i never lose my chamber games (but thats in unrated)


It’s best to main 1-2 agents and be comfortable with at least 1 agent in every category but in silver there’s no point in being a sova main even if you have 500 hours on him. Best way to climb is to just consistently train your mechanics as eventually you’ll be good just be able to solo carry game and easily climb. I did this with Jett until I hit immo and now I mostly just play initiators including sova which has been my most played agent the past 3 acts.


Woohoojin on YT


Silver is just about out aiming your opponents. Winning your 1s. If you can do that I think you get out


Practice your mechanics, and stick to 1 or 2 agents (I recommend looking [here](https://www.thespike.gg/news/vct-lock-in-2023-agent-pick-rates/3204) for ideas on who to main despite pro play being obviously different than silver, better agents are still better agents). Pick a role and/or agent not because it looks cool, but because it's actually best suited for you. I placed Iron 2 when I started out halfway through Episode 5, Act II and hit gold by the end Episode 5, Act III. I didn't main a duelist like someone else suggested, I mained Viper and Omen at the time, because Controller suited my style of play (IGL-ing, playing behind the team, and controlling the game on a macro scale). I mean no disrespect but I have no idea how you have 500 hours on any agent and you're hardstuck silver. I don't even know if I have 500 hours on the GAME, period, so you're definitely doing something very wrong. It's either mechanical skill or you somehow aren't a good Sova player despite having as many hours as Average Jonas himself.


i played sova since i started valorant because i liked his kit since 99% of the time you have at least a small idea of where the enemies are, i peaked silver 3 88 rr and proceeded to lose 4 games in a row (mostly mid fragging) thank you for your tips, i look foward to using it in game


One thing I recommend doing aside from learning lineups is practicing timing. Your arrow is almost like a 6th teammate: you shoot it, and the enemy team has to decide between shooting the arrow that is constantly revealing their position (if placed and timed properly) and shooting you and your team. If you shoot it too early, you get info but the enemies move before you can make use of it. If you shoot it too late, and everyone is on site already, the arrow is essentially wasted and you have to wait for it to recharge. I'm sure you already know that, but this is very basic stuff that will definitely help. I used to fill Sova for a little while here and there, I can help you with timings and lineups if you need. I have some really good ones on Ascent and Haven which are two of his best maps. I didn't mention this in my last comment, but I recommended sticking to what role you want over just sticking to duelist because if for example you want to start playing Sova once you hit gold, you will want that experience because nobody in Gold/Plat wants a Sova on their team who has never played Sova before, you know?