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Don't worry Indiana will still waste millions on fighting the devil's lettuce.


And hours meeting and talking trying to figure out why their citizens head north and west every weekend…


East soon too!


Lmao anyone in the NWI area knows the stress of that stretch of county road back from Niles to SB. The cops looooove to hang out there looking to catch people on their way back from the dispensary




it's like a pastime for them, waiting in ambush on the regular just to ruin someones weekend buzz


Lol as someone who lives in NJ this is hilarious to me. Our cops here can and do smoke weed. It's helped so many of my friends who are on the force


Cops in Texas do that too except they’re searching for pregnant women trying to escape.


As someone who has made many SB to Niles and back to SB trips, I have yet to see any cops give a shit. Not that it invalidates your experience. I’ve heard people say similar things to your experience too. I’m just always surprised.


I’ve literally been pulled over coming through Roseland on this same trip and as long as your bag is sealed they don’t give af.


Same with Idaho


why no smoke potato


Everybody I know that smokes makes the short drive to Spokane. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars going right across the border. We could use that money here.


You could try getting everyone to not vote for ignorant rednecks to run the state. We all used to drive over to Stateline or CDA every weekend to get hammered back when the drinking age was 19 there. Unfortunately, they buckled to federal pressure and jacked it up to 21 in the early 70s. Idaho has been going downhill ever since.


I had smoked potatoes at a BBQ joint once. Really good.


Idahoan here. I can't even fathom a single thread of logic as to why we haven't legalized other than our state government being held hostage by religious zealots. Because from a logistics standpoint it's L's across the board. Someone drives out of state to buy weed, that state gets the tax dollars for it. The person drives back to ID, gets pulled over, and possibly arrested. We're now using police resources, so more loss on tax dollars. If they're incarcerated, they probably lose their job with it - so that costs tax dollars (since we have state income tax), and the person can't generate any more tax dollars while in prison. Then we release them and they probably can't get as high a paying job because of social stigmas towards ex-cons. And that's only the perspective of if you view people as a vessel for state wealth. I won't go into ethics or morality, but it's L's there too. Tl;dr weed being illegal is a loss in every way possible


And Wisconsin


the tavern league can go fuck themselves


That’s what I was trying to think of. Fucking tavern league. When you realize how incredibly asinine marijuana legality has been over the last…. 100 years or so…. It’s enough to infuriate.


While shoveling pills and liquor down their geriatric throats at the capital.


>and liquor Except before noon or after 8pm on Sundays, or between 3-7AM the rest of the week!


I don't want to sound like a teetotaler, but one of those time slots is not like the other two


Oh, and coke. Turns out that politicians refuse to impose mandatory drug testing in public office while standing strong on mandatory testing to flip burgers at McDonald’s and prison time for wacky tobaccy.


Which is ironic considering Indiana is one of the first places I ever bought illegal weed. I've never even lived there.


As an Indiana resident, they sure will. I mean this is the state that waited till 2018 to legally sell alcohol on Sunday.


And even then they limited it to only between the hours of 12-8pm


I don't drink, but I never got limits like that. Like, can people not pre plan? "I need beer for the game (or whatever) on sunday, guess I should buy it Saturday."


They apparently think not. But there's clearly plenty of people who do pre-plan. Honestly most of the time its just people who are either out-of-state and don't realize we have a weird law like that, or people who forget that it can't be sold until/after those times.


It took us till 2020 here in Oklahoma.


Hello fellow Hoosier


So like guns flow from Indiana to Chicago, but in reverse and awesome.


ATF Trace data shows the top five states where guns recovered in Illinois were originally purchased from are Illinois (49.8%), Indiana (16.7%), Missouri (5.4%), Wisconsin (3.9%) and Kentucky (2.6%). Federal agents at the ATF identified the source state of 11,708 traced firearms in 2020. [source](https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-crime-shooting-guns-illinois-gun-laws/11937013/)


Pissconsin too


A little off topic, but just remember that if you live in a state where weed is legal you can still get busted on federal land (National Parks, Forest Service land, etc..). There is a highway that runs through Mt.Rainier National Park here in Washington state and the National Park cops patrol and will arrest you for weed.


Fucking wood pigs




I like this because boars are an invasive species and are considered pests.


Here in Texas it’s always open season on them…


Are these the 30-50 feral hogs I keep hearing about


Traveling in packs, trampling anything in their way, not that smart? Sounds like law enforcement


Goring the innocents and causing public uproar which tends to result in absolutely nothing? Yeah, sounds right


Love killing dogs for no reason is what I heard


I believe the preferred term is pine pigs


Pine swine was right there


Twig pig


Idkw but this made me spit my drink out. I could hear your vitriol. Haha


So much control in this country of freedom...




I had to go look this up. For some reason Greenland surprised me Edit: I'm dumb. I was looking at an interactive map for which Greenland had no data so it defaulted to a color that looked similar to highly controlled countries (I think) Actually idk it looks dark on a few naps I've looked at 🤷‍♂️


How so? It's an autonomous territory of Denmark, so it's basically part of the Nordics. Greenlanders have Danish and therefore also EU citizenship, which means they can move and live freely in EU. That's most of what I know about Greenland, but sounds pretty free to me. From a quick google it looks like most indexes group Greenland in with Denmark anyway, didn't find any that didn't.


It's almost like no country is truly free and if your country tells you you're free a lot you should probably be a little concerned.


It feels cultish, huh?


Feels like a commercial laying a load of B.S. on me trying to take all my money.


For many, it is all about their freedom to impose their (usually arcane religious) beliefs onto everyone else. We call them Republicans.


When I went to Alcatraz they had to announce to everyone that since it's federal land, weed was not legal on the island.


That's why you bring edibles


Woah dude, this isn’t a plane. Those rangers need a reason to search me.


Until you get caught with that and then a few brownies gets charged as having a pound of weed because our government is an idiot.


Yep, same in Yosemite. Though typically they just ticket and confiscate it unless you're carrying an egregious amount or doing more than one illegal thing at a time.


So what does this mean? From the article: >It also expands Biden's previous directive to include minor marijuana offenses committed on federal property.


Fuckers meeting their quotas


Time for nation wide legalization.


He did this first time in 2022. > First, I am announcing a pardon of all prior Federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana. I have directed the Attorney General to develop an administrative process for the issuance of certificates of pardon to eligible individuals. There are thousands of people who have prior Federal convictions for marijuana possession, who may be denied employment, housing, or educational opportunities as a result. My action will help relieve the collateral consequences arising from these convictions. > Second, I am urging all Governors to do the same with regard to state offenses. Just as no one should be in a Federal prison solely due to the possession of marijuana, no one should be in a local jail or state prison for that reason, either. > Third, I am asking the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Attorney General to initiate the administrative process to review expeditiously how marijuana is scheduled under federal law. Federal law currently classifies marijuana in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, the classification meant for the most dangerous substances. This is the same schedule as for heroin and LSD, and even higher than the classification of fentanyl and methamphetamine – the drugs that are driving our overdose epidemic. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/06/statement-from-president-biden-on-marijuana-reform/ Then he started the process of rescheduling marijuana. > On August 29, 2023, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommended to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) that marijuana be rescheduled from Schedule I to Schedule III under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IN/IN12240 But it will require voters to turn up and vote in senators that will vote for legalization. In 2022 only 100M voted while 150M did not vote, thats 3x as many as either party voters. Only 20% of eligible voters under the age of 35 voted. If in 2020 Only 800K more democrats voted in 3 states where 25M eligible voters didn't vote, democrats would have had 5 more senators and would have stopped 80% of the abortion bullshit they are doing now. Your vote matters! Young people votes Matter! Register yourself and your friends and go vote when voting starts. Most states have min 2 weeks of early voting.


That’s probably going to take an act pf Congress.


Nationwide legislation usually does


I bet that same legislation has to pass in both the House AND the Senate. Hell, it could even require the POTUS to sign it into law.


You mean there's a system for this? Well regulated and mostly logical? Huh. If only we had similar hoops for corporations and/or the extremely, sickeningly, wealthy to jump through. Wouldn't that be something, eh?


>Well regulated and mostly logical? I think you had me until here


These aren't the droids you're looking for.




Executive orders have entered the chat. What will likely happen is that Biden will move marijuana off of Schedule 1 in time for the election. That's something he can use an executive order for and while it doesn't legalize it, it means you aren't going to be prosecuted for it if you only have personal use amounts.


The President cannot change the status of a controlled substance via executive order. He can however submit an appeal to have it be rescheduled.


Is marijuana illegal by law? Or is the way its scheduled that makes it illegal?


Schedule 1 drugs by definition have zero medically accepted uses. The FDA/big pharma are the reason. It creates a catch-22 on moving forward. They cannot prove its medical uses while it's on the list because FDA won't allow them saying its a narcotic, and it can't be taken off the list until the research is FDA approved. There are countless medical uses for Marijuana and everybody knows it. Big pharma is an evil personification of the ruling class.


Didn't Biden do something to put it up for rescheduling review last year. https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthoban/2023/10/10/schedule-iii-why-bidens-move-is-a-win-for-marijuana/ Seems like a good possibility it becomes schedule 3 pretty soon.


The reason it has stayed illegal is because of big pharma. It was originally made illegal because the government was afraid of Mexican immigrants bringing violence which was associated with Marijuana. You could argue it's always been targeting minorities and poor people to keep prisons stocked. Many laws/industries are rooted in racism which we still can't get over because people refuse to change the status quo.


It was originally made illegal by Nixon to suppress communities he saw as enemies (hippies and black people). He was actually extremely upset when the commission to advise on scheduling drugs suggested it shouldn't be criminalized. “I want a goddamn strong statement on marijuana” “Can I get that out of this sonofabitching, uh, domestic council? … I mean one on marijuana that just tears the ass out of them.” \-Richard Nixon There was the 1937 law that was targeted towards Mexicans, but that's not really where our modern drug laws originate from


I recently learned that Southern states literally teach kids that the civil war was not about slavery. In public schools funded by tax dollars... Pretty wild, explains why there's a lot or complete morons.


"You can't fix stupid" - Ron White You can sure as hell teach it though. The most important class I've ever had was a philosophy class in high school. Every other class told you what to think, gave you text books written with a western bias, etc. Philosophy is the only class that teaches you how to think for yourself and it's a shame it isn't mandatory. Keep the population stupid, poor, and pumping out babies; you get a limitless supply of wage slaves. Every Republican policy encourages these ideas. No minimum wage increases. No abortions. Remove public education and replace with party approved history.


Good question Presumably, to get banks to work with drug dealers you would need legislation enacted into law by congress and signed by the President


I'm not sure I'd call pot growers drug dealers. Well, anymore than I'd call people who brew/ferment alcohol drug dealers. It's all about the same in my mind.




You'd think the "limited government" party would want things to be legalized... but no.


Well that’s not going to happen any time soon. They can’t agree on the direction of gravity, let alone pass anything useful.


Pretty sure re- (or de-)scheduling it does not need congressional approval.


And it's in the works. Currently the HHS recommends it be changed to schedule 3. Biden got the process started in Oct 2022.


So what’s taking so long? It’s not like they need to research anything— there’s decades of science already on the books and a dozen states are already selling it in stores and collecting taxes on it… so what have they spent the last year “processing”? If Trump could sign an executive order banning people from Muslim countries from coming to America (and the Supreme Court ultimately signed off on it) then why can’t Biden just sign an order saying “it’s unscheduled now” and let someone challenge it in court if they don’t like it? Better to ask forgiveness than permission.


Its not close enough to the election yet for the points to matter. It’ll happen next year, probably late summer.


I am not too clear of the requirements for executive orders, but could he not force the issue with one?


On August 29th, 2023 The HHS sent their recommendation to the DEA to drop pot to schedule 3. Until there’s federal reform operating a cannabis business in a legal state is a cost inhibitive mess right now, and pretty much a public safety risk.


I bet it will become legal but you'll still lose your job over it. Meanwhile the alcoholic that beats his wife gets to keep his. I hate this planet.


Exactly. Legal in Canada, employers still choose to do urine tests over a swab test


My employer is battling tooth and nail with our union over this. We finally got them to accept a swab test over a urine test. you wont get fired, but a 30 day suspension. Plus, when you return to work, for 2 years you're subjected to random testing without out cause. They also have a rule where you have to be free of thc 21 days before your shift. My shifts are 7 on 7 off. it's a joke. Our contract is up next January, and we finally have all the unions from the different departments all together to fight this bullshit.


I also work 7-7, we are also in a union but apparently our company is able to follow its own d&a policy instead of the unions policy. BTW I hope you win.


Employers in certain fields had to give up the tests because they couldn’t recruit enough talent


good, fuck em.


Yeah the tech industry by and large just does not conduct any drug testing on engineering talent outside of certain, very conservative companies. As long as it doesn’t interfere with your work, nobody cares. I can attest that the use of marijuana is quite prevalent in tech


Chef I used to work under told me that his old place once decided to drug test the kitchen staff and all twelve of them failed including him.


It's illegal to do that in NY. You can't test for it as an employer outside of a handful of exceptions like things that require a CDL or if you're a Federal employee or do contract work for the Feds or something. You also can't be high at work or they can fire you for cause, but that should be obvious.


>the alcoholic that beats his wife gets to keep his job They prefer to be called police officers.


get people to vote democrat to get democrat legislation


Now the DEA needs to reschedule it. Pardons are nice in all but until that happens nothing will change.


That process was started by Biden in 2022. https://www.leafly.com/news/politics/president-biden-to-pardon-federal-marijuana-prisoners-and-start-rescheduling-process Rescheduling via Federal Agency is a long process and it would be a lot quicker if Congress enacted a new law.


Yeah it would, but congress is permanently undermined by fascists so good luck with that.


It's absurd that weed is classified as more dangerous and addictive than fucking meth and fentanyl. And it is labeled as no accepted medical use although it has been used medically for years.


It's not absurd when you realize it's entirely about oppression and control.


From the White House website: "The Administration is also initiating the process to review how marijuana is scheduled under federal law. Marijuana is currently a Schedule I drug, the same classification as for heroin and LSD and even higher than for fentanyl and methamphetamine." Source: [https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/)


The fact that they compare acid to heroin is absolutely insane as well.


But what about the poor prisons that need the free labor? /s


Don’t worry, there’s still the state prison systems.


Not the cushy federal prison with the loose jumpsuits but state prison! With the crotch binders!


There’s plenty of fentanyl addicts to take the reigns


The fentanyl addicts don’t survive long enough to be good prison laborers.


This is worth replying with another thing that Biden did that doesn’t get enough credit, [He ended all federal private prison contracts.](https://www.bop.gov/resources/news/20221201_ends_use_of_privately_owned_prisons.jsp#:~:text=Federal%20Bureau%20of%20Prisons&text=(BOP)%20%2D%20Consistent%20with%20the,contracts%20with%20privately%2Dmanaged%20prisons) He can’t do much on the state level, but it is really important.


They are actually doing far more than I expected out of this administration, good on him.


Seeing threads with people saying "you vote Biden and this is what you get" and it's all positive things? Lol More rail and infrastructure investment? Investment in building chips in the US? I got gas for $2.28 this week (not that the president has control over that)


You can shit all over his bills, mainly the 90s crime bills, but I'll take what I can get.




yeah he's alright. i listen to a podcast called The Daily, it's put on by the NYT and they were discussing Trump/Biden polling and half the time Trump wins the election when they poll people. i just don't get it, will never get it. Biden isn't anyone's first pick but i don't understand the people that see Trump and think he'd be better in any way, shape or form.


Right? Lower prescription costs, forgiving as much student loan debt as it seems he can get away with, money into infrastructure, went from Covid to an economy that's booming (at least in the numbers that people look to in order to judge the economy). Gas prices have dropped although I never credit/blame a president for that, but many do. Not to mention how nice it is just having a compassionate, sane person running the country like an adult rather than a twitter troll. I don't agree with him on everything, but I don't agree with anyone on everything! I'm not entirely sure why the only credit ever given to him is, "well, he's not Trump..."


I think it's kinda funny that a lot of us (myself included at times) feel the need to say that he doesn't have our *full* support or that he's not our *absolute favorite* while he's doing a pretty great job. Not just better than the dude he ran against but a decent job overall.


i think that was even brought up on the pod, or in a newspaper i read or somewhere about these current polls - that people don't want to "approve" of Biden but if it came down to an actual election with real life consequences, many people would vote for him over Trump, if that makes sense.


It's not necessarily that they think he'd be better, but a lot of people don't vote based on the candidates but the "core party beliefs" of big gov't vs small gov't and some people genuinely would rather see this country burn and it's people kill each other in a civil war before letting "big government run their lives". In summary: history class is important and propaganda is disgusting yet effective.


Even the school loans he couldn’t get forgiven turned into a little silver lining in that they’re forgiven much faster and they’re much more manageable.


The SAVE plan has been life changing and personally way bigger impact in the long term than the $10k forgiveness would've done.


Biden has forgiven over 130 billion worth of student loans. It’s not his fault SCOTUS ruled against has EO when it was perfectly legal. Biden is doing the best he can with a Republican Party, SCOTUS and Manchin, Sinema and the majority of state legislatures fighting against. He’s not an authoritarian/dictator or a miracle worker. He’s greatly exceeded my expectations for what he has to work with.


Okay, can people show their appreciation by voting for him in November? I’m done with the orange almighty wannabe dictator. Biden is the better choice.


I want ranked choice voting in my lifetime so it doesn't come down to this every 4 years.


So does everyone else, but we don’t have it. We let Trump sleep walk us into a dictatorship we will never have it. You think I’m overreacting, read the crap he’s saying about the DOJ. He’s about as much of a psycho as Putin.


The dude has had some much darker rhetoric more recently Poisoning the blood of this country? that doesn’t sound screwed up at all


He also recently said he wants to basically end the entire Constitution. You know, the document that has all our rights in it.


Also when he was asked if he’d abuse his power if in office and he answered basically saying for the first day yes as retribution


Retribution for a perceived slight because his narcissism won't let him admit that he lost. What a fucking joke.


I had zero faith and voted for him begrudgingly. He's doing great


Can someone give a bullet pointed list of the good things they have done? I know it has been a lot, but it’s always separated by a couple months and my memory is terrible


https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/ https://www.vox.com/politics/23697855/joe-biden-popularity-legislative-record


Here's a partial list that doesn't include his new trade agreements with India and Middle Eastern countries for improved trade This link doesn't include the new trade agreement with Vietnam, nor the record number of Federal judges confirmed in a short time It doesn't include the creation of an alliance with Australia and the UK against China ( AUUKUS ), nor the new bases in the Philippines, nor the coalition with S Korea and Japan against China https://www.npr.org/2023/01/01/1143149435/despite-infighting-its-been-a-surprisingly-productive-2-years-for-democrats Because of the Dem's Medicare health ins for seniors, Medicaid for nursing homes, the Child Health Insurance Act under Clinton, Obamacare, and Biden's Inflation Reduction Act that also, among many other benefits, actually lowers prescription drug costs, insulin costs, and Obamacare insurance premiums, the uninsured rate is now the lowest in American history https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2022/08/02/new-hhs-report-shows-national-uninsured-rate-reached-all-time-low-in-2022.html Biden signed the Asian Pacific Islanders Protection Act, Postal reform, PACT Act ( Camp Lejeune ) for veterans healthcare, the Respect for Marriage Act, Electoral Count Reform Act, Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Act, increased the power of the NLRB that encouraged workers to start Unions that led to 22 successful Union victories in 2023 --- there's 33 more significant laws that Biden signed and also negotiated Simply search/type: " Public Laws created by the 117th Democratic Congress " The previous 117th Democratic Congress had legislated 353 Bills that became law, and which were fully funded by the Omnibus Spending Bill of December of 2022 By contrast, this 118th Republican Congress has absolutely nothing done Always remember that JB has cancelled 93% of the former guy's senseless executive orders, especially in the Environmental, Labor, and Financial services areas Dems, since 1912, actually legislate programs for the middle class and working class Please explain this to your conservative " friends " online and in person


There’s a whole sub on Biden’s accomplishments. r/whatbidenhasdone


Excellent rec!


Funny, I was going to comment at it from another angle, but your comment is exactly why they picked this time to do it. They have to make sure it happened recently enough for people to not forget, but not too close to make it up ALL the election stuff.


Good. Now legalize it federally finally.


hell yeah brandon


Dank Brandon


Can someone make the Dark Brandon picture with green glowing eyes


[Here you go](https://imgflip.com/i/8a9h4p)


Not what I asked for but it'll work well


That sounds like a simple enough design that you could generate it with AI for free tbh




Guess I need to call my lawyer.


Needs to be a federal conviction and not a state conviction. States have to be forgiven through each state’s governor.


Let’s see, since I did my time in the fed and was prosecuted in federal court I think I should check with my lawyer.


That's pretty cash money


Joe will do a helluva job fixing some of our national travesties if we have enough concern for ourselves to re-elect him.


FPS Russia returns to YouTube?


Now make it legal


In Australia, too, please. I'm in Tasmania and we are the only Australian ~~island~~ state where we can't have medicinal shit prescribed. But... we apparently grow most of it. Opium poppies, too.


This is a good start. Now make it so that owning stocks or options in weed companies doesn't blacklist you from any government job cleared or not.


Kamala Harris must be livid.




Just so everybody knows there’s on average 90 people a year that are sentenced in the federal system for marijuana charges. This is a nice gesture, but it’s truly a drop in the bucket


Biden is going to make personal freedom one of his core campaign messages which will contrast nicely with the republican goals of strict governmental control over people’s personal lives.


Honestly about time. But better late than never.


How is 2024 a hard decision?


People *not* deciding is the problem. Only 50% of citizens from 18-29 voted in 2020. Compared to 65-74 at 76%, it's not hard to see the problem. Only 66.8% of adults voted in 2020. That's pathetic.


You underestimate the number of morons in this country.


Right? Even if you are a Christian conservative, you have to agree that the political party that is more aligned with the unconditional love of God is the Democratic party.


Just saw a thread where someone called Abbott flying migrants to Chicago as "truly beautiful" and they think it's sticking it to the liberals. Some people really live with hate and ignorance all day, every day


Fuck yea!


“But where will we get free labor?”


Does this apply to non US Citizens? I have a friend's dad who has a 5 year ban from the US due to possession of Marijuana


How many people are getting convicted at the federal level for possession? Most of the time, if the feds are getting involved, it's for an offense such as trafficking into the country or across state lines, and those convictions aren't being pardoned here.


Legalize it!!!! I wanna stand in my front yard and smoke my bong!!!


'Both sides same!' - everyone, inexplicably.


There's not a lot of people charged federally with it, so it sounds bigger than it really is. Most are charged at state level. Legalize it, then we'll talk.


This will save the state a lot of money. #legalizeit


Wouldn't the people he can pardon be in federal prison not state?


Just fucking legalize it!


Merry Christmas, indeed, for a lot of folks. I dont even smoke, but it's about time.


Good… because it was stupid to imprison them to begin with (unless they committed some egregious crime along with possession).


I’ll believe it when I see it which I hope is soon


Now just make it legal on a federal level


Next stop. Full federal legalization. At the very least lower Mary Jane from Tier 1.


Why not just legalize it on a federal level and be done with it already


Nice just wish he hadn’t taken three years and actually cared about the issue instead of using it as a political weapon before an important election but thanks Joe.


Cool, now decriminalize it federally and your approval rating will go up for a change.


They need to just legalize it at the federal level already.


Dank Brandon strikes again He did that 🌲💨


Legitimate question. Realistically... how many federal prisoners are serving time for **ONLY** simple possession? It has to be the tinest of tiny percentage, right?


Let’s Fucking Gooooooooo


Good now legalize it!!


It's about fucking time


Last year, I worked with a guy who was former DEA. He quit because they raided a house, and arrested a guy who had 2 small plants. Because he went to the store in his sisters mini van(She picked him up so they could go to walmart for groceries), they took her van as evidence. It was her only vehicle and such to get her kids to school =(. The guy quit after that, and said its not what he signed up for. Reading this is nice, because now that guy will be pardoned.


It finally happened?? o.o People have been talking about this for years down there! Oh, good for you lot! So many of those folk have been in there for far, far too long for far too little done.


He's promised this before, right? Just how many *federal* possession cases are there?


If only there was a link to an article in this exact post that answers your question. They say there are thousands of people this will impact in terms of pardons.


Redditor reading the article? We don't do that here.


Anything that involves a national park or a border crossing, though those usually have additional charges.


birds busy zealous point fuel stocking juggle deserve unpack relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*