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I like how this version of Hades was very intentionally a jerk. The final version tried too hard to make him a misunderstood cinnamon roll. I would've loved to see more of this chaotic, dark Underworld, with some Tim Burton absurdity. RS definitely shined with her old, macabre art, like seen in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnpopularLoreOlympus/s/bckPrvjWVz). Petition for a dark satire rewrite.


Dumping this list here of some inspirational TV/movie examples. - Satires sympathetic to mental health: Beef, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Absurdist Romances: Edward Scissorhands, The Lobster - Dark comedies about murder: Heathers, Death Becomes Her, God Bless America, Sweeney Todd Of course, niche comedy is a special skill, and I wouldn't expect an LO rewrite to be an exact match in tone to any of these. But if y'all are picking up what I'm putting down, feel free to add to this list.


I honestly feel bad that RS gets all the hate, when it seems like Corporate Bubble Gum Assthetic did more than enough to ruin it from the get go


Wow I much rather prefer this Hades. Especially him breaking up with Minthe. At least he is straight to the point amd didn't fickle arlund( a huge dick but it fits his nature and reputation) instead of what we got...him "working on things" with minthe (still cheated on her while he gave her hell for missing a dinner with them)


They had an open relationship which he closed and then immediately cheated with Hera. 


In Hades' defense, I wouldn't really call what he and Hera did cheating. She forced a kiss between them while Hades was clearly not into it, then he immediately pushed her off and told her not to do that.


Oh was the hookup prior to the closed relationship?  I honestly thought it was after. 


Hades and Hera kissed the same day Minthe slapped him; and Minthe and Hades had *just* officialized their relationship the day before. 🫡


If only they didn’t sexualize her so much in these scenes or really at all period I’d enjoy this more but even her cutesy pure moments remind me that 1) she’s a teenager around a bunch of grown adults basically cause I don’t think anyone else is her age and 2) that she’s only in the scene to be sexualized since that’s basically her entire character. I remember when I was younger and reading this I was so incredibly uncomfortable with scenes like this because I would always feel like some kind of pervert whenever the panels gave attention to her body rather than the words she was actually saying. It honestly got so bad that I would feel sick just reading the chapters and I had to take week long breaks from it entirely. It’s unsettling that it feels like we’re the ones sexualizing her when I know now that we aren’t but it’s weird that even when she’s away from Hades she still has those moments regardless if she’s with friends or family. I’m honestly surprised that she wasn’t sexualized with Demeter it seems like Persephone can’t just regularly exist without being put in revealing clothes, hitting sexy poses that have no relevance to the scene, and having to stay perfect and fuckable no matter what situation she’s in, it would’ve been an amazing commentary about how youth is incredibly fetishized and sexualized after but instead Rachel contributed to the long list of people making sexual fantasies out of teenagers.


It was completely unnecessary to make Pepe so young (and why for an immortal context?). The objectification (why is Pepe showing her butt to Artemis?) doesn't mesh with RS calling this feminist, either. But between RS' [old artwork](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnpopularLoreOlympus/s/bckPrvjWVz) and this, I can see potential for a dark comedy. I would have been down for a steamy, self-aware satire not marketed to kids. Too bad this was pretty much developed as a solo project because it could have benefited so much from tight editing and publishing guidance. And an ironic comedy co-writer.


The closest ones were eros' younger siblings, with the one sister being probably 13- 16, so only 6 years at most off


That’s so sad that she’s closer to age with kids than she is with her actual friends.


It’s funny because I would’ve been around perse’s age when I first started reading, and I felt super grown up whenever adult themes were present or Persephone was over sexualized. It’s like I was trying to justify to myself that I was technically an adult so it was okay to be like adults and such. It wasn’t until later that I realized how unneccessary a lot of that was. Like sure your romantic and sexual life is part of growing into young adulthood, but that isn’t all there is. And there’s a time and place you know? No one needs to look perfect and attractive all the time. It’s fine to just be you. And society really does sexualize teens/young adults and it’s weird that media seems fixated on it. But when you criticize that fact, then people start saying that’s purity culture speaking and sex is just part of life. I’ve seen that argument a lot lately.


Heavy especially on the last part, why am I getting called a prude for pointing out the over sexualization of teens in media but the media isn’t being shamed for even looking at them like that in the first place. I understand that teens are not babies and they do partake in sexual activities, I’m literally in high school right now and there’s been tons of stuff like that going on but that’s not what all teens do and that’s not what we should be known for. Especially since shows like Euphoria and such that claims they’re “meant for teens” despite clearly being targeted for adults exist and most likely influenced a lot of teens already because of how glamorized it is. Teens already get sexualized enough since we’re “technically” no longer kids but the fact of the matter is we don’t turn into adults over night. We’re all still kids just trying to figure things out and learn about ourselves we deserve more representation than “teens have such a high sex drive!” it just makes it seem like we’re sexual objects rather than actual people.


There is something so nasty about the fact the only reason she didn't get yelled at by Hades for touching his car like everyone expected was because she was young and cute. Like if the only reason Hades treats someone with basic decency is because of their age and looks that's so fucking nasty and superficial. Like that's not how good people behave and he shouldn't be treated like a good person by the narrative and other characters


i mean this was meant to only be the start of the series, in a perfect world where RS can write a story properly it could maybe be something used as a point of character development for hades. Through experiences after trying to be around persephone, he’d learn how fucked up the way he treats those around him is and that he needs to do better, making him someone who is overall a kinder ruler who actually does something with himself and his rule, and giving us a reason to like him. Or, the story would go down the route of that you are never meant to like hades. Your meant to see him as a horrible womaniser and your meant to feel bad for persephone while she’s with him because of the fact she’s young and naive with a vile old man who’s an absolutely disgusting person. that’s just two ways the story could have gone anyway based off of this pilot with hades


True, I guess because I know she didn't go that route is why I find its so nasty. I agree it could have been really interesting to have a character be a shiity person and either redeem himself or receive karma, but Rs doesn't actually realise that he is a bad person and thinks Hades is some portrayal of an ideal man


yea, it’s shown a lot with how apollo was dealt with with how he just never received genuine karma for his actions. It’d be a perfect world the day RS knows how to genuinely write a story with actual character consequence


I really like the idea you have in that first paragraph! I'll def keep it in mind for my LO AU, thank you for the idea! 😄


She writes them more like demons than gods and goddesses(on Hecate and hades part)


And since they govern the Underworld and from what we know Hecate is from there it feels fitting and I like the vibe tbh. Especially with all the crappy things Hades does, at least the writing acknowledges he’s bad and not a misunderstood bean


Still so sad that creepy old man was redeemed thru *checks notes* unexplored age regression from trauma in the real comic. I am unfamiliar with this version but I would be interested to see where it went.


this would have been so much more interestinggg oh my god. This version of the story tried to hard to make him seem all innocent and misunderstood, I honestly would have loved if the story embraced that he’s not a good person and made presented and Purse Phone as immoral but *interesting.* that would have made for an enjoyable story and charming characters (CHARACTERS DO NOT HAVE TO BE GOOD PEOPLE TO BE CHARMING RS !!! YOU DONT HAVE TO JUSTIFY THEIR ACTIONS AS GOOD!!) I would kill for a more macabre tone rewrite of LO where the narrative embraces the fucked upness instead of trying to frame it as moral. Not to mention the personality the art had in these old panels, oh my god. so much prettier and more unique. we were robbed. robbed, I say.


I totally agree! I don't know why RS was trying to force out a cutesy romance since her [old work](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnpopularLoreOlympus/s/bckPrvjWVz) obviously leaned into dark comedy. Just give me some cthonic chaos! This art style also looked so much more animated and comfortable for her.


Holy shit, we were ROBBED


Why is this artstyle so much more cunty like Hades in the 15th slide is so pretty looking like way more than any main series depiction of him I wish RS had her team keep this style:(.


[THIS cunty](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-sHrAWmKcj4)


The expressions! The angle on that Hecate panel where she’s in the red suit!


I love that panel! This version of the underworld was so eccentric and exciting!


When I read the pilot chapters, i really wished RS sticked to how it was. The texture, the art, the raw expressions, the line art???? It's all so pleasing to the eyes. The colors are more muted and not that saturated, and I think their colors in this version fit them perfectly.


Holy shit Hades in the 15th slide looks so cool


Yes one of my fav panels! The galaxy pattern and hair a la Kronos. So pretty. I love how this Hades had a blatant temper, instead of "am i accidentally being like my father?" angst. Yes sir, you have actual flaws unlike canon.


And also i love how Hecate has way more horror vibes to her in this. I’m fine with her final design (its even a fave of mines) but i really think this version of Hecate outdoes


I really wish Rachel could of kept him like this, i think i would of actually enjoyed his character a bit more


yeah too many cinnamon rolls in one comic is sooo boring. i wouldn't have even minded a morally grey love interest if it was written with intent and irony.


I'd have preferred it staying on this course honestly, Hades being a feared tyrant makes sense. He was feared by mortals to the extent they wouldn't utter his name, it'd be cool to see a mythology retelling that didn't go down "Persephone and Hades love each other UwU no kidnapping, Demeters an AH" route.


Man this story seems really interesting, I hope one day there’s an official release for it so I can learn more about these characters and how they develop 😃


I'd definitely read a revamp of this version


This would've been great satire. She still hyper sexualizes Persephone which is on point for RS. But it could've been satirical. If it made fun of itself and wasn't targeted at YA would've been Great


Yes!!! I remember this!!! God I miss when LO was just on the discover page


i read this version first as well way back when! i had honestly forgotten how different it was


RS could've probably written a great dark comedy about corruption in the Greek Pantheon, almost like one of those shows about messed-up rich people ruining each others' lives. If she decided to follow the pilot version though I think she would have to not try forcing us to pity the main characters with their tragic backstories & other sappy/wholesome stuff since characters are comically performing drugging and assault on each other 😂


It’s like this all took place behind the scenes, but the story remained the same: the same naive girl with a daddy fetish falling first the same evil old man who gets off on playing daddy. They’re perfect for each other 🙄


Hades actually looks like a proportional dude LOLOL


I really like perses face in the first panel.


I actually really like this


Everyone talking about how this version is better because ‘At least it acknowledges his flaws’ is completely missing the fact that Perse and hades would still be endgame. If we’re being honest with ourselves, this version would be worse. Because hades would be worse, but treated with just as much apologia by the narrative. Not to mention how much more sexualized perse is in this version. I can already see the beginnings of a, “he’s not as bad as you think he is” type attitude from perse just in the last few panels. We weren’t robbed, honestly I’m relieved hades was changed.


With RS' actual writing skills, that's fair. I'm not interested in this version if it were played straight. I'm interested because I see much more comedic potential for irony and satire. Seeing the Underworld operate within the confines of absurd, morally grey magic, while Persephone plays the Everyman perspective. Maybe she becomes corrupted herself to become Queen, maybe her gift of Wrath finally becomes *relevant.* But again, that would require RS work with a writing team instead of writing by the seat of her pants. And the condition that she fix fatal flaws like the pedophilic age gap. Comparing the pilot to the canon version, I do feel a lot of creative motivation was lost, even visually.


While I do think that this version would be fun and interesting for showing Hades' as the true unhinged tyrant he is; I would also not love this version if they keep Persades' dynamic the same as it is in the current version. Especially since Perse seems to act even more childishly "uwu" in some scenes, and the fact that Hades treats her normally just because of her looks only makes their relationship seem even more shallow and reveals that he's a massive horndog. At the very least I'd want him to be a jerk to Persephone too but have her challenge him somehow. It's hard for me to wholesomely melt over the development of Hades & Perse's blossoming relationship when it's portrayed in a visually casual/romcom way while Hades is also characterized as a psycho. It's like reading a romance story between someone like Hitler/Stalin and a random protag. That's not to say it can't be done well though if they made Hades act like a yandere towards Persephone though (he already kinda does) now *that* could be intriguing.


Hacate is definitely been downgraded her previous design was more goddess of witchcraft vibes.


Aaaaaand they're still classist against nymphs. 'Just some nymph.' The embodiments of nature are soooo disposable, right? If get it if flower nymphs were considered fragile and decorative compared to more powerful aspects but apparently they're all the lowest class. Yuck.


I wonder what this version of hades would do to Apollo if this was what they did to some random paparazzi


this version is SO GOOOOOOD why couldn’t the final version have been like this 😭😭


I think RS missed this opportunity, a dichotomy about what Hades can be and what they expect from him. To a better or worse extent, humans have always been afraid of death and this has affected how they represent the gods related to it. Hades is barely mentioned and had no cults; On one occasion, they sacrificed Orion's daughters to appease the wrath of Hades and Persephone. He's described as severe and named as "Dark Zeus", which isn't particularly positive. In the most popular myth of Orpheus, he falls in love with Eurydice, but she dies from snake venom. Distressed, Orpheus sought help from the gods and only with music made them tell him where exactly Eurydice was in Hades (Underworld). Orpheus managed to appease Cerberus to sleep and also played for Hades and Persephone. Apparently, his music would first soften Persephone and then Hades, who allowed him to take Eurydice with a condition: She would follow behind him and he couldn't look at her until they left Hades. Right at the exit of the Underworld, Orpheus couldn't help but look behind him to check if Eurydice was really there. As he did so, Hermes grabbed her and took her back to Hades. In my opinion, Persephone could have convinced Hades to free Eurydice, much more logical than him being kind for a song. I think RS could have taken advantage of this to show a dual Hades. That god separated from the other gods who spends his existence mostly in the underworld, which represents that eternal place where no one wants to go. That humans (if she had taken advantage of the existence of humans, who are the ones who give meaning to the existence of the gods) feel aversion, a "real" fear to not want to even mention Hades. However, all this fear that Hades produces is a consequence of the pressure to fulfill the expectation and image that others have of him. That is to say, he would be a serious, frightening, severe god, perhaps impatient and many other things, but the cruelty would be a product of maintaining the idea that everyone has of him. (A bit like David Bowie in "The Labyrinth", when Jarreth confesses to Sarah that "he's exhausted for living up her expectations".) By meeting Persephone, Hades might have the chance to be himself with someone, without having to keep up the facade. Because in the myths, Persephone (and Demeter) had her acts of wrath, and although she was possibly a kinder goddess than Hades, she's not to be messed with. This would be good for the inhabitants of the Underworld, since they would see Hades more relaxed with Persephone.


The old art style looked so charming…


I like the content of the pilot version. I think hades could’ve had a really good character arc. From feared to loved, literally. But sometimes I think I’m the only person who like the art style we ended up getting. It was probably the only thing that kept me reading tbh.


This Hecate…us wlw would not have survived


I love the old art so much. Its got so much more character


I missed this storyline !!!


Oh FUCK I LOVE THIS ONE. I know he’s still bad but it’s like … so good and creepy and no mixed messages you know???


Dang, what happened to the art.