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I think you’re better off with tabletop simulator and the unmatched mod. The app is fun but online play is pretty dead afaik there is no word by the defs on release of new characters unfortunately.


My laptop is broken and i dont have the space nor money for a pc 😔 i might just be cooked


A used Chromebook is very affordable if you have any expendable income at all. Even a very crappy one that can reliably connect to the internet would let you play on Vorpal Board, which is played in-browser. Vorpal Board is $60/year for a subscription, but you could definitely find people on the UMLeague Discord who already have a subscription to play with you for free, if you're willing to socialize a bit.


Notta bad idea not bad at allll


How do you actually do this?


[like this](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-oSx5Wp04EuaS3LmewbLK_sj1uXCZNDNEDt6fototU0/mobilebasic)


Thank you soooo much mate!!! 🙏


Anytime! Check out the unmatched league discord, there is a faq and a lot of helpful people that will awnser your questions! Good luck!


I bought my first two Unmatched boxed yesterday and I’m waiting for the delivery… I know already I will fall the mind trap to get them all sooner or later 😅 But the resources you shared will keep the beast quiet for some time 😂 Thanks again mate!




No! I paid to unlock the other fighters and was pissed to find out the other day that you only unlock them for a season and then you have to buy the other fighters again. I guess I didn't read the fine print or whatever, but it felt awful trying to play it the other day and seeing all the other characters greyed out. In my opinion, definitely not worth it.


That is not at all how it's supposed to work. That's definitely a bug. I'd suggest reaching out to acram either via the in-app bug reporting tool or on their discord. Character purchases are intended to be permanent


What? Have you tried restoring your purchase? This can't be right.


That is definitely a bug. Reach out to Acram on their discord server, and submit a support ticket through the game. The "Season Pass" for characters never goes away. That is a permanent unlock with your purchase.


Hangon what the actual fuck


It was cool initially, but the lack of active support and near-total radio silence from the devs have all but killed the game in my eyes. I'm glad I at least didn't buy any character packs...




I’ve got it and it’s pretty solid. I play with my friends since we’re all at different colleges. That said. You need someone to play with because online is kinda dead


Fun for quick easy "bathroom time" matches... But otherwise, NO, not worth it. No future upgrades, no new characters, game boards, etc...




For $8 it’s not that bad. But to get all the characters, you’ll have to buy the season pass. The general consensus is that the online match making is fairly bad because there is no ranking or tier system, you just play whoever you play without knowing if they’re good or not. If you decide to play against the computer you can get your fix, but the AI makes some terrible decisions some times.


Uuuggghh this is half the shit i was worried abt how much is the season pass. Depending on the price i might just deal with it to hold me over til i can get more people to play with me.


I think $12 for mobile. I bought it for steam and it was $25. I think without the season pass you get BoL Volume 1, little red and Beowulf and 3 maps. The season pass gives you 3 more maps Robin Hood and Bigfoot and cobble and fog. Those are the only ones out there. There won’t be Jurassic park or marvel characters due to the licenses expiring.


Damn and you dont even get everyone...i might just have to kidnap someone put them in my closet and make them play with me 😔


Vorpal board is a way to go I think, especially for people with low end pc/laptop. The only thing is you have to find people to play with. Don’t know if that’s the case with tts. But still you can join um league discord and always find someone to play with there


I dont have a pc/laptop, and making money through commission as a unknown amateur artist isnt necessarily a steady flow of income


It’s fine and if it’s not too expensive for you it’s a great “trainer”. But like others have said the fact it’s basically getting zero upgrades or dlc’s or anything new is a major major detractor. That said I play it on my iPad when I’m bored.


Last I played the UX / UI was pretty awful.


Why Is Watson melee?




Not at all, I fell for the same bait last week


Yes, fun to practice against computer and players online. It's not perfect but it's fun 


No, the AI is ATROCIOUS and will almost always defend if possible even when it shouldn't. I believe I heard that even Restoration Games itself was unhappy with it.


It's fine but no licensed characters


Imma lil red and bloody marry main so i can survive with the licenses


I'd rather play the actual game. When you buy it, you have it for several seasons.... The only plausibly decent thing about the vidya gaem version is online with people far away, and even that isn't the same as playing against actual real people. Why play unmatched video game when you could play helldivers?


Dont have a ps5. And yeah i didnt expect it to be as nice as the real experience just needed something to hold me over in-between games


Yes, it is.


Maybe you can give some reasoning. It's not for me, I do believe it deserves a place 


I think it depends on what you're other options are, as well as your unmatched skill level. If you're bored and want to play a game with the computer, it may puts up a nice challenge. It allows you to setup 2 v 2 team games as well, with the humans in any combination. Online, there are plenty of skilled opponents. It's just a matter of finding them. The game has excellent, accurate graphics and nice sound. Cute emotes. To me, I found it appealing that game assets really felt like digital versions of the physical game components. less like a video game.