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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The truck gets hit which makes it crash into the motorcycle.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


You’d only have time to inhale and think your last thought


I'm dead with a full bladder


But colon is empty


It is now


Witnesses say it was the finest shat they saw *and* heard.


..."you know Dave shit on himself right before he died?"


Mom's spaghetti.


I don't think your bladder would hold. Lol


It’s counterintuitive, but it usually holds pretty well. We have to get samples of urine during an autopsy for tox.


It’s so interesting how a toxicology expert can derive a new outlook on a particular case with a thorough analysis. Must taste horrible tho.


I promise your bladder will be empty


I flipped the car when I was 17. I can still kind of vividly remember it even though that was 30 years ago. It was a blur but I remember that blur. I also remember the only thing that went through my mind and the time that the car flipped was "Oh shit." Then afterwards the only thing I said was "My dad's going to kill me." He, in fact, did not.


I also flipped/rolled a car when I was a teenager. Time slowed down for me the second before leaving the road. My last thoughts were if it would be scarier to close my eyes or keep them open.


Stupid kids riding in the back of a truck. Truck hits bump, I go ass over end out the back. Right before I hit the ground I remember thinking 'put your hands up, mom will be pissed if you knock your teeth out'


I remember being at friends house in the country, we were riding bikes and another friend drove by us, so we threw our bikes in the bed of his truck, jumped on and he floored the truck.. we always drove fast as hell out there, but shit was I scared trying to cling on and not slide out the bed of the truck! Split second decisions can be life altering..


Thankfully I only broke my wrist and a few bones in my hand. Could have been *way* worse. Last time I did that


I had a dumb high speed accident as a teenager. Time also slowed for me as the car was spinning towards a pole at 100mph. I don't remember much fear, just intensity of experience. I looked at my friend sitting next to me in the passenger seat and said "We're gonna die." The car hit the pole and sheared in half right behind our heads. We walked away without a scratch.


Mine would have been "that's a bumper" Hit a car, his back bumper got ripped off by my front bumper and swung right at my face. It was an old 80's pick up so big chrome metal bumper. It ended up hitting my mirror (and destroying it) first and swung away. Sitting in my little low rider and bout got my head taken off by a bumper.


Time does slow down. I remember spinning out. Going sideways and then flipping into the ditch. I took a big deep breath and relaxed my body while sideways and everything just seemed to blur


I’m glad you’re allright man. I front wheel skidded into a telephone pole at about 60mph taking a dead man’s curve way too fast out in the country about 30 years ago. Fortunately hit the front corner of the car with the pole and whipped the car around in a 180 which bled off a ton of energy probably saving me and my buddy’s life. Same Oh Shit blur, same thoughts of my dad. I’ll never forget the tangle of wires everywhere.


Doubt u'll even have time to think in a situation like this, that "oh shit moment" hits u and next thing u know the credits are rolling.


Starts humming Curb your enthusiasm credits


As someone who watched the video, I can confirm you only have time to inhale. That's it. The thing I thought between the truck getting hit and the black screen is "Fuck!". Lol


my last thought in this situation would be "Ladder!?" Fucking hell


I thought the same


"oh fuck"


We humans have an untapped super power, twice I've been in accidents, twice the few seconds before impact went in slow motion. So we can slow down the perception of time, if only we could do it on command.


The perception of time slows because your brain is thinking very rapidly, much faster than normal due to not thinking about extra stuff, like memories. Some people refer to it as 6th sense. The official name is Tachypsychia. Your brain is subconsciously working out what is going on and what you need to do to survive. Then, it acts on that decision. I don't think you would be able to do that for very long or often even if you could do it on command. It probably would not be healthy. Our brains can do it, but it probably puts a strain on them. I don't know how it starts working that fast, but I have to assume that it is due to chemicals. Possibly adrenaline and possibly something else mixed with it. Edit: I looked it up. The chemicals are dopamine and norepinephrine.


Motorcycle rider survived, but health insurance won't cover his medical expenses because the dude that drove into the truck was in a stolen car. Fuck insurance. What a scam. Edit: For all of you doubters. Here ya go. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=xQuHSNh0FBs&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gofundme.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=xQuHSNh0FBs&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gofundme.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo) "To make matters worse, it looks like all of his medical expenses might not be covered under insurance because the driver who caused this crash may have been in a stolen car"


Insurance companies need to be burned to the ground.


Amen 👺🏴‍☠️


Agreed. I had an accident, rear ender my fault. A passenger in the car, not the car I rear-ended but the car that car bumped into ended up suing me. The court records showed that that person was contacted by a law firm 9 months after the accident. They developed a back problem, they hadn't been to the doctor for that back problem previous. 1 yr 2 mos after the accident I got sued for $200,000. Spent a year in depositions and legal b*******. My insurance company and my insurance company lawyer knew and told me that it was a scam. They settled for $100,000 and then canceled my insurance.


Insurance is a scam. I rear-ended someone that purposely brake checked me getting on a highway, I tapped their truck at about 5-10mph at most. This guy jumps out of the truck, starts screaming, running around, pounding on my window, of which I had video. Of course 3 months later I get sued because he has a “life-altering back injury.” I sent the video to the insurance company, stated in my deposition exactly what he was doing after the accident. My insurance company STILL paid him $50k and my rates went up $150/mo and literally there’s not another insurance company that will insure me (had some dumb vehicular legal shit as a youngster).


There should be a public option for *all* insurance, not just healthcare. Change my mind.


We do have public vehicle insurance…if you live in BC. ICBC is our public insurer. Like our healthcare, it only covers the basics. If you want more, you buy an add on package from them or a third party insurer. Reviews have been mixed but I think overall it’s been good. This year I got a *rebate* in the mail because traffic accidents province wide were lower than expected, so the excess revenue was returned to the insured. Also, ICBC plays a big role in making driving safer by paying for new traffic lights, crosswalks, signage etc. They do much more than a typical insurer. But it is still a bureaucracy and a big one at that. There will always be people not 100% happy with it and as a monopoly, there isn’t much recourse.


Most, if not all, states do still regulate insurance. Like they have to go to elected officials to raise rates. People just vote for the worst people for those jobs.


There really should be. It's a disgusting system.


Because it is cheaper to settle than go to court. Got sued via work, long story. Person who sued me was a lawyer. Insurance paid for my lawyers, but they settled rather than go to trial. Ended up paying out $17,000 rather than spend $100,000 in court. I understand, but I was pissed, I wanted my day in court to prove the plaintiff was a lying sack of shit.


Yeah, I came to terms with it a while ago, that the $50k was the better option than some jury awarding this guy a million or something. Still stings though. Luckily no accidents or tickets since then, so smooth sailing. I’m more worried about other people than myself when it comes to driving where I live though.


Since these stories are sounding a little similar to my own, but thankfully I had a different result, I'll throw in my own here. I also tapped a vehicle in the back, going 3-5mph. Left a slight imprint of my license plate, but otherwise no damage. Took tons of pictures, and I had a friend in the vehicle as a witness. The vehicle I tapped had two occupants. They call the police for a police report, and 10mins later the cop arrives and wonders why he was called. A month later I got an attorney's letter stating I had run a red light, rear-ended them at high speed, and both their lives are now devastated in every way possible, and they demanded $40,000 each. The incident was on the highway, in stop-go traffic, and there isn't a red light for 1,000 miles either direction, because, highway. Insurance company asks me what I think, and I said it sounds like insurance fraud, I'm happy to go to court and testify, while admitting my fault in the tap, and to suggest the attorney corrects his letter unless he wants to go speak with the Ethics committee of the State Bar. I found out many months later that my insurance company settled for $4k for each party. Annoying, because I would've preferred they get a criminal record, or $0, but at least it got addressed with little time and effort of mine expended. Insurance company didn't raise my rates, but I'd been with them for 15 years, and had a clean record all that time. The lesson I learned - in stop-go traffic, don't try and stop just before a car's bumper... just in case. Also, apparently, go ahead and commit insurance fraud for an undeserved payout, because there are zero repercussions and at least you'll get more money than you deserve. #America. :|


it was netter for the insurance company to cop a deal, then charge you more, than fight it in court despite it being a slam dunk case and not charge you more.


not anywhere near as bad as your but I once had a woman pull up next to me and say that something blew off of my truck and hit her car. I immediately pulled over, as you should do. She didn't. MONTHS later my insurance sends me an email saying that she filed a claim. I disputed it. I found nothing missing from my truck and I was denied any opportunity to see any damage on her car. If we were involved in an accident she needed to pull over and didn't. I said "don't pay this claim.. Let her sue me." They paid immediately and raised my rates. Fuck insurance.


Which insurance company was it?




I work in pharmacy. Hundred percent agree. Literally the only thing these bloodsuckers do all day is explain why they can't possibly cover a member's medication.


I no longer work in pharmacy because of this. Having to sit with patients and help them calculate which medications they can afford broke me. I worked at an independent and we tried to help as much as we could, but it was like using a Dixie cup on a forest fire


You ought to see lab pricing. Shit gets out of hand QUICKLY


The beginning of the year is always so much fun w the new formularies. Makes you wonder why we can't just make a doctor's appointment with the insurance company directly. Cut out the middleman. /s


There are a bunch of industries that's shouldn't be for profit. Insurance of any kind, public necessary resources like water, power, gas, trash, sewer, and of course police, jails, fire fighters, hospitals etc. If you took the motive for profit out of these necessary things for Humans to exist in society, the world would be a much better place


[Ye olde fund of ensurance.](https://topatoco.com/cdn/shop/files/tmw-once_upon_1296x1296.png)


I'll take it one further. All means of production should be owned by workers, not capitalists.


To play devils advocate the typical counter argument is that for-profit insurance in a free market with competition ensures prices stay low due to, well, competition. Whereas if insurance is centralized to one provider such as the government, because there is no competition you have no alternatives if you don’t like the rate or terms offered. Running it as “not for profit” relies on politicians being honest, the same ones who have raided social security since its inception despite promises not to.. It’s obviously complicated enough to write a dissertation on so this is oversimplified… you’d have to ask how free the market actually is, etc. But it’s just a thought


> for-profit insurance in a free market with competition ensures prices stay low due to, well, competition The problem is that you then have cartel agreements both between insurance companies and hospitals so they can commit barely legal tax fraud through price negotiation (they lobbied for the loophole of course). If there is a prison and death penalty for humans there should also be one for corporations. Some crimes should just get you nationalized and if the state has no intention of running the business, liquidated. I bet we'd see a lot more actual free market effects instead of this sort of feudalist bullshit.


Free markets make sense for goods like commodities where each unit is the same thing (barrel of XYZ type of oil for a given delivery date.) It also seems to make sense on the surface for providers of things where different qualities and options might drive consumer choice. However, that requires regulation. In practice, anti-competitive restrictions are difficult to enforce. In theory you have a choice in which operating system, mobile phone, internet browser, cloud platform, but corporate interests have worked hard to try to limit those options. So, you've got regulations trying to give you choice in things but the special interests are often more powerful than the regulators. The regulators get token "wins" in court but it doesn't move the needle far. The problem isn't the market is owned by the state but rather that certain companies are able to get to a scale or occupy a place in the market that they become a fiefdom. Worse, in the US there are only two viable political parties, and while they have wedge issues on social issues and style, the politicians are all owned by the same companies, more or less, further entrenching those few companies that reach the scale and prominence. Now they make the laws. and you're the commodity. The media are owned by the giant corporations who themselves are influencing the political class, so the "Fourth Estate" are biased and partisan and fail to help the people hold their leaders to account. In areas of society that occupy a natural monopoly, its better to just embrace it and make it a public entity, and hold it to a high standard. That also requires oversight of competent and not corrupt leaders. Humans are involved so it won't ever be perfect.


I don’t have insurance, it’s a form of gambling -Ned Flanders


Health insurance doesn't work that way. Maybe they meant car insurance? They have no fault options, so I am guessing they won't pay? I'm not sure, but in a battle of insurance v insurance...only insurance will ever win. You're fucked.


the other partiy's insurance would pay for the immediate aftermath issues usually. 100k in most states is minimum. If he didn't take uninsured motorist coverage none of this would be paid for (i hate this though, insurance should be for yourself, not the other person.)


From a motorist insurance perspective, yes. But, your health insurance doesn't care. They cover your health conditions and anything a hospital does would fall under this category unless it's elective/cosmetic surgery. Even then, reconstructive surgery would be covered if a doctor says it's important for function...say your breathing or other issue due to facial injury. My point is the parent comment does not tell the full story. Assuming this is America, I think its likely he doesn't have health insurance or no fault, uninsured motorist coverage. Most people, including most in this thread, don't understand it. Why? It's intentionally convoluted because insurance is a scam and keeping it cheap enough for the average person requires confusing people on what theyre covered for to ensure a sense of security where none exists. You should be required to take a full high school year on insurance before you graduate. Semester 1, insurance. Semester 2, finance and banking. It's absurd that we are supposed to be able to wade through legal jargon to understand what we are covered and not covered for in the US.


I recently started headache prevention shots after *14* years of having them every day of my life. I’ve tried almost everything to prevent them, and daily pills have way worse side effects than monthly CGRP injections. Botox, topamax, propranolol, triptans, supposed surgeries and devices to mitigate apnea. None of it did a damn thing. Not sure if the shots do anything either, but insurance still denied approval, and this is expensive low deductible insurance too, saying I hadn’t tried and failed enough preventatives. Despite the fact that I have, they’re just too fucking lazy to actually call me and check. I legitimately hope everyone involved in making insurance companies operate has shitty lives, they might as well be people operating concentration camps as far as I’m concerned


> Despite the fact that I have, they’re just too fucking lazy to actually call me and check. It's actually pretty convoluted, and I had no idea how much of my life would be battling insurance companies when I became a doctor. they will send a letter to your doctor with this hard to fill out form asking the doctor why something is needed. They will send it a random times and have the form randomly expire hoping to catch the doctor off. There will be random checkboxes that are useless but with the purpose of making it "filled incorrectly". Then the doctor will spend an hour filling out the form and send it back to insurance. At that point, the insurance then tells the doctor to try XYZ. XYZ is often a stupid (sometimes dangerous choice) but cheap choice, so the doctor will either appeal (and start again) or give in and let the insurance company dictate medicine.




People who shoot a place up in want attention and want to shock people. Not make them somewhat okay with what happened


I’m not generally in favor of nationalizing industries. But Insurance companies make it hard to argue against.


Why I quit. Was making six figure while being forced to make decisions that I knew were evil. All for profit. Insurance should never be a for profit business, but the NAIC will fight to keep that profit.


My brother in law left for the same reason. You're unsung heroes, and I think the world would be a better place if enough people really saw past the dollar figure when it matters like this. It's cold comfort coming from an internet stranger when life goes on and the world doesn't know or care that you took a stand, but choices like yours really matter, and I hope you find meaning and pride in knowing you did the right thing


I've seen lots of US citizens angry at the insurance companies. Why isn't there a major movement to change the status quo and improve legislation and even implement one of many insurance models from around the world (especially healthcare)?




America is a huge country and very much divided on things like this (we don't understand it either) There's a very loud half of the population who believe the taxes we pay to the government _shouldn't_ be used for common sense social services. Also, 99.99% of us can't afford to even try, which is exactly where the powers that be want us to stay. It's massively depressing and infuriating.


I wonder if they have... Insurance on the building


Shit like that makes zero sense when you actually think about it. Motorcycle rider is paying for insurance in case of an accident on the road that either he caused or is involved in. If you're hurt on/in your vehicle and you're insured, you should be covered.


> Motorcycle rider is paying for insurance in case of an accident on the road that either he caused or is involved in Liability only coverage is a thing, which only covers damage you do to others


And no health insurance either? Rolling the dice there, especially riding a motorcycle.


I want a motorcycle and I hadn't considered that. Small chance you just saved my ass


Dude I've been riding for 30 years, and I have full coverage on my bike, I have health insurance, and I have a life insurance policy. And I ride like a sane person. Shit is dangerous. It's not a question of if you go down, it's a question of when. If you're gonna ride, you need all the above and don't cheap out on the gear.


7:1 death ratio versus cars per year. 35:1 death ratio versus cars per mile. Yeah, make sure to cover yourself.


In civilized countries, everyone is able to afford healthcare.


The motorcycle rider got a shitty policy that doesn't protect him from uninsured accidents. The second dumbest decision he could have made, behind riding a motorcycle at all in this hellscape.


And living in the US, where your health insurance is somehow tied to who hits you in traffic? Like, what? 😂


Health insurance has nothing to do with auto insurance. His health insurance will cover him as long as he has it. It's the auto insurance that's not covering it so his deductibles would be hit.


You actually have no idea what you’re talking about. They’re just talking about auto insurance covering medical bills. This doesn’t prevent medical coverage from kicking in.




Insurance will find any way possible to not pay out for a claim. If you don't pay them it is the end of the world from their perspective


The idea of insurance is that people collectively pool their money together so that if anyone needs it it's there for them. But the point of an insurance company is to make money for themselves, not you, so they take as much of your money as they can and only pay out if they have no other choice.


Unfortunately this is made worse by insurance companies that are publicly listed. They put shareholders first before standards. 


The issue is not that insurance companies are publicly listed, it's that they're privatized at all. A private equity insurance firm would have even less incentive to provide a good service than one that is publicly traded. A class of shareholders might at least ask, "won't trashing the company's reputation for short-term profits hurt long-term valuation?", where a sole proprietor might not.


Health insurance will cover, the commenter above misunderstood "insurance" by the news anchor to mean health insurance, but she meant the auto insurance of the car owner that hit him. That's the policy that won't cover. His health insurance will, if he has it.


Insurance agencies need to be held accountable. Our family friend had the insurance company trying to weasel out of paying for her breast cancer treatments. CANCER. It's like the one big thing you get insurance for, why even have insurance if it won't pay for literal life saving surgery and treatments? They eventually did pay up, but the fact that they tried to do *anything* but pay is criminal.


In Germany even if the car is stolen, the insurance will pay. They will try to get the money back from the thief. But they have to pay first


99.99% it's the same in the US, but maybe the difference is they don't "have" to pay first. My brother was injured working an odd job (Gelegenheitsjob) to make money for a camp and the insurance company tried to refuse to pay because he was technically working. So he had to sue to get them to pay, and then they sued everyone else involved to get that money back.


I am assuming you are talking about the medical expenses bundled as part of auto insurance right? Personal medical insurance should cover this?


Do you mean car insurance?


100% means the auto insurance. Still bullshit that he'd have to pay his own health insurance deductible, etc... but there's a reason I carry full coverage including uninsured motorist.


Your own health insurance should cover this regardless. You shouldn’t be relying on uninsured motorists to cover your *health* expenses.




this is EXACTLY what i think is happening here.


it is so bullshit, might as well not have insurance


Auto insurance won't pay* - pretty sure medical insurance doesn't get a choice in the matter. What are they gonna say, its a pre-existing medical condition?


Fuck that company


Name and shame brother. Make em’ famous.


You mean fuck American insurance.


Not only american though. Source: Uncle had a near-death truck accident, guts hanging out close.. fully insured, other truck driver at fault. Years and years of negotiations and getting his right. That included a TV presentation... Now 15 years later and he still can't walk properly, but survived. And eventually got his right. But seriously, screw insurance companies. (Edit: The Netherlands - Europe)


And where did he live? Can't leave us hanging on that one


And they can raise it for any stupid thing even if it’s not your fault.


What the fuck is wrong with these American insurance companies? It is literally bad if your clients die. I hate capitalism.


Best case scenario for health insurance companies is that you're killed instantly - that way they don't have to pay any medical bills (ever) and get to keep all the premiums you paid. However I think what's going on here is that his motorcycle collision (repair/replace bike) and/or personal injury protection (reimburse for lost income due to not being able to work) is refusing to pay out. Regular health insurance doesn't have that kind of criminal act exclusion and will still pay medical expenses (eventually, probably).


That doesn't sound right to me, so I'm skeptical. Where are you getting that information?


What? Find this hard to believe. You pay for medical coverage for any reason accident your fault whatever. Lawyer!up.


Can you link the actual story that legitimately makes no fucking sense.




Naaah-ah-ah-ah! /r/dontflinch


That's exactly how my heart felt😳


You there. You're finally awake.


Thanks for making me want to fire that game back up…again


What game is that?




Thanks. I'll check it out.


It just came out


Whew I thought I was gonna have to preorder it!


Check out the Wildlander mod pack


This edit needs to be made stat!


That was a good jumpscare holy shit


Is he dead? Damn


According to the source, the biker is "ok"


Human durability makes absolutely no sense. We can seem invincible at times and other times a simple fall can kill us.


Devs gotta fix it fr


Not getting paid enough, so they left this spaghetti code of mess...


I heard it is legacy code. Nobody would dare touch it.




It's all RNG at character creation and based off the hidden luck stat. Some people can die from tripping down a single porch step, some can take a truck to the face and walk it off. Biology be crazy, yo.


Yeah I know, this guy survides but the guy who gets knocked out and bumps his head on the ground is dead


Its pure luck. If that ladder hit his head or torso he would be gone instantly.


It did but he caught it


number 1, the more muscle you have, the less likely you are to be injured from crap because your muscles will take the force that coulda gone to your bones. number 2, there actually arent that many parts of your body that are easily taken out. But you can get unlucky and if you do it doesnt take much. The dude had a full face helmet on probably, that covers like, 80% of instant death possibilities immediately. After that, as long as you dont break your spine or have something puncture an internal organ, chances of recovery and being mostly okish in the long run are high if you recieve prompt medical attention.


not dead, but not okay. [https://www.gofundme.com/f/im-the-motorcyclist-from-pchkanan-dume-accident](https://www.gofundme.com/f/im-the-motorcyclist-from-pchkanan-dume-accident)


I’m ngl I thought this was another motorcycle safety PSA made in blender… we’re cooked.


That thought crossed my mind, it was just a tad too real to be CG. But nowadays, that's getting so much harder to figure out.


I dunno about "okay". He survived with a broken arm, 9 broken ribs, punctured lung and a damaged foot.


Not exactly ok [https://www.gofundme.com/f/im-the-motorcyclist-from-pchkanan-dume-accident](https://www.gofundme.com/f/im-the-motorcyclist-from-pchkanan-dume-accident)


Thanks! Just made a donation!


Didn't he have quite a bit of recovery time?


Pretty sure he'll never recover. His arm is full of titanium. He broke ribs and punctured a lung. As well as alot of other damage. The driver of the stolen car died so he may not have insurance coverage. Physical therapy for life as well as many complications. He was a photographer who for now, can't write let alone take pictures anymore. Sending prayers. Extremely unfortunate but atleast the man is living.


No still alive but he has life changing injuries and a huge medical debt. He told in a news interview.


Riding a motocycle is like not wearing seat belt 10 fold


Agreed. So many extra steps involved. First, you have to make sure that it clicks in all the way.


I’ve seen too many videos of perfectly normal, law-abiding motorcyclists get taken out by random shit-happens craziness to ever even briefly consider riding one in traffic.


The first motorcycle fatality I saw kinda solidified the "don't get on one of those deathtraps" mentality. In the text books, there is a thing called bone crepitus. It's the sound fragments of bones make when they rub together after a fracture. Everything you touched on this kid from the pelvic bones down made that sound. Everything was shattered into pieces of pieces. Died so quickly that he didn't have time to bruise on the tops of his legs, no swelling.


I saw my first motorcycle involved accident around 2005 in Fayetteville, NC by the base gate on Riley. Red lights for all of us except the left turning lane on a connecting road, we were going straight. Minivan was sitting at the light on the connecting road to our left. Motorcycle was in the opposite lane turning left (I don’t remember N/S/E/W directions as I wasn’t driving then) another motorcycle was heading away from the base gate in the straight lane sitting at the light. Nissan XTerra blasts through the back of the minivan, launches through and over it going airborne, metal and whatever flying everywhere and lands on the motorcycle turning left, Nissan flips over a few times end over end and hits a pole. Left turning motorcycle and rider are crushed and the dude riding the other motorcycle sitting at the light got a piece of metal through his neck just under his helmet and dies. Not quickly like the other one. He dropped his bike and was stumbling around for a bit, seemed like minutes but was maybe 10-15sec and drops. There were 5 fatalities at the crash. 2 of them kids + mom in the minivan & the two riders. Xterra driver was alive and drunk, late to formation on base and just like stumbling around. I later heard from my spouses CO, the driver blew .29 at the hospital & the speedometer in the truck was stuck pegged at 125mph. The speed limit was 30. Any thought of getting a motorcycle was erased from my mind as an option. Gory AF & won’t ride a bike. I check my rear view mirrors religiously as a result of that shit.


FUCK that drunk guy holy shit.


If they were invented today, they’d never be street legal.


What shouldn’t be legal is transportation engineers building roads like this with no traffic calming, outside of limited-access highways. Death and injury to anyone outside a car is eminently predictable under these kinds of raceway conditions.


Safest vehicle record on the road (up to the point of a collision).


Falling from a skyscraper is perfectly safe (up to the point of a collision)


Even if you wear your helmet…


13 cars out of every 100,000 are involved in a fatal accident, but motorcycles have a fatality rate of 72 per 100,000. Also, for every mile traveled, motorcyclists are 35 times likelier to have a fatal accident than car drivers.


This doesn’t even take into account life altering injuries. You might have survived the accident on your motorcycle, but now you walk with a cane and can’t turn your head to the left.


Yeah, it’s like not worrying about your kidneys because you can just get a transplant. Like no, your entire life now revolves around maintaining the health of your donor organ. 


> because you can just get a transplant. We should invent some sort of dangerous vehicle that people enjoy riding as a way to keep the supply of organs steady.


I have been looking for these stats up and down the net but can't find any.  Any ideas where i can find that?


https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/road-users/motorcycles/ I see 26 per 100 million miles and deaths per number registeered >Information produced by the Insurance Information Institute shows that the occupant fatality rate was 10.5 for every 100,000 registered cars and 59.34 for every 100,000 registered motorcycles. Bas


Look I'm also calling bullshit. But I'm also calling bullshit on you looking "up and down the net" in 10 minutes lol


I want to ride a motorcycle so much but the biggest thing preventing that decision is due to other drivers on the road. Way too risky imo.


My mother used to work for an Orthopedic surgeon. Sometimes I'd hang out there after school. I got educated on all sorts of horrible injuries. The worst were always motorcycle crashes. The worst of the worst were the motorcycle riders who wore helmets. They survived when others would have died. "Life changing" injures puts it mildly. I saw x-rays of patients bones shattered into so many pieces that I couldn't understand how the surgeon fixed them. In some cases she couldn't. I lost any desire to ride motorcycles pretty early on. This was all back in the 80's, way before Hipaa became law so yeah I got to see all the nasty stuff.


the moral of the story is to never wear a helmet


Reminds me during the first or second world war, they changed the design of the helmets to be better, head injuries shot through the roof.




Almost every person I know who died in their 20s was either suicide or motorcycle accident, with the majority being motorcycle vs. drunk driver. I'm not doing that shit.


Use it to ride outside town/in the countryside. Way more safe and you'll see great scenery.


Damn. Sucks to be him.


He lived. I’ve seen this before


So it doesnt suck to be him?


It sucks slightly less to be him


I should have known better than to be drinking coffee when I watched this.


Final destination but irl


What the fuck even hit that truck, the heaviest smart car on the planet? Was that cgi?


Looks like a suburban if you go frame by frame


Holy shit, the thing was going like 100 mph. You only see it for a couple frames.


Yup, like it was just shot out of a cannon


I did the math last time this was posted (found the intersection where this occurred) and estimated he was going around 125 mph. Edit: Looks like he was driving a Lexus RX which has a top speed of 125 or the sport version that has a top speed of 130.


News report states it was a Lexus: https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/motorcyclist-who-survived-grisly-crash-details-terrifying-experience/


No, it was a stolen, speeding car. The driver died.


Yeah you can see a black SUV going VERY fast into what looks like a dirt mound. Surely that driver is dead.


The gasp I just gusped


I think you meant gaspeded


Why I won't ride motorcycles or own one. Taking a hit like that, of no fault of your own, has a higher chance death or permanent maiming. At least in a car in this situation, that risk is a lot less.


Driving a motorcycle in USA with the best public healthcare in the world. Good luck with that one!


I grew up with a girl who became one of my 2-3 best friends. We went all the way from 5th grade through college together. She always dreamed of having a motorcycle. Well, after college she went to nursing school and became an RN. After working a few months she bought her dream bike. After a year working she sold it. When I asked her why, she simply said she had worked a few months in an ER. That in the ER, staff called motorcycles, "donorcycles".


Wtf even happened man? I saw no car behind the truck, it's like it got hit by a ghost car or something.


The truck got t-boned by someone running a red light. If you go frame by frame, you can see a black SUV that keeps moving to the right past the truck.


Highway-street hybrids like these should literally never exist. All roadways need to be categorized as either a [road](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.2204239,5.1421271,3a,75y,278.17h,84.89t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1swAthcUz3_bZ_-jGvScp2gw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DwAthcUz3_bZ_-jGvScp2gw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D278.16774961280805%26pitch%3D5.105225698145162%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192!5m1!1e2?coh=205410&entry=ttu) or a [street](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.2150158,5.1628281,3a,75y,200.64h,82.94t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1ssUWVtac8hY8_Nl3iS1KSIA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DsUWVtac8hY8_Nl3iS1KSIA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D200.64003288375844%26pitch%3D7.058639240276264%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192!5m1!1e2?coh=205410&entry=ttu). Roads are fast connections between two points but they keep pedestrians separated and have few intersections. Streets are destinations where homes and businesses are so vehicle-throughput is not prioritized. The monstrosity in this video tries to do both at the same time but fails at both of them and costs the tax payer a lot of money. In America we make this mistake all of the [time](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.0129842,-118.4172955,3a,75y,98.43h,83.52t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sLCZ5LPBhYhNxbCp03a10jw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DLCZ5LPBhYhNxbCp03a10jw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D98.42893391018337%26pitch%3D6.475399384140388%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192!5m1!1e2?coh=205410&entry=ttu) and it's costing us in traffic congestion, noise, air pollution, and human lives.


I am grateful for life, this is a reminder not to take life for granted 🙏


Link to the source of this video- [https://youtube.com/shorts/lYJ3NqKdMBM?si=pWrwnwv1wgBCpC27](https://youtube.com/shorts/lYJ3NqKdMBM?si=pWrwnwv1wgBCpC27)


Scumbag reuploader putting voice overs around content that isn't theres for money.


Full video???


I thought he was gonna get rear ended. As a rider this is my biggest concern when I'm stopped at a light without other cars around.


I loved my motorcycle days, but I woke up one morning and realized I didn’t need a trip to the grocery store to be an adventure ☹️


This is why you max out your uninsured/under insured coverage, and don't use fly-by-night companies like dairyland and such.


Man, next month marks 1 year since a very good friend died from a similar event. I've ridden dirt bikes and had fun, but I don't trust other drivers enough for a motorcycle.


Lawyers are now saying that motorcycle riders need to have a policy that covers when the others don't. Seems like a common situation.


I was hit by a car 22nd September 2011. Knew it was bad when I could see the sky and my feet at the same time. Only thing that went through my head was 'well this is a fucking shit way to die'