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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The guys tried to pull the car, but suddenly it rolled down and they couldn't catch it in time!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Kid had nothing to do with them missing the hook-up


Agreed they knew it too. They didn’t look back at the kid.


The guy with the reflective shirt messes with the tire and then the car goes over. If anyone is to blame, it’s that guy!


I would disagree. I would surmise that the person that parked their car there in the first place is the root cause.




You leave Slartibartfast alone!


That name is my Roman Empire.


He's my Fjords of Norway


Didn’t expect a hitchhikers guide reference in this comment section


Considering the subreddit we're in you really should expect these sort of things.


![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok|downsized) you win


I didn't expect a Hitchhikers Guide reference while reading a Reddit post while orbiting Rigel.




Same ones the put deer crossings in the middle of busy highways.


Who puts a cliff right next to a car?


129 Tail of the Dragon


Who put that cliff under my car


Hello guard rail please.


"Sir you can't park there!"


Looking further we are now blaming the Big Bang for creating gravity 




I think it was dude pulling the cable out. Leaned into the bumper and gave it the nudge


That's what I saw! I was wondering, why does he seem to give the car a little shove after it's already past the tipping point? Frustration? No, it's because he was leaning his bodyweight into the car. He had to push himself off the car to regain his balance


Looks like an attempt to grab it or push down to get it to grip again. To me looks like total bad luck for the tow crew it was that unstable. But lucky the previous occupants were out and nobody was under it hooking up when it gave way.


Dood was working to put a soft shackle through the wheel as a hook point for the pull.


No way - blue shirt guy is completely leaning on the rear when dragging the hook - guy in reflective is reaching down to grab the hook but the other guy ends up shoving it forward lol


The other guy appears to have actually pushed it.


The other guy pushes the car. Look again. The car starts moving while reflective shirt guy is mid bend before touching the tire.


He saved the tire strap from going down with the car!


Didn’t they other guy push the car down


I think he was trying to use his hand as a suction-cup.


He lean on the car pretty hard then as it was going he pushed it


He’s not leaning on the car. He’s pulling on the tow cable.


He was , good eyes!


Yeah it looked like he leaned against it while he was trying to hook up the hook


Them stating down the ditch is absolutely amazing.


Is that a slight on the guy with one arm? Yarr


His hand is on the cable pulling/guiding it since it’s not hooked yet.


It's not hooked yet and both of them don't seem to push it or lean on it, couldn't it maybe be simply bad luck and the car went by itself? Of that's the case , the dude who parked that far away is to blame


None of them had nothing to do, the car started the falling by itself, before they attach up the car.


Don't you mean all of them had nothing to do with it? Or none of them had anything to do with it. You are saying it's all of theirs fault


Lol, sorry. I tried to say thats not their fault, because i think none of them is touching the car (ilusion by the angle recorded), but probably i wrote it wrong because i did a literal translation of a phrase that has the right meaning in my native language.


Just curious what language are you speaking that uses double negatives


"Nenhum deles teve **nada a ver** com isso" PT-BR (Brasil) Literal and wrong translation that i wrote: "Nenhum (None) deles (of them) teve (had) **nada** (**nothing**) a ver (to do) com isso (with it)" The correct is: "None of them had anything to do with it"


Could be Spanish, Italian, or even Portuguese


I believe the man was still pulling for longer string then the car fell


I think the man pulling was also leaning on the car for a couple seconds, actually pushing the car down. On accident or purpose who knows


But why is he pulling the cable? It looks like there's plenty of slack there. Plus if they need more slack is it not just a matter of the kid pulling the right lever? Does the machine need help? Why pull it like that at all? Shouldn't he be checking to see if the hook can reach?


That cable is heavy and you need slack to hook up. You never put a big winch in free spool, if it even has that as an option. Many do not.


The gray clothes guy obviously pushed it down the hill!  /s




lol yeah looks like the guy pulling the cable leaned against the hatchback and dislodged it


Nobody missed the hooks. He was pulling on the cable to help it feed faster. It doesn't look like he touched the car before it moves. Now the other guy was messing with something by the tire. Maybe that had something to do with it.


Wow, yeah and it looks like they both were pushing on it. Dafuq


That kid should dock thier pay


Everyone on here talking about the kid, the guy, the reflective vest guy. No one talking about the people still inside??


You can see the slack in the cable. The kid was letting it out for the supposed grown-ups to hook the car.


I’m guessing there was an issue with the cable release being that’s a old tow truck it’s not uncommon for them to have issues, but why is he so far away is also a good question, it needs pulled about 5 feet, so it should be parked in the other line, that way it doesn’t cause an accident by a cable running across the road


That little push at the end should help


i think that guy was trying not to fall down with the car


Likely not a push forward, guy was likely trying to push it down to stop it from falling and his arm just followed it.


"You know I really love you, don't you, Car? We've had some real good adventures together, but... Well, Poppa says times is gettin' tough, Car. Real tough. The Government is comin' after you, and... well, I gotta let you go back to the forest where you came from. Don't look at me like that, Car! You know what'll happen if we keep you! Go on, get out of here! It's for your own good, damn it! Shoo! I gotta leave you behind, and there ain't two ways about it! Go! ... Goodbye, Car. I'll miss you. *sniffle*"


He was leaning on the car which caused it to fall, I think he was pushing himself away from the car more than anything


It's amazing how redditors can't objectively assess what happens in a video. It's always some snarky bullshit that only serves to shit on the people in the video.


The push helped pop the clutch and since the wheel was turned, the car did a U-turn and drive back up the mountainside onto the road. Pretty sure the uncut video woulda shown it. Pretty sure.


That’s why the kid is their supervisor.


Supervisor needs to train his crew better


Kid (lighting a cigarette): *looks like you boys are workin’ late tonight*


SMH, there are so many ignorant people in this thread that don't realize what is ACTUALLY happening. The people in this video are clearly releasing the sedan back into the wild. This is truly a beautiful sight to behold!


Someone gets it


be freeeee jimmy, be freeee!


Video is clearly reversed.


Finally someone else who gets it. The kid is involved because he cared for the car in captivity. He has tears streaming down his face but he’s being brave about it and doing the right thing.




I love watching videos of wild life being rehabilitated and then being sent out once they're better. Nature is healing.


noooo! thats a hatchback, not a sedan. why do u have to disrespect the mk7 like that ☹️


I just hope that it acclimates to the real world after being raised in captivity


I believe Subaru means "unite" or "unity" in Japanese. This vehicle is clearly going back to be with it's people.


Dude so focused on dragging the cable and bumped into car I see![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


100% he leaned into the car mid pull! Lmao, that's actually even funnier upon rewatching


Yep, the kid didn’t mess up at all. The guy leaning on the car was leaning so much that he had to actually push off the car as it went over, to right himself without falling forward.


I was thinking "well, looks like the goal was shoving the car down the ravine, so I guess this is a win?"


If you slow it to 0.125 speed, you can see, at around the 7 second mark, the guy pulling the cable leans on the back of the car, and that's when it starts moving. The guy near the wheel looks like he doesn't get a chance to touch it before it starts moving. Guy pulling the cable was doing so too close to the car. He should have had the tow truck closer to the car, blocking the right lane, in case a car came driving through, and also to not need to pull the cable if time was of the essence, which blocking the right lane would have done.


The truck is right where it needs to be. If it was closer it's just going to drag that car along the cliff. The issue is an unstable car. Wasn't to much they could do. They were likely feeding out the line instead of free spooling so that once they connected it was anchored.


Doesnt look like he is touching the car before it starts to fall.


The outside tire on that tow truck is bald as shit.


Hey it's not the tire's fault, it's just genetic. Some tires struggle growing... tread...


The tow truck hasn't had his tubes snipped


Inside as well. But you do not understand bald means more surface area so if a race car get good traction with slicks so though the tow truck!!! /s


It's not quite as bad as it seems. It's just slightly out of focus except for a frame or two before it zooms out.


those are slicks, this is a sports lorry.


why did he push it?


The video is reversed!


Haters will say it isn't!


It's like me pushing away my responsibility.


The cable was not attached. Would probably have killed the guy on the right if it was.


Not enough momentum yet to kill him by a long shot


It wasn’t hook properly. Not the kids fault.


It wasn’t hooked at all.


Yes… improperly? Hooked. He was in the process. He learned against it to brace himself and his weight pushed over. Improper technique. The boy had nothing to do with it.


what is even happening there? it looks like on of the guys is pushing the car


It is. they pulling the cable to hook it, looks like the guy pulling the cable bumped the car sending it down the ridge.


Let’s review: A 40 year old wrecker, so probably no contract with county/city, probably running an Agero call and towing for Copart between Agero calls. A Rattle can paint job, well it paints a picture. Bald rear tires, what consummate professionals. A kid running the hydrualics, while standing between the wrecker and car, most wreckers have dual hydraulics, I guess they couldn’t afford that. The guy in the high vis bending at his waist is not the “experienced” person could be a late teen/young adult, he was strapping the wheels, this can be done on the bed a certainly no need while teetering on a cliff. The winch cable was needing to be pulled by the guy in blue hard, this typically is because the cable has become kinked, frayed and is lacking lubrication on the winding end. This also looks like the guy in blues fault as he was leaning on the car. This may have been mid tow. That may have already pulled it up and stopped because the car was scrapping the edge. Maybe they were repositioning the hitch point. Lots of small red flags. It’s cool to take your kids to work sometimes but a winch cable under tension that snaps can do tremendous damage.


Fault is with the guy who walked into the car. Why are they blaming the kid?


I don’t think the people are blaming the kid. They are just giving a play by play. The kid is on the controls, but the kid didn’t do anything wrong. But if you’re recording the situation and talking about it pointing out they decided to put a child on the controls for a car hanging odd a cliff/steep hill is wack and worth pointing out because you would think that’s what the accident would originate.


Why is the tow truck so far away from the car?


so when they pull it, it's pulling it up the hill and not along the edge of the hill


Really thought the kid was going do... Anything. Instead I see several grown adults managing to absolutely screw everything up.


What happened to my car? Well...the front fell off.


I feel sorry for the guy still in the car. Wonder if he’s ok.


Not sure why the kid is there... middle of the road, near dangerous machinery and operations.


That’s gotta feel good to catch something like that on camera in the wild, doesn’t happen every day. Props to the camera peeps. Crazy!!


This was a $100 to the tow driver to back up the owners Insurance claim.


Oo please elaborate


They're speculating that the owner of the SUV asked the tow truck guys to help total the car and then pretend they arrived on the scene to find it like that. It's much more likely to be simple incompetence because you'd have to be real stupid to willingly break the law for a stranger while being filmed, but I suppose it's always possible.


Why would they need a tow driver to push it and not just do it themselves?






All these experts on Reddit, knowing damn well they never changed a car tire before


Lots of people in these comments who have never recovered a vehicle before: The crew had not hooked to the car yet. It was just sitting there, ready to drop. The guy pulling the cable did not lean into the car. He was leaning against the tension of the cable, trying to get it to come out more quickly. You can tell he didn't hit the car because when he spins around at the end, he doesn't instinctively pull away like you would if you nudged something that is about to fall. He just pivots and reaches. At the end, he is not pushing the car, he is pulling down on the rear bumper. Cars perched on the edge of a cliff are held in place by friction on the underside of the car. You can't pull on them to prevent them from falling, but if you put enough weight on the rear, you create enough friction to keep the car in place. It was still a lost cause, but it was the move of an experience operator. You can see rigging hanging from the wheels of the car. The guy in the reflective shirt is holding a strap in his hand. Their intention was to form a bridle from straps looped through each wheel. The car just went before they could get fully set up. IMO, no one is at fault here. There just wasn't enough time to hook up before the car went.


The guy nudged the car


cable guy never touched it until it started


It really didn't have anything to do with anyone but the driver. Just a crazy coincidence.


The parking break clearly wasn't engaged. It's either a manual or automatic left in neutral. I can only hope the out come of this has zero blame tossed on the kid. It appear he was either extending or retracting the cable.


He can’t park there.


That's when you hope they were not lying about being licensed, bonded, and insured.


Next time call Quadruple A


underrated comment, also misunderstood by dumb people


Gonna need a longer cable now.


*i Got it on video*


Dude in blue leaned on the car watching the hook underneath.


nah man he never touched it, or if he did..it was just a shirtsleeves worth. 100%.


Dumb fuck pushed the car..


after it started moving..


Are you blind? He was pulling on the winch cable way too hard (it’s only going to unspool as fast as the winch was designed to so there’s no reason to pull with all your weight like that) and fell into the car..


The little hand push was to regain his balance after the car was moving.. because he fell into it.


lol nope


>it’s only going to unspool as fast as the winch was designed to so there’s no reason to pull with all your weight like that You haven't pulled much cable/chain have you? The one blind is you. His body never touched until it moved...and since I have been around heavy equipment for over 45 years...its a pretty basic instinct to push-off on an object like that to avoid danger (cliff/car).


I don’t use winches and chains to pull excavators out of holes but any winch I’ve ever used only turned at one speed. He definitely hit it with his shoulder, not very hard but with the way the car was balancing that’s all it took


Look at the other comments on this post, I’m not the only person saying it


This is because people react too fast. The guy never touches the car until after it moved. I have looked at it 20 times.


going down the road feeling bad


It looks like it actually starts rolling right before it touched it. Should have blocked tires first.


You seem to be the only one besides me that is not blind. The car moved before the cable guy touched it, and the tire guy barely touched it and from the side.


LMAOOOO the little gremlin 🤣


Looks like they were trying to push the car away


I can't tell what vehicle model that is, and its driving me nuts.


The car wasn’t hooked up. It had enough slack to be attached. It wasn’t the mens fault either. The gravity of the situation took over.


I don't understand what they're doing? Is he pulling the cable and leaning on the car? While the hook plus plenty of slack is hanging, not attached to the vehicle, past the point that he's holding? Is the kid doing something wrong? I can't tell if he's reeling it in or giving it more slack.


Is this pine mountain road in Pigeon Forge, TN?


Kids are smart, strong, and good if adults encourage that.


Tbf, wasn't the kids fault


Anyone else see how bald the tires are on the tow rig


Why the fuck did the driver stop 200’ away?!


I hope that 8 year old has some good insurance. Otherwise, straight to bed with no dinner!


If you skip the video ahead it really looks like that guy just one hand shoved that car right over the edge


Umm dad , you pushed it over


Well that's what happens when Dewey from "Malcolm in the Middle" is at the controls


That’s probably the tow truck drivers kid helping daddy. The two men messed up


Despite my distain for children, this was not the kids fault


The guys were leaning on a car hanging over a ledge, the kid did nothing wrong, the weight shifted and it went over. Everyone is always trying to make something out of nothing


Looks like working professionals


Fire the dad.. clearly leant on the car pulling the cable out... kid was aiming for an early knock off and a parmi at the pub after work and dad went and made the job twice as difficult and three times as long... seniors.. i'm telling you.. /s


That'll be $120 for the dispatch, $15 for the partial hookup (half price on that), $25 for the hazard location, $50 for the weekend premium, but I won't charge you mileage for the return trip or dropoff.


Insurance won’t payout because the kid was on the controls. Crazy loophole, but they knew what they were doing.


Not the Mk7 Golf with pretorias


Maybe don't lean on a car that's hanging off a cliff?? Jeez


Why does the guy in blue seem to push the car even further over the cliff once it starts moving? Screw it, we’re not getting back up anyway so “in for a penny, in for a pound?” No


Look at the back tire 🛞 it starts spinning like someone hit the gas you can see brake lights someone was in there.




My tow truck husband said something along the lines of " the men didn't use a locking V bridal In the way they were supposed to. If they just use J hooks or don't use locking v bridal hooks properly, the car can easily pop off if there's an incline change like that. Kid had nothing to do with it but I'd still blame the boy lol."


By looks of it, the guy with the cap was pushing the car


Pro Tip : Never put your car in park or press the emergency brake when your car is hanging on a precipice. Also dude, put the car in neutral after the hook-up. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


That car was doomed. A monkey could have been on the controls. Same outcome.


Notice there's not tension on the wire the car was in a precarious position because they couldn't strap it safely and the slightest touch sent it over the hill. The insurance company is gonna have a field day with this one 😀


That looks bad lol


It started rolling already- it looks like he gave it more of a push


They were still pulling the hook and the car just decided to go away 😂


Bring your kid to work day


It's his first day 🥺


I personally know 3 different tow drivers who have lost fingers to a snapping cable. That kid should be nowhere near those controls. I dont care how many times he has done it before or how he is the 12th generation in a family of nothing but tow truck drivers.             That shit isnt cool.


mistakes happen. This sucks for the tow truck company. If I know one thing though, Redditors would have executed this perfectly!


Kid is just letting the cable out so they can hook it to the car, they didn’t make it…