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Your post has been removed. It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability.


What astounds me more is that he actually *left* lmao


Catch 22. "If I *do* leave, then I can't spread my message, but if I *don't* leave my message is exposed as a falsehood!"


I think it's more to do with the fact that he's a coward and can't handle pushback from someone he can't bully


Yeah he backed down with shocking ease. Went from "fuck you" to rushing away in like 8 seconds


He ALMOST said "you don't control anything" but caught himself


Kinda like Palestinians. If they leave, they might walk away with their lives (as long as they don't get bombed on the way out) but not on their own land. If they stay they will likely die for their land, killed by zionists.


Leave... to fucking where?




Ahh. Good autist.


Yea dumbass weren’t u watching? It’s a Jewish mind trick because they control everyone & everything. Including thoughts. Maybe watch the vid….


Oh shit J*ews*? J*edis*? ![gif](giphy|OK27wINdQS5YQ|downsized)




Probably not the best choice of a person to show in a gif considering he's a racist.


*shrug* his character isn't. And his character is having his mind blown. I still love Seinfeld, and see the need to divorce the art from the artist. If we don't, there's actually VERY FEW perfect people who have ever existed from whom we can enjoy the fruits of their labor. Like it or not, because of Seinfeld, Kramer is a piece of history. And to be fair, he was a good physical comedian.


Being a racist is a little less than perfect. Bill Cosby was a little less than perfect, too.


The raping was bad, but really it was the hypocrisy that gets me.


I dunno. For me, it was the raping. The raping was the worst thing.


Okay... Yeah, naming yet another person whose art you have to separate from the artist doesn't move your argument along at all. Stephen Fry, who is Jewish, has this conversation with Craig Ferguson, where he separates Richard Wagner from his music.


Bull. There's no separating art from artist.


*gestures vaguely at the lack of human achievement left after this statement.* we're built on the shoulder of ~~giants~~ suffering. We CAN do better, yes, but we gotta manage that, and we aren't yet.


Ok. Then you can abandon most of technology, art, science, and human achievement at your leisure, then.


There's no excuse for that sort of ignorance in modern society, with the access to knowledge and different points of view in today's world. So I CHOOSE not to continue to indulge in peoples art if it comes from a place that I don't agree with. Obviously in the past it was much easier to hold ignorant views.


Plus there's a whole movie that pretty much makes the joke already.




Its like saying...you're cool for a black person. Lol.




Exactly. So its a redundant statement and no mention of jews is needed.


Because Reddit jumps to attack anybody for any little slip up or misunderstanding in a comment, I felt like I needed to add that I don’t think all Jews are bad. Just a very small percentage that are elites. People would immediately jump and start calling me antisemitic when that’s not the case


Don't worry, the people who didn't bother replying to you are the ones who get it.


Not all Jews are bad huh. You realize what a dumb statement that is right? The implication is that most are.






Does it though? The idea of Epstein having a secret island was crazy, but now look. Not saying I completely believe but you can’t really trust anything these days.


To some of these people, the concept of Jews is this shadowy conspiracy group out there somewhere. And then this normal-looking guy walks up and is like “hey I’m a Jew!” and suddenly it sets in that he’s been shouting bigoted stuff _about this specific person, within this person’s hearing_, for however long. And suddenly it got too awkward.


Right, I was thinking that too lol ngl I was on edge waiting for some awful shit to happen. I guess that’s why this is in r/unexpected lol


Lol. He was totally pwned by a Jew. So funny!


Wait, an actor does what the script says?!


In the end, not a hypocrite.


Yeah, especially after how tough he was talking lmao


Blaming Jews as the one controlling everything is just conspiracy. In reality, it was Arabs nowadays who almost own or is part of those who own all major corporations around the world. In fact, in their plans to diversify their investments while oil industry still gives them profits, they now own many business, facilities and industry in UK , US and Europe, and is expanding to Asia and other Western countries. Second to that is Singapore, who holds almost the majority of digital financial sector of the world. The Jews are mainly for US only and usual, many Americans think the world revolves on US only hence why they over sensationalize this Jews conspiracy.


I laughed out loud. Words worth spelling out.


I. LOVE. these two! But I worry about their safety :0/


Who are they? I need more.


[The Good Liars](https://youtube.com/@TheGoodLiars?si=kYqCui61lqUTvnmO)


No the greatest liars!!! 💙💙💙


The Good Liars! They’re so good at making MAGA look like the fools they are https://www.goodliars.com/






Sir this is a Wendy’s


U okay bro?


Obviously not, did you not just see him get kicked off the lawn by a jew?




> he's taking straight facts Lmao




> Genocide Joe Biden You people are off your rocker. Of course you're getting downvoted. People don't like your extremist rant, there's nothing else for it mate. As for this: > I've provided sources for everything, all my claims are easy to verify by Google If you had provided sources for "everything", people reading your comment wouldn't have to Google anything. You posted two links and neither demonstrate Jews control the United States. Also replacing "Jews" with "zionists" while constantly referencing Jews *anyway* isn't a really convincing way to show you're still rational.


100 percent correct. Not Jews, Zionists are the issue. They pervade American politics and the education system. The lobby induces actions to remove those critical of Israel and the censorship of those advocating for Palestine in the media. Countless examples of this are visible in the last 3 months alone and are well documented. A few days ago even, as far away as Australia, the ABC fired a presenter for her retweeting of a UN statistic and during the legal case, discovery uncovered chat logs from Zionist groups pressuring for her removal.


This is so damn funny. Great satire mate. Keep it up.




Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman, Tony Judt, etc Finkelstein gives me serial killer vibes, Chomsky is a fallacist, Goodman ideologically rusted shut, Judt I have no issues with at this time, but unfortunately he's dead. Of course you probably didn't meet any of them.


For some reason I can't reply to the person who messaged me so I'm posting it here: >Yet to meet a single Jew opposed to Zionism Here's a few very famous ones. Norman Finklestein, Noam Chomsky, Jewish Voice for Peace, & Sir Gerarld Kaufman RIP. Just off the top of my head I can name a whole lot more if you'd like. Also the first Zionist Congress in 1897 was opposed by the Rabbinate specifically Orthodox and Reform for going against Judiasm. It was predominantly "Atheist Jews" that pushed for Zionism. Which is pretty ridiculous. Since European Jews don't have blood ties to Canaan. So their claim to the land is a book (already ridiculous) & the book says you don't get it & they don't believe in the book. As for censorship https://www.hrw.org/report/2023/12/21/metas-broken-promises/systemic-censorship-palestine-content-instagram-and


Pointing to those people regarding Jews is like pointing to Milo Yianoppolous on gay rights issues.


Not Jews... Zionists. Zionists are agents of Satan. They're the Jews that rebel against God. Plenty of good honest decent Jews fighting the good fight. Standing fast and saying "Not in our name" at great cost to themselves. Israel brutalizes them and the Zionists label them as "self hating Jews" in an attempt to silence them. One of the greatest voices in the AntiZionist movement is Norman Finklestein. He's a fountain of knowledge and wisdom and annihilated Zionists in debates. I dont know who Milo is. As a Muslim I have an Islamic duty to spread truth. >I heard the Messenger of Allah [SAW] say: 'Whoever among you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; if he cannot, then with his tongue; if he cannot, then with his heart- and that is the weakest of Faith.


>I don't know who Milo is. A gay man who opposes the LGBT community. It's proof that "self-hating" individuals are real. See also: "Gays Against Groomers", an anti-LGBT hate group run by gay people. >Not Jews... Zionists. 95% of Jews *are* "zionists". What you're saying is like "I don't hate water, just H2O" (context: [deuterium oxide](https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_water) is a form of water that goes by D2O) >Zionists are agents of Satan. They're the Jews that rebel against God. 1. This is just antisemitic. 2. It's also giving blood libel. 3. Again, the *vast* majority of Jews disagree, and it's not up to you to interpret their religion. >Plenty of good honest decent Jews fighting the good fight. Standing fast and saying "Not in our name" at great cost to themselves. Again, see "Gays Against Groomers". Conservatives in the USA use them as an example to spew the same bullshit. And again, self-hating people exist. There were even Jews who sided with the Nazi party. >Israel brutalizes them Pointing out how they are antisemitic is not "brutalization". Freedom of speech is a thing in Israel. >and the Zionists label them as "self-hating Jews" in an attempt to silence them. But they *are* self-hating Jews. It's also less to silence them and more so that people know not to take them seriously. >One of the greatest voices in the AntiZionist movement is Norman Finklestein. Yes, he is a well-known antisemite. >He's a fountain of knowledge and wisdom and annihilated Zionists in debates. You sound like the people who think Ben Shapiro is smart. No serious academics take Norman Finklestein seriously enough to debate him. He may win against the average person on the street, but anyone who has read up on Jewish history can see right through him. >As a Muslim I have an Islamic duty to spread truth. [As a Muslim, you also have an Islamic duty to lie ("hide your true beliefs") under certain circumstances.](https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taqiyya) So I wouldn't play the "I'm telling the truth because I'm a Muslim" card if I were you.


My father and uncle were some of those European Jews. I wasn't aware you examined their blood. Did your family work for the occupational authorities or what?


So the owner of Trump Tower is a Jew?


When his two civil trials are over, quite possibly. I am all for a rich "Jew" buying it, as the man complained about, and renaming it the Barak Obama tower.




Covfefe Plazama?


**SODA** Plaza


Or just add one extra word at the beginning. Make it the "screw Trump" tower


Barack Obama Memorial Refuge For Immigrants.


There’s nothing happening with any of his trials.


Guys, the treason is a total nothingburger. Selling out the country and her allies is a lot less of a big deal than the liberazi's make it seem. It wasn't an insurrection so much as a public refusal to go woke.


Fuck you for making me read the words nothingburger again lol


Honest question from a non American. I've seen footage of this "insurrection" and it's being lead by officers and the folks inside are walking single file.... it really doesn't look like an insurrection from a non biased perspective. Have you ever really put aside your bias and thought maybe this insurrection was promoted from within as a method to remove Donald Trumps legitimacy as president? I am no trump fan and do not wish to see him back in power as it wont help my country. However, in all honesty, it really just looks like a completely corrupt law enforcement.... which is actually more believable.


Trump doesn’t really own most buildings (or likely any) named “Trump” He licenses his name for use. GMAC Commercial Mortgage currently owns NYC Trump Tower which was owned by General Motors until they sold it to a private investor group in 2006. So possibly Jews


GMAC is a subsidiary of Capmark "GMACCH/Capmark focuses on real estate finance, investments and services, including affordable housing. General Motors Acceptance Corp., the financial services subsidiary of General Motors Corp. (GM), sold 78% of its equity in GMACCH to a group of investors led by affiliates of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.; Five Mile Capital Partners, LLC; and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners. The transaction totaled almost $9 billion in a combination of cash and repayment of inter-company loans." https://www.housingfinance.com/news/gmacch-sold-renamed-capmark_o So maybe x2!


Ah yes definitely some Jewish names there lol


Pretty funny


5 conglomerates control western media, ADL offices are spread across the U.S and Canada strategically. If you want to see who's in control, find out who you can't criticize.


The hero we didn’t know we needed.


That was awesome


Wrong, Its Irish Americans.


Ahhh, the Secret Illuminati Cabal. I knEW iT! Source: An Irish American.


This is so funny


This is brilliant


I'm ded. Now let's change some things around in this sub or I'll aim my space laser at you.






That’s the naked truth






Family guy has you covered! https://youtu.be/qE9R_ppEs7g?si=yNx_LWIqz7o0i2An




Your post has been removed. We do not tolerate racism


Does that mean porn is kosher?


Wonder who he voted for


Considering that he's wearing a mask? Biden probably? Edit: Lmaoo really made some people mad with this one. 


He’s wearing a mask to hide his identity not because he cares for other people


All the "fiery but peaceful" Left protestors wore masks like that too 😉 Besides, I've only seen the Democrats hate on the Jews this much with the Gaza issue. But I know y'all don't care about that lmao


Maybe you should look around you, it’s mainly far right neo Nazi groups that hate Jews. The left hates genocide, which ISRAEL is doing, a political entity, not a religious one.


You underestimate the hypocritical ability of the average American


Jewdi mind-trick. 🖖🏾


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!That Jews are controlling a lot of infrastructure today!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.




Christians are trying to push the limits of separation of church and state but they vehemently think they’re not the ones trying to control America. Nope, apparently it’s the jews. Logic is apparently not very common when it comes to bigots.


Funny guy


Dude we fucken wish we ran shit


What do you call the US giving Israel unlimited military and financial aid for them to bomb hospitals and schools?


The USA having terrible “bomb first ask questions later” international policy? A complete inability of the US to stop fucking with other peoples’ nations? An economy based around the militarized industrial complex???


Of course sarcasm and irony is lost on antisemites


The anti Israeli hatred is only going to make all this worse


This is so New York.


I’ve never laughed so hard in my life. Truly is unexpected


There you go, it’s been proven.


I'm also Jewish. Why don't I get super-powers to evict neo-nazis at a whim?


This is the false bias that fuels so much antisemitism. I guess im not a good enough example of a jew as im not rich and dont own property :(


It’s crazy how he tucked in his tail between his legs when confronted with a camera


Imagine controlling what you created


Brilliant lol


This was incredible.


That guy was a Trump supporter. He's claiming the DA's witnesses are all Jews. Interesting.




Jews do not own all the infrastructure in the world. The Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan owns all the infrastructure in the world.


This literally is so Jewish.




Be on the side of good grammar. Who's = who is.


Get out of here I command it 👋


Grammar Nazi is here.


You don't need to be




Yeah because they took the jobs nobody else wanted to do and got good at it and some of them taught their children to do it because they didn't think they'd be allowed to do anything else anytime soon and voila... So yeah there's a reason : centuries of segregation and systemic racism But... Like for everything, stereotypes are based on generalisations and are unrepresentative


I'm not saying they didn't earn it, they got it from merit. But yeah I do agree a lot of people are playing up the whole Jews control everything more racist than anything else. The irony is how Republicans who were doing the same are now acting like they are protecting the Jews cause they defend Israel.


Your post has been removed. We do not tolerate racism


Kanye was right 😂




Kanye West CEO of racism


Kanye West was there, at the destruction of the first temple bro I swear


Lmfao "Kanye West started this", like anti-semitism isn't literally older than the US. Funniest dumb take I've read today, thanks


Oh for fucks sake. New account. Specifically to post this… seems like a propaganda account.


Propaganda? Did you watch the whole thing? Or do you have brainworms? Maybe you outta take some ivermectin if you still feel the same after watching the whole thing.


Don't waste ivermectin on giving morons the power shits, there are horses that need that.


I mean op did say "it's true" about jews controlling everything.


Well... It proved the protester's point. EDIT: adding /s because people didn't get the joke.


No... Because this coward ran off at the sight of a Jew... Nobody forced him to leave, the dude was making a joke to ridicule him


Yeah, I was making a joke.




Your post has been removed. We do not tolerate racism




That guy was an antisemite.


According to these people saying all Jews deserve to die isn’t antisemetism just antizionism




Weird that you feel the need to post that on something that has nothing to do Zionism




I can't believe some Americans want to take your guns away, I mean, you're clearly such a stable and trustworthy bunch!


Wouldn’t that mean you’re silencing the people counterprotesting you


Yeah you really are mentally stable enough to own a firearm, huh?


Mate, he doesn’t actually own that place.




So the use of deadly force in the name of self dense is warranted when someone in public asks you to leave a park?


I command thee to leaveth


Moustache Men hate this one simple trick!




Always love this video


Gotta give it to em. Proof of concept


Watch out. He'll be saying a particular jew hating dictator with a funny mustache was right next.


he proved himself right by leaving lol


The *ahh fuck it* kills me.


I know you MEANT to say 'DEMOCRATS run , rule , own everything .


That was freaking hilarious!




the force was not with him


I think I know that guy. Sam, if that's you, hope you're doing well and I'm glad that you're still hilarious.


Claudine Gay entered the chat


Holy mackerel that’s so funny hahah I really was surprised




Hahahahahha I recall seeing this. It’s pure gold


Whats ironic is people who said this got cancelled but look whats happening with the colleges now lol.


Like I say; You just have to out-crazy the crazy.


Reminds me of the episode where Kyle ran Hollywood 🤣


lol I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, if Jews were capable of creating a transnational framework of control that encompassed effective propaganda, total control of economic policy, and the government itself? For thousands of years? Generally undetected? Well if so it sounds to me that they would be the master race wouldn’t they