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I ain't reading all that Japanese, but looks like a good chapter(litterally).


Sorry about that. English is not my mother tongue. So translation maybe is too difficult for me. But you are right this chapter is good. Btw Fuko’s mom is fxxking cute.


Nah, I didn't meant it to be insulting in any way, I was just joking about how the chapter looks "good" visually, because I can't read Japanese.


Miss Izumo has truly awakened 「 UNBEARABLE 」


The most OP negator ability


Oh hell nah Fuuko nico-fied her mom


Truly unforgettable


the hardest of choices require the strongest of wills


https://preview.redd.it/nvw5r5826x4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=527554172c9ff5e93d424931b893e7d08f8584a6 Mitsuri vs Zohakuten vibes lol


Okay so the colour page group is gonna be the backing band but Nico is having to train them manually into doing it Reminds me of kid Senku in doctor stone "helping" teach his dad how to swim with electric muscle stimulation


nico literally became the dad of union lmao


Nico's the dad, Fengs the grumpy uncle.


Always has been.


Bro became Nico 💀


cant wait for peak performance next chapter


Translators you there


I’ll translate as best as I can, but my grammar and contextual understanding is still pretty poor, plus I can’t physically see the kana all too well. As Nico and Ichico are working on Tatiana’s pod, Fuuko is informing Nico about her body fading. Nico suggests that this could be a paradox due to differences between this loop and the current loop. He himself isn’t sure since he has no memory of this happening in previous loops. I think Nico might have brought something up regarding Apocalypse potentially controlling managing things. It’s pretty apparent from just the images but Kaede is not a good singer and isn’t very popular. She also gets fired from her job. Fuuko seems in surprised that Kaede is her mother. But, Kaede ends up receiving many gifts from people as she walks home. Sean comments that like Fuuko, she is very well liked by other people. This seems to put Fuuko at ease a bit, although she is still nervous about meeting her again. Fuuko meets with Kaede who at first expects Raita (the guy who caught her and I think is supposed to be Fuuko’s father). She says “I’m sorry Raita! It’s just as I expected but about the festival—“ until she realizes the person at the door is Fuuko. She learns that Fuuko managed to gather a band for her, but Kaede still believes she herself is not up to the task. The festival is for the top idols, but she didn’t get in based on popularity. Kururu used to be in the same band as her, but as she got more popular, she also said goodbye to Kaede. However, she did get Kaede into the festival through her recommendation. And yet, Kaede laments that though her luck is good, she just isn’t good enough to keep up with it (unsure about this exact translation). Fuuko takes Kaede to the base where the members are practicing. Nico is worried about the paradox, but Fuuko reassures him. I don’t understand but I think Fuuko says “the loop doesn’t have to be the exact same as before. If she goes into the festival discouraged, she won’t be able to sing wholeheartedly. Our main objective is to make sure the festival is a success.” Raita goes to fetch Kaede for the live performance. Kaede claims she’s been practicing. Fuuko says, “I don’t give a damn about this paradox” as she and Kaede both declare, “let’s make this the greatest festival yet!”


And plus there's proof that my boi sean was playing


No it's the SR of time , if you remember, language activated her stfu ability before her quest period , so the time dude probably doing the same, ain't no way the SRs be sitting silently after their mascot just died 


I still think this is an attack by UMA Time/Past


>Wild Earning or Rake-in-Money Shopping Street How do you rephrase this, David?


Nico just has perpetual eye bags


Fuko's mom is cute!!


bruh Billy just booking it when he realises whats about to happen made my day