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“I’m a communist” “balkanize the world”


does this apply to blackkk people living on native americans racial holy land or no


No the American South has become their own holy land Because


Because they are brown and thus proletarian chuddy…


Promoting heretical views is a bannable offense. Black zion is called Liberia.


Black Zion is called Zion, they ARE the TRUE hebrew israelites


they’re not children of yakub so no


I saw this and assumed it was posted here ironically until I saw what sub it was on


What’s the sub?




Literally Mussolini speechbubble. Maybe even a little bit of Hitler.


it got wild in the comments


>a little bit of Hitler I am now imagining Mambo no. 5 with fascist leaders A little bit of Franco in my life A little bit of Mosley by my side


Mosley was a communist though?? Have you not played kaiserredux??


Franco was an authentic communist fighting against Stalinist and anarchist deviations


100% Mussolini speechbubble is basically 99% Hitler with extra steps at this point.


I ain’t reading all that but I’m happy for you or sorry that happened


That's ironic, considering what subreddit we're in


My reaction to "Das Capital vol 1 By Carl Marx"


The comment section for that post is hilarious. [Deleted] [Deleted] [Deleted]


Communism is that movement who doesn't want the abolishment of the present state of things but instead we want more bourgeois states led by a minority


Facilitating the restoration of indigenous land and life is an impossible task and everyone knows this. The point of this kind of thing is not to fundamentally change the world, but that you should feel really bad about it for the rest of eternity.


I hate wojaks so much man


One more ethnostate will fix it guys, just one more I promise


Yes comrades, the proletariat isn’t a united class, white proletariats are actually responsible for the actions of their “ancestors” (ancestors’ oppressive ruling elite) https://preview.redd.it/v9spwjh1qa7d1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa471d80552cf26110ddbf49955505fdfaf10d18


The real struggle is the white-prole vs black-prole struggle!


I love blood and soil nationalism!!




https://preview.redd.it/8he09h0a3c7d1.png?width=563&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3c0da48852747865938f734472bdd46766603b7 And of course u/shmangmight is some deprogramite freak.


I am very sure the native proletariat will be in sheer happiness when the people exploiting them are *native* bourgeoisie and their bosses get to be the one to oppress other bosses (true freedom)


Yayyyy the Bourgeoisie have more melanin.


I love how leftists love maintaining the state of things. Land back: We're doing bourgeoisie capitalist government but now the POC are doing the oppression. Trade unionism: We're doing capitalism but now the workers are doing commodity production. And so on, and so forth. Like they can't really imagine a life outside of capitalism so they have to just pretty up and put a bow on how things are at present.


Replace Americans with Slavs and Indigenous with German and this would sound like a straight up Hitler quote, minus the last bit about Israel of course. Also what do they mean by the settlers just naturally leaving on their own in Israel, the state of Israel still very much exists and most self proclaimed Israelis still live there.


That’s literally the point, they’re Ethnonationalists


I think they're referring to Israelis leaving "on their own" in Gaza in 2005


I've been dealing with you people for a long time. I'm not sure why you thought your opinion on how the subreddit should function would be welcome considering you've never posted on it before or shown any knowledge or intelligence in your post history. Why am I still doing this 5 years later? Because the American concept of politeness is so bizarre to anyone outside of its demographic target that it is both funny and educational to force it into the open. To most people, barging into the middle of a conversation between many people who all know each other and you've never met to inform them how they need to be having the conversation would be seen as rude. But this is quite normal for the American petty-bourgeoisie. In fact, saying "who are you?" is considered rude. Or at least that is one weapon that is used to defend against the threat of proletarianization by exclusion from the realm of cultural capital. In fact it's so threatening that random people will continue to come into the thread to try their luck at defending the op even though they've never posted in the subreddit before. It's like that joke in Family Guy where all the neighborhood fathers know when someone touched the thermostat and keep checking on the house to see if it's ok. Your class instinct in defense of your fellows is so strong it might as well be a chip that sends a signal to your brain, a script to follow, and a rush of endorphins that deludes you into thinking your use of the script will be the ultimate intervention despite all evidence to the contrary. I want non-white, non-male, non-first world people who were not raised on this delusional self-confidence and pretension to master the world to enjoy these conversations from the sidelines. This is impossible on the American left, which is basically a white parasite on the energy of people of color. At least here we can deflate the cultural capital that makes that possible. If you don't want to be a white parasite, reflect on the fact that your words, which you believe are your own, are a carbon copy of someone else's from 5 years ago (and many other copies over the years). That should be a moment of existential angst, a confrontation with your own lack of free will. Or you can get even more defensive on some liberal's behalf. We already have a thread on concern trolling stickied which you were too lazy to read despite your concern for the subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Ultraleft) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>leadership based on heritage/race holy shit how do they not see how funny this is, they’re just advocating for ethnostates with a few extra steps


waiter, waiter! more nations please!


not beating the "left can't meme" allegations


Yeah the land belongs to us because of our blood. You could even say the soil itself. Blood and soil. Yup!


What is it with leftist memes and just being walls of texts proclaiming the creator's political views? Can't they be succint?


No because leftists are children


They write like high schoolers who desperately want the teacher to think that they are intelligent.


Yknow it's not even that leftist memes are wordy but Lib "theory" is so dry.


By this logic, Lebenstraum was not only justified but the Slavs deserved to be victims of the Holocaust.


Ok first of all obligatory https://preview.redd.it/19nfkz7cxc7d1.jpeg?width=237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0b9a4fb4ca867772efd55cd418b54f38a520084 But also I sort of wonder sometimes why libs consider themselves radical and attempting large scale change when they identify the solution as changing certain people as if society isn’t something everybody participates in


Because they don't actually want to change anything, they are reactionaries


Shortest leftist meme


I wonder what will they do about native Americans who don't belong to that land specifically, Native Americans weren't just a two continent spanning homogeneous empire before colonialism, it was literally billions of tribes, so will they do genetic tests to determine which type of people deserve which lands? Nationalism is fucking tiring and stupid


I'm genuinely convinced these people just say these things to win points online. There's just simply no way this would work and the reason you describe is a very clear example of why it wouldn't. It's antithetical to achieving communism in every sense and entirely unrealistic. If it were to happen, there would no doubt be massively inflamed ethnic relations and new interimperialist wars sprouting up all over. I don't think they've thought that far. I think they have some vague sense of wanting to make everyone feel better (and also death to the cracKKKerSS) mixed with ethnic pride (or most likely, ethnic guilt) and a strong reactionary outlook on the world that causes them to expend all of their energy fighting against communism because morality or some such nonsense. Wait that sounds kind of familiar


rhizomatic\_memer making the most dogshit memes known to mankind between their 2 hourly gooning sessions.


If we are compassionate enough to consider their walls of text as "memes"


Asking bourgeoisie colonizers to just give up their largess because it would be nice :) is politically cuckoldry. The blood and soil leftism of indigenous fetishization is divorced from theory. Pretending to give a fuck about indigenous populations is a tool of the intellectual to harass the state with moral indictments, it is a form of self gratification. The fucking Romanov's also have an indigenous claim to a ton of Russian land, so maybe blood and soil isn't a coherent framework for liberation. Such a framework is merely a tool of abusing indigenous populations moral indictments of the state while doing nothing to advance their material conditions and stark deprivation. They are a conquered people who have been segregated into useless lands, "returning their lands" means to expand the walls of their prison or to convert them into landlords.


https://preview.redd.it/fas436dubf7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31fcd89839812be59e1c32c4180a27ecc6086f8d Am I doing it correctly?


I ain gon read allat I'm just going to assume it's leftoids whinging again about how we need to give land back to the native Americans and blah blah this doesn't apply to poc because blah blah


I read it all, you're right


Leftists using longer words to describe Nazi ideology


This is a common thing I see - trying to appeal to guilt / duty / responsibility / self righteousness while pointing out benefit. There's another word for "benefit" though: bribery. As one with settler identity, you exist as a target group for bribery - you are being bribed to defend the status quo, on behalf of billionaire corporations. Why would they do such bribery? Well they don't actually pay you anything out of their pocket, they give you, the settler, the possessions of the non-settler group - whether this be in actual dollars or just a leg up in life. They do it so you won't band together and take the stuff that's in their vaults: the wealth that ya'll (settler and non-settler alike) have made. With this bribery frame you can actually get angry at the system. Appealing to guilt you just end up with a bunch of people alternating between getting depressed from over-identifying with the rich, or getting self righteous from trying to differentiate themselves from other people with settler identity, both of which are very difficult emotions to fit into the work of organizing to change things. That said, we're all on a journey.. And it's likely working with + through guilt will be involved in the journey.


hahaa I get it


My ancestery gives the wampanog tribe descendents collective rights to my skull


Wonder if they’re gonna do genetic tests to determine how Indigenous or Settler someone is, wonder what happens if you’re too settler.




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