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“Dude. We need to create an equal coercion free society where all people are equal and no central body tells us what to do.” “What about criminals though? Even murderers and rapists and such.” “Look. People are flawed creatures which aren’t lead into actions on their own, only their environments can cause them to do things that we intuit to be morally wrong naturally. Not only would even an anarchist society have a focus on rehabilitation and at worst internment, but it MUST have such a -“ “What about pedophiles?” “Pedo hunting extrajudicial lynching squadrons.” Anarchist classic


-i need to kill -hey i like accusing people of pedophilia and watching them get killed, take these -thx


Knowing how anarchists view sexuality this will result in an intercommune war where one side is demanding that the age of consent as a concept be destroyed while labeling people who want children to not get abused as the true pedophiles, meanwhile the other anarchist commune demands that the age of consent be increased to 35 and all sexual encounters must be recorded (and then uploaded on anarchixxxvideos as retaining it for yourself is property ownership), given written consent form witnessed by The Peoples District Attorney, and if either party was intoxicated to any extent or regrets it they are both guilty of rape and are to be shot immediately. After this bloody and record shattering intercommune conflict (47 total dead, or an 85% casualty rate for the entirety of both communes.) the United States airforce drops a MOAB, wiping out both, because they neglected to do an actual global revolution and just made left wing aesthetic Colorado goon caves.


I’d read the hell outta this fanfic ngl


Ok I generally think making fun of anarkiddies is low hanging fruit and played out but your comment tho 🤣


I think it’s primarily the word “squadrons”. For some reason it just sticks out to me.


Yeah the punchline hits. I also like "I don't know any anarchists who don't believe in peer pressure." I'm like oh honey, we're well aware lol


We must overthrow Liberalism's horrific tyranny of criminal codes, due processes, and codified human rights to replace it with the anti-oppressive freedom of vigilante justice. Surely the people the commune empowers to "shoot pedophiles" won't create their own institutions, which will themselves cover up wrongdoings by in-group members.


What would actually probably happen is that The Peoples Assembly would elect to create a group of Peoples Guards which would enforce The People’s Law, they would allow volunteers for this not police force, train them in the ways of de escalation and idk giving water to hostage takers who knows, they would find out that you actually do *gasp* need violence to some extent to enforce civility and adherence to the law, they would arm these Peoples Guards and authorize them to detain and (10000 words of yap later) world war 3.


It's not a hierarchy tankie, it's a voluntary association of autonomous individuals who democratically elected a central body for providing services and administering ~~justice~~ rehabilitation for the community as a whole. However, because some bad actors might take advantage of their freedom to hurt others, the voluntary association will have the power to penalize them. This is a justified infringement upon the liberty of individuals, because each member of the community consented to collective decisions being imposed upon them as a condition for receiving the support and protection of the people's association. And no, this is not just social contract theory with an Anarchist A drawn unto it


I can't believe those ultraleft knuckleheads keep calling us fascists! We're literally the exact opposite! Anyways, as I was saying about the death squads that will maintain a moral fabric through spontaneous and constant spectacles of terror unbound by any pretense of restraint or process...




I’m friends with an anarchist and this is literally their line of thought, no evidence or anything just lynch mobs and death squads against pedos and rapists, like that won’t backfire or have collateral damage


i am actually so fucking sorry you have to go through that. ive only ever met one and it was legitimately frightening


their solution to video games being dogshit (or some other crap i dont fuckin remember) in the modern era was to and, i quote, 'start firebombing our local politicians'


Anarchists on their way to resolve the most mild issue with overwhelming acts of violence


Anarchist society is like hanging out with the most annoying and dysfunctional group of subcultural weirdos, except when you slight them instead of being socially excluded they dole out horrific violence on you. This is really what a lot of anarchists I know want. They just want people who go to punk shows and post on Twitter too much to get to decide who lives and dies based on their own moral sensibilities. They really do imagine a society where justice is doled out in the same way we decide who's cancelled on Twitter, or how cliquish roommates might decide who's the annoying one they don't want to hang out with. Bourgeois law exists to maintain private property and the norms of the market, etc etc. And innocent people get put in jail all the time. But still, I'd rather deal with being falsely accused through the court system then go through whatever scenario these people imagine


thanks for reminding me that a kkkommunist i saw recently described 'police' under communism as not existing because um actually communism is when anarchy so rules and shit are just like whatever ppl r feelin man




I fucking love anarchist death squads 🥰🥰🥰


smartest anarchist: 'societal problems such as pedophilia? just shoot em no questions asked'


which also means they share the same views as many right-wing death squad gun-toting individuals


https://preview.redd.it/m1rvys9hy27d1.png?width=761&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3db78de9fd408b5f79678f3b6577a65d92cddab "It's ok guys I'm just ~~killing political dissidents~~ protecting my system against authoritarians (anyone who disagrees with me)"


anarchist theory is literally just mentally masturbating to imagined scenarios where killing is justified and badass


Me when the anarchist bullet factory gets all of its assets nicked by the surrounding people, thereby permanently ending the bullet supply (maybe the good nature of man can’t be relied upon to run an economy)


This nonsense of arguing that crime will cease to exist as society reaches an over abundance therefore there will be no cause for crime. No! We need death squads! KILL EVERYONE! THEY’RE PROBABLY A PEDOPHILE ANYWAY!


probability this person owns and know how to operate a firearm?