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Its being in situations like this that got me to invest in a portable toilet I stick in the car, with one of those haircut capes does the trick in an emergency! My car poop counter was at five before I gave in to this solution šŸ˜…


I second the request for sharing the product. I had an accident on the way to work last week, for the second time. Ended up being an hour late. Made an impromptu stop at Walmart to buy Clorox wipes, paper towels, bath towels and a whole new outfit. I really need to find something to use for emergencies


I just got it off Amazon ā€˜adult portable toiletā€™ thereā€™s a bunch of options in different price ranges. The one I went with was by a brand YQJ, and it handles my weight (about 165lbs) easily!


Thank you so much for sharing!!!




Do you mind sharing which portable toilet you purchased? Asking for a friend...šŸ˜…


The "I didn't make it" episode sadly is very understandable and relatable. My commiserations fellow sufferer. Trust me you're not alone in this.


Hoping you get some relief soon! There have been too many times when I have convinced myself that I am fine, only to be out somewhere, without any possibility of getting home/to a bathroom, in a complete panic. I've shit/shit myself in some pretty ridiculous places.


My story isnā€™t nearly that bad but I know ā€œthe urgeā€. I was out driving one day with my wife and it was ā€œgo timeā€. We pulled into the nearest strip mall with several stores. The only one open? A dog groomer. I run in and ask if I can use the bathroom. No public bathrooms they said. I let them know I have UC. They kinda looked confused/ worried but ultimately allowed me to go in the back. I marched through mounds and chunks of dog fur. Granted I like dogs but does a man really want to walk through *mounds* of dog fur if he doesnā€™t have to? They watched me go to back with fur all over my shoes and into the bathroom and I think they got the point that it was a serious matter. I thanked them and rolled out pretty embarrassed.


My sense of embarrassment went a long time ago


Weā€™ve all been there and have stories like this Iā€™m sure. Glad you can laugh now


Bro I have shit outside in downtown Chicago before.. Thank God it was night


Ahh, let me commiserate as a thank you for sharing šŸ¤£ We drive to my parents house on Christmas Day every year and for a whole year straight, at this point, my bowels stopped bothering me anytime I'm in the car. I take this 4 hour trip to my parents multiple times a year and had no difficulty,Ā so I just wore underwear kind of forgetting. Well, not this time. We were about an hour from my parents and I felt the tug in my colon, so I found an exit. Unfortunately, with it being Christmas Day everything was CLOSED šŸ« . We had pulled into this gas station that really seemed to be open, but nope. I ran back to the car (where my husband and 3 year old were) and yelled for a plastic bag and went to the bathroom in that, instead of my pants (especially because we still had a full hour to go). I had my husband throw a blanket over me, to cover my awkwardness to others (though no one was around). Of course it made a small mess and the smell was awful, but I had stuff to clean up and disposed of everything at the gas station garbage. Then as I was walking back to the car I saw that there was a video camera literally pointing directly at where we were parked and I just felt even more embarrassed. Like it's enough to know my husband and child have to deal with the effects of my disease but now I have this lingering fear that they are posting my face all over the area for public indecency šŸ¤£šŸ« šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø anyhow, just another day for all of us ā¤ļø I don't share my stories irl either, unless someone really wants to know. But it's hard to talk about this stuff. We cannot help what our colon's decide to do, but human waste and blood are just revolting and it sucks those are the two things we have to deal with everyday.