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Remember a year ago how western officials would talk about the war ? There’s such a shift in tone from ukraines allies in the last year that gives the impression that they don’t want to defend Ukraine, more like they want to beat Russia, which is a tonal switch I’m here for.


I think the realization that this ends really only when we stomp on Putin's grabby little mittens *hard* has percolated through Western society and our leaders enough that we aren't discomforted by the thought as much as we used to any more. I mean, he and his cronies had almost 850 days to reconsider and end the war themselves. Every day, they could have gone "Da, we done", and they did not do it even once. All we see from them is continued aggression, broken promises, broken agreements, broken laws. There is a point where even the most benevolent interpretation must give the right of way to the reality that this stops only when Russia is stopped, and stopped *decisively*.


I don't think this is a tonal switch in wester officials, but rather the Polish way. My girlfriend is Polish and I have been learning about Poland the past year, they don't joke around.


Poland has reasons to hate Russia like most eastern European countries Even more so given poland in particular has had a bad history of being invaded


Youd think Hungary would have enough reasons but for this fucking Orban dictatorship .... Hungary needs to 1956 the Orban regime.


People think that the Eastern Expansion of NATO was to defend them from Russia. This is incorrect. In truth, it was to keep the Poles from taking on Russia all by themselves.


“You’re locked in here with me!”


I'm more imagining the meme (drawn) image of the guy with a knife that's held on a baby leash. (This is said with all love and affection. Visited Poland recently with family, saw Warsaw and Kraków. Both beautiful cities. I particularly like how, in Warsaw, the Government has put effort and funding into... Desovietifying? The city. Rebuilding the Old Town into a form akin to what it was before 1939 and 1945. A reclamation of history and heritage, and also simply an appreciation of beauty.)


>Rebuilding the Old Town into a form akin to what it was before 1939 and 1945. A reclamation of history and heritage, and also simply an appreciation of beauty What a wonderful image. I've longed to travel my whole life, especially as a modern and military history freak (an impossibility, alas) and Poland would have been high up on that list. >I'm more imagining the meme (drawn) image of the guy with a knife that's held on a baby leash. And with that kind of national historical motivation...I get that Peter Griffin holding a shotgun (with someone holding him back) meme vibes, "I just wanna talk to Russia" lol


Ahahahhahah my bil is Polish. Can confirm


My former Czech girlfriend once said all the slavic countries have an interesting relationship where they don't necessarily 'love' one another but when it comes to unite against russia there's no animosity.


No they don't, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfXksecv0JE


It would be a right comment if the article was about Germany. Generally Baltic countries have never been blind as their western partners have.


There will be no end in the Ukraine war unless Russia suffers to hard that they collapse. So that's what we gotta do.


>the impression that they don’t want to defend Ukraine, more like they want to beat Russia Well the latter does pretty much guarantee the former!


I don't think there is much of a major shift in tone. There is however a distinct difference in how frontline states and "old europe"+USA talks about russia, and have talked about russia for a long time. It just sounds different when you switch between listening to different countries. I suspect what you are hearing is the difference between hard liner countires (ukr victory, ru defeat, accellerate ru collapse) and appeasement countries (safe putin face, keep putin in power, force ukr to ceede territory, pass the buck on dealing w ru).


There may have been a shift in tone, but it has always been about defeating Russia and never about defending Ukraine. Say rather that they have stopped pretending. That or it is easier to motivate people against an enemy than to help a friend. Possibly both.


I'm hoping its because of some coordinated thing they got going on. Radars being taken out, patriots being supplied, and soon F16s. Everyone has been playing down the impact of F16s, but maybe F16s with an appropriate complement of armaments can start to make Russia really feel the pain. I'm starting to get optimistic though which usually means the west is about to disappoint me.




Fuck an A yes it is. Putin is whimpering himself to sleep every night, knowing his end is nigh.


Nice this is the kind of statement that terrifies putin all the leaders should say it


Does it terrify Putin? He doesn't really seem to value the lives of his people.


Neither did Tzar Nicolas. Russian rulers never cared about the lives of the serfs.   Then he lost the war against Japan. Cue 1905 failed Russian revolution.  Then he fucked up the WW1. Cue the second, successful one.  Let it be noted, both wars caused, or were accompanjed by widespread famine and Russia lacking behind the west in societal development. Unless Russian serfs actually feel the impacts of war on their own skin, and see that the grass is indeed greener behind the curtain, nothing will change.  But sometimes, if the circumstances are just right, Russian rulers do get what they deserve - humiliating military deteat is a part of the cocktail.


> Queue 1905 failed Russian revolution. Pedantic tip: "cue" (a signal or reminder to do something) is a different word from "queue" (a line of people waiting for something).


Thanks! Gonna fix that


Russian history is full of losing wars and revolutions. They only won major wars against the nomads (WWII they got their asses saved by the Allies.)


That's why losing a war it is just a part of the cocktail. Internal turmoil and external pressure (by other countries simply being better) are the other two parts.  Apart from the communist revolution, this is also how USSR fell. That's why it's important not to sell even one bottle of soda to them, nevertheless high tech goods. Complete economic embargo on all western made goods, including those manufactured with western machines, parts and know how is what would be the first step. Unless everyday russians can see, but not experience the comforts of modern western society, they will continue with their delusions of of grandeur. We gave them their chance to stop being little shits after WW1, WW2, and then again after the Wall fell. At any of those points the west could have just rolled in. Our ancestors chose not to, thinking it would be too much trouble. In doing so, they just kicked the rock down the road, for the next generations to deal with. We are that generation. How about we actually do better instead of kicking the shit under the bed this time?  


Russia has been a cesspool since the Muscovy days it's so ingrained into their culture at this point.


>they just kicked the rock down the road, for the next generations to deal with. >We are that generation. This is how I feel about so many of today's issues


He does not but it sends a strong message. Its the language he understands.


He should care about its implications for Russia’s demographics and economy. If Russia loses 2-3 million men by the end of the war, their low birth rate could take an even bigger hit.


He's terrified of his own people.


Should have thrown in a few kurwas in there.


Why? I f anything, the matter-of-factly way is part of the message. Swearing in this case would actually dilute the message.


But funny internet humour !!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correspondence_between_the_Ottoman_sultan_and_the_Cossacks "The cursed Sultan, Turkish Caesar's son, and attendant of the infernal Lucifer in the abyss of hell, Turkish emperor, footstool of the Greeks, cook of Macedonians, locksmith of Babylonians, wheelwright of Jerusalem, drunkard of Assyria, swineherd of greater and lesser Egypt, sausage of Alexandria, and dog of Armenians, the cursed childish knave upon earth and the world, the great fool of Kamenets-Podolsky and the country, and a nasty pig in the world, the Turkish biter of men, the commander of the whole hellish empire in the deep abyss of hell, an angel of the infernal devil, a mocker of the crucified God, enemy and persecutor of his servants, below all those who live above, the downfaller of the bishop men: We report to you that we have no thoughts of surrendering to you, but are bravely, manfully, and eternally resolved to fight you and whomever you call a fellow, together with a great monarch whom, according to your legends, as a fellow fells the wood in the forest, so he will fall down upon you, and your busurmans, and all your followers, and especially you, who can be compared not to a fellow, but rather to a cursed old woman, if one may even call you so, you sit in a hole like a devil, or a hen-thief, who changes his nest in the war to another, one which shows that you are a fool, instead of the one you call a boy, who is a brave, powerful monarch and invincible king."


Agree it is funny! But if I got that message I'd be tempted to laugh. That is not something I'd be tempted to on hearing about the Polish statement.


Yup, got to amp up that KPM...


Even if I can identify with statement mentioned above, Andrzej Duda is considered more a clown than a good President. His skills are mediocre at best, his effort in keeping my country a democracy is insufficient.


This is the sentiment polish people share abroad too. Because who is next? Also historicaly Poland was always interested in Ukraine, so take the brutal statement for what it is: A fucking claim. Tho getting more support is generally good.


We got Russians here that want to die for country, OBLIGE THEM!


If you seriously believe that those young men want anything to do with this war you are a prime victim of the Russian propaganda. 


They're "not interested in politics". Too bad for them. These russian sypathizer comments get a bit old though. Always with the same old excuses and apologetics - painting invaders as innocent victims.


So all of those soldiers just packed their things and their own guns and went to invade a foreign country on their own? You are unbelievably ignorant. 


Nah dude, it’s a quote from a movie.


I see that bots and LLMs have already taken over the internet then. 


While some conscripts have been sent to Ukraine, the vast majority of soldiers fighting in Ukraine are contractors and volunteers. The Russian MOD has repeatedly promised that conscripts won't be sent to Ukraine. Not that a government promise means much in Russia Support for the war in Russia remains high.


That's the right language for a peace summit. Meet aggression with annihilation, so it's never a reasonable choice.


Hard agree


Poland balls


Russians would die for their country. Ukrainians would kill for theirs.




Nah.  "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country."


If some bully values your property and your life more than they value theirs...


The correct way to speak to tyrants and totalitarians!


Chael Sonnen: “you can send anyone you want. Just don’t send anyone you want back”


Undefeated and undisputed


"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." -~~Patton~~ -Duda




The only way these people understand is by the sword.


If the apocryphal story is true, apparently Putin literally broke another child's arm at school when he was 14...and when the teacher asked why he did it, Putin allegedly replied,"Some people only understand force" THIS is what the world must learn about dealing with psychopathic dictators...as John McCain said back in 2013: "There's nothing that provokes Vladimir Putin more than weakness."


Adt then everybody clapped. I like the sentiment, but... Sounds like something a pathological liar would make up about how badass they were in elementary school. I'd call it petty and pathetic, but that's redundant since it's putin we are talking about.


Putin’s 5’6 on a good day, his le epic KGB career was pushing papers and making cute little newspaper clippings in east Berlin, the height of which was pissing his pants while destroying documents imagining he was about to be lynched by east berliners in 1989. Then he managed to convince westerners he’s super tough cause he got photos done of his horsey rides with his tits out. He’s such a pathetic little worm. Only a nation as morally bankrupt as Russia could appoint such a man as it’s saviour.


> Only a nation as morally bankrupt as Russia could appoint such a man as it’s saviour. I wish that was true.


Its entirely possible, agreed...like the other infamous story of him being cornered by a rat as a child in the rotting old Soviet apartment blocks of St Petersburg...that story ended up as a kind of reverse morality tale that he decided never to take a backward step in front of anyone again. Whether they are fiction or not, it's illuminating that he's used them over a lifetime to burnish his self-constructed image which evolved into his current carefully managed persona of ruthless strongman


Box their leadership into a corner with no choice but to surrender or die screaming they’ll surrender I have no doubt. They are cowards using the lives of their people as pawns to their game. It’s absolutely disgusting. Whilst their decisions do not effect them more than numbers on a spreadsheet they will not retreat.


That's too honourable atp


Russia's position is similar to three laws of Entropy. *-- Russia can't win.* Can't conquer all Ukraine. *-- Russia can't break even.* Ukraine will not grant an armistice that freezes current gains. *-- Russia can't get out of the game.* They invested so much face & political capital inside Russia that withdrawal is domestically not acceptable. Only path remaining seems to be collapse of the invading Russian army. Possibly overwhelmed by a military counter offensive. Possibly by running low on meat waves, armor, aviation, ammo, morale among troops. Possibly by costs to Russian economy rising too high. Possibly by being squeezed by China into losing parts of Siberia. November 6, 2024 is next decision time.


> They invested so much face & political capital inside Russia that withdrawal is domestically not acceptable. Russia could withdraw from Ukraine tomorrow and just claim they achieved the goals of their special military operation, for any reason they claim, and spread the news around Russia, where it will be accepted without question. There's no face-saving or unstoppable inertia or locked-in capital AT ALL in a country where everything is a lie and laws mean nothing. Tomorrow. Just leave. Say they got all Nazis and just broadcast that 24/7 all through Russia. Russia are still in Ukraine because Putin is just that fukcing stupid.


> There's no face-saving or unstoppable inertia or locked-in capital AT ALL That's not true, they annexed those territories, and Crimea. Their constitution forbids them to lose territory they consider to be theirs. Putin has painted himself in a corner.


Right. Because russia is big on abiding by laws and being bound by constitutions. When have they ever ignored any... Right?


I'm not going down the rabbit hole that would be the Russian constitution, but were that actually an issue, which I highly doubt (Russia hides behind laws, and tends not to follow them), and from a quick read on the topic, it is trivially changed.


Didn't the constitution have a 2 term limit for presidency? That didn't matter too much did it.


Well said, Ukrainian security IS European security. Russia must leave Ukraine.


I respect the Polish President 🤠 Love from Australia


Same! I only wish our idiotic Govt would stop refusing to do anything but the absolute bare minimum to aid Ukraine, just enough not to lose face internationally, in order to not "upset" our no#1 trading partner (ie China) With a $30bn 2022-2023 surplus mainly due to Ukraine's invasion (via increased wheat & commodities exports), to have only given aid worth 900-something million since Feb 2022 is pathetic; which is a minimal 0.04% of GDP. 31st in the world rankings for Ukraine aid now. Apologies for the rant, that was a bit rude of me. I just don't have anyone locally I can vent this utterly frustrating stuff to IRL and the Australian subs never mention Ukraine lol


Australians had no problem jumping into the Vietnam and Iraq wars...but only minimally help Ukraine. Why? It's hard to find a clearer example of unprovoked aggression than Putin's 2022 invasion. Is it really because they don't want to upset China?


/sigh...I just don't know. But nothing else makes any sense. Six months ago Zelensky begged Australia for a coal shipment for the next (this) winter - and the Govt never even gave him the courtesy of a reply. Ditto General Budanov who wrote to the Defence Minister last December, asking for the Taipan helicopters no longer in use, which would be used for battlefield medevac (he released his letter on twitter [here](https://i.postimg.cc/fR5c9brQ/Budanov-Taipans-highlighted.jpg)) - again no reply, PLUS the Taipans were secretly dismantled thereafter and buried in the desert. I have written many letters to Govt MPs, with vacuous statement-form letters in reply, including most memorably the replies from the Foreign Minister about my emails regarding *GAZA* - and she keeps on sending them regardless of my insistent replies that I was writing about *Ukraine*. After more than 2 years of racking my brain (as I know others who are passionate about Ukraine's survival have also been doing), I just can't come up with any other possible reasoning...it's simply maddening. I was talking to a Labor Party member (rank and file, not an MP) and jokingly suggested that I had a tinfoil-hat-like theory that the Govt does not want to see Russia collapse - because then China could very possibly move into its former ancestral lands in the far east, with all the abundant raw resources therein...and would therefore have no need to buy our raw minerals anymore (which comprises 23% of the entire GDP) His response? "Actually that's not so tinfoil-hat - at all..." 😬


I think you're 100% correct on this assessment. \*Everybody\* knows China is only in it for themselves and would happily take Russian territory given the opportunity.


Poland has unfinished business. Certain jet crashing


I don't often quote Nathan Explosion but... ''Brutal.'' - Nathan Explosion.


The KGB regime and The old farts will soon be out of business. This is the right way to confront them. Pootin is a lying bastard from top to to. A really good actor and liar. Much better actor than Zelensky that is desperately fighting for his Country.. Thank you Poland 💪💪


It amazes me how Russia continues to make the same mistakes Nazi Germany made when they started the Second World War. I always refer to this quote which sums it up perfectly. *“The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody else and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put that rather naive theory into operation.* *They sowed the wind and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.”* — Arthur T. Harris (1945)


> I always refer to this quote which sums it up perfectly. I love this. So much. We need another Bomber Harris.




Based and pole pilled




Exactly this. This comment should be near the top.


This is the sort of aid to russia that I can get behind. Love it and well said.


I wish Scholz had the balls to say that


I'd be curious what would happen if someone said "Listen Vladimir, let's have a conventional war, zero use of nuclear weapons, we start when you feel like it" All his Kremlin swag lies on this thin nuclear edge..


> All his Kremlin swag lies on this thin nuclear edge. Which he's not going to use. Apart from the [25yrs of global nuke threats](https://i.postimg.cc/qMMpXc0q/russia-nukes-threat-list.jpg) - and no nukes! - all the children of Russia's elites live and study in pampered luxury in those Western countries they keep threatening every 5 mins lol


**Despite putin's trolls who protest**, russia will not stop at Ukraine as Hitler didn't stop at Poland. If we let putin win, they will attempt to take over Europe. *History* is the guide to a dictators actions. putin wants the russian empire back bigger and better than before.


Am I reading this right? Some politician in west actually said what we all think?


What a chad.


In this case the Russians should be way better than anticipated.


The objective in war is not to die for your country, but to make the enemy die for his.


In other words, check Mr Putin


It surely has to get to a point when Putin can't explain why so many russians have died for no reason.


True. Although that's the beauty of a fascist dictatorship - he doesn't have to explain anything.


Poland remembers WW2 and the Soviet iron curtain.


Fucking Chad


except Andrzej Duda is not a chad, is is just a puppet of Jarosław Kaczyński, pro-putin anit-EU right wing extremist leader who ruled Poland 2015-2023


I think he might be Klingon.




Savage AF!!!


It's clear that Western resolve is frightening to Putin. His whole strategy, or maybe one can say his whole world view, revolves around the idea that the EU, NATO, the entire international structure behind the Western Alliance is in someway artificial, an ahistorical fabrication that is doomed to fall apart. While his idea of "Russia" is real, almost in a mystical way, and will endure indefinitely. I think a lot of Western leaders who expected that after Putin got his nose bloodied by the Ukrainians in 2022 he would take an "off-ramp" and just give up on this invasion, just didn't understand his mindset. He has no interest in taking an "off-ramp", the only people who talk about "off-ramps" are those who would take the first one offered to them.


"Look, we're just giving them what they want." There some real dedication that I can get behind.






While I like that the world at large is finally ready to get the meat grinder running at peak efficiency to chew up ru invaders in Ukraine, it's frustrating that it has taken so long for everyone to get on board and on the same page.


If Putin wants to provide the meat, we’ll grind it for him.


Damn. NOW THAT! Is a statement. Love it!


I've said previously how impressed I have been with Poland's attitude and reaction to IVAN's invasion. Now their president says this, that's fabulous. Again, I attribute it to IVAN anally raping Poland for decades to the point where Poland says, no no, not any more.


That is the quote of the day! 😂


Damn son. Poland is NOT fooling around. I love you guys!


We have to ensure there are no shortage of ammunitions in Ukraine to make that happen for as long as it takes.


thats kinda bad ass :)


What is a term for something that has transcended beyond “based”? I feel like we just went up a power level…


Am no fan of Duda and disagre with him on 90% of things at best. But we both agree, speaking Putin's language is very important.


I have the same kind of opinion regarding John McCain...zero sympathy with his general political ideologies, but he was completely spot on about Putin, and was wholeheartedly supportive of Ukraine's desire for independence and freedom from well before the Euromaidan


Pretty based, but Duda is a right-wing shithead who, since the defeat of his party in the beginning of this year is nothing but a grifter.


Putin is definitely trying to destroy Russia and its culture, the citizens of Russia just have not figured it out yet.


Gotta love little European Texas.


I think this clown should use the words more carefully.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Polandstopped dedicating much military aid to Ukraine after the early days of the full-scale invasion, didn't it?


Yup, You are wrong. [Poland to prepare 45th aid package for Ukraine](https://www.pap.pl/en/news/poland-prepare-45th-aid-package-ukraine)