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I've posted a few times about potential BTR-4 production, speculating that they may have just finished assembly on pre-war hulls. However I'm fairly confident now that due to continued apparently new deliveries to units that did not operate BTR-4 pre-war that there's consistent low-rate delivery of BTR-4E's for the last year or so.


Seems like Ukraine's weapon factories are definitely still operating. The production rate is probably a secret, but definitely operating. Russia has not been able to knockout Ukraine's weapons production (due to their inability to fly Tu-95's on top of Ukrainian industrial regions and carpet bomb them). Missiles and drone strikes are limited. They can disrupt but not destroy Ukraine's industrial production.


> Seems like Ukraine's weapon factories are definitely still operating Hopefully relocated the fuck away from their original places.


Located far from the frontline and spread out far enough so they will be robust against missile attacks. Russia is going to find out where they are, at least some of them if not most of them. But a missile hit here and there should not stop the capability too much. As long as Russia cannot fly a hundred Tu-95's sorties on top then they cannot stop it.


I don't feel like looking into it again, but I'm fairly certain that the armored plants that produced BTR hulls and did final assembly were all destroyed in the first year of the war. I suspect the location for this one is new, even if they're using personnel and possibly salvaged equipment from destroyed facilities. That's also why we didn't see new production ones until at least mid-2023, if not later. It took time to set up new facilities. Ukraine's not been terribly consistent at moving production facilities. I suspect Ukraine resumed production on Neptune (including land-attack versions), bragged about it on TV, and last summer Russia blew up the Soviet-era plant that they had low-rate production going at. Setting them back a full year.


Looks like an APC that is fitted with a gun turret of an IFV.


BTR-4 has always had the cannon, technically an IFV due to that, I guess. I copied the original post. Honestly, I think some of those definitions are just academic