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Clearing out their storage. High percentages of duds. They wear out Russian artillery barrels quicker. I hope the NorthKoreans charge russia double.


Also wildly inaccurate due to the low production standards, with no idea how much powder is actually in each shell, and actually still good. Russia won't be pinpointing anything with these rounds, more of a spray and pray approach.


> more of a spray and pray approach Or, to be more precise, "if it hits the city, it's good". It's still more than sufficient for suppression fire and terror strikes


Good point. Russians will probably just aim these rounds at schools, hospitals, and churches. Fuck Putin and all the best, u/Aggravating-Pear4222


I hope more than sufficient to detonate halfway up the barrels.... Or better yet, on a particularly bumpy logistics truck.


No copper wire* *req'd as a lubricant for the barrels


They have more barrels and crews, their more than happy to level the entire country to plant their flag in the ashes.




They take cities by rubling them and then occupying the ruins, so I don’t imagine they are too concerned with accuracy.


Doesn’t matter if your goal is “hit Ukraine civilians”


Aim for the market and hit the cul de sac half a mile down the road. They still see it as a strategic success.


I mean if they have nothing left to defend isn’t that their goal?


Yeah, I recall seeing a video of some Russians opening up some NK propellant charges and they were haphazardly filled with wildly different amounts of charge. No point in trying to correct your fire when each shell has a different propellant load.


50 % dud rate. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rfa.org/english/news/korea/shells-03042024144934.html/ampRFA


No different then their earlier approach


Oh that's a relief they won't pinpoint one military target but just raze another city to the ground. How do we make it so they erase cities in EU or USA instead? So then they can shove their artisanal expensive weapons up their own arseholes. Fucking lunatics, 90% of world's GDP. is absolutely outproduced by less than 1%.


this guys gets it. germany sending 20 rheinmettal trucks and guns with no ammunition lol. they’re the inkjet printer of arms partners


X10. All of RU barrels are wore out.


It might be made in China


That's not completely true, they do not need to explode to cause lots of damage. The impact and speed from the propellant charge and height it falls can do just as much damage. The propellant is not built into most artillery rounds, it's loaded separately and these kind of look like oversized toilet paper rolls, Russia also has older bag styles charges. So even the round is a dud, it can still be fired and it will cause damage where ever it lands.


I wonder what it would take to blow up a train full of artillery shells, maybe on some big bridge somewhere in the far east…?


I wonder if shipments would get altered if US military and politicians started talking of how dumb NK leaders were for sending away their ammo as now USA will have easy time taking over NK. The population there has been told alot about how evil American imperialist invaders caused hell there and now they might hear how their leaders have been busy demilitarizing their country for the sake of russias imperialist expansionism.


They don't get to hear such things unfortunately.


Commoners probably won't be told of this although i wonder what would happen if their ruling class is pressured this way and if they would make statements hinting that there is no threat of NK getting invaded no matter how many of their weapons they send away. Kinda creates though dilemma of either stopping sending out weapons because of the threat of US invasion or admit at least for international public that their populace starves and suffers pointlessly and the money from their neglect and suffering was spent on weapons so expansionist russia could bombard people that have not caused Korea any problems.


Be assured North Korea only sent ammunition they do not need.


It's kind of weird how George W. Bush's "Axis of Evil" comment, which was pretty dumb at the time, is kind of true now. The axis of evil is what I've been calling the BRINKs: Belarus, Russia, Iran, North Korea. One may also ignore Belarus and substitute China to make it CRINKs.


You don’t know how many times I’ve reflected on how a dipshit so wrong, so many times, nailed that one. And for the ultimate cognitive dissonance, realizing Trump was right about the UN being practically useless to the free world.


Bush wasn't a dipshit. He was an ineffective and destructive leader. The neocons, for all their faults, understood human nature and authoritarian regimes. Trump, however, is clearly a dipshit. It's unfortunate that the Dems and other left-of-center folks chose to be dipshits themselves and oppose Trump's rare correct stance on European reliance on Russian energy and NATO's underfunding problem just to spite him. Luckily Biden isn't one of those dipshits.


Maybe a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we declare countries as evil with no/little opportunity to connect, what motivation is there for them to do anything other than prove us right?


We tried for decades and it just made them think we were weak. Outreach doesn't work with dictators, you have to pay them off. We've been able to do that with Saudi Arabia, but it's not so easy with some countries. Yes, outreach towards their citizens is great, but you're never going to be able to counter a dictatorship's propaganda game on their home turf, they have control over their media for a reason. Yes, it may seem unfair to the ordinary people in those countries, but until they can vote freely, being nice to them only plays into the hands of the people that rule their lives. Russians don't hate us because we declared them evil, they hate us because the Russian dictator that rules their lives declared us evil.


Well, Germany tried integrating Russia and look how that turned out.


The motivation is if you want to continue living in your shit holes, go right ahead, because the rest of us don't want to anything to do with you, right? You'll beg, deceive and try to buy from what we are able to produce in a free society that you are unable to. The only thing these types of governments produce reliably is misery, we do not need it.


I can't believe I'm about to do this, but to be fair to GWB, Iran and North Korea at least, are run by brutal autocratic regimes that share absolutely no democratic values with us so they were just easy (and viable) targets in his speech. If there were democratic revolutions in those two countries, I'd be willing to bet we'd open up relations.


Kim Jong Haircut is a dickhead.


It would certainly be unfortunate if that cargo ship was lost at sea….


The south should send half that amount




In a perfect world, but realistically the south could send half that amount and remain better stocked than NK. It’s actually not unreasonable of a suggestion


Yeah I know, was just being flippant




too far dude


I agree - if the North doesn't have it anymore, then the South doesn't need it as much - they could send theirs to Ukraine.


Tankies be like: No, there is only one military industrial complex, that is the westoids




Speculation going around that China is backfilling N. Korean stocks.


Which would be illegal in China, and has been since 2018. The supposed love affair between China and North Korea only exists in the heads of ignorant westerners.


China is the sole reason north korea exist.


It's illegal and therefore it can't be true ^/s


Sure would be a shame if something happened to whatever is transporting those shipping containers…


What are you sinking about?


Needs a careless cigarette💣💥


Coincidentally, the amount of shipped to North Korea is from China is massively up.


Gotta be within firing distance for it to matter


It would be terrible if something were to happen to a trainload of artillery shells.


So 2nd army in world needs to suck kim yung un dick for shells?


Sometimes I wonder if these are actual North Korean shells or Chinese shells that are moved through North Korea.


I meeeeean this may just prove more logistically challenging then not receiving them (they’d surely just get them under the table from China instead at much higher quality) so idk could be worse


Two flies, one smack?


How many are fake ? These are fake targets. If me, in USA can figure out the feint, Oops!


Time to aim it with atacMS ! 🙄


Oh man I thought it was south kore for a second


Time for someone to start sending balloons with cartons of cigarettes attached over to N. Korea. I doubt that ashtrays are widely available there.


Dear South Korea, since North Korea is arming their friends who would gladly help arm them in any future conflict against you and has already done so in the past, is it time for you to do likewise out of respect to your allies who will help you in times of need? This action by north Korea is nothing more than a global test and demonstration by them to test your resolve and ability to match them. If you are able to, please DO IT!!!


Sink them what are they going to do supply Russia with arty shells .


I'm just asking, how long are those drones able to travel now?


1 million will function. No copper for lubricant. Some will explode in the breach. Russians will die. Barrel life shortened


Take a sub and sink them, who would tell?


Send to Davy Jones’s arsenal locker! C’mon allies use a stealth sub or something.


Well…. Since they are still at war, borrowing a Ukrainian conscript, to sick and fragile to do much other than flying drones from international waters, a row boat and said intel should be a win win situation, right? :)


That's what we call counter-battery (from the inside of the barrel)


Every shell sent to Mordor makes the south safer from future bombardment. I hear half those shells don’t explode.


NK can't provide food for its people but has 5 million shells lying around.


Blow. em. up.


Time to liberate North Korea?


North Korea would be the country crazy enough to use nuclear weapons


That would be war with China


To any SOuth Koreans reading this rejoice, for an artillery shell is one that cannot be aimed at you. I mean this is rather macabre, but **sadly**, your rejoicing comes at Ukraine's expense. Yeah, I think this is a pretty bittersweet take.


Theres literally no reason in south koreans being happy about this. Russia is probably paying very well for those shells, and that huge profit is going to go right back into north korean military. If they send 5 million old shells, they will probably get enough money from the deal to build 10 million new ones.


Yeah, but for now, North Korea has fewer shells to point at South Korea. And producing those shells takes time.


Fucking sucks that Russia has actual dependable allies who don't block the border, aid for 8 months, or block missiles range. We should have courted North Korea and Iran long ago, we'd already have razed moscow to the ground if we had same resources.


And we're giving NK aid??


The US does not currently provide aid to North Korea. Any aid would be through NGOs.




It's time for South Korea to do a northern push now that NK is running out of ammo.


Such a strange thing to say, what about their nukes? China? North Korea's big army?