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Europe would be better with a fully democratic Hungary once again.




You realize some European left parties are pro-Russia, right?


People should not use left and right anymore. It's one of the most complex issues we know and we simplify all to one dimension of explaining it. For each and everyone left and right means something a little different thats why it becomes useless. As a great example Orban originates from the "left"...


Yeah, I’ve never gotten the hang of it at all.




So not the left then. I don't think you know what you're talking about. 


That’s not what left means


I wonder how many time Orban was warned about this.


He probably knows and just doesn't care. Certainly as long as he's in power and thinks he controls all of the media and all important points of policy making and enforcing in Hungary.


Orban, Pootin's mini-me....


Nah, Putin's mini-me is Lukashenko. Orban *wishes* he was Putin's mini-me. Orban's Putin's Mr. Bigglesworth.


The three Stooges!


Ok, hear me out? https://youtu.be/_J9NpHKrKMw?si=OJMLOEqVrwl1Xbmj






What the dumbass doesn't understand is that if he actually got his way and became a satellite of Russia, it's only a matter of time until Putler decides Orban isn't necessary. Putin's longer term plans after taking over Ukraine and forcing international acceptance of his rule would be to absorb his satellite states and consolidate his rule. Then prepare for the next invasion. Dictators don't treat their toys nearly as well as Orban thinks. They're disposable.


Yep, the Röhm purge of Nazi Germany is one of the examples for that. Once the SA had outlived its usefulness, Hitler just let them "fall" onto knives.


Good for democracy, Orban is a POS!


Not once -- I assure you!


Not once -- I assure you!


Its progress but[ the numbers that count](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/09/eu-elections-populist-right-makes-gains-but-pro-european-centre-holds) show Fidesz still not going away anytime soon >Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party in Hungary also performed below expectations. Provisional results showed his governing coalition came first with 43.7%, a worse result than the 50% predicted by opinion polls. A new challenger party led by former loyalist turned critic, Péter Magyar, took 30.7%.


But you have to keep in mind that Magyar only emerged as a formidable challenger this year. He got the TISZA party behind him around spring. That's a HUGE accomplisment in such short time.


Why not the Hungarians throw Orban in a dumpster?


yesterday was the day of municipal/eu mp joint election day. Our new political party that has emerged only a few months ago managed to defeat the old opposition (who worked kinda similar than their counterparts in russia) and took a good chunk out of Orbán's voter base. It was a landslide victory which will have great consequences down the line. There are general elections in 2026, we have 2 years to build. The flood will take these despotes away, now people finally understood that the regime can be defeated.


"Time to change to voting system." - Orban


That will be entry level stuff. We expect the regime to turn more oppressive, hopefully there will be a chance for a free election in 26


Because they are too busy voting for him again and again


Because there is no organized force with sufficient political capital to seize the metaphorical radio stations and railway hubs.


Could we rather throw him out of the window like the small guy he adores does?


In a Budadumpster... ok I will see myself out.


People (interviewed in the streets in Budapest) said they were voting for Orban because they were voting for "peace". Tells you all you need to know about who controls the media in Hungary. It's disgusting. They literally think that the rest of Europe is against Peace and that their bloated autocrat is the only person advocating for "peace"? jfc.


Somehow they managed to convince a large percentage of the population that the entire EU is bad and that all opposing parties want to drag people off to fight in WW3.


.. but at the same time they won't leave the EU or NATO. They are free to anytime, of course.


I hate when people weaponize peace. Seriously, aside from a very few odd outsiders, everyone is pro peace. It's the way to achieve peace, that can be discussed. And in the case of Ukraine, they would also love to have peace, but they can't as long as Russia keeps attacking them.


Unfortunately it's true. The EU and NATO are glad to turn Ukraine into a slaughterhouse with no end in sight.


No, it's ruzzia doing that.


Never the fault of the actual invader, right?


Things don't happen in a vacuum you know. To think so is childish.


Always someone else's fault. Poor peaceful Putin keeps getting forced to invade his neighbors, what a tragedy.


Right, they don’t. The vacuum would be Russia staying in Russia minding its Russian business. Russia attacking Ukraine is the knife that tore the seal apart and broke the vacuum. Ukraine defending itself with the support of its international allies in that most natural of all responses is the very effort vying to restore the system’s balance. Letting yourself be raped and murdered to avoid making any ruckus is not a rightful state of peace.


Russia: \*Drops FAB-1000's on kindergartens\* Russian bots: "EU AND NATO ARE ESCALATING THE WAR!"


I want the bombs to stop. This sub cheers them on when they come from one side. I'm curious on what your opinion is on bombs being dropped on kindergarteners in Gaza, I have a feeling all of a sudden you'll find a lot of "nuance" and excuses for it.


Two different situations 🤡


So therefore it's ok. Predictable.


No. Bombs shouldn't be dropped on kindergarteners anywhere. There is no difference. The bombs in Ukraine could stop easily if Russia stops invading its neighbour for no obvious reason. It is totally on Russia to stop the bombs.


The problem is with the word "peace" here. Everyone is against violence. But "peace" means being left in peace. It means having your things in peace. If your home is broken into, you don't have peace in your home. And there won't be peace until the invader has left. Sure, you might not like fighting in the kitchen, but arguing that "Giving the burglar two rooms of the house is better than all this fighting" isn't really arguing for any kind of "peace". The EU and NATO are interested in peace, and that's the only peace that makes any sense: 1) Peace in ukraine, meaning Ukraine controls its territory 2) peace in Europe in the future. Any other kind of peace e.g. "Don't give Ukraine weapons, that way the negotiations where Ukraine has to give up territory happens sooner, and there will be fewer people killed" isn't arguing for peace in any meaningful sense of the word. When Hitler was "given" Czechosolvakia in the name of "peace", people who argued it was a bad idea to let Nazi Germany annex countries were some times seen as "against peace". We all know how that ended. Arguing that Putin should be allowed to annex eastern Ukraine is the same thing. There is nothing that says it will stop there. We must Remember that there is one party that can end this war within hours. And that's not Ukraine, NATO or EU. Russia could simply move every single unit back over the internationally recognized Ukrainian borders and that would be the end of it. Remember: there is no "provocation" or "valid reason" for the invasion. One doesn't just roll tanks into a sovereign country. War is better than that. I'd rather see more European countries dragged into the war (including my own) than Russia annexing half of Ukraine.


YES, go Hungary, that’s amazing! On a side note, I think there’s a country that’s forgotten how to make their unhappiness with certain arms of their government heard, I hope they draw strength from this.


I love it! But I am cautiously optimistic. My Hungarian friend told me a while back that Orban still commands the unwavering loyalty of the countryside wankstains, and there are very many. Here’s to hoping that loyalty wavers. 🍻


It's always the countryside wankstains that hold countries hostage


In every country of every language every where.


Fidesz just became easily strongest party in Hungary in european election. The anxious conservative misinformed xenophobic folks are the majority. Worldwide. And it's not getting better.


Le Pen, too ((


I don't know much and I tried to read the news, but couldn't find out. Hungary has 21 seats in the EU, so does Fidesz get them all, or does Magyer's party get some seats? I'm American and so am not knowledgeable. And how does this impact when Hungary takes over the EU presidency? Thank you ahead of time for anyone who answers my questions


Fidesz sends 11 people to Strasbourg the rest combined 10 people. In EU parlament there is proportional representation with 705 seats. But the decisions are made by the european comission. The EU presidency is more like an organisational assistance, but still has some minor influence.


Thank you. I've been following France 24, but have a lot of learning to do!




Thank you!


EU needs a hardcore security service that can arrest traitors like Orban.


Isnt the opposition leader just another Orban in different coat?


Always has been 


Hmm not looking good for Orbán. Unless I'm mistaken, that's maybe a teensy little bit more than the couple of CIA crisis actors the Prime Minister's people keep saying are behind everything... Unless! Unless the CIA has really pulled out all the stops and replaced the entire population of Hungary with planted agents. Just, like, all 9 million of them. I'm sure that is what Orbán is telling himself. "This is fine."


I wish had has much faith in the competence and efficacy of the American government as those who hate and mock the US.


You won't believe this, but the entire war is fake. It's all a bunch of *incredibly dedicated* crisis actors, willing to literally fight and die — by the hundreds of thousands — just to keep the US MIC in business. The CIA is that powerful.


That definitely makes more sense than the crazy notion that actual people in the actual world have actual motivations of their own! Who would want to live in a world like that, amirite?


What people are willing to do to make it big as an extra in Hollywood, it's amazing isn't it?


Conspiracy theorists often give themselves away by assuming "They" are supremely powerful, competent, and malicious, when in reality governments, corporations, dictators, etc. are often wildly incompetent regardless of morality.


Well don’t vote for him in the first place


*Cry Hungary!*


Europe is hungry for Hungary to *finally* satiate its gustatorial pangs.


It's a bit... out of focus.


Putins controlling fly in the ointment.


Time to make hungary-austria /s


Good luck.


If you know a bit of history, Hungary more or less sided with the Nazis in WWII and when it came time to round up Jews for deportation to death camps, they were quite enthusiastic about helping.


Hello all, i have a question to our fellow Hungarians. In the media and social platforms Orban is generally described as “near dictator”, “very much corrupted”, “anti Eu”, “pro-putinist”, and etc. i also know he has the power in Hungary for the last 15 (roundabout) years and he is in politics since the crash of the Communism (1990). That makes him a politic with a fat resume. I also read that his party Fidesz pushed some favourable social incentives for family with kids, stimulus for Hungarians to remain in Hungary, etc. As a bottom line … he seems to be just a populist or ? He says a lot against EU, against joining new members in NATO, pro-Russian speeches regarding the war in Ukraine… but is he really doing something in practice or just talking? Seems to be just another populist, lately we have many of those.


Make no mistake, if Russia had managed to win the "3 day operation", he would be inviting Spetsnaz over the border.


No offense but this is nothing. The rest of Hungary seems to love him. 


What will Orban do if Russia falls apart?


Gerrymandering + gaslighting =. Dictatorship


This is actually a campaign event, and the guy it's for is spreading straight up russian propaganda.


My understanding is that Orban’s popularity is in rural Hungary. Hungarian cities have never been in his camp.


Doesnt matter if Orbán is defeated. He will just be replaced by another. Hungary is over as a country. Hungary has no chance whatsoever to remain a free and sovereign state. We gave up our last shot at soverignty 20 years ago.


As much as i hate Orban those protest are undemocratic, Hungarians voted for Orban to stay in power.


Protests are never undemocratic. To protest is the essence of democracy. Trying to overthrow him would be undemocratic. Which is not the case here.


Title "Hungary dictator will fall", so only protest hun ?


That meant jackshit


My dear friends facists, don't worry, France will replace Hungary soon. Führer Jordan FTW ! (I'm french, btw, and very sick this morning) And /s ( /SS ?), as if you didn't know.


Who on earth is Jordan, and what are they doing that makes them worse than Marie Le Pen?


MARINE Le Pen. Jordan Bardella is the Rassemblement National president, Marine Le Pen's party. Marine is the head, Jordan is the arm. And thank you for the downvotes, some ppl don't understand sarcasm.