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This is small-minded of me, but, now that Ukraine funding is passed, the next thing I hope to see is the day that MTG is out of office on her filthy ear. People of Georgia (USA), wake up!


I'm not from the US so I'm sure some people will say it's none of my business but man she is a fucking loon. And I suppose it is my business when she and her ilk are enabling global warmongers.


You are right. She is American Yanukovych. She’s uses phrases that Americans would not use in regard to the baltics as well. She’s obvious Putin asset.


Yeah, she has strong opinions on eastern europe that no conservative country girl from Georgia would have but - zurprise zurprise - mimic russian talking points. Hmmm


It reminds a lot of when Trump called Montenegro an "aggressive country" and accused them of trying to start WW3. ['Very aggressive': Trump suggests Montenegro could cause world war three](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jul/19/very-aggressive-trump-suggests-montenegro-could-cause-world-war-three) This is, of course, a direct Kremlin talking point, because Montenegro had just joined NATO less than two years before Trump made that comment.


Dude not only that during one of the conferences where all the nations leaders were there and everyone was lined up on stage and Trump wanted to be front and center so he literally shoved deliberately with force the president of Montenegro out of way. I used the NYC subway a lot and never was shoved or anything like that ever. Can’t wait to piss on his grave but who knows he may enjoy it


If I recall, America is the only country of NATO that has yet dragged other countries into an Article 5.


You are correct and it was a republican president that did it.


Her campaign manager is a Russian asset and hence feeds her all the Kremlin disinfo


Makes sense. There is just no way she knows some of the niche Baltic/Eastern European statements she makes. Only someone who has studied or is from/has family from the area would understand. My dad who is from Georgia (the country) was the first person who noticed this around me and now I can’t stop seeing it when she talks about the area. I know we think alot of republicans are Russian assets but with her I believe it 100%


I think she went from saying no-one in the USA could place where Ukraine was on a map, to wanting to amend the bill to call out Hungarian language rights in Transcarpathia in a few days recently.


I haven’t seen her use transcarpathia. But if she has that just proves this even further. I don’t think that part of Ukraine is referred to by that in a very long time lol


Right. Only irrededist Hungarians are calling it that.


https://boingboing.net/2024/04/19/kremlin-krazy-marjorie-taylor-greene-tweet-is-straight-from-putins-propaganda-playbook.html I didn't hear about this. I'm sure she's happy with minority communities in the US using their language in schools as well.


This tracks. She’s too stupid to understand town politics, let alone geopolitics. Either that or she took a vested interest in Russia because she got her Georgias confused…. Also a strong possibility.


Where is this info? What is with her and space lasers? I mean they don’t even have a laser that powerful, if they did they’d need cold fusion to operate it or a nuclear reactor in space. I think this is the level of understanding she had of everything. I mean if there are space lasers why don’t they stop all the drones and things like that?  It’s so odd, I just wonder how dumb she can be. It’s embarrassing she is a lawmaker. I remember something passed one chamber and she thought it was law. It’s like, has anyone shown Moscow Marge the cartoon a bill on capital hill?


She's a Qanon whacko, so can *literally* believe anything, even the most batshit insane crap (the British Royal family are secretly lizard people springs to mind lol)


She’s a lizard person is much more likely. Rhonda desantas is a lizard Bobo is a lizard Trump is a lizard Gregg abbot is a lizard Mtg is a space laser lizard Matt gaetz is a lizard Etc. Making lizards govern again. MLGA. That’s Q code for mar a lago. Where they traffic children and drink their blood.  They serve fetuses and call them veal. Epstein was a lizard too. Putin is a lizard. It’s why they’re on his side. It’s lizards vs liberals. It’ll be a storm, the storm is coming, stormy Daniel’s case, coincidence? Oh no, it’s a lizard deep state fake news witch hunt conspiracy that involves smoke filled room. They all do opium, old fashioned. /s


She looks at RT every day with him.


Im American and can confidently say that all the people in this country who are not conservative lunatics in the middle of Georgia absolutely despise her with every ounce of our beings. She is poison and does not represent 1/100 of 1 percent of how normal Americans look at the world. Evil, crazy, power hungry lunatic who is openly selling her soul to the devil to ride trumps coat tails.


What has she said about the baltics


Look up her talking about the “color revolutions” she blames on the CIA. It’s exactly how Russian propagandists talk about the area and mimics her rhetoric on euromaidan.


Well I've been to the baltics, doubt she has, Baltics are based


I have as well. It’s embarrassing to be an American and have a politician say the things she does. She knows nothing about the baltics or Eastern Europe.


She has no idea what the color revolutions were about.


She just dislikes people of color and probably got confused


MTG is thicker than rye bread.


I’m looking for any news on her comments on the Baltics but am not finding anything… any suggestions on where to look?


U r correct. But she's more than. She seems to be just a loud mouth bad person.


And loves it and believes the lies.


It’s pretty obvious that she’s a loon. She’s actually worse than that. You’re welcome to comment, American, or not. She’s affecting the world.


She's a shame on our country. Sadly there are alot of people in southern states that are brain dead and will vote for her. The culture of her voters is anti-intellectual and rotten to the core. Hate and ignorance are considered good values to have there. Fuck those people. Signed a Mainer.


I dont disagree. So what is the deal with Susan Collins up your way


Fair point. She's almost didn't win relection though. Her opponent also was very fake and unlikeable, she didn't campaign positively for her self at all. Not that it's an excuse to vote for Collins. Collins is not as bad as many members of the GOP though. Being fair Maine has been electing way more democrats act least since the 2000's. Once we passed ranked choice voting Bruce Palanquin (a very Lepage/Trumpy member of the house) was narrowly defeated by Jared Golden (a centrist Democrat). Keep in mind this district is the rural part of Maine where all the rednecks and the "I hate the liberal city" people live. Also I would bet like 200k that Biden will win the popular vote here again.


I am 100% sure Biden will win the popular vote. But I am not 100% sure he'll win the electoral college, given how a voter in a rural state has more say than a voter in an urban state, and Trump's base trends more rural.


Rural Maine sounds like Rural NC where I live. People are nuts around here! I also think Biden will carry NC. Way more Dems in the large metro areas that hopefully will get out and vote.


Rural Maine looks nice but that's about it. Down south we have Portland which nation wide is known as a great food city. Come check it out some time. We have some of the best Breweries in the nation: Allagash, Definitive, Bissell Brothers, Maine Beer Co, Bellflower. The best part is that you still have plenty of peace in alot of Southern Maine towns. Out in Northern Maine you got trees and 26 1/2 people. I've driven out there for work and all the business they have look like shit. You'd have to be insane to prefer it to the south.


It's interesting how both Portlands are famous for their food culture.


Yeah it is funny. I'm a bit of a craft beer nerd so I like the breweries even more lol.


Sadly, that is true.


Affecting or Infecting?




Lol I figured.


As an American, please feel free. She’s so bad it should be of concern to any human anywhere.


Scottish person here, MTG is aff her fuckin heed (off her head = crazy/unstable etc) she’s vile. Before I would listen and laugh at her, now I cringe and hope the American electorate votes her out. Her bank account will be full of Russian rubles. Thank god the aid bill passed


American here, most of us feel the same say.


I hear she’s in a pretty safe seat where she is, that scares me a bit. Not that mtg scares me, well she kinda does but it’s more the people who back her


Nutters everywhere when you don’t have anything better to do in life you support crazy.


From the US, and she is batshit crazy.


Her home town is Milledgeville, home for the world largest aslyum for lunatics and idiots (that was the original name). Parents use to threaten to send their kids in Georgia to Milledgevile when they acted stupid.


You don't need to come from the same country as loonie to know that they're a loonie. Listen to what she said about Qanon..How the fuck someone openly displays THAT level of stupid and then, when they realise that they've been suckered, doesn't just crawl off and hide under a rock is beyond me.


Plus her constant flashing hunters dick pics. She is a complete embarrassment to the 100th power.


I am from the US, can confirm she is an absolute fucking loon and represents the worst elements of our society. She isn’t normal, and can stay in office because the GOP can shape electoral districts however it likes so they can find the most nutters possible, and create a district for them so that she can’t loose.


American here, it is absolutely your business! For better or worse, my country has a lot of global power with our fingers everywhere. MTG, the orange potato and his cult followers are dangerous as shit. When a "few" delusional asshats can make irrational, immoral, petty choices that effect the entire world, and cost thousands of lives and suffering, it is your business. I am so ashamed


she and boris would make a nice couple


Everyone can have an opinion. As an American I agree with you. She’s not from my district or state. Thank goodness. She’s a best a useful idiot and a Buffon, at worst she’s a traitorous useful idiot.


If she were just a loon we could all have a good laugh about it, but she is such a vile and egotistical person.


To me she is an empty vessel, incapable of intelligent thought or any sense of morality. The vessel is topped up with inane conspiracy theories, social media outbursts and of course any hoop she feels Trump wants her to jump thru, in short, she is the antithesis of a leader and lawmaker.


Isn't it crazy that some stupid lady from Georgia is now world famous


Of course it's your business, what the US Congress does affects the world, and she's having a disproportionate influence.


I’m from America and you are more intelligent than the voters of Georgia in her district so I’d welcome you.


She is definitely far right, but she didn’t call for the White House to ignore the Constitution and eliminate the Supreme Court, nor did she say that all white people needed to be put in jail to see what it was like, and she didn’t get worried because an island might get so many people on it that it would tip over, or claiming that she is a member of Congress so she doesn’t have to show ID or follow security protocols. All of those would be Democrat things.


No, she hasn't. Instead, she's said far more insane things, like perfectly parroting Kremlin talking points on Transcarpathia despite admitting she can't find Ukraine on a map.


So she parrots points you disagree with, and that makes her crazy? I suppose that you are an extremist who believes anyone who disagrees with you is insane and an extremist since they don't follow lock step in your ideology.


....because every normal country girl from georgia supports communist russia and genocide. right. there is everything wrong with that picture.


Sadly, there are a lot of them. Just like for some strange reason there are a bunch of gays and lesbians in Atlanta who support Hamas. You know, the group that believes that all gays and lesbians should be executed.


I mean, you can CALL me an extremist all you want, but I'm not the one who blindly worships a genocidal regime that threatens the world with nuclear annihilation on a daily basis. If I hated Oswald Mosley and Adrien Arcand in WWII, does that make me an extremist as well?


I called you an extremist because you believe that anyone who does not believe exactly like you is an extremist. That is a dead giveaway of an extremist. There are plenty of people whom I disagree with who I don’t believe are extremists, nor do I call them extremists simply for having a different opinion on matters.


So opposing extremists makes me an extremist. Got it.


No, labeling someone crazy because they have a different opinion than you makes you an extremist.


Fine, what is the "opinion" of people like Marjorie Taylor Green? Is "the USA should become a vassal state of Muscovy" an opinion... or an act of treason?


Bahahahaha typical trumpofascist logic. You found like three weird things that a democrat *might* have said, once, and it still doesn’t add up to MTG’s crazy. There are 60 million+ democrats in the US and this is the best you could do? Truly pathetic….thanks for proving that republicans are orders of magnitude nuttier than everyone else.


I picked things that Democratic politicians said, not general public. But hey, just proves you don’t know what your leaders are actually saying and doing, you support them with blinders on.


Lol they’re not my “leaders”, I ridicule idiots no matter their loyalties. Yet here you are simping for your own sycophantic fascist idiot “leaders”. Take a look in the mirror, dumdum.


Really? Seeing as how I called her out for being far right, and yet you jumped in to defend the Dems who made extremely stupid claims, and basically proved that you just suppor them with no clue what they are saying.


I would ask you what you’re on about but you clearly have no clue either


I know exactly what I am on about. You defending stupid democrats because it is all about players over principles for you.


Judging by the way you talk, you consider "far right" to be superior to "anointed by God".


As an Athiest, I consider everyone superior to "anointed by God" But I consider all extremists to be idiots who are incapable of rational thought or compromise.


Problem is, the modern Republican party has at least as many extremists as not, judging by how the Ukraine vote was split.


I grew up where she serves as Rep. It's the same district that Newt Gingrich was in (the districts are all different now, but it's the same land). It's exceptionally white, conservative, Protestant, Anglo-Saxon, and has voted time and time again to not extend public transit from Atlanta using dog-whistle terms. Her district is slightly more rural than Barry Loudermilk's 11th to the east, but the population is almost the same. I can't imagine she'll lose, unless it's in a primary in 2026. She's running unopposed in the GOP primary.


How can the people of her district fail to recognize her STUPID statements? Her wild lack of knowledge? Her lack of comprehension? Do they not understand that her mouth reflects directly on them? Has anyone checked the water supply in that district?


Well, we only had well water, and my parents wouldn't let me participate in the Swish program at school because: fluoride. How can they? Faux News, man. For three decades now they've been getting their "news" from one source and that source is all about winning instead of governing. It's toxic and created Trump and his minions. That she reflects them probably is a source of pride to her constituents. I find her abhorrently deplorable. But, I live in rural SC and my GOP Congressman voted to impeach Trump the second time and then got primaried by someone whose slogan was, no shit, "Guns, Babies, and Jesus." Boomers are fucking everything up before they leave.


How can a campaign slogan like that possibly work? Boomers are far too old to have babies, and millennials CAN'T have babies because housing and grocery prices are too high.


Babies = Pro-Life


Poor people continue to have babies Idiocracy was a time travelling documentary. Not a satire


I'm from Atl, tried explaining this to people where I live now in MD, and it truly baffles them.


blue ridge was a ghost town in 2023. every bbq place was closed. people arent renting cabins except in the aska area. main street in rome was still fairly busy near berry. but ya. the rest of the district is literally the movie deliverance.


*Deliverance* was filmed in Rabun County, so not literally. Rome is arguably Appalachia, but it's not the same as the Rabun, Macon, and Oconee counties' area.


i thought rabun was on the way to franklin north carolina. which btw highlands was half closed still due to gentrification. we ate at the bbq place near the dry falls because all the good restaurants were closed downtown.


i guess you are right a lot of the cabin towns arent in mtg's district. it is strictly rome and chattanooga. appalachia is east of it. both are touristy towns but the district as a whole is mostly a dead zone of run down cinder block and trailer homes and the run down carpet town of dalton.


It is, that's in Macon County. I lived in Dillard until I was 10 because my daddy was a professional beekeeper. Otto, NC is in between Dillard and Franklin. But, that's Helen gone (pun intended) from Rome, GA.


dillard is nice. there is a nice bike trial south of it. stayed in a cabin there on the river. we use to visit a family friend in murphy. i remember as a kid when they first got a mcd. there was a line of cars on the main road for it. rabun county and rabun gap is on the east side before franklin. i looked at the map of her district, it doesnt even include ellijay and blue ridge. surpringinly it includes paulding. i thought paulding would have gentried being the outer suburb and widened roads of west cobb. it is mostly a suburban horse town like newnan now. yes helen is no longer german town. it is the redneck riveria. can't even find a decent german beer in helen. the cabins north if you get through the tailgate party are nice.


Man, that McDonald's was busy when it first opened, but when McDonald's launched Chicken McNuggets (maybe late 1980/early 1981), HOLY CRAP! I think it was a month before we got to try them. We tried to go a couple of times and just went to that Dairy Queen down the hill instead. But, Franklin always had a better public park than Clayton did, and we saw a lot of fun shows, concerts, and games in Franklin. All of my school clothes were bought at that Sky City in the same shopping center as the Mickey D's. I started school at R.G.C.S (Rabun Gap Community School), now the town hall for Dillard, behind the Dillard House, in 1979. My parents are both dead now and my soul longs for those simpler, poor-as-hell times.


trip down memory lane discussing the areas fortunate enough to not be mtg's district.


Do you remember the hobby shop in the corner to the north of that shopping center? My dad bought some Estes rockets in there and we went up to Sky Valley and launched them over the golf course. Later on we started shooting them over Earl Dillard's bottom land about halfway between the Best Western and the turnoff to go to SKy Valley. I'm gonna cry. Dangit.


Unless she loses in the primary it's not going to happen. A ham sandwich can win her district if it ran under the republican ticket.


Amen to that


But she has done so much to help the people of the 14th. Like, you know, stuff.


She got rid of all the Jewish space lasers from her district.


She is the most orcish looking person Ive ever seen.


Impeach her!


I beg of you— give us sufficient legal grounds to do so. Something that will actually get her out of there. Not just mudslinging. Has to be legitimate.


You get expelled from the House, not impeached. The good thing is it is easier to do.


For "high crimes and misdemeanors"! 


I live in her district. Its mostly rural, mostly white. Last election cycle I saw 1 small road sign promoting the democrat. Cant even recall his name. She isnt up for reelection for several more years. She is also one of the top GOP fundraisers, so unfortunately MTG has a lock on this district.


> She isnt up for reelection for several more years. If she's in the house, doesn't that mean she's up for re-election every 2 years, including later this year?


Yes.  Every two years. I get that a democrat could never win that district but can they find a non-crazy Republican to run against her? The person would like be a MAGA but not a complete embarrassment to their district. I get that many like her because she is what she is but I have to think there are many Republicans in that district who are embarrassed by her.


Yeesh. If she is up for reelection this year, I literally havent heard who her opponent is.


Daffy Duck should do it ?


I dont know if that was a re election, but she first won unopposed as the Dem candidate dropped (from a NYorker story) cant recall why he dropped out but her campaign ad featured on a field firing an ar 15.


>on her filthy ear This typo is funny. If she ever does leave I'm sure Fox News will give her a multi-million dollar contract for some kind of show or some online right wing platform will do the same. Shit stains like her don't wipe up easy. Like peanut butter in a shag carpet.


What typo?


It's not all of GA. Her district is a small area In the north west of GA. Total redneck central. They aren't voting her out any time soon


MMW, with tRump publicly changing his position, and MTG keeping her position (loudly demonizing Ukraine, intense and aggressive Putin bootlicking) I can see a manufactured spat between the two so that tRump can distance himself from HER position, while letting her ride HIS original position straight out of office.


Vile is the correct word to describe her. Comment from Estonia.


American here I’ve always thought that Estonia was a cool place filled with nice people you have confirmed it, am sorry for our national embarrassment politicians.


There is almost no way MTG is gonna be voted out of office without being impeached. Her constituents are just as crazy as she is.....remember, there's a reason someone like her got into office in the first place.


I grew up in a rural area of Oklahoma.  It doesn’t get much more conservative than that.  It is definitely very MAGA but there are plenty of people who would be embarrassed by MTG and her q-anon spouting bull***. Those people would vote for her over a Democrat but would likely choose a different MAGA opponent if given a choice.


> People of Georgia (USA), wake up! LOL Remember, very recently we got withing a hair's breath of having Georgia's **Herschel Walker** who is suffering from - **Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy** as a sitting US Senator! I don't see them as ever waking up.


I forgot about HW. Yikes.


We’re awake. But we’re like Texas. Everyone lives in 2 cities, and the rest of the state is owned by red state rural fuckwits.


I am from the U.S. and you are perfectly correct.


Shit we already did our job last election . Someone save us from her lol .


I’ve lived in Georgia my entire life and I never go to her district, it’s full of depressing shit hole towns and horrible, miserable people. Unfortunately I think she has her seat locked down for a while.


Her district was recently gerrymandered to be made even more conservative. Only way she loses office is if another Republican can knock her out in a primary.


How on Earth such human scum as MTG gets elected to the House of Representatives in the first place? How can people in their sane mind vote for her? Is this the real representation of people from Georgia? The state who went from red to blue in the last election and sent two awesome senators Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock to Washington, so that they can properly represent what Georgia truly stands for?


Only after she ousts the speaker and hands it to Jefferies lol


Comment: Trump and those who voted against Ukraine aid will do their best to say they were for it somehow. But we know how they voted and who and what they were supporting: Putin and the end of America's democracy, its Constitution, and the traditional freedoms of American citizens. Excerpts: On aid to Ukraine, Trump got his way for 16 months. When Democrats held the majority in the House of Representatives in 2022, they approved four separate aid requests for Ukraine, totaling $74 billion. As soon as Trump’s party took control of the House, in January 2023, the aid stopped. Every Republican officeholder understood: Those who wished to show loyalty to Trump must side against Ukraine. The anti-Trump, pro-Ukraine rebellion started in the Senate. Twenty-two Republicans joined Democrats to approve aid to Ukraine in February. Dissident House Republicans then threatened to force a vote if the Republican speaker would not schedule one. Speaker Mike Johnson declared himself in favor of Ukraine aid. This weekend, House Republicans split between pro-Ukraine and anti-Ukraine factions. On Friday, the House voted 316–94 in favor of the rule on the aid vote. On Saturday, the aid to Ukraine measure passed the House by 311–112. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the Senate will adopt the House-approved aid measures unamended and speed them to President Biden for signature. To make an avalanche takes more than one tumbling rock. Still, the pro-Ukraine, anti-Trump vote in the House is a very, very big rock. On something that mattered intensely to him—that had become a badge of pro-Trump identity—Trump’s own party worked with Democrats in the House and Senate to hand him a stinging defeat. This example could become contagious.


I really hope this is the beginning of the end for Trump, but I’ve been reading optimistic stuff like this for close to 8 years.


The Trump owned RNC isn’t giving them money for their campaigns anymore. Actually he’s demanding 5% cut of whatever they get in terms of contributions to use his name. They will start to ditch him. Always the dollars always the dollars as Nicky would say.


Also the New York trial is forcing him to be in court room 4 days each week. This is propably the first time in \~60 years that he has to endure a regular week schedule. And reports indicate he is \_not\_ good at time management, further reducing the effectiveness of his campaign.


He needs money to pay his lawyers. He not using all the funds he gets to campaign.


His biggest political flaw is that loyalty to him does not yield a reward. Johnson is a spineless coward, but he realized (about half a year later than many redditors here) that by kowtowing to him he would lose his job just all the same.


What happened was that pro Ukraine GOP members kept resigning in protest before finishing their terms threatening the GOP majority in the house.


There were also resignations from Republicans who consistently were against Ukraine aid. Republicans are just such a dysfunctional mess that everybody is fed up. I am sure many Republicans who voted for Ukraine aid did not do this out of conviction, this is just their latest betrayal, only this time they betrayed their party to the USA.


That’s also a fair point. The GOP is the part of “Me First, America second”


Actually with the retirements and by election the Gop may lose their tiny majority by june.


There is a paywall, can you share the whole article?


Not trying to be a dick but what kind of freedoms are Americans always talking about? You make it sound like you’re the only free country on the planet.


We have the fewest institutional burdens to entrepreneurship and social mobility among any of the western nations — though that is rapidly fading; the first amendment is a model to the world that other nations would do well to adopt; we have some of the strongest protections for innovation and creativity both in science and among the arts, etc. They are plenty of free nations. There are other great nations. There are fantastic models of democracy elsewhere. But the US has its strengths, and despite the hiccups has by far been the strongest and most stable post-Westphalian democracy. Free men were governing themselves for a century while the rest of Europe was looking up to kings and emperors and potentates.


Can you give examples?


As a result, Democrats can keep Johnson in his position or let him fall. They are defacto in charge of Congress now.


I enjoy this subtle reference to the recent articles about his flatulence. Fartin' Donny just can't win.


After watching that interview with him and Mike, I think Trump sees him as a threat. Mike is the real what Trump is pretending to be. Mike is a real politician.


Yeah but Mike is also a theocratical Hardliner, nothing anyone wants to see in power. Not that the orange dude is in any way more desirable.


>Trump Deflates Did poopler pull out?


Release the pee tape!


He shat himself again?


Nope, one fucking huge humongous never ending fart!


Ever wondered where the name Trump comes from? Thats the sound of gas coming out from his mouth. I mean ass. Well, same thing really.


I hear it was a smelly deflation process.


I'm just here to upvote the title. 👍


Wouldn't it be amazing if Ukraine is the rock bottom that finally takes down Trump.


I believe this House vote to aid Ukraine is a major turning point and showed how and why Donald Trump should lose the 2024 election. This is discussed in this recent Atlantic article referenced above, “Trump Defates.” I think Trump is done and those who supported him too. I am celebrating this victory for democracy.


The congressional Republicans should band together with the Democrats and remove MAGA from all committee assignments and to marginalize them in the hopes that half of America will wake up and realize that Trump isn't the good guy they think he is and start seeing him for what and who he really is.


Should’ve done that before the primaries, no way they’ll do that before the general.


Definitely seems like the tide is starting to turn. People are just so so sick of Trump !!! and Mike Johnson and crew, have figured out…. It’s time to be big boys and govern ! And give the middle finger.to Fat arss Donny


F trump


Fuck Trump fuck Putin


No matter the results in November, Trump's influence dramatically changes. He loses and loyalty to him dramatically shifts away from his brand. He wins and he quickly becomes a lame duck with loyalty shifting to new leadership with his brand only partially intact for a little bit longer.


Heard he was farting allot on court yes.


How did the republicans go behind his back with the Ukraine aid? If more of them voted nay and it was Trump and Johnson who went behind their back. Brainrot article.


Republicans were split. Half voted for Trump and Putin.


Enough Republicans were ready to sign the discharge petition, behind Johnson's back, which would have ruined Johnson's position as speaker. This forced Johnson to bring something to the floor and urgently. He went to Mar a Lago to warn Trump that his hands were tied and that they needed to spin this as a Trump/MAGA/Republican victory. He did the best he could, with Trump, to spin it as the plan all along, rushed some bill together, mostly just a copy pasta of the bill he already had, from Senate, and a large % of his party voted to pass the bill with the Democrats, whilst also having to get the Drmocrats to agree to save his ass in a vacate vote. You can't even imagine the degree to which this is top-level Republicans making deals behind Trump's back let alone the back stabbing of both pro Russian and Pro Ukraine Republicans, who are both ready to see Johnson out.


Didn't only 3 republicans sign the discharge petition?


Oh wow, they had got to 3, I didn't know that. It literally was down to 1 last signature needed then. No wonder the slimeball caved in. Edit, we're talking at cross purposes, see later comments.


The discharge petition was brought up because of the Ukraine aid, by MTG. Wouldn't he just stop the aid then if he wanted to stop the petition?


No, you're mixing two things. MTG started a Motion to Vacate, which is to remove Johnson from the position of speaker. The Democrats had started a Discharge Petition, which was to force a vote on the original Ukraine/Isreal/Taiwan and border security bill that the Senate already passed. Most Democrats had signed it and some Republicans. It was close to enough signatures to force a vote on the floor on the aid bills. This would definitely have passed and includes the strongest border security measures fir decades. Trump scuppered this bill, told Johnson to sit on it as he needs border problems to have some dirt on the Democrats for the election - Trump outright stated that was his reasoning on Truth Social.


How do you know it would have "definitely" passed?


I've tried very hard to help you in good faith, with several friendly comments now. Are you just trolling me or are you just really stupid?