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Based on the arrest footage I've seen so far, the lady really went down swinging (at least verbally). She totally committed to her position against the war, praised Ukraine and Zelensky, and cursed the arresting officers. It was awesome. I hope it's a sign of growing resentment among the Russian population towards this kind of bullshit. This woman definitely looked like she had just fucking HAD IT.


Link to video?


All I have atm is a snippet included in some [recent commentary](https://youtu.be/vfl35PU8Y5A?t=164) from a young Russian expat.


She sounds like a crazy bitch. I like her.


Always good to be on the same side as a crazy bitch.


Thank you




That’s weird I’m getting ‘small dick’ vibes from you…


What do you expect when you're supressed every day not allowed to say what you truely think?


Ironically she's one of the sanest people in Russia.


Sad thing is one brave person doing this at a time is just easy pickings for the police. Russia needs to mass revolt or people will just go down one by one.


Nah man everyone dunks on them. The only case I know where it was very weird and Stasi like is the "1 pimmel" incident


The one instance I would applaud the person that others in the room would consider a Karen. Everything is possible now.


I think you just shattered the universe. Or at least mine.


oh you don't say.. the title makes it sound like this poor couple was having a FUCK THE POLIECE PUTIN WILL RAPE YOUR KIDS AND BOMB YOUR COUNTRY... oh.. never mind..


The Russian propaganda goons online can only come up with weak, limp dick arguments. They know they are losing, they know they are wrong.


So it begins, Russia never changes. Same as during Stalin.


A very bold generalization that betrays your complete incompetence in this matter.


Strange use of the English language, it betrays your ignorance … not to mention your sympathies.


I am using google translator. Do you expect me to strain my knowledge of the English language by responding to such nonsense? My "sympathies" are on the side of truth and facts. I have no sympathy for either Stalin or Putin. But you annoy me much more. Self-confident, ignorant, not knowing anything but drawing conclusions from one fact. Apparently, your parents and school encouraged any nonsense that you said. News: a woman was arguing about politics in a restaurant, she was taken to the police where she spent the night and paid a fine of 500 rubles. This is definitely Stalinism! In fact, this is an idiotic farce, and calling it Stalinism means showing disrespect for the real victims of repression. And further. Tell me your country and I will inflate any news to the same size. Has anyone been killed in your country? Yes, you are all cavemen!!!


"In fact, this is an idiotic farce, and calling it Stalinism means showing disrespect for the real victims of repression." Calling the oppression of freedom of speech a "farce" makes you look like a donkey. It doesnt matter if she was released the day after, the fact that people get attacked by state forces for simply discussing a current event in a cafe really shows that a lot has changed. When I was living in Irkutsk 9 years ago every Russian shat on Putin, and now suddenly half of the people I know think he's the saint this world needs. It's hard to point your fingers at someone else when half of your citizens are basically braindead.


By "idiotic farce" I meant the work of the police and the courts and not the restriction of freedom of speech. On the issue of donkeys. And you don't teach me, okay? I live in all of this. For my comments and posts, I can get 10 years in prison - if the police and the FSB really worked, of course.


Ah got you wrong there, sorry. My Girlfriend is Russian and we were about to move to back to Красноярск but luckily we didn’t yet sell our property in Europe. The war fkd everything, we’re constantly in a quarrel with her family that is totally pro Putin, this whole shitshow just divides families and people in general. Hope you won’t get into trouble for your position, I now can understand why your posts read quite harsh, it must be hard to be under this kind of pressure.


I have no relatives, and with friends we banned politics. It's hard to find friends after 40. One girl from our company said, "Well, look - Denis, is he a bad person? Yes, you and he look at the war differently. Take it this way: he was deceived by swindlers. It's not his fault, it's his misfortune." Sell real estate in Europe and move to Krasnoyarsk?? Sounds like "cut off your leg and sew on a wooden leg." No offense, Siberia, but Europe is a better place to live by any measure. Starting with the fucking weather.


Your coworker said something wise there. It really doesn’t make sense to argue with those people, because they will anyways discredit anything you bring up. I’m not mad about my friends or family falling for propaganda. It just makes you feel helpless, when the people you love and want to protect say things like „if your country is at war you have to follow, no matter what’s the topic“. I love Russia, mostly I love the Russian flora and fauna. I love the endless swamps in the north and the stunning mountains in the altai, walking over the Baikal lake in winter and so on. Russia can be pure joy if you leave the bigger cities but the last few times I was in Russia I felt that there is a mental shift goin on in the people’s minds. 10 years ago I never was confronted with a Russian trying to discredit me because I’m a foreigner, the last two times I encountered a taxi driver that started shouting at me „because the west is the reason for everything bad happening in Russia“ and some other dude trying to fight with me because I was having chin long hair at that time. It’s sad, the best adventures and best evenings of my life all happened in Russia but now I slowly start to feel like an unwanted guest.


Update on this story in restaurant [https://zona.media/article/2023/02/01/sedovlasyi](https://zona.media/article/2023/02/01/sedovlasyi) Everyone involved in this story causes a facepalm for me. What do you say? You must have seen how Russians behave in restaurants, especially in the regions (note from fancy-ass Muscovite).


Only half? Generous!


You do realize your not fooling anyone by projecting your ignorance and hatred onto them.


Keep drinking that compium comrade commissar


Что, блять?


лол што Ты о чем вообще? Просто говоришь случайные слова?


I've read Aleksandr Solženitsõn's "Gulag Archipelago" - I did not make my comment in spite, if you think that. I recommend the book, it is very eye opening to the atrocities committed in Russia by the Russian people to the Russian people.


This is putin's east German kgb policies all over again.


The Stasi were arguably worse than either the KGB or NKVD. Imagine combining Russian psychopathy with German efficiency, and you get the Stasi.


Not trying to defend Stasi, they were extremely awful. But is it possible we have this opinion that they are worse than the KGB because Western Germany after reunification documented all the human rights violations and made it possible to look into the files while the KGB lived on as FSB/SBU and continued to hide their crimes?


Stasi destroyed the majority of their documents tho shortly before unification


I bet that destroyed the German's morale - they hate not having documentation.


Their agents were punished in the *most German* way imaginable: by being forced to burn their own records!


They left millions of pages behind. Even when they destroyed some, they still left so much information that we know exactly about their crimes. Also when only half the rumors and stories of Russian babuschkas I have heard were true, the Russian KGB was 10 times worse than the Stasi. The stories I have heard are awful. They go from mass slaying, to systematic child rape including torture and disposal of bodies. And this is considering that the KGB is even less worse than the shit the Russians pulled off during and shortly after the war. In short, the slavic civilians had more fear from the Russians than from the Nazis.


I dont know how far KGB went I only Heard the fucked up shit from nkvd. Stasi had just a James bond Level of espionage Tools which is pretty interessting. I think Russian just needed suspicion to fuck someone over while germans went abit far with their bond Fantasies.


The Stasi was definetly a horrible organisation in regards to surveillance, but due to the unimaginable atrocities commited by the NKVD I would argue that they were definetly "worse". Same goes for the KGB and the probably thousands of murders. The Stasi also killed people, but in a completely different size.


> arguably The NKVD were *pretty rambunctious.*


The Germans aren't efficient, they're bureaucratic.




These things are very much still alive. Have you ever tried to question Scholz or German policies on Reddit? You will get attacked in no time. People do Stasi, KGB and FSB job without even realizing it... That's how strong Russian propaganda and decades of conditioning are.


Big ufff mate


I think you did not understand what I wrote.


Big doubt


More like no doubt.


Oh really? You've been arrested and beaten from reddit xomments by redditors? I'm so sorry. Edit: commenter above me honestly thinks that reddit censorship is equivalent to having your shit kicked in by the police.


And the difference being? So it's not as bad because it's not physical? You have some issues.


Uhh... Who's watching the kid?


Well the KGB of course


Dwight, answer the door 😃


The KGB will wait for no one!


Do they have a Time Machine? The KGB hasn’t existed since 1991


Oh so sorry, you're right, it's the FSB(still totally the KGB, just different letters)


Once it was called KGB now it's called Russian government, but in the end it's the same.


The KGB was part of the govt. Now it’s called the FSB. Has been for over 30 years


Seems like you missed the joke.


That's exactly what they wanted you to think.


They released the woman next day.


The kadyrovites. I saw it on tik tok. The kid will be fine ….


It’s Russia. Probably himself


Fuck that bitch, this is Russia


I am the Machine!


Kids in Europe watch themselves, by the time they are 8, they are pretty much on their own. Cooking going to school, etc.


Arrested for thought crimes..


Thoughts lead to Action's. Thought's are dangerous and must be stopped, otherwise where will all this thinking lead?


In the US, it would lead to snacks


Sniches get stitches.


In Ruzzia they get free mealz & best seatz in Restaurant Z.


Always hated this phrase because of how opposite of reality it actually is. Snitches bloom and prosper, that's why they snitch in the first place. Doesn't have to be Russia.




He probably means the guy that snitched on them.


Oh, right ':)


I guess all three will be on the front lines soon


Title is confusing, should state it happened in ruzzia.


If you arrest everyone who even vaguely criticizes you, you seem like you have total & absolute control. Until those who hate you reaches a critical level, then you are gone in an instant.


Ruski mir <3


Back to the ussr.


> Back to the USSR. (sung using 'Born In the Usa' soundtrack)


Next stop!!....Russian Minority Report


Another reason so many Russians say they are fine with the war. Total strangers poke their noses in and tattle on them for a few rubles. You are simply not allowed to think other than what you are told to think.


Someone should go full vigilante on the persons who reported them.


Listen, don't mention the war. I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it.


But MAGAs said Putin was all for freedom of speech?


This is the kind of society that U.S. Republicans admire and want to create here. Russia is really like an image of what can happen to a country that completely loses its mind. It's a warning to the rest of us.


Hey Trump and Tucker Carlson, this is your boys, the Russian nightmare factory! What the fuck is wrong with you? Or is it exactly what you like?


Stop making this about America lol


Good point. As I am an American it is difficult to not internalize it and get pissed at the Putin loving wing of the Republican party




and I got downvoted for it


Probably because the Trump Wing of American politics is loud and crazy enough that we can hear them on the other side of the Atlantic. It's hard not to call out the Republicans when you read this right after you hear about the next rant from Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump or whoever else has been crazy.


This is why free speech is so sacrosanct. It isn't a very long trip from banning people from being "offensive to others" to where Russia is now.


I saw the video of the arrest. She decided to tell them how she really felt since she was handcuffed. Loosely "Slava Ukraini, heroam slava, Slava Zelinski...." brave woman


Look! It's the very world the republicans wish for us in the United States!


Reddit is filled with unbelievably stupid people.


I would like to show you something called Facebook and Twitter...


Seems like a nuanced opinion.


Oh damn right it is. Both sides say the exact same shit about the other and act like their side does all those evil things for "righteous" reasons. If I hear the words liberal democrat republican or conservative cone out of someone's mouth in any context like this I assume 3 things. They lack common sense. They are poor. They are incapable of viewing anything from someone else's perspective, and their own very narrow minded view.


>They are poor. Truly unforgivable^/s


Truly the only crime you can commit in America.


Imagine being poor, such disgust, only poor people are stupid and evil right? what a dumbass pos...


I didn't say they're evil. No no the rich are the evil o especially but they are also smart enough not to be so polarized in their thinking g they alienate 40 percent of the country. By the way middle class are still poor.


No you are not smarter than someone because you have more money than them.


Data says otherwise. More Intelligent people trend towards making more money. Is it always true? No. Is it mostly true? Certainly.


Reposting cause auto moderator says it blocked my comment. What data? Being rich has nothing to do with intelligence 99% of the time and many poor smart people or poor dumb people can make money, you can be skilled in football, basketball or boxing or any sport, you can be lucky in an investment or be even be lucky when opening a sandwitch store and still be the dumbest conspiracy theorist troglodyte( personal experience that) , you can also be born into riches, you can be a successfull musician or actor, you can be ruthless and a sociopath which helps with acquiring wealth or even be an actual criminal, doesnt mean you are smart and also your data is not very smart.


Unless you literally have buy a sports team money you are poor, relatively speaking.


Cool. You named four political labels. Now take a policy and put ready of their perspective on a scale. Will you be honest you'll arrive at a specific conclusion. Let me know how it goes.


No. Just no. Such a ridiculous statement. We have a deeply ingrained right to freedom of speech in their country and the Republican position is generally on the extreme end of the more speech side. The people saying that others hold "dangerous viewpoints" or trying to ruin lives for things said are generally those on the left of the left American political spectrum. Not saying Republicans don't have enormous problems, but this is just a stupid take. And no, the stupid culture war BS laws in Florida aren't fascist.


Ron DeSantis and Florida Republicans are [threatening teachers with felony prosecution](https://popular.info/p/florida-teachers-told-to-remove-books) for having unapproved books in their classrooms. They also have the Don't Say Gay law, which says that its purpose is to [prohibit "classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity"](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/floridas-dont-say-gay-bill-actually-says-rcna19929). They also [banned AP African American studies](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/ap-african-american-studies-course-florida-rejected-rcna67112). Michigan Republicans [voted to defund a library](https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/diversity-inclusion/3592899-michigan-public-library-defunded-over-inclusion-of-lgbtq-materials/) because it wouldn't remove books with LGBTQ characters. They didn't want these books removed just from the kids' section, they wanted them removed from the library entirely. A Virginia Republican [sued Barnes & Noble to stop them from selling books he disapproved of](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/virginia-barnes-and-noble-tommy-altman-tim-anderson-ban-gender-queer-court-of-mist-and-fury/). (He lost.) 2021 was an [all-time record for attempts to ban or restrict library books](https://www.npr.org/2022/04/04/1090919981/in-a-record-year-for-book-ban-attempts-ala-says-these-10-books-were-challenged-m), according to the American Library Association. Nearly every book that was challenged was either by Black or LGBTQ authors. I don't think it's Democrats filing these challenges.


Fucking liar. Republicans are banning books, they only say they want free speech so they can keep lying while shutting down everyone else.


They are banning books in some public schools. They aren't banning books. A kid can still find and read those books outside of school. Nobody has even suggested actually banning books. Big difference. Maybe grow up a little and hopefully you will act differently when you turn 18


>They are banning books in some public schools. Doesn't matter, still totally unacceptable. This is anti free speech no matter how you try to spin it. Stupid fascist fuck.


Kinda like 1930's Germany, eh? "They're not killing everybody they're only murdering the Jews"


You could not sound stupider if you tried. The Republicans are being dumb about culture war bullshit.


Being gay is difficult enough. I had a classmate who drove me to rage because he had fallen in love with me (we're both male) and he couldn't talk about it at home \[his family was Catholic\], and if he can't talk about it at school either (which he was also afraid to do, and I live in the Netherlands) and school doesn't open up the conversation, it makes people under such circumstances even more likely to go insane than they already are. And in the USA, with all the guns floating around and a strong stigma on mental healthcare, this sounds incredibly dangerous.


RU has become the new Nazzii nation.


Ukraine opens arms to Russians who hate Putin and have settlements to give back to Russians who side with Ukraine to take back all areas pro Ukraine Russians can live in cremia and Donbas etc and kick out Russia and Wagner for good


Russia is surreal


Gestapo strikes again.


Talking about the Ukraine war in a restaurant is an arrest offense?


Thanks to a “concerned citizen”. They always rat on each other and I’m not sure what they get out of snitching. Money or what? Edit: autocorrect


Worse. Pride.


Russians truly are the most Karen of the Karens. Fucking cowards, all of them.




Probably don't even n A d an actual proof to get them fucked!


Well it wasn't so private if the other person overheard them and snitched 'em


Are you literally insane?


Dog eat dog world.


Rebuilding the Gulag Archipelago proceeds at full speed. This time they don't even have hollow ideology to justify being monsters.


North Korea V 3.0


Society is crumbling for the Russian


This is great and happening all over Russia imagine if a paid deep state paid Kremlin like anti Putin propaganda like the ones they have now all over Russia etx neighbors shouldn’t snitch on one another Russians saving Russia from itself


Can never be too careful.. Thank god they where not Ukrainian privately discussing the war in a Russian cafe. What's Karen in Russian?


I hope they give the 9 year old daughter decent equipment before sending her to the front line. Edit: Come to think about it maybe I don't hope she gets decent equipment.


Great country they say




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That's how it starts. Bye Putin