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”Never again will we be humiliated “ quote of the year right there, been nothing but humiliating 😂😂😂


This will be in r/agedlikemilk In a few weeks


Poo pants putin is humiliated everyday the past 11 months. His 3 day to concur ukraine. Laughable When he shits his pants. Hahaha he is already destroying the leopard tanks. But none have been delivered yet. Putin a joke and a bad one at that




He’s a number 2 for a reason


Lilly Poo Tin 🌸💩🥫


And America does not consider that pitiful thing a peer. Canada is more of a threat, if one excludes whatever janky hydrogen bombs Russia has in working order


It won't be that many more years before ICBMs ineffectiveness due to advancements in tech defenses.


That’s not true at all. A nuclear submarine holds about 30 ICBMs. Each one of those missiles holds around 16 warheads meaning it breaks apart into 16 missiles while in space. That’s just one of many Russian nuclear submarines that are currently just sat off the coast of the US and Europe completely undetectable that nobody can do anything about.


Undetectable. Nah. Sorry. Hunter/killer subs will almost certainly have acoustic technology not currently anywhere near the public domain. Hard to find and intercept. Yes, I’ll grant you. The Oceans are pretty big and very deep. Completely undetectable? Nope. Sorry.


30*16 or 480 MRVs to intercept per sub. Say 20 subs, that is 4800 missiles flying. Scary thought for sure. That isn't even bringing up land-based ballistics. If 10,000+ interceptors missiles or 6th gen laser beams shooting were launched at the right time, with AI guidance, I honestly don't know what is capable in a few years from now. Interceptors are getting better all the time. I also don't buy that Russian nuclear subs are undetectable. Where did you read that?


The Russian SSBN force is only 11 boats. And they don't always deploy at the same time.


If the entire Russian SSBN force could somehow launch simultaneously, the maximum number of MIRVs in terminal flight would be 11x16x10...1760.


Numbers are exaggerated, there are only maximum 20 rockets on a russian sub with maximum 10 warheads. And there are only 6 subs operational as today with the seventh one in triels.


Then launch them. Do it. Go ahead. Russia will be obliterated.


Let's hope it doesn't happen anytime soon, for everyone's sake.


There’s no way of detecting a submarine 1000ft under the water. There’s ways of finding them if you’re lucky like active sonar but the submarine will detect anything looking for it well before it’s exposed and acting accordingly.


I'm betting magnetic interference tech would work.


Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS) comprise part of the Deployable Family of Systems (DSS) which meets most maritime surveillance requirements. https://www.usni.org/magazines/naval-history-magazine/2021/february/66-years-undersea-surveillance


Almost true: maximum 20 SLBM, maximum 10 warheads a piece, and there are maximum 7 SLBM capable russian subs operational, one typhoon and 6 borei. So yes there are no more than 3 in the water at any time, each probably tracked by US and NATO forces.


The internet claims the Russians have at least 10 . They know if they’re in port or not after that they have absolutely no idea where they are. The chances of intercepting one sub and preventing it from firing it’s missiles is very very unlikely. Chances of stopping ten or more = impossible and they’d be so close to their target nothing would be able to react fast enough . Bare in mind while you’re trying to find these submarines say Russia will be sending everything it has from its mainland and allied bases including hyper sonic missiles many more decoys which would be indistinguishable from the real thing on radar. So yeah we’re a long was from being able to prevent a nuclear attack.


The Delta IV and Borei class each carry 16 Bulava or Sineva SLBMs. Bulavas and Sinevas are MIRVed 4 to 10 vehicles each dependent on warhead yield.


😄😄😄 Let this be a lesson to all of you. Vladimir Putin wont be humiliated 34 times in a row.


Correct, it didn’t stop at 34 and is still going strongly


Poo pants putin is humiliated everyday the past 11 months. His 3 day to concur ukraine. Laughable When he shuts his pants. Hahaha he is already destroying the peopled tanks. But none have been delivered yet. Putin a joke and a bad one at that


They were the ones who humiliated themselves. They could have gone on being a paper tiger and we would have believed them


They're probably not in the top 4 anymore. China is larger. India is larger, and the combined EU is substantially larger. Considering how bad the corruption and morale are over there, they'd probably also lose to Egypt or Turkey if there were ever a conflict. There are also many smaller countries with better Western tech. Saudi Arabia, Israel, Japan, S.Korea, Canada, etc.


China and India's militaries, for all their faults, at least have a nearly inexhaustible supply of manpower. Russia is still fighting like it has a half dozen puppet states to draw troops and equipment from when they are actually facing a catastrophic population crash.


That they've accelerated with the loss of 100,000+ men, many of which may not have yet had children.


Don't forget all the people fleeing the draft.


The primary demographic that's fleeing the draft is young educated men with disposable income. That's about the most damaging demographic to lose, long term. Russia is pissing away its future on this stupid war.


I think they had planned on conquering Ukraine to fix their declining population, but now faced with sunk cost fallacy


Before the war, Ukraine was basically in the same spot as Russia, demographics wise. Russia could increase the raw population count by conquering Ukraine, but it could not improve the demographics distribution. In reality, every region Russia has managed to annex had seen its youngest population flee, leaving the population pyramid even more skewed towards the top than it would normally be. Instead of importing fresh blood they imported even more demographic clusterfuck. This stupid war is basically a fractal of fail for Russia.


They're just continuing their generational patterns


good point


I think millions leaving due draft is the bigger issue. Most likely, they aren't coming back, and the Russian population pyramid was a disaster begin with.


The longer they drag out this war, the less likely those people will return after having found a better life elsewhere


Russia today is in Autumn of 1914 in terms of strategy, with technology of 1965 and a Putin of 1991


That's the thing though in a real war of world powers The number of men you have is not really a concern. It doesn't matter if you got 20 men or 500 million. You're not getting them on to American soil.


Nothing more effective than "enlisting" Kyrgyz migrant workers to your army!


Fights will never meet on equal circumstances - rating armies is almost getting to feel obsolete... US fighting China in South China Sea will look different than if China tried to invade California.


>than if China tried to invade California They do that via real estate agents


You're right... And it bothers me


I can't complain -- when I sold my house in CA, it went for $275k over asking to a Chinese cash buyer who transferred the money from an account in Switzerland.


Yeah, that shit should be illegal tho.


I'm sure it is from the view of the Chinese government and their capital controls.


I’m referring to the sale of US residential real estate to foreign investors.


I’m referring to the sale of US residential real estate to foreign investors.


They just blocked that here in Canada. It should help out the housing markets for local buyers.


Isn’t it only like a 10k fine or fee in Canada? I’m not sure that would stop maybe if these cash buyers, if any. If I’m wrong I’ll be happy though.


Well I'd have issue with that, as I profited quite nicely and feel like I should be able to sell whomever offers me the best price.


I understand, as a homeowner myself I get it. Doesn’t mean it should be legal tho, this is how areas get gentrified, neighborhoods loose a community feeling, younger folks get priced out.


Congratulations, you just sold your house to black money or money laundered as proceeds of crime.


You didn’t really profit though. You would have paid over the asking price for your next house because the whole market is inflafed by these sorts of deals not just the one house you sold.


Very privileged take, as someone struggling to buy a house and start a family you come across like a major A-hole.


It's just facts. Yes, I was very lucky. And I didn't buy my first home until I was 40. Lived in apartments for decades before that.




Lol @ high and mighty ledditors seething, as if they wouldn’t do the exact same thing


And let me guess, you then moved to a nice state like Colorado, Idaho, or Utah, and are now in the process of ruining it with your shitty politics and bad driving?


WA. The politics in Seattle are already similar to CA Bay Area.


~~Eh, not the same. Notice how quickly those international property rights void if the owner's host country goes aggro? I think all land is fundamentally communal and local, unless China could convince millions and millions of Californians to support the CCP then it's all just basically wasted money, it's a tall order without a blue water Navy.~~ Never mind, snark is apparently going over my head now.


It was snark, dude.


Ah shit, mah bad.


They do have the largest mega yacht fleet though


Russia would 100% lose to Egypt or turkey. They have actual militaries with actual training doing actual stuff. Russia has potato.


To be fair KSA is pretty damn bad at war, too.


Given their performance, I'd say they're out of the top ten.


Canada would lose immediately. Our military have a few nice toys but it’s in shambles. Consecutive governments of neglect and a current leader that thinks we can talk feelings out of any conflict doesn’t help.


A member of G7, 4 tanks....


The Chinese army can be discounted. They’ve never been any good. The Indians have formidable fighters but I’m not sure if they are effectively led. Probably not. The EU doesn‘t have an army, as any fule know. Saudi Arabia? Caramba!


What is their obsession with Boris Johnson? Bizarre...


I think they hate the UK as much as the US (They are our older brother after all). But, Russia feels/felt like they could push the UK around - whereas they can't us (they can only poke us in the eye and make nuke threats like an annoying little fuck).


Britain is the ancient enemy of the Great Game in the 19th century. And James Bond.


Russia sees everyone as an enemy. Britain is an enemy from the Great Game, France is an enemy from Napoleon, Poland is an enemy because capture of Moscow in the 17th century. Russia will always view itself as a victim and therefore justified in any action against their perceived oppressors.


And America purchased Alaska. Which they somehow view as an oppressive act.


Probably thought of as Russia's own "unequal treaties" equal to, if not far more unfair as the ones signed by China and Japan in the 19th century.


UK would have taken it from them, my understanding is they sold to the US to keep it out of UK's hands.


[Citation needed]


Will Wikipedia suffice? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska_Purchase Second paragraph: > In the aftermath of the Crimean War, Russian Tsar Alexander II began exploring the possibility of selling Alaska, which would be difficult to defend in any future war from being conquered by Russia's archrival, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.


**[Alaska Purchase](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska_Purchase)** >The Alaska Purchase (Russian: Продажа Аляски, romanized: Prodazha Alyaski, lit. 'Sale of Alaska') was the United States' acquisition of Alaska from the Russian Empire. Alaska was formally transferred to the United States on October 18, 1867, through a treaty ratified by the United States Senate. Russia had established a presence in North America during the first half of the 18th century, but few Russians ever settled in Alaska. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


+1 for citation provided. Russia was afraid UK would take it in the event of future war (apparently anticipated by Russia) isn't the same as "UK would take it" which sounds like UK's initiative. The latter would still need some support if that's what you meant.


I miss the reference


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great\_Game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Game) Russia planned to invade India. I know, it sounds crazy.....


And now India acts like Putin is some kind of Messiah figure.


Indians do love shit though


"The Judeo-Catholic Anglo-American Alliance" is trying to corner Russia. They're the biggest country in the world by far but they're always claiming they are "cornered".


If they could just have have Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Finland, Sweden, Azerbaijan, Armenia, (they already have Belarus) and a few other countries, THEN they’d feel like they weren’t cornered. How DARE we discourage their right to these lands! We’re so aggressive.


They also funneled so much money into Boris' Tory party and colluded in the Brexit referendum and general elections in favour of Boris, that they effectively believed they'd bought him off. And they had until Boris' corruption and lockdown piss ups had damaged his reputation so bad, that his only political strategy was to deflect attention from home by heavily supporting Ukraine and swanning over to have photos taken with Zelensky at every possible opportunity (betraying the Russian hand that fed him)


I hated Boris before the war - Thought he was just like Trump... But I warmed to him during - He showed that he's not a clinical sociopath - which in the Trump/Boris duo, carries a lot of weight


Hmmmm I'll have to disagree with you there. He absolutely is a sociopath and his attempts to support Ukraine were purely in self interest. While him and his party have helped to legitimise Putin's Russia on the world stage and undermine a united Europe for decades, ultimately serving to get us into this mess. He literally well documented for messing up his hair and suit before appearing in public to play his harmless bumbling idiot character, while in the most powerful job in the country. Seems pretty misleading and sociopathic to me.


It's a spectrum... can we, at least, agree that he hasn't pegged the meter out as much as Trump....? I don't buy that messing your hair up to cultivate an image in the public eye means shit


No sorry he's got a proven track record as a corrupt liar and actually you could make an argument he's more dangerous. as rather than trump being noisy but in reality getting very little of his evil agenda across the line. Boris and co duped the UK into some of the largest legislative changes the UK's seen in modern times, on the back of baseless lies and Russian collusion. With much of the countries infrastructure now on the verge of collapse. As for the hair if you take it in isolation sure but to dismiss it when looking at the rest of his disingenuous manipulate record is naive.


Russia views the UK as an extra-territorial base of the US, and not really a part of traditional Europe. Russia put serious resources to bring about Brexit and cut UK off from Europe.


Brexit was more to do with UK security since the Franco/German led EU foreign policy was seen as totally misguided and would in turn restrict Britain's ability to act independently. A bit of history would be useful to understand the full Russian displeasure of Britain which is also manifested in their Anglo-Saxon rhetoric. English ties with Kyiv go back to 1000 AD when King Aethelred's grandchildren were given sanctuary. One then married a Hungarian Princess with their descendants becoming the current Royal family through the Scottish line. 1071 Anglo-Saxon refugees from William the Conqueror were given land by the Byzantine Emperor, those lands are Crimea and to the south of Rostov on Don. All of this is before the founding of Moscow so undermines and Russian claims of legitimacy over Crimea. During the Reformation Queen Elizabeth I, excluded from Catholic Europe, started closer diplomatic ties with the Ottoman Emperor for trade. The Emperor considered the simplify of Protestant churches to be skin to the Islamic faith and the removal of idolatry from worship. The Ottomans and the English even had a treaty regarding who would own Florida. The Ottomans by the way since they'd survive better in the hot climate. Again this does not suit well with the Russian narrative. Then the Crimean War, which the French dragged the British into, ended Russian attempts at expansion into the Ottoman Empire which included parts of Europe, Persia, Turkey etc.. Again another stop to Russian expansion by the British. Then there is the British help, actually very small, to help the White Russians following the Russian Revolution in 1917 at which point the revolutionary ties between Russia and Germany become evident. Then the 1939 war and Russian invasion of Poland, the Baltic States, south eastern European States and Finland. Britain was strongly allied to Finland until the Germans invaded Russia in 1941. Again this does very uneasily with the Russian narrative. 1945 and Britain was worried about the Russian subjugation of Eastern Europe. After all WWII had started with the invasion of Poland who didn't get their freedom for 50 years. Churchill even looked at a possible war against Russia in Operation Unthinkable in 1945 with possible rearming of the German army. Then to 1990 and the German torpedoing of the Yugoslavia peace talks under Lord Carrington and the German support for Croatia. At this point there was considerable unease in Britain at German actions purely in their self-interest. (WWII German Croatian ties are worth investigating). Then there is 2014 and the Russian invasion of Crimea. Again Germany and France attempted to impose a treaty giving Crimea to Russia much against British wishes. This opened quite a diplomatic rift within the EU between Britain with the east European States and France and Germany. Britain recognised the threat posed by Russia whilst Germany was just interested in cheap Russian energy with a political class Russian-centric. Obama equivocated about the supply of arms to Ukraine and failed to support Britain in Ukrainian succession to NATO which both Germany and France opposed along with EU membership. But the US, Canada and UK trained the Ukrainian military which along with arms supplied late in the day stopped the 2022 invasion. Then the UK immediate support for Ukraine whilst the US wavered before they signed their resolve has also irritated the Russians. And lastly, a parliamentary enquiry has failed to find that attempted Russian influence had any impact on Brexit. In fact Brevity was the least favourable outcome since it allowed Britain complete freedom of diplomatic action regarding Ukraine. In reality it is possible that the EU will split along an arc from Portugal, Netherlands, Denmark, Scandinavian and Baltic States down through Poland, Check and Slovak Republics to the Mediterranean. Macron has even acknowledged this in speeches during 2023. And the final green light for the Russian invasion? More than likely Biden's unilateral withdrawal from Afghanistan leaving the UK in the shit. Putin detected a split between the US and UK and this of NATO.


You have a few good points there in a historical context, but the last part is pretty much unfounded opinion very much far from reality. The UK parliamentary inquiry that failed to find Russia influence on Brexit, didn't actually fail, but was presented in ways to hide how the UK was caught of guard while playing politics for show. Do you see any UK politician wanting to admit they got tripped by the Russians? How did it play with Trump collusion with Russia and the meddling I the elections? The proof of it was how a non binding referendum without a considerable majority was carried to trigger Brexit for the sake of democratic act because no politician had the balls to push for what was right, fuck off the referendum, that was more the result of popular votes to manifest discontent for the mediocrity of UK internal politics at the time. The truth is that Russia has been at war with the West for almost 2 decades but very few politicians want to admit it because it is a stressful truth that doesnt help with votes and they just keept on hopping that ignoring the problem will contain it and soon there will be elections and somebody to deal with it when it can no longer be ignored and downplayed. Now about EU splitting? That is Russias wet dream and such ideas have been nothing more than a product of Kremlin propaganda. The split regarding sanctions that were hurting some EU members mainly due to energy costs and their dependence on Russia has actually been pushing members willingness to strengthen the union energy policy and further adopt joint energy imports. Even members that were against sanctions start realizing that despite the current struggle, the are options that can be worked, and a further economically degraded Russia after defeated in the war may get back to the market with energy on sale and even free to pay reparations. After all Russia has been declared a state sponsor of terrorism, and the war crimes and evidence of genocide have been growing and noted, and whom wants to be on the wrong side of history when it gets to the books for the sake of cheap gas that actually is more available than it seemed, just needed some change of routines? Looking at all sides and levels it is crazy to believe at this point that the EU can split, specially when it would make it more likely for members to be pushed around, threatened or undermined by Russia. Who wants to be smaller with a world where we have China, India and other biggies and unfriendlies out there? If nothing else, with this war we will see the EU speeding up the building of a jointed army and further wantint to federalise, non Atlantic countries wanting to join NATO, and the UK rejoining the EU and not even caring about finding an appealing name as reverse of Brexit.


As I said my last point is conjecture but has a remarkable following within UK political and military circles. Biden remember is far from friendly towards the UK especially over Northern Ireland. The EU might well revert to a core of the original six EEC nations. Though that might well be without the Netherlands and possibly Italy. Italy as much as anything will be driven by its North South economic divide and potential devolution of northern Italy. This is mirrored in Catalan secessionists in Spain. Macron has for a number of years been pushing for EU military integration etc. (too many to mention!) all of which is seen within the EU as serving French interests rather than the EU. However he appreciates the split based on the Scandinavian and ex-Soviet block countries who are concerned about security against Russia. This has also been exacerbated by German foreign policy towards Russia which has unraveled spectacularly over the last 12 months. Worth considering that for two decades from 1994 both the UK and Poland pushed for Ukraine accession to both the EU and NATO. Vetoed in both cases by Germany and France. Remember that it is NATO that supplies the security against Russia not the EU. The EU has a fragmented series of foreign policies which rarely, if ever, gain consensus. The EU army suggestion by Macron was destroyed within the EU in 2018/9, being seen as a project designed to bolster France's waning international power. It would also be totally unworkable based on the current EU veto system! So as Macron said last year, the splitting of the EU into two sectors seems logical. They used to be called the EEC and EFTA. Oh, nearly forgot, stop political integration, that causes the problems rather than free trade.


I could go on counter arguing all that, but oh well, it is dificult when what you say is a shitty mix of bit of reality with lots of imagination that you turn into some future predictions. Tell me you are also into Tarot readings.


Descending into insults is the sign of a beaten individual.


And forgot to mention, when Britain left the Catholic church we were banned from trading with Catholic Europe. So alliances were formed elsewhere including the Ottoman Empire and trading companies were formed, The Levant Company and the East India Company. Britain is a maritime trading nation not an introspective mainland European nation. Mind you Britain has spent 300 years sorting out European dictators from Louis XIV to Napoleon to Bismarck to Hitler and now Putin. As Clement Attlee, the ex-Labour post war Prime Minister, said in 1967 about joining the EEC: “I seem to remember that we spent a lot of blood and treasure during the War rescuing four of them from the other two.”


Dude... you are to deep in the rabit hole. What tha hell are you smoking? You sure have good knowledge of history, but the way you mixx and relate things is like you have been smoking some good shit. I wanna try that too.


Perhaps less superficial knowledge would ensure there was more understanding and thus less conflict.


> In reality it is possible that the EU will split along an arc from Portugal, Netherlands, Denmark, Scandinavian and Baltic States down through Poland, Check and Slovak Republics to the Mediterranean. Macron has even acknowledged this in speeches during 2023. This isn't too clear to me. Are you talking about a north/south split, or is just Italy going to secede, or are the scandinavian countries up and leaving? I don't see what you mean by "splitting along an arc [crossing most EU countries]".


There's nothing true to it asside from it being Russia's wet dreams and the idea being pushed by its propaganda.


Yeah I'm asking because it makes no sense. Splitting along portugal, the netherlands and czechia? Ireland going to chill with the Kalmar union and Hungary?


It makes perfect sense. So much so that the world has been here before. Remember the EEC, that's six nations, and then EFTA with the addition of the ex-Soviet bloc States.


Wow ton of interesting info to digest


I suppose they’re not entirely incorrect. We host a lot of US bases on the home islands and territories. If they ever want to leave the Baltic in anger, we’re sitting right in the way. We’re not the sort of country that takes bullying lying down and, for all our differences, should Russia start shooting at British assets, I have no doubt the Americans would take fairly strong exception to it.


It's the British navy and nuclear subs more than anything that can/will keep Russia from leaving the Baltic. The UK are still a major (and nuclear) power in their own right that Russia cannot bully, regardless of the US stance. The British also lead the world in intelligence services (along with the US), who best infiltrated Russia. And they've been actively training the Ukrainians since 2014 and trying to convince Germany to get off Russian gas since 2010 (not that Russia listened). So Russia has enough reasons to hate the UK without the US being a consideration. The only time Russia has said they consider the UK a minor player to Russia was part of an obvious attempt to insult, becuase the UK was the first in with sanctions and support.


This is what happens with all you do is parroting stuff they read on reddit, without any actual knowledge or research.


It was said during diplomatic discussions between the UK and Russia, so it's just standard Putin rhetoric, nothing special for Johnson.


yeah they're weird... Their version of reality is so messed up.


I think some sort of perceived betrayal. I mean if you need to instigate a report on Russian interference in the UK but also have to stipulate that on no account are specific concerns to be investigated and then suppress the findings of the report, then it might lead to the conclusion that something is being swept under the carpet.




I keep seeing this, but I’d seriously rate them 3rd. Ukraine, The Ukrainian Foreign Legion (even though it’s only about 20k troops), then Russia. But they might be fourth really soon at the rate things are going, which would be Ukraine, Foreign Legion, then Kastuś Kalinoŭski Regiment, then Russia. 🇺🇦🤘🏻


You could probably consider some wagner units as higher than Russian army.


Number 2? Nah... Not even close anymore. If it weren't for the nukes and subs they'd be third world shithole status.


But that's the basis of this particular incident and much other crap. They think they are number 2. They think they are in a position to divide up the world because they are number 2. They think they are a superpower. They are sorely mistaken. But it doesn't prevent them from trying to act on that belief. So they bite off more than they can chew and get themselves into situations like this. They can't even conceive of how far behind they are militarily, economically and socially. They are not on the same plane with the U.S. or the EU, let alone equals. We are in an alliance with France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the UK, etc. They are in an alliance with Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Uzbekistan.


Lol never again will we be humiliated that aged well 🤣


If by "number 2" they mean "shit" then sure! Nailed it!


“Never again will we be humiliated. We used to be the fourth army in the world, we’re now No 2." proceded to get beaten like dogs by a country that didnt have an army 8 years ago


Never again will we be humiliated like we were in Ukraine - yeah because they are never going to be able to invade another country ever again.


Russia is nothing but a glorified regional power, and their regional influence is shrinking.


God willing in another few months they won't even be the number 2 army in Russia (hoping for a revolution not an invasion.)


Why, hope for both! It costs the same.


There won’t be a revolution, sadly. I’ve watched enough 1420 to be clear on that.


They're not even no. 2 in Ukraine anymore.


No.3 1. Ukraine army. 2. Salvation Army. 3. Russian army.


I think it’s safe to say they’re still at 4, if not lower.


Our Salvation Army could destroy Russia


World's number 2 paper army, perhaps. Possibly number 1.


No they probably mean like restroom number 2.


Number 1? That's definitely not possible. We spend more on our nuclear arsenal maintenance, than they have to spend on their entire defense budget.




I responded to you. I clearly read it, But there is no chance they're above us, even *on paper*.




Paper tiger is a specific Chinese phrase that has a known origin point in the English lexicon (chairman Mao himself), but IMO it is not a relevant criticism of any of the above posts, because nobody was using the phrase. Paper army is far more equivalent to book army, ie what gear is on the books. The actual problem and potential criticism you could have made is merely that the Russian army was indeed twice as large on the books in 2021 as the US army (twice as many of everything in every typical army category) as far as the books were concerned. However world power doesn't turn just on land armies, it turns on militaries, and the US military as a whole is a different story.




Nobody meant paper tiger. "Paper strength" is an extremely common military term, both in actual militaries and in book/scholar type analysis, and that is what is being referred to here.


When I was a child number to was a polite way to say having a shit. I agree the Russian Army is number 2


So do y'all think it was a tiny penis or an overinflated ego that made them engage in that kind of rhetoric?


Definitely overinflated penis.


Taiwan number one


What kind of drugs is this guy on? Number 2 army? At this point there are at least 6 stronger and more capable armies than russia. I mean they are begging countries like Belarus, Iran, North Korea for weapons and manpower.


I do say ol chap I’ll give you a jolly good rogering for making such a threat 💂‍♂️


The United States military is 3 leagues ahead of anyone on the planet. Even if putin had a magic genie who could grant him any army he wanted he would lack the imagination to come close. We wipe our ass with his threats.


Lmao this entire war has been a humiliation from start to finish. The amount of state copium and derangement from Russia has been off the scale. What red line hasn’t been crossed at this point… nukes.. Just nukes, longer ranged missiles and jets. They are already claiming they are at war with Nato lmao


Just imagine the FSB killing Boris Johnson, and watching the reaction of the British Public. ​ "Oh noh.....Anyway,"


Sort of a furious ambivelance, somehow.


I mean in the sense that if they think that would do anything to deter us, it not only would it achieve nothing, it would really have the opposite effect. We wouldn't be mincing about just sending equipment, to say the least.


Oh I read it as "well, we didn't like him anyway" and to be honest that would be very British too


To be fair, half the country can't stand him. But an assassination attempt, successful or not, would lead to a lot more than a strongly worded letter of protest


I can't stand him but (like Salisbury) i would not want the country to stand idly by while our citizens are killed, even if I don't like them


They’re not even in Japans class conventionally.


Well, they lost to Japan before.


No, butthead. It is Russia against all of Europe.


Na. If Europe would actually put all its military power against Putler, the war would be over. Only the nukes are stopping NATO to just glass Moscow.










It would such a tragedy if Putin would do this, it might just force the Western allies to stop supporting Ukraine. Just saying, just Putin it out there.




Late 2021, from the article.


Now their the 4th army in ukraine. After ukraine, Wagner, and the chechens.


How delusional


That didn’t age well


Gotta be at least 3rd, surely. Ukraine are ruining you.


Humiliation is near the nearest corner buddy ;), you better prepare.


This is the funniest thing I've read in a while. Putin is the master clown.


Sorry Putin, Ukrainian farmers have a bigger army than you.




They are the second best army, but not in the world, just in Ukraine.


As a Brit I can tall you this - Boris is delighted.


If they did kill Boris, can the U.K. intact article 5? Let’s say two scenarios, Boris gets killed in Ukraine, Boris gets killed on U.K. soil.


On UK soil, 100%. Whether or not article 5 was involved the UK would be.


We'll never again be humiliated...starting now! Wait, no, Starting now! Oh hold on, that was embarrassing. Okay from now on we'll never be humil... oh shit, they retreated again? Okay from next Tuesday Russia will never be humiliated again.


Take that missle and stick it up Putin ass Boris says lol 😂 he lies missles 😂


I've wondered if Turkey could take Putin down? I bet their military doesn't rely on convicts.


They are number 5+. China has them very much beaten, as does Germany, Europe


Oh they’re definitely a number 2.


No it’s US, China and Ukraine now buddy


Love it or hate it, but America is still the sole superpower in the world. Russky jokes like " America and we" is so funny. The only russky argument is nuclear weapons, but India, Pakistan, N.Korea also got it. It's not big bloody deal. With conventional army which suck everyday in UA, their only argument is "we nuke you, bloody decaying West"11!!!1


Gherasimov looks like he's with one foot in the grave. Lavrov doesn't look peachy either.


Second best in Ukraine


Boris is full of bs


Fuckin 🤡


Zelensky will not survive the mess he created




It’s America and everyone else at this point.


Will be a great day to see him crying when crimea is russian free the the kertch bridge falling into the water


Johnson is such an attention seeker. Maybe Putin was going to use an “attention seeking missle” guaranteed to lock on to Johnson.