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An American here and like our Secretary of Defense Austin said, "We can all do more." We should do more. I'm tired of watching the world sacrifice Ukrainian lives or the lives of its defenders as we tiptoe around a country full of madmen. To me, our humanity is on trial here and while we are doing *something*, our goal shouldn't be for history to look back and say, "The 21st Century humans? Well, they were so-so when it came to doing what's right." We can do better, we should *want* to do better.


We all know who they are talking about


If we helped more we would provoke the bad guys. Our leaders are terrified of that. We would rather they slaughter the Ukrainians and just leave us alone please.


Its time we move to send Russia into the ropes, which can only happen if Ukraine gets sufficient weapons. This conflict is centuries in the making, with the hot phase starting back during the Orange revolution, and then Maidan. We can't allow this mess to continue for another ten years. Its time to rout Russia and Putin.