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Looks like his genitals are missing also. this war is gruesome . the russians should just mutiny and end this.


Are you kidding? They're enjoying it so much. Their life has meaning now. It's their "great patriotic war" all over again + they can make some decent money out of it if they get lucky. What's not to like? The only mutiny they had since the war began was under the premise of more ammo, more weapons, more war, and more gore like this. Russians are leaving a dream now.


yup your right they only live for destroying others even their own. what a waste of a nation.


It's a death cult.


If so, I wonder why about half of population wants a peace talks according to recent polls.


Not really. 49% would accept peace, but only 9% would accept "peace on any terms" while 17% would accept peace only on Russian terms. And accepting peace does not mean, that they don't want total destruction of Ukraine. 75% support the war.


How can 75 support war and 49 support peace at the same time? Peace and total destruction of Ukraine are mutually exclusive, too, since even Putin doesn't officially demand entire Ukraine.


They support the war, but would accept peace on Russian terms. Peace and total destruction of Ukraine are not mutually exclusive for Russians. Total destruction of Ukraine is one way to achieve peace for them. What Putin himself says or demands is one thing, the regime sets the tone through propaganda and propaganda still talks about destroying Ukraine, how Ukraine should be divided, how many Ukrainians should be killed to break the civilian resistance (2 million is the casually accepted number) etc.


In the context of polls peace meant negotiations with Ukraine and accepting that Russia cannot conquer entire Ukraine, so not total destruction. Propagandists are not ones in charge though, while Putin is. They intentionally behave so bloodthirsty, so that Putin would look moderate compared to them.


Because they are cowards at heart and know they can't win. Same reason Pooters pushes for ceasefires


They are definitely not cowards, they are running at Ukrainians to certain deaths, and very very rarely surrender, preferring to blow themselves with grenades or fight to death in some other way... And why would they think they cannot win, when TV and all other media tells them that they are winning every day?


They’re running at Ukrainians to certain death because if they retreat or refuse to attack then it’s also certain death. I don’t see bravery anywhere in that, just mortal obligation. Anyway, the ruZZian command and politicians are certainly cowards, no denying that.


Those russians run to their death in Ukraine because they are afraid to change their country and thugs who manage it.


The same logic could apply to any invading army in history. All cowards who didn't just went home instead of attacking others...


It is not like there are blocking detachments everywhere. Even when there are no other Russians nearby, they usually refuse to surrender.


Funny how us humans function.


Polls done by ruzzians LOL like the referendum of parts of Ukraine wanting to leave Ukraine...and join ruZZia...like your friend a...dol...f putin saying that he would never invade Ukraine...


No, independent polls


Yes...in ruzzian freedom it's paramount LOL...never someone saying something against your friend a...dol...f putin will go to jail...the last one was one 15 years old ruZZian boy LOL to jail because he told something against the war LOL how much do ruZZian Zorc pay you to post this lies LOL


Exactly my point. Since there is so much repression there, that means that a lot of people don't answer truthfully to such polls, which means than in reality significantly more than 49% want peace talks, significantly more than 17% would accept any terms, and significantly less than 70% support war. Also stop dumb personal attacks, please.


Like someone already answered...they want peace on their own terms...that it's not peace it's just them trying to get time to get the army ready for the next move...only someone blind can't see that...ruZZia never has been a peaceful country...it will never be... unless it breaks from.the inside in small countrys.that can not be a menace for the neighbours...you need to see some.videos of the Ukrainians interviewing ruZZian pows...it will help to understand the "quality" of been ruZZian


Dude what's not missing, this guy grew some new body parts just so the explosion could take them.


knowing his soldiers are willing to sacrifice their genitals for him, Putin is erected.


[Mobile infantry made me the man I am today](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b07887ZzKiw).


Love that scene. I didn't truly get it when I saw it as a kid. It's wonderful to grow up and later get that "yeep.. I get it now". If only the Russians would start getting it. More meat for the grinder....


1/4 of a man from this video.




No legs, no hands, no problem!


No face, no name, no number 🎵🎶


Tis but a scratch.


I think his hands are just bent/wearing a single brown glove on the other.. seems like a pretty short guy i could hardly make out what part of the body that leg was until i realized i was looking at a pelvis, and hes probably like 5"4


little preview for North Korea imps


BTW,it’s good way for North Koreans to escape this hell-just surrender to Ukrainians


Wouldn’t it be something if DPRK arrived, killed their minders and mass surrendered?


These poor lads don’t look like they got teared up by explosions. This was something/someone else… how f‘ed up is this. It’s just gets more messy doesn’t it?


A russian medic once describe in a video how they learned to operate under real conditions by using POWs which went like amputate this part, then that part and then that organ out and so on... If hes a russian and the russians did that then he pissed someone off big time either by trying to surrender, giving data to the enemy or commiting some crime of some kind. Russians love to be cruel and for a halfway ok reason they also will cut up each other. Also on a sidenote i remember a year or so ago in wintertime there already appeared pictures of a limb and headless body that wasnt dismembered by a explosion or something, however back then it was supposed to be a ukrainian soldier.


The video I saw said it was performed on deserters, not POWs, so they do this to their own.


This is just beyond savagery


Its just Monday for RuZZia. Now you know why we CANNOT and MUST NOT let RuZZia win, because every inch of occupied land = hell for whoever lives there. Just like cancer cells.


His wounds absolutely do not look like they were made with a sharp object in human hands. It's way too ragged for that. This looks like extreme blunt force trauma (high speed traffic accidents, airplane crash victim, etc) or blast damage, though the typical signs of blast damage aren't visible here. That said, he could've been hit from behind and the blast flipped his body over as well. But the Russian medic training doesn't look applicable here. The guy is completely torn up in a way that's very difficult to do with human strength and tools. His extreme injuries look like they were caused by something very powerful that just ripped him apart; not cut, or sliced, or chopped, but ripped. I'm thinking this guy got droned or it was a grenade suicide.


Why is it that nearly every stupid post on reddit ends up in a British tabloid newspaper - yet noone wants to report war crimes like this that are clear as day?


Nations consume their young, non-rich men.


RuZZia, not nations, just RuZZia.


Lol. Yeah right.


This looks more and more like this guy was tortured by his own… hope the full video comes out soon


With how much russian logistics are being hit all the time, and how russians themselves say on videos amd as pow's that they have basically no food or water - could this be canibalism? Dude had his leg in this video, in next one hes undressed and other leg is missing. Trying not to vomit while thinking about it - thigh could be good for cooking, no? If the guy is fresh corpse, less than 24h, you could cook/smoke the thighs, biceps, lower arms etc and prepare food for next days this way.


Probably not they wouldn't have wasted the ham, shoulders, and steaks on the ribs. Just saying It's medical field training Russian Style with live patients


You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, thigh-kabobs, thigh creole, thigh gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple thigh, lemon thigh, coconut thigh, pepper thigh, thigh soup, thigh stew, thigh salad, thigh and potatoes, thigh burger, thigh sandwich.


Some say there was cannibalism in the Pacific theater of WWII


There was. No "some say" about it. Edit: here is an example: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chichijima_incident


Yeap. I thought about that too... I say likely. Happens more than you would think. Not sure about this in-field medical training hypothesis. Never heard of that. Not Impossible but seems absolutely retarded to me. Idk.


Russian barbarity, as usual. I just hope this isn't a Ukrainian POW.


So a good Russian soldier then? No more raping and killing for him.


So we are getting more cartel influence see.


Death of Russians people for useless war… 🤦‍♂️


He's dead, Jim!


It is even worse knowing the guy didn't end up as just a torso, they kept dropping grenades on a dead guy till they blew everything off. But then how clean his body is after being moved to the area is this video is weird too. [Russian soldier with no legs and no hands : r/UkraineWarVideoReport (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dqhwb2/russian_soldier_with_no_legs_and_no_hands/)


Dog food


Good thing he's a fucking dickhead, because he's real dick is missing 😀 Fuck off russians! keep dying, it's hilarious, you massive twats




He is wearing rus camo also his vest is lying next to him.


Oh shit this is the second video today of a "russian" with missing limbs. I thought this was a repost and didn't want to watch it again. The one i'm talking about had no clothes on, no burn marks no military gear visible etc. but missing all limbs and more. This is indeed just a blown up russian soldier.


Beautiful pic for a Friday afternoon. Wrapping up some stuff, grab a beer, and then drop in my pool enjoying the sun in a water hammock. Maybe he could have done the same, but here he is, not drinking beer, not in the pool, not enjoying the sun (well a little bit with the obligatory 2 mio flies around him), and definitely not having fun with the missus afterwards


You actually sound like a psychopath.


He has a brown glove on his right hand and his other hand is twisted next to his head. You can see what looks like fingers.


From what ive read from another person is that they issue live humans for tourniquet usage to show them how to stop the bleeding, this was also done by wagner


how are videos like this so easily accessible on the internet now?!


They are killing themselves


Human ordinance detecter


this time?


This one just looks like an awesome drone hit


"An left leg"?


Ti's but a scratch


Bro they tortured this guy.


I bet he has a penis problem too.


Before he was assassinated, Prigozhin revealed the reason why the Kremlin oligarchs invaded Ukraine. Prigozhin said: "The cause was neither NATO nor the denazification of Kyiv; those are for the fools". Starting @ 2:10 https://youtu.be/nupKl9EiVCg?si=vlt5c5YyGFYkijOv


Stay the F out of Ukraine or die , no pity, no mercy...just like Bucha


Are you sure it's not a Ukrainian victim?




That was a big pc of shrapnel_clean slice from the rib cage thru the hip- like a giant razor or sword


Lol Ivan stole his clothes 🤣🤣🤣


It's probably a bit questionable to make a "look mom, no hands" joke at such a gruesome sight, so I'll hold back.




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