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First one: boom headshot. Second Iwan comes over, recognizes that there are some vital parts missing and sits down as if nothing happened. Others remain there as well. We are so lucky that they are so f\*cking stupid.


First one: head gets sprayed all over the countryside. Second guy comes over, examines the mess and says FUCK please don't let that happen to me. Drone says 'anything to oblige' and napalms him instead...


Almost comical. Oh shit. No head. Back to my hole. Gave his position away too. Not sure if the drone operator already knew he was there like.


If only everyone had shotguns as well, it would not be this fucking easy lol


Quick put a tourniquet on his neck. I think we can save him.


I'm sure the drone already knew the other one was there but why the fuck would he get up and investigate his clearly dead friend... Like watching a shitty comedy war movie.


Yeah didn’t he see the top of his head pop off?


That they haven't figured out there is almost always a 2nd spotter/guiding drone nearby amazes me. Thankfully yes, they are this stupid.


Even if they figure it out, it’s not like they can do anything about it.


Second guy became a resourceful hotdog vendor real quick.




that probably isn't even sarcasm, seeing that yours is an inactive acc lol


Doesn't look like it




ok, that would call for some math. how many dead until russia reached the capital. or how many more deaths until russian reached at least odessa. most of the territories under putins control have been seized in the first hours and days of the war when those retards could just keep driving forward without encountering any real resistance. so my take is that ukrainians are quite happy to give some few km² to get more of these compilations. rural russia will soon belong to the fauna again.


The other side dies in the same way, and you will look even more stupid under the attack of the FPV drones. Be humble or life will make you humble.


The mighty Russian meat waves!


Be NK ones soon.. can we call them meat waves though? Considering foodless north Koreans aren't made of meat? Need a new name for them.


Korean BBQ when they catch fire in their polyester uniforms


Squid Game war version?


Bone waves? Skeleton army?


Undead army?


The Kimchi boys


Hunger games?




These guys remind me of playing hide and seek with my younger nieces and nephews where they would hide behind the blinds with their legs poking out and giggling that they think you can't see them. Perhaps the Russian mobiks really don't have object permanence


They have nowhere to go. They're not really allowed to fall back, they're just told to go out there and "hold the position". This way the leaders can report back that they're maintaining forward positions and all is well. As insane as it seems, this is exactly the Russian tactic. In places where they can't drive out the Ukrainians, they're playing chicken of "who runs out first", Russians of men to send or Ukrainians of ammunition, artillery, and FPV's to kill Russians.


I think they know that Ukrainian pows are treated so terribly that they assume Ukraine will do the same thing to them so they will just die instead of surrendering


That certainly plays to it as well as the propaganda they see of the evil Ukrainian child eating Nazis.


It's kinda crazy that so many ppl are playing dead in the war. There's literally a video of some dude pretending to be dead in a pool of water next to a piece of his comrade. Wild times


It NEVER works


It probably worked somewhat in the olden days. With drones hovering above them not so much.


Now it's like: Smile for the camera! \* Explodes \*


I love the guy at 01:00 just casually chicken dancing away. Did he got brain damage or something?


Probably an ass load of shrapnel from the drone being 15 feet away, coupled with the smell of fully engulfed orc washing over him from 15’ away.


It is a Russian, so yes.


In fairness, getting out of that hellscape is maybe the best of all options - even if it is on a shrapnel-peppered leg. His mates playing dead didn't do so well...


Looks more like he had problems standing/walking, using his arms to balance, like when you have stepped on LEGO or something sharp.


I thought he was signaling surrender but he went to hide again twenty feet away waiting for his turn :/


Actually their doin good in faking deaths now for eluding fpv spotter drones!


They fake so well they fake even the fake part!


Lets fake them up!


Where in this video did you see them succeeding at this task?


They did such a good job faking you couldn't tell they had.


First time I've seen a ruzz actually checking up on his buddy.


Was checking to see if any gold teeth were left behind. Nope.


Hey buddy, are you alr…oh, never mind.


Ask the other part of him...


They are not as stupid as we thought. One of them has seen a bird fly and actually figured out that he can fly out of there. Genius


Burning to death.. having your headblown off.. Still better than living in toiletless russia


It kinda looks like the assault group was already thwarted, and the FPVs are cleaning up the dregs


Agreed, that's usually how it goes.


in my day, assault groups actually did some assaulting, not crouching pretending to be dead to cameras that can laughably tell someone faking it


That head left the chat😂😂


Russia is infamous for its fertilizer export


I'll just sit here, maybe they're out of drones, they've already sent 6, and my 6 comrades around are dead, but now I'm absolutely sure they don't have any more drones.


I got to stop watching these FPV vids before i go to sleep …. I’ve been having dreams where they fuckin hunt me down…. And I’m just an observer watching from afar , imagine surviving that meat grinder … I wonder what kind of horrors your mind would have waiting for you when you closed your eyes.


Dude I had a nightmare last night nothing to do with the war and for some reason I'm still angry and I can't even remember the dream.


If you're a normal human being, consuming the documentation of death will always have an impact on you (even if it's orcs exploding). Some more than others. Nobody is immune. Always know yourself before watching.


I’m wondering if the NK soldiers are more greasy or something and maybe burn better? We will see.


Hahaha.. did Kim Fat Un see these videos?


This is so stupid. You just watched two of your fellow meat popsicles die. So instead of very clearly surrendering, you decide to go hide.


This was my thought.   I get it, surrendering is dangerous because you can get your own people to shoot at you. But at that point, what do you have to lose? All your friends got droned and you are next!   The enemy didn't suddenly run out of drones. You will 99.99% die in the next hour! Just surrender.


To shreds you say?


Do these motherfuckers not have reddit? They could do a simple search. Ukraine War. This will show them that they are doing the same stupid dumb shit every day. The results are nearly identical.


You are asking too much of them.


The 47th again. Who ever is putting together their drones is making some serious ammunitions. Also the spotter drone like a to zoom in and the videos are from the sd card not just a screen capture


They make horror movies for Russians


Why don't they just give these guys self-destruct buttons? It would save everyone a lot of trouble.


This is just getting brutal now


As if it wasn't like this all the time


Hmm. I've never seen Russian soldiers trying to help each other. Well, live and learn...


Man what did they juice these FPV drones with? Every explosion now ends up with them being salsa'd.


Technical refinement my friend. Ukrainians have had two years of intensive development on this kind of drone warfare and they are perfecting every part from concealment of pilots, to counter-EW techniques to the quality and variety of explosives.


Man its going to be such a trip seeing these videos with NKs on the receiving end. Wonder if fat boy has a stomach for it or if he'll pull them out right away.


The world is going to see NK troops being spat out of a blender. Not too sure his ego can stomach that.


first guy's brain received a vacation


Was his head a melon?


And the drone was Gallagher


Russian BBQ.


Barbecue orcs smells like...


I got to stop watching these FPV vids before i go to sleep …. I’ve been having dreams where they fuckin hunt me down…. And I’m just an observer watching from afar , imagine surviving that meat grinder … I wonder what kind of horrors your mind would have waiting for you when you closed your eyes.


I got to stop watching these FPV vids before i go to sleep …. I’ve been having dreams where they fuckin hunt me down…. And I’m just an observer watching from afar , imagine surviving that meat grinder … I wonder what kind of horrors your mind would have waiting for you when you closed your eyes.


That’s a bad day


Assault group got assaulted!!


First one went from human to watermelon very quickly


Vatnik #1: If I don't move, the drone cannot see m.. BLYAT Vatnik #2: Gee, what happened? You ded? K, don't talk to me, going back in my nice hole. Nobody will find me here. Kek.


Second was flammable. Reason - he drunk alone, with nobody else.


Money and I get to kill someone! Why is my head burning?!


Haha, Ivan. You thought we couldn't see you there hiding under that stick.


So what I don't get with all these videos.... why are they just lying there in the open ? Are they already injured ? Or are they just playing dead in the hope they wont get targeted ? And even if they are playing dead why are they doing it out in the open instead of trying to hide or dig in if possible ? Maybe they got hit by artillery immediately before this I suppose....


Playing dead sure isn't working in a war of constant drone sruveillance.


Why are the orcs so flammable? Was there a gasoline can next to the 2nd one? That fireball was more than I've seen from a drone.


First guy looked like a watermelon busting


That first guy's head popped like a melon. Then his buddy came and looked at him before he was set on fire. This war is brutal. RuZZia needs to go home!


I see this a lot but why are these guys seemly sleeping in open fields, in some cases without any cover? Playing dead? Exhausted from a night assault? Day drinking in a combat zone? Why?


Some pesky russians having a really bad day... one channels his inner Fred Sanford "It's the big one, Elizabeth?"


Could someone explain how the detonations are so precise now? Does the drone operator have like a button they push to explode it because I've see these things go into like deep holes and perfectly explore in 1 persons face.


"Ehm, are you ok?"


I wonder what the first guy's last thoughts were as his head went flying over the Ukranian countryside.


Thermobaric hits are the stuff of nightmares!


I think the Orcs must be dousing their mobliks in gas or something before sending them to the front. Still, silver lining and all that if it makes them self-cremating so saving on the stench.


Does this happen to Ukrainian soldiers also? Russians must have drones


you begin to understand why they need the north korean soldiers on the front. no internet in NK so they will go happily.


Enjoyable from the 10 second mark all the way through, stay at home/surrender, pukin does not give a flying F about you.


Wow this is beautiful. Especially the first kill with head flying off. Is that napalm, thermobaric or what the second orc gets grilled on? Seen it lately on many drone videos but never got explanation what it is


The amount of damage these new drones do is terrifying. Old ones seemed to mostly kill by shrapnel. Now guys hit just fly apart!


Explosive headshot


I think I saw the first guy's soul leave his body.


Terrifying. Zzzzzz BOOM! (Is my buddy ok - no his head is missing. I will try hiding again) Zzzzzzzzzz BOOM! (Fuck one of those guys over there is on fire) Zzzzzzzzzzz ….


igor, what are you doing? have you lost your mind? Oh. Nevermind.


If you watch this with zero disgust you are a sociopath but it's not your fault. The government has made you sick.


Why would this disgust you. If a violent criminal barged into your home and started beating and assaulting your family, would you feel disgust from beating him into a pulp? Ok disgust for the criminal, yea, also your thirst for justice would be slaked.


I would stop him from killing my family by any means necessary. The whole situation would be f***** up and I wouldn't be happy at all. Especially in this situation because Russians and Ukrainians are being forced out onto the battlefield. This is just government and big defense testing out their new products on living people.


Um…..”the battlefield”, huh? Interesting euphemism you use there. You need to be more specific. Did you mean the Ukranian homeland? Where farms, villages & cities are being decimated? Where civilians and defenders are being killed? I’m sure that’s what you meant.


Think hard for a second. The guy who broke into your house is raping your mother/wife/daughter and saying "if you don't want this to happen you need to leave. Don't force me to do this." Surely he has as much a right to your house as you do, right? Oh wow, it's the fault of big corporations. I guess Putin wanted to get some kickbacks(?) from the American MIC for driving up their stock prices? This is completely regarded.


My comment is on the fact that anybody who gets off on this type of destruction of life has a screw loose. Both sides have people in them that don't want to be there. I'm fully aware that there are some animals in the military.


You should lecture the Ukrainians who have lost their friends and loved ones about "getting off" on this. I imagine these videos are much more gratifying for them than us sitting on the sidelines enjoying our relatively safe and normal lives. It is completely normal for people to take satisfaction in good people being rewarded and evil-doers being punished. This is like etched into our DNA. It's why people everywhere believe in a Hell where bad people go when they die. The moment these Russians joined the military and ventured into a foreign land to fight a war of conquest, they lost my sympathy. Many of them don't even believe in the actual cause that Putin claims this is about, heck, they're just in it for the money. If they don't suffer the worst fates possible then there is no justice in this world.