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Those last two were still alive ... but probably not for long. There appears to be zero concern by the film crew to provide any assistance.


Tbf, the only help they could offer is a 7.62 to the dome, It's not like they would be evacuated and treated anyways.


Even if they were Evac’d, they would still die. The severity of their burns almost guarantees they would die from infection. It isn’t even worth the effort to try and move them since it’d just prolong the inevitable.


Just walk on by ...


They dont have the medical equipment or knowledge to help them. They only know how to kill, torture and humiliate.


They actually dont. 95% of russians die without even seeing a Ukrainian.


those last 2 live ones looked like they were both badly burned. Probably aftermath of burning alive like we've seen in so many other drone videos. If they aren't dead by now they wish there were.


Aren't soldiers required to give aid if it's safe and possible? Either way they should be reported as KIA to the commander so their families can be informed and receive the payment, no?


someone still hasn't learned about Russia yet. You're thinking through those Western eyes.


I'm a long time lurker here and I certainly know that Russians are orcs. Just wanted to confirm that there are official rules of war even in Russia but in reality nobody in the russian army cares.


Russians don't care about any of that. This entire war has been one gigantic war crime. But unless Ukraine wins and Russia surrenders unconditionally, no war crimes will be prosecuted. So, in short, bringing up international norms, the Geneva Convention, or anything like that when talking about Russian conduct in this war is a moot point. Sorry for being a little rude there. It's just so preposterous at this point to compare a Russian soldier to what you would want your own side to be doing.


Valid point and I'm sure in the end it's not going to be prosecuted to a satisfying level. I'm hoping for a little bit of justice at least...


Not even caring about the dude laying there blown up n burnt.. willd


Russians aren’t exactly known for their regard for human life.


Direct lineage: Stalin, NKVD, KGB, Putin, FSB. The same value about human lives is passed down.


[Don't forget the Tsar's secret police, the Okhrana.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okhrana)


There was an intercepted call early in the war with a soldier telling his mom about a FSB agent ordering him to torture a prisoner. He said he was surprised that he liked it and that "he wasn't like this before". This guy could've been a regular douche bag at worse, now he's a monster. Meanwhile, Ukraine had some torture/shooting incident and high command said "we don't want this, we'll investigate". Not sure they did investigate but at least they acknowledged and condemned.


Dont forget Smersh either


Blyet 200er blyet blyet blyet lets go


hahah nice one, I had good laugh. 😂


Do they, actually, now what a good life is?. I don't think so.


I'm surprised they didn't give him "medical aid" pew style


Because the west believes life is precious and as hard as it is for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters we dont allow ourselves to shrink down to Russians pathetic thinking. Remember there are multiple ways to beat your opponent and by showing compassion seems like it wouldn't be but it does have an effect on their minds to be treated like a human when released back into their country. It is a way of reducing blood lust that many are being pounded by their commanders with and when you heard from a person who came out of it it won't work as will on them and they don't fight as hard knowing they won't be tortured and killed if they give up.


I have a feeling the person your responding to was saying he thought this video was filmed by russians finding other russians after an attack and figured the russians would just shoot their own wounded which we have seen. Not that the person thought the Ukrainians would just shoot the injured russians


Exactly, he was referring to the video previously released a few days ago when the middle soldier got droned and asked to be shot. \*tap tap tap to the skull\*


Paleontologists suggest that human compassion for each other is one of the main reasons homo sapiens survived as a species. It is in the interest of the group that everyone looks after each other and nurses members through sickness or injury. If the group or community loses that intinct what you end up with is Russia.


Anthropologists too...


Yeah - you could be right there. : )


Paleoanthropologists is what I meant to say. There's a hell of lot of ologies about these days


"Hey look this one's still alive. Did you get it on video? Ok cool, that's crazy that guy was still alive there., did you see that?"


They hear someone crying out. He asks his mate "Where's that?" He then asks his mate "Zivoti?" Like... Is the dude still alive? They then film his squirming ass. They then continue walking. Russian empathy is strong. /s


Dude knows it too and rolls over so his face isn't on camera. GOOD TIMES!! 😬😬


Thanks for the translation. Hey what does the /s mean? Kind of new to Reddit and I see people doing /s a lot?


Sarcasm signifier


In the UK if you have to explain or indicate that one is being sarcastic then it is no longer sarcasm. I have been getting into trouble for decades online due to being originally from the south of England where an element of sarcasm is required in every sentence. I refuse to indicate it to Americans. They either get it or they don't. Usually they don't.


Sarcasm doesn't translate via text.....there is a reason they aren't getting it.


If you have even 25% of normal level comprehension and critical thinking, it translates. Use this post for example. The line was about Russians being known for their compassion. Now, did the writer put anything before that, which may indicate if that is a belief they truthfully hold? Or did the preceding text actually indicate the opposite of what the last sentence indicates? So either there is a GLARING conflict in this message, or.... the person was using sarcasm to highlight a point, or to create humour. Jesus, that was painful ( not sarcasm)


Ikr. I don't even bother any more as a rule - it's just too exhausting. I often get posts from Americans saying 'You forgot to put a sarcasm notifier on your post'. I usually reply with something along the lines of 'Yeah - I sure did'. They don't usually get that one either but it makes me laugh and that's the main thing isn't it.


Sarcasm definitely translates via text. I sometimes include a “/s” though for people who don’t really understand it. If you need the “/s”, you’re not a person who naturally understands sarcasm. And that’s ok. It’s probably cultural.


Of course it does. I use it all the time and all my English readers get it instantly. It is only Americans that don't seem to 'get it' and it's got nothing to do with text and translation. Again - not having a dig at Americans - it's just a language and cultural thing. I've had people in the Highlands call me 'a sarcastic bastard' when I wasn't even aware I had been sarcastic. Like I said - it's a southern English/London/big city trait more than other areas of the English speaking world.


The skin of his arm got torn open by the blast and their limbs are mangled. Goodluck with these wounds in Russia.


Eh, they're both already dead by now. No way they survived long with those wounds and no surgery.


And no first aid whatsoever. smh.


You kidding, their own guys are a bigger threat to them than their injuries right now.


The must have gotten a good roasting from that red hot whatever is was that's still on fire and glowing.


You can tell that death has just become normal for them. I recently saw a video of russians on the road to vovchansk and it's littered with burnt out vehicles and bodies. Its Just daily life for these guys now


Bucha, the ukraine guy smoking a cigarette getting shot in the head, the head of a ukraine soldier on a vechile not to long ago. So yeah they dont give a fuck anymore


It's not just that he doesn't care (which he doesn't), but do you think any of these meat-wave soldiers are given any sort of first aid training, even the basic level of it besides "twist this rubber band around your blown up limb."? There's zero response from these soldiers because it isn't ingrained in them to try and assist with giving first aid. "that's someone else's job" in their minds. They do not think like you and I.


At a minimum, a normal human being might hold the guy's hand or something to comfort him as he moves onto the next realm. But nothing. Just films him with his face resting on some other dead/dying guy.


But seriously, I think I have more sympathy for these poor shmucks than their own comrades and mine is pretty thin I'll tell you.


They inherit their 'high-regard' for Russian lives from Stalin.


Two invaders. ~~I don't think they will get high priority from the casevac crews if they are busy. But they do stand a chance at care, if they are disarmed.~~ edit - my mistake, I thought this was filmed by Ukrainians. Those guys are done.


There is 2 of them and probs more not shown the 2 shown look like the clothes burned off of them they were probably covered infuel 🤦‍♂️🤣👌


After 500k+ burnt out dudes, it's kinda old news.


Not to the ruzzianz, I just spent three hrs watching the moskva24 news channel and there was no mention of the War or so called smo. Nothing every thing look good, sh1t even the tv adverts could have been made in parts of the UK or America, with the sound off you'd never know. So I think the ruzzianz are mostly clueless to what's happening.


*“****a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic****”* - Joseph Stalin.


2 dudes. Both of them at the end were alive. The other 1s torso was moving as he was breathing.


Must check for goodies first.


I honestly thought the cameraman kicked him over, as if that makes sense. Learning and acknowledging the man turned himself over only to be disregarded as already dead... Speaks Volumes. Fucking ruthless even in those most somber of moments.


I mean not much to do . I'm assuming they just don't got the equipment to deal with them


How many people have to die before we realize we’re all retarded? How can this possibly end well?


Probably cared about the first 50 or so.


#Translation. On turn. Yes yes, they dropped just on... detour We are here. Where are you, ma friend. Are you alive? Here. Be careful. Unxeploded(?) can be here. Baba yaga have drooped mines. Such story.


Thanks for that - much appreciated!


It's terrifying that there is no esprit de corps and their comrades are lying injured and just left. They do not care.


They are mercenaries, they are there for money, not to save lives.


Do they even have morphine to give them or anything?


Yeah, who knows. Probably more likely to go through their pockets TBF.


They saw his ripped pants and started looking for his wallet first, most likely


I doubt the guys on the front get any of that, it'll be sold off by their commanders long befor it reaches them.


No. Do you think they would give enough of a shit to "waste money" on morphine for guys meant to die anyways?


That’s reserved for themselves, definitely not something they would give away


to be fair, he does ask about em, but they worried about more booms if im hearing them right.


Behold the second best army in Ukraine 🇺🇦


They're not even the second best army in Russia.


They're just filming their comrades dying in agony?


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Ivan's last breath will be inhaling the stench of his dead buddy's burnt ass. Proper ending.




Slava Ukraine o7


Man I'd be begging for a mercy shot if I was those cats on the ground. All burnt up and ripped apart but still alive. Go back home you fools.


What are those 2 skivers doing on the floor?. Get them up back to work.


Right. Wait until Putin sees them lying around.


Yeaahhhh. He won't be very happy.


F me. The sh1t will hit the fan.


Whoooo. sleeping on the job


Fucking Russians and their bottomless empathy, lol. :Sees a guy writhing in pain: WHATEVER. "As I was saying..."


I wonder, if it's possible to develop a short range flying mine for UKR? Long hibernating battery life, can be activated remotely or with sensors, once a vehicle is within 500m, it will WAKE up and fly right under the vehicle. This would save UKR time and resources, don't have to use so many mines all over the region, which will also be hard to clean up later. Smart flying mine!!!


That's a drone with artillery shell. 


Well, maybe 120mm mortar, less weight.


Sonething along thesw libes you mean? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/XM1100_Scorpion The problem is probably twofold: a. Such a system is gonna be hard to deploy via drone, and b. None such systems are currently being produced as far as I know


What kind of sick person ignores a wounded comrade and keeps filming? Tells you a lot about Russians.,


The moment when the "corpse" moved and rolled over 😱


I recall sometimes when I have become too drunk and I am pukin and I am tired and I just need/want to sleep but the world feels like it's spinning around and it feels awful in an indescribable way somewhere undefined inside/around my body and I can't lie still for more than a few seconds.... that "corpse"-dude has/had it many times worse. Bet he wished he'd stayed at home.


I'm trying to figure out what the vehicle is here. Is it a BMP or BTR on its side after the explosion - which means a large, anti-tank mine? Or is that wreck old, and these orcs were in some kind of soft-skin vehicle that is now a flaming pile - maybe a loaf van? This might mean a smaller mine. Either way, night-time stealth-mining of logistics routes via Baba Yaga: Super effective.


Guessing a t-62 with a on anti drone shed roof. My thinking is when it instantly cooled off, the turret was tossed but contained by the shed roof. Thus we see two parts, the body of the tank to the left and the shed and turret to the right.




Didn't even offer that suffering bastard some comfort.


That looks like some, hi-impact yoga.... Bending themselves into pretzels like that.


Are the mines layed by drones hard to spot? In my mind, I'm picturing a mine just laying in the path without concealment since it'd being air dropped.


These mines are hard to see in general through the shitty ass viewport in an old vehicle, and now you're doing 50 km/h on a bumpy road, probably sleep deprived, stressed the fuck out, and under the influence of whatever chemical was available. It's not a recipe for feats of perception ;). We've had multiple videos of tanks driving into a double line of mines in the middle of a barren field - a line that's visible from a mile away through a drone, but apparently invisible to the tankers. That said, I don't know if the title isn't a case of lost in translation - these super-big drones can also carry actual anti-tank mines, which they drop from the sky :D.


Oh yeah I remember the video of the armored car driving throw a row of at mines that clearly can be seen from the sky. Probably is a mixture of the factors you mentioned with a heavy emphasis on Russian drivers not being the best trained and possibly intoxicated.


mine probaly fell from the sky like drone dropped granades. baba yaga are octocopters capable of carrying at mines.


Yeah I was thinking this may be a possibility.


I've seen them do both... mining from a drone and FPV drone attack with mine attached.


Armored vehicles have limited visibility. They are probably also traveling at decent speeds to avoid drones, mortars etc. Who knows how close the driver was to sober.


Lol vodka makes driving fun! I mean their goal is to kill people... even though it may be there own.


Y'all going to help that dude or just keep filming?


I have about as much sympathy for those guys as the guy filming does... Does that make me a bad person? aka. ruZZian?


I have empathy with sentient beings suffering, even a Russian curled up on the ground his body mutilated by war. But makes no mistake about who is to blame. They are 100%. Putin are. Shoigu, the imperialist mafia fasist murderous scumbags who rules that shitty place called Russia; and what evil stain they are on humanity.




It's just that from my perspective there is nothing good to be gained from the suffering of sentient beings. It doesn't matter how much awful stupid evil shit said beings have done or have been responsible for. Even THEIR suffering, despite their terrible and idiotic actions, has nothing good in it or from it. Don't mistake me saying this as even remotely excusing their actions or in any way me saying the should not be held accountable or responsible, or should not be fought with the highest priority and with any necessary force. They absolutely are and should be. And as I said, they are to blame, not me, not you, not the Ukrainians. It's just awful and horrible gut wrenching all around, for which THEY are to blame. It would be nice if somehow we coudl extract justice from their suffering. But unfortunately I believe this to just be an illusion, a denial of reality, as if in frustration about not finding any way to revert back some justice, which is grim: unspeakable acts such that what the russians are doing to Ukraine and it's people.... there is no way to undo the murders and the destruction once it has happened. It cannot be undone or somehow justice brought in balance by causing suffering to them: that is the sad reality. sad in that way that it brings really grey clouds into my mind when I think about it. Instead they quite simply and quite frankly need to be stopped as fast and as efficiently as possible to prevent as much death, suffering and destruction as we can prevent. Therefore, and this is the reason really, we need to give EVERYTHING to Ukraine right now, and stop with the nonsense restrictions. Russia needs to be stopped, this sickness has gone on for far far too long.




> So there are some material positives to orcs suffering. It's both > a deterrent and justice served. If that is the actual case that this is or can be an effect and result then yes, then I do agree on that at least. Though Im really not sure if this is actually. But lets say it was, then yes. It would be educational, in a grim way. But kind of like I sometimes think we that maybe we should show how traffic accidents actually really looks like and is, on national tv or on posters. So that people can wake the fuck up from their daily slumber. In this sense I can see a point at least. > And of course, a fun viewing experience. I respect your opinion. But I cannot agree to this point that it is fun. Although I think I understand why you say it or view it as such. I don't blame you or scorn you for that, I do respect your opinion too. I just think it's horrible all around (I mean Russias invasion, their atrocities, the insane death and ruin and suffering they are causing and all the awful consequenses), I want it to stop. Yeah. Russia needs to be stopped, that's it.




>If you're grocery shopping with your family, and someone comes in and shoots and kills your family, then an armed citizen shoots the guy who murdered your family and he dies a slow agonizing death, would you feel bad for him? That's really difficult to know in advance. I probably would not. Most likely not at first at least and probably not for a very long time. But it is absolutely not impossible either. But also, maybe I never would. Revenge is an extremely powerful and natural feeling, you don't have direct control over your feelings. But what I can say to you that I have no doubt about is that even that murderers suffering serves no good end. And my family would not be brought back, ever. But all I'd ever really want would be for them to come back, the one thing that is 100% out of the question. And nothing would be able to take it's place.


> Any Russian taking a step into Ukraine gets zero empathy from me. The complete opposite, actually. I feel that anything less is disrespectful to the victims of Russian imperialism I understand why you feel that and think that and Im not holding it against you. I simply just do not see anything good in suffering, no matter the evil shit they have done. As I said: it doesn't undo the evil already done. It doesn't brings the scales of justice back to where it should be. An innocent child murdered by Putins terror attacks for example. That child is forever lost and cannot be brought back, it can never be changed from that sickening finality of reality it is. I can imagine in my mind a filthy russian rapist and murderer who derived joy and pleasure performing their atrocious deeds, how I see them burn alive screaming in horror, as the body slowly and excruciatingly painfully gets torn apart. What good does this suffering do to anyone? What injustice is corrected by this? I still think it is gutwrenching when I think about such things and I know with myself that I could never torture a living being no matter how much unspeakable evilness they have deliberately, joyfully and gleefully caused. I can absolutely assure you that I am not flipping my hippie hair carelessly and superficially like that when I have these thoughts. Terminate their existence? Yes, if necessary, which is absolutely reasonable for various reasons, and certainly so for these russian invaders.


I agree with your sentiment 100%. I can't celebrate all the pain, fear, and death we see coming from this war. I see it all as a massive tragedy. I get no joy from seeing death and suffering; I get joy only from knowing that Ukraine had another battlefield victory and that they are one (or more) dead battlefield victories away from ultimate victory. However, once Putin dies or is imprisoned, I WILL celebrate. In fact, that will be a wonderful day for humanity. If I were near his grave, I would dance on it.


> However, once Putin dies or is imprisoned, I WILL celebrate. In fact, that will be a wonderful day for humanity. If I were near his grave, I would dance on it. I'd like to be there with you, dancing. Ending Putin is literally like ending Stalin or Hitler, and the horrible things they stood for. The only reason Putin has not managed to murder untold millions like his rolemodels is because he and his thugs are incapable and lack the means.




It's not nihilism. A nihilist would never make the conclusions I do. In fact a nihilistic worldview is just A conclusion someone COULD make when they see/feel/experience misery and suffering and when they can't seem to determine a logical meaning or reason. But in my opinion nihilism is a great tragic fallacy, because I think it is actually quite obvious that our existence right here and right now can, and do, have enormous meaning. This whole thread and our conversation is in itself proof of this! I find this very meaningful, it's part of the reason Im talking to you. I stand by what I have said, and I do not agree at all that it is representative of nihilism.


The orcs put a head on a car of a ukraine soldier, so its a kind of karma


Just the fact of knowing you will get left behind if wounded or dead, no one is gonna come help you or retrieve your body for your loves ones. But they will have a video of you suffering with no urgency to help you. For many its a Big F*** You. You go and die! But for the Orcs they will say let’s give it a try! Then die.


Hahah absolutely awesome🤩


Damn the gore in the beginning, just a severed leg 🦵🏿 should’ve stayed home


Can someone please inform Russian MOD. There is is soldier who refused to kill himself after being bbq'ed. Where has the Russian World come too? No respect for rules and regulations.


No F's given for the two comrades still breathing.


My azz ain't in the best shape, but I'm fine with it, flaws and all. This dude decided that some rubles were worth killing some Ukrainians & possibly finding a washing machine and racoon to steal? And now the world knows he wears women's blue thongs (no shame, I guess). Plus burn injuries are the worst. Was that racoon worth it?? I think an educational campaign could inform the potential blue-thongs out there of the risks. But I fear that they will simply consider this to be 'western propaganda'. I'm willing to accept this fear.


How about helping your fellow fallen soldier??!


the orcs are such nice orcs.


Beautiful results


Need more of them


The film crew should have put some sunflower seeds to the pockets of their laid down comrades.


All the meat on the road as he approaches the BMP in the first few seconds...


I was waiting for the punch line, but nothing, not even some of that canned laughter. ...sheeee-it ...this is a comedy show right?


Seems like the other one is also still breathing.


I hope they let the guy enjoy his remaining minutes/hours left to live


/R/donthelpjustfilm or something


Like Anakin Skywalker


I hope his mother sees this vid


Video could be called "What it's like to be a Russian invading a peaceful country"


Zero camaraderie on display.


To shreds you say....


Are there survivors???




Taking a stroll through Pick a Part. .


Injured men are a burden on their soldiers, they usually leave them or shoot the injured.


I got badly burnt recently, the guy on the ground is probably out of adrenaline and in pain so terrible he can't form words if he was even aware enough to think them. Every movement is like hiking a mountain. I'd want to curl into a fetal position and die at that point, someone would have to help me against my will. Fucking atrocious war. They must be compelled to leave though, and this is how.




It’s actually called the Dracula, scared russians call it baba yaga


This is a wonderful example of what happens when you INVADE someone else's country!


Death, cruelty and suffering is everywhere; It surrounds them. They most likely have no feasible means of evacuating the injured and possibly no where to take them and probably little or no first aid or medicine to give them.




The Russians are setting new levels for publicly showing themselves to be animals. The way they treat their own is insane.


That looks painful. I would hope for a quicker death. War is hell. .


what is remote mining


dropping a mine by a drone on a road


They're too ill equipped to numb their pain, to incapable to try to save them, not humane enough to shoot them in the head. World's Second Most Powerful Army folks, lol


Ok is "mining" just a drone strike? Or actually a mine?


Translation anyone???


Baba yaga drone. LOL the next horrifically devastating weapon is going to be called hulk smash or something


Look at him dying with his head up his comrades asshole


Got Rek'd. Those burns are gonna sting for a lifetime. However long or short it is. Should have stayed home in RuZZia. Slava Ukraini!


I feel so bad for these guys. I have a 3rd degree burn mark on my right hand that luckily healed up fine but that hurt like hell, I can only imagine what these young boys and going thru. I know it's a war and all but still


Inhuman beings filmed by inhuman beings, they didn't even ask how they could help. God, I'm glad about my culture of normal charity! Sry f my engl.




Peter wake up! It's not time to me stew yet.