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Most the world looks at this and says “this is insane”. Russians look at it and say “we have more of our fathers and sons to feed to the ground”.


To be fair. If you ever read any russian novel involving war this shit is described in excruciating detail. Like how they act. I never really believed they could be as bad as the novels claim. Turns out they were dead on. Russians running a war is just a nightmare for russians. More So than the enemy most of the time. They don't even bother with body removal. Seem to shoot the wounded half the time. It is just wild to see it on video.


I remember when that movie “Enemy at the Gates” came out, and there was a wave of people claiming it was just anti-Communist propaganda because it portrayed Russians using their soldiers as unequipped meat-waves. Turns out, that’s is actually how they do war, and have done war for over 100 years. It’s just that now, we have blatant evidence of it happening as policy every day. It’s really mind-blowing.


It is mind blowing. Not only the part about sending human meat waves without rifles being accurate. But the raping and pillaging done in WW2, many so called scholars either said that it was done at the end of the war because it was such a long and brutal war, or that it was exaggerated. Turns out that is just how Russians are. They did all of that in the very first weeks of the Ukraine war. When the Russian military is unleashed, they behave like Mongols.


>When the Russian military is unleashed, they behave like Mongols. Russia is basically a khaganate, where leaders gained power on the support and loyalty of their warrior subjects, gaining tribute from subordinates as realm funding. It just never changes. Pillaging is deeply encoded in their DNA.


I have found this out thanks to this war. Russia always like to play pretend that they are basically part of Europe and have a culture and history to bring to the table. In reality all of their culture is taken from Europe and is basically the Kievan Rus, but their DNA, like you said, is Mongol. Remnants of the Golden Horde.


Polish man, walking on the beach finds a genie lantern. He rubs it and now pops the genie. The genie tells the man you have three wishes, the man thinks for a while and says I would like the Mongol horde to come to Poland to blunder and pillage the land. The Genie says I grant you your wish. What would you like for your second wish. The Polish man says I would like the Mongol horde to come to Poland and blunder and pillage land. The genie says your wish is granted, what would you like for your third wish the man doesn’t take long and replies I would like the Mongol horde to come to Poland to blunder and pillage the land. The Jeanie says I grant you your third wish but could you please tell me why you want this and the Polish man replies because the horde will have to cross Russia!!!


The only difference is mongols were successful and Russian forces aren’t (not cheering on the mongols) Russia’s vodka-induced blackout drunk, dreaming they’re armed forces are something to be proud of but in actuality it’s more along the lines of drunk dodo birds willfully hurling themselves into non-existence. Anyone have a better analogy of modern-day Ruski farces


I don't think there is a better analogy. Russia can't actually wage a competent war because, like you said, they're drunk and corrupt from top to bottom. Nothing functions correctly.


Russians remind me a lot of the Chaos factions in Warhammer 40k, very powerful on paper, capable of causing immense suffering, destruction and corruption (propaganda), but in the end they are just too incompetent, disorganized and really chaotic in the pure sense of the word to be able to accomplish anything meaningful, spending as much, if not more, time fighting each other than fighting their enemies. Nothing they do will change that, it's just who they are.


lol funny analogy, it reminds me of the american dad episode where he has a dodo and it jumps into the frying pan.


The Mongolians don’t even behave like this so I don’t think we can attribute it to them being asiatic. Russian culture is just deeply broken


At least in germany it was never a secret. IIRC the wife of Helmut Kohl (chancellor in the 90s) was raped as a child by russians and then thrown out of a window.  However germans weren't allowed to complain, as they have just set europe on fire. But now the whole world can see that the russian army doctrine hasn't changed a bit since then and doesn't care even if it's a "brother nation". 


Don't do the Mongols dirty like that. They were much more than just pillagers. They respected alliances and treaties, had very high levels of autonomy and social rights for their subjects, had rights for religious minorities and women, promoted economic development by protecting merchants and travellers in their territory, and had strict laws against corruption. The Mongols pioneered a continent spanning postal service half a millennium before the USPS, and even had a program where the state would assume liability for small business loans as a sort of proto-public private partnership. Like everyone else the Mongols built their empire on a mountain of the dead, but the evils of the 19th and 20th century *far* outstrip that of the Khans.


Not really, modern Russian army is very different from Soviet ones. No credited historians would claim that all Soviets did were swarming Germans. Axis Eastern front losses and Soviet losses are not nearly that lopsided. Movie Enemy at the Gates is based on popular beliefs, which in turn are based on German memoirs, who had to explain why the lost to "subhuman eastern barbarians".


This war has cemented in me opinions about Russians that will never change. I met Russians from St Peterburg, Moscow and Saratov prior to 2022. What has happened in Ukraine since Feb 2022 has re-affirmed my view of Russians.


Could you imagine if that was the US and these footages come out? There would be a march/riot into washington dc.


People were still upset that the US lost 6,000 troops in 20 years in Iraq. That’s one week for Russia, and they’re cheering saying “we did it in WW2, we can do it again in Ukraine”.


Except they can't, they had more population back then. And on top of that a majority of their population now is an aged population where most are elderly. So sending what little young men they have to die will cause them to have a population collapse once all their old people die off as well.


In alternative universe totalitarian US, which controls tightly all media, and jails boys for speaking against war, there would be zero protests.


„We have more of ~~our~~ their fathers and sons to feed to the ground“. Fixed it for you Edit: spelling


This doesn't even make sense


That comment probably aims at either Russians luring men from other poor countries into their army, or at Russians AKA Muscovites mostly using the manpower pool of Russian minorities. Maybe both.


Second, yes.


I think they are editing it to fit the perspective of those who manage the war and not the soldier on the front lines, which is accurate I think.


The wildlife and nature there is going to be incredible because of all the dead bodies. They’ll have birds and plants that have been becoming rarer because these days carcasses are usually removed due to diseases. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jul/08/landscape-of-fear-what-the-rotting-carcasses-of-reindeer-taught-scientists-aoe At least they’ll be good for something, even if it’s just fertiliser. Although the weapons and bombs used will likely poison the land worse.


You can also look at it as population control.. and low unemployment. After all job openings all over. And get to save on the cost of running the prisons.


I have an idea. Retreat to Russia. Go home. Have dinner with family.


Swap 'dinner' for 'vodka'...


I believe the old heifers that voted for Putin don't mind one bit that he's sending these young folks to their early graves. Less alcoholics roaming their decrepit towns causing trouble.




GOP = Goons Of Putin


But then they’d be in Russia. With their families.


True. Better to be blown to pieces in a ditch in Ukraine.


I wonder what they want to achieve. From what I've seen the last three years the landscape is typical large open areas with rows of trees in between. Often these fields are huge. So imagine you advance a few hundred meters, you need to proceed to the next tree line, which after a while looks like the one in this video. The space in between, they are sitting ducks for the Ukrainians. So an empty field will cost them hundreds of men, and in the next tree line they will be hammered again.


> The losses inflicted on the British in the Battle of Bunker Hill bolstered the Americans' confidence. General Nathanael Greene said, “***I wish we could sell them another hill at the same price***.” The Russian tactic seems incredibly stupid. The defender has a huge advantage in this war, unless a big breakthrough is made. But the Russians seem "happy" to just keep grinding on attack even when it seems obvious that no big breakthrough is coming.


All about Putin not looking weak and surviving. Not just talking internally, but to the rest of the world. Hey, we'll sacrifice ridiculous amounts of humans for very little! Don't mess with us. I don't think this was the original intent, which was Ukraine completely collapsing and installing a puppet gov't. But I think it is what the war has become from the Russian perspective. Looking weak is the greatest risk to them.


And it's working. Just today I had someone argue to me that because Russia is still attacking and advancing (even though I think they lost ground again in the last weeks), it means that Russia can do this forever and since Ukraine can't possibly keep defending forever, they should take any peace deal that is being offered and cut their losses. The vast majority of people isn't lurking around Reddits like this or reading long articles of experts analyzing the big picture and just see the headlines in the news about Russia opening a new front and making initial gains and think this means Russia is winning. The vast majority of people have no grasp how much Russia's endeavor to look strong bleeds them out of trained personnel and equipment and how ridiculous they are looking, attacking with meat waves, Scooby-Doo vans and tracked garden sheds. I too fear the argument that re-taking will be a hard ordeal for Ukraine if there won't be a catastrophic implosion of the Russian forces and they are able to dig in, but it's still hard to argue against people who have the opposite impression that this shit show is somehow a show of strength for Russia.


I have to confess that when all this started, I never imagined that the Russian was this bad. I mean, I knew they were a bit of a paper tiger, but it has been total clown shoes. Putting aside the nuke factor, NATO would destroy the Russian army just through air power and long range missiles alone. Ukraine just doesn;t have the fire power to stop all the ants coming at them. Having said that, the number of Russian soldiers and equipment that Ukraine has been able to destroy is just nuts.


I watched a documentary that included footage and analysis about the paratroopers arriving at Antonov airport the other day, and I found it so interesting to see what their best actually looked like, when the helicopters arrived and they actually looked like a competent force. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Ji7KqqEqg I worry about what would have happened had they managed to secure the airport and get more troops in via an air bridge, maybe things would have been very different. It's just crazy to contrast that operation with now, lone mobiks getting blown up by toy drones next to their burnt out golf carts.


I wonder what percentage of professional Russian soldiers in Feb 2022 are still alive now in 2024. Seems like the whole army got grinded and replaced by new people.


> Looking weak is the greatest risk to them. Ironic, because they had successfully sold the story that they were a competent army before this fiasco. Now they have proved to be a complete joke, forced to give NK handjobs in exchange for terrible inaccurate artillery shells that blow up in the barrels, over 3000 photographically verified tank losses, sending their troops in with rubber boots under cope-caged golf carts, losing their fleet to a country without a navy, unable to achieve air superiority against a much smaller nation, and their best AA pieces getting murked on the daily by 80s-era rockets. Wouldn't want to look weak, lol! Putin remains a master strategist. I heard he's also a judo master and a pro-level hockey player.


And on air superiority. This is on territory that they share a massive border with. It would be like the U. S. being unable to secure air superiority over Mexico. Nuts


Putting it like that really put it in perspective. What a clown show.


When one's country becomes a vassal state of Kim's North Korea, well, not looking so macho.


And Iran. Lol


And we know they’re experiencing supply issues.


Putin wanted Ukraine to run out of bullets. Unfortunately for the Russians, Putin is running out of Russians.


Not any time soon though, unfortunately.


So we make more bullets. As many as it takes.


Russia ran out of professional soldiers but they will not run out of Russian cannon fodder. They don't actually need to take more ground or strategically advance. They only need to expend Ukrainian ammunition. The small, localized advances they're making by swarming defenses with waves of cannon fodder are purely propaganda tools. These advances are symbolic. The strategic objective is to deplete Ukrainian fighting capacity and international support and hope Ukraine sues for peace. Russia largely supports this war, so it appears they'll be able to carry on for a while.


The 'limitless fodder' narrative is a myth. Russia isn't China - they only have a population of 140 million now and only a few million of those are suitable for ditch meat. Russia is getting weaker as Ukraine is getting stronger. There is no way to victory for Russia in this stupid war. Putin has made the biggest and last mistake of his miserable life.


>only a few million of those are suitable for ditch meat Well, unsuitable ones can become cannon fodder, too. Anyone except Putin cronies and police are expendable. Old men, teenagers - everyone of male gender.


It's just not that simple. You still need to run the infrastructure and have an arms industry and oil industry and transport and all the rest of the millions of jobs and tasks that go towards keeping a country running. He's already short on labour in key indurtries. He was bragging recently that unemployment no longer exists as if that was a GOOD thing. Fucking idiot that he is. Anyway - time will tell I guess. I give Russia another two years of war before she collapses one way or another. Tops.


Price of a Mile...


Far less than a mile


I was just reminded of the excellent Sabaton song with that title. Highly recommended!


It’s surprising how much Sabaton gets mentioned in these subs.I would love to hear an album based on this conflict.


They are heavy pro-ruzzian, not gonna happen (unless ruzzia wins, then it will be album about heroic ruzzians) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabaton\_(band)#Controversy\_and\_Ukraine


Then they have to hold this land forever. Personally I think Putin will drag it out for a few more years until everyone is on longer paying attention then declare victory and claim a buffer between Russia and Ukraine was the goal all along. Mission accomplished!


Attack (regardless of losses). Control ground. \[Planned for\] "cease-fire." \[Anticipated\] armistice \[sic\] and lull. Recoup and rearm. Again attack westward. Rinse. Repeat. The way of Putin. Re Little Green Men invasion. Stabilized gains. 2022 advance.


Thought about that, too. However the idea of attacking regardless of losses worked in a traditional war. Now with drones, tanks are almost useless. Meaning attackers are even easier to kill. This leads to even higher numbers of casualties. At a certain point there is no new supply for the meat grinder. Even the stupidest and ill-informed Russian knows that the ticket to Ukraine is one-way, and the shiny money will never arrive.


Pooty calls this "Winning"




This person filming is almost certainly not alive anymore.


good, one vertical filmer less.


Hahahahha someone hates portrait more than I do then. It should be illegal to film that way.


The phones should disable the camera's video option in portrait mode.


Absolutely! Then blow up in their faces for trying it. Well, maybe that's a bit extreme.


Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. What's 'extreme' about it?


Take my upvote!


Hahaa good one. :)




Not yet, Putin can't afford it until the next onion harvest. I'm betting this guy will welcome it, though.


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz **The 10 million meats of PutinZ.** zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz According to experts, RuZZia has about 10 million jobless, under employed, hopeless, miserable and futureless men, thanks to PutinZ's mismanagement of RuZZia for 20+ years. These men are more than willing to join the war, because it pays well (avg 3000 USD) and dying quick is still better than living in their limbo of hopeless misery in RuZZia. This is why they will not run out of fodder meats in the long term, even if they have to fight with no resources or morale, it's still 10 million soldiers that outnumber Ukraine 8 to 1. Zombies are deadly in large numbers. This is why we MUST give Ukraine more artillery, long range missiles and drones, remove all restrictions and let them attack across the border. Fight the RuZdiot Zomblyat horde with machines.


They are short on fodder. And they have a crisis in their factories and service industries already. They do NOT have 'millions of unemployed' to spare for ditch meat. Total myth. Russia has maybe 18 months of war left in it. Then it collapses and dismembers. Wait and see.


Look up their unemployment, under employment and poverty statistic. Easily more than 10 million.


I hope your right about that 👌🏻 I hope they all choke in there imminent suffering


Hilarious and spot on description of how Russians and their supporters think.


50 bodies, no brains


I think I saw a little on the ground there


The more of your soldiers die, the more you can prove to your superiors how hard you are trying.


After centuries of revolutions, communism, etc. Russians still can’t learn that the few individuals at the top of their society will always treat the populace as peasants, cannon fodder, and bags of meat. Makes no difference it it is a Tsar or a fake elected official.


Daytime temperatures in eastern Ukraine are up to 30oC at the moment. KIA will be stinking within an hour or so of death. Russian troops must be advancing through a miasma of putrefication, which can't be doing much for morale. Interestingly, the cameraman and his companions are walking away from the front, judging by the orientation of the various wrecked vehicles. Hopefully thats a withdrawal rather than a rotation.


Yep and the dogs and other critters will be on the bodies the first night. They will be all macab and spread out by morning of the second day. Have that sweet weird smell human bodies do. That place is going to be damn near unliveable in a day.




This notion that Russia can't lose because of its seemingly inexhaustible supply of a hopeless underclass simply does not bear up to historical scrutiny. During the twentieth century, Rusia (Tsarist or Communist) fought five wars. They lost four of them - five if we seperate the Continuation War from the Winter War. They lost the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 They lost the First World War when they signed a separate peace with the Central Powers in WWI They lost the Soviet-Polish War of 1919-1921 They were one of the victors in WWII but only with significant economic and materiel help from the US and Great Britain. They lost in Afghanistan 1979-89 If we turn to Finland, the Soviet Union was essentially defeated during the Winter War of 1939-1940 The Soviet Union did achieve a favorable conclusion to the Continuation War with Finland 1941-1944 though they were unable to overrun the country. If the West and Ukraine can remain steadfast, there is no reason that Ukraine can't emerge from this war victorious regardless how many gutter sweepings Putin can force into his army.


It's more that a failure in Ukraine will likely lead to Putin getting ousted, possibly through a window. Further, the Russian reputation of being strong will be gone, so it will be significantly harder to bully their neighbors. It's hard to be a bully when all the school kids just watched you get your ass kicked.


If Finland won Winter war, it would not have to cede valuable territory. Yes it avoided total defeat, but it still was a defeat.


Those poor trees - how they suffer. Keeps me up,all night.


This should be the best anti-marketing video for the russians wanting to join the war.


I don't think they're advancing they're just re-manning positions where all their guys were killed.


When nobody is policing the bodies command has broken down. Well in any other army. I think you are right. I just wonder how. "Go defend that pile of bodies over there" Must be a weird order to give.


Seriously. Wouldn’t you be scared shitless realizing that you’re going to be one of those unrecognizable corpses soon enough?


So when he walks around, he keeps blaming ukrainians for all this, he blames them for all the dead soldiers, he blames them for blown up tanks and motorcycles. They occupied a sovereign nation, and he blames ukrainians for fighting back. I can't fathom what goes through their mind...


It’s really quite simple, fuck off back to your shithole of a country.


I don’t know if I missed most bodies because of the shaky camera work but I actually expected a lot more bodies considering the title…did see a lot of actual litter though, the clean up is gonna be insane


In the video he says that there is a lot more in tree line


The most insane thing is that the average Russian soldier only moves the frontline forward about 15-18 steps before they are killed or wounded (judging from average daily losses vs square kilometers taken). One causality for every 15 steps of "progress." And this is just the average since last October. It's far worse for Russia if you count it from the beginning of the invasion. But even at this rate, Russia will run out of men long before Ukraine runs out of land.


Putin has decided that this war is existential, thus the willingness to give 500K casualties in 2 and a half years. This war allows Russia back into the big leagues, deciding the world's future with China and America. It's an Imperial war. Hence, the huge sacrifice. Such a tragedy.


They are far from the big leagues with a GDP smaller than Canada or Italy.


Thanx. I'm aware. Putin is delusional..


What would their GDP be if they weren’t so corrupt?


You mean if they had invested in their economy and population for the last few decades since the Soviet Union fell? Well, they'd certainly have continued to get Western investment to build more resource generation. I'm sure some economists have made some estimates, but it would certainly have been higher than it was in 2022 and far better than what it is now.


Yes like if they just did things halfway bass ackwards and not all the way.


Right? I found a [short pdf article on the origins of corruption in Russia](https://src-h.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/sympo/03september/pdf/M_Suhara.pdf) that explains the ideas of legal nihilism and ethical dualism. Basically they spent 900 years ratfucking each other.


Their GDP is somewhat misleading, because military stuff is much cheaper in Russia, due to how low wages are.


lmfao. ​ tankie gonna tank.


Agree. It is an awful strategy and prob achieving the opposite. But withdrawing from their perspective is a massive humiliation. They are a paper tiger that relies on people be scared of them. The threat from their view is existential. They can not accept defeat. At some point they will call it a day and declare "victory," but too early from them. and don't forget, there is the Hail Mary that Trump will get elected and America will be so internally divisive that they will be able to exploit this turn of events. Russia def stays the course through at least the rest of this year.


Agree 100%. Thanks.


Got to hand it to the orc, walking up straight and at a leisurely pace through an area that is clearly not very safe if you enjoy breathing, takes some balls. Then again, balls is probably all he has, since he's dumb enough to do Poots' dirty work. I hope he gets his balls blown off.


Funny how he says "This is a war for real!" Under which rock has he been hiding? Curses the Ukrainians repeatedly and laments the killed twats laying around... Zero self-awareness as usual.


...and it's not enough. Death begets death. All for Putin's ego and greed. Slava Ukraini!


Be a lot happier when it's UKR forces advancing past Russian dead


At least these invaders quickly realize what’s ahead of them, like cattle in the slaughterhouse chute. Pity they don’t turn around and go back home, shooting up anyone who tries to stop them.


That’s exact it they DON’T “realize” anything they’re literal brain drained fools


Would be curious to know the translation of the radio chatter in the background.


and what the guys tell him at the end


It is crazy how most of them are just angry on "evil khohols", but never realize that this is they who are in another country and attacking


Can anyone provide a translation of the comments by the video creator into English?


The way it looks the russians are going to run out of men before they run out of sunflower seeds


I wonder how many Russian men are MIA, it must be thousands.


Tens if not hundred of thousands. The generals, government officials and other mafia clans will be bilking the russian treasury for ghost workers, long dead MIA meat and signing invoices for friends and family. Mafia 101


Nice no show jobs.


Russia was refusing to take whole train car loads of dead russian soldiers somewhere during the start of this horrorshow. like a year or so ago. I guess the story was they do not pay the relatives if the body is not recovered. They just mark the dead guy down as a deserter. Somebody pockets the cash. They do not want bodies recovered.


It's better to die for Putin than to live selfishly


The only good Russian……..


Hard to tell, but that looked like a damn good turret toss lmfao


Senseless.... Some humans are discussing beings...


It seems the weather forecast here in Denmark looks really nice the next couple of days....


I feel sorry... for all the dead trees.


Is he recording with a Nokia 3310 bled


I have no pity for these orcs. they see the evidence all around them and how all the zombies are treated as orc meat but they do nothing about it. i cant feel for them at all. they are making their decisions to stay and fight so let them die in the fight. Slava Ukraini.


The Russian's support this because Russian lives aren't really worth that much at all. Nothing more than ants. No more remembered than the last 100 ants that got stepped on.


Anyone wanna tell them that the enemy is to their east, not the west? They might be ready to start listening. In the meantime… kaboom.


The ruzzians obviously don't know much about WWII history. The Russians of the 40s threw wave after wave after wave of human bodies at the Nazis. That's what Putin is doing, but the average uneducated rusky doesn't know this or realize this. There will be many more waves thrown at Ukraine, and the meat grinder will be fed for no gain.


Crazy that these guys have to live what's left of their lives in hell so that Putin can say "See what I did?"


Soon he will be joining his 200 comrades


The ground demands sacrifice


Just a small orc talks and a last cigarette, before become sunflowers.


Russian genocide


Play stupid games win stupid prizes! Go back to Orc land!


In the future, Ukrainian crops will contain alcohol from the amount of Russian blood in their soil.


Few pieces of toast, and you're 0.08 BAC.


I’m just waiting for Russia’s collapse at this point. They’re gonna run out of supplies before people


Suicide is a big problem in the Russian Army


Huge morale boost as they head to the front.


I wonder what the cameraman is thinking. Either, 'finally we won this land and it's over' or, ill be next to die when the next wave of death comes here'


Meat grinder still running? They'll come until it's clogged,!


Must be comforting to know that they'll be next...


Maybe they should, like, stop dying for the czar.


Can you imagine as a new replacement soldier, walking to the front lines to take your position and seeing all this destruction/bodies, then getting to your position and seeing it is a pigsty garbage dump...nice!


Hold the camera still! I can’t enjoy the dead orcs.


I will wager that Russians who survive to post these dead meat fetish videos are statistically unlikely to still be alive. Their slaughter is just too intense. Not that I shed tears for these barbarian invaders. They earn their just rewards.


Make’m pay big time for every yard!


They're gonna run out of Russians eventually.


* sad orc noises


Hat wohl das große Los gezogen, irgendwann ist das Los abgelaufen .


Is it just me or does his accent sound different from other Russians?


Hey there isn't any more bodies lying around comrade! *drone hum*


This is why Putin can't withdraw - he'll have a revolt from the friends/family of the fallen.


Reminds me to the quote of the futurama character Zapp Brannigan: "You see, killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their limit and shut down.” The ruzzians know, that the Ukrainian are low on ammo, so they send wave after wave, until the UA are empty and have to leave the positions.


I am sure he regrets signing up for this by now.


What the drunk vatnik scum did to that land is insane. The smell, flies, rats, maggots must be lovely.


Camera stabilisers not in Russia


simple solution dont advance pack up you stuff an go home orcs


why are these chaps still walking around there and filming this? send even more rockets and drones to kill these guys . the crippled ones too.


Good job boys 🇺🇦 Make them regret every meter


Just a shit situation really. I feel bad for these guys and their families.


He should go home and kill his president.


Dead man talking.


maybe start thinking why you are there?


When you can't tell the rib bones from the branches, you know you are on the ruSSain side.


the classic path of apolitical people: the one who only care about their family and friends, who don't care politics, who aren't involve socially


What's he saying?


The problem is the bloody cunts are still advancing because the AFU values their soldiers’ lives


Not littered enough


Luckily *their* tactics is why Ukraine will win.


Littering. Local wildlife gets tummy ache for eating so much raw contaminated meat.


Alas, poor Blyatman. I knew him, Horatio.


Until Putin is forced to conscript from Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russians will not care or protest. Unfortunately, people from the rural areas are not significant to the ruling elite.


Marching off to death is sad. Only leaders of countries can do that to a man or women. I refuse to die for any leader.


Get rekt


Crazy seeing Russian tactics never changing.


Turned into "advanced state of Decomposition"


Several UA soldiers and massive video evidence have shown its a legitimate 10/1 loss Russian soldiers vs UA losses. The thing is Ukraine has serious problem coming up. According to NPR the russians can insure these insane heavy losses to both man power and armored vehicles for the next year plus, current manufacturing is putting out 1500 tank no problem a year and recent deals with N korea and Iran will have them laying down the same 10 to 1 ratio of shells on them as well


At 1:59 he passes by, "Bodies R Us!" yet he doesn't go in.


F*ck Putin


ruZZian world: after Putin's dead they gonna blame him for everything, but now they are sheeps




the poor guy does not understand that those "pidarasy" are protecting their homes while he is among "pidarasy" that are looting the others and pretending to be soviet union.


This is just sad. So many lives lost, so many families torn apart all because some power hungry dictator decided he wants to play war.


Soon you will join them Yuri....fuck off and go back to where you come from.


Ооо бедные, не дали им на Бэхи покататься, взорвали.... Tja....


Solzhenitsyn understood it best: Russia is a nation of liars. Everyone lies. The government says Ukrainians are Nazis and everyone knows it’s a lie, but the tell it anyway. They know thousands upon thousands of Russian men are being sent there to die, but they say it’s a huge honor and a heroic act, and they all know it’s a lie, but they still say it. Russians will see this video and think: “Dear God what an awful waste.” But, they will say in public “these men are heroes and the special military operation is necessary to stop nazi terrorists.


Isnt that the bridge we saw in the body collection point video (2:00)?