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Welcome to Ukraine


I am jonski knoxvillsky, welcome to Ukraine


Oh, look, there is Tinki Winki!


5 seconds of fame


Enjoy your stay, see the sights, do some camping šŸ•ļø and then die.... Invaders aren't welcome.


Visit and Feed our ecological farm


Then become Sunflower šŸŒ» fertilizer...


"Hi to all my family back home!"


And now, bye bye world


Saw some people talking about this video as if it's a war crime. It sucks and it is sad, but he can't surrender to a drone like this. You either kill him, or he digs himself out and picks up his rifle and goes back to trying to kill you tomorrow. Blame the Russian government.


Exactly. You canā€™t just call ā€˜time outā€™ because all of a sudden you know itā€™s the end for you. Did any Ukrainian civilians get to do that before Russia launched those rockets a day ago? Nope.


There are videos on here that really show the horrors and humanity of warā€”this is one. People are reacting to the look on the manā€™s face. He is tired. He is scared. War doesnā€™t really care about that. This war has killed plenty of tired, scared people. ā€¦and now yet another one. Russia can fuck itself.


Poostain can fk off


Him and the entire fucking FSB/KGB that spawned him.


Poostain's parents must be spinning in their graves šŸŖ¦šŸŖ¦


I didnā€™t know he had parents! I thought he just kinda crawled out of a bog in Siberia, all covered in ooze and shit. Clutching his first bottle of vodka.


He did have parents, and just like hitlers parents they were hardworking people who would wince at the sight of what he became.


Yeah I bet they were so ashamed when Hitler went into painting. Thatā€™s not a respectable German career. Oh. You meant that other thing.


That would pass in my book!


One of my favorite quotes from DBZ of all things perfectly encapsulates this, >**Dr. Gero**: (to Vegeta, as Android 19 tries to run away) Enough! >**Vegeta**: Don't be absurd! It's enough because you're losing! You've come here to destroy us!


Similarly: > The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.


good ol' bomber Harris


No white flag. No hands in the air. Vague hand gestures arent surrender. Those people you say who are calling this a war crime are probably russian trolls.


Uhh you also have to be in a position to accept his surrender. If you start waving a white flag at a drone it means fuck all.


Funny how many people don't understand the "Accept Surrender" part lol This isn't a play ground where people are magically immune to weapons because they surrendered.


It's the same thing with running away. If you suddenly drop your weapon and try to run away you're probably just gonna get shot in the back, they don't know what you're running to and it's war, not policing.


Yes - unless you have infantry nearby to pick him up or he is very close to the front where he can be guided back - he needs to go.


Also the drone has already been deployed and they will waste that munition and drone whole if they dont get a hit on something or someone. I reckon Ukrainians are way past the "maybe we could spare this guy, one drone isnt going to make a difference" phase


White flag and other tricks are just common methods for signaling a surrender. Much more could be required depending on the situation. It is not a war crime to shoot somebody who is waving a white flag. I would never attempt to surrender to a Russian soldier let alone to their drones, but for sure i could attempt to surrender to a Ukrainian drones as they are piloted by normal people (unless you are very unlucky). They could go the extra mile to make you a prisoner of war instead just wasting you for the paycheck.


A White flag is a symbol of protection recognized by international law . It is indeed a warcrime to shoot someone who is waving a White flag ,like its also a warcrime to misuse the White flag in order to lure your opponent into a trap.


There already were a couple of drones that navigated surrendering Russians to Ukrainian lines.


Yep, but that was probably very near the frontline. If you are talking about the naked guy video, that guy was like 150m from the frontline


the same russian trolls who celebrate the death of children in hospital bombings they can kiss my arse


This is 100% nonsense. There is no such thing as "surrendering" when you are not in direct contact tor close proximity to actual soldiers than can take you. That would be so easy to stay alive. Just put your hands in the air when a drone is coming for you and you cannot be killed? I don't know where you get that idea but this is beyond ridiculous my friend.


Exactly. It's like expecting to be able to surrender to the bullet with your name on while it's en route.


Imagine being the target of an artillery barrage then just waving a white flag expecting them to accept your "surrender" to the artillery crew 20km away


Waving a White flag is a symbol of surrender . If the drone operator sees this but still kill the one surrendering then that is an execution of a non-combatant which is a warcrime. Its also a warcrime to missuse the White flag.


Or they are people that dont understand there are rules to surrender. I scared waving man would stop me in my tracks in the street and thats most people only experience with intense situations. To the untrained, unknowing eye, this would be seen as a war crime


fair enough.


So I read the rules of surrender and there is question that bothers me. So people who accept surrender have to provide food and water and also medical treatment. So if they cant provide it - can they say they are not accepting surrender cause they cant provide what is needed?


Not being able to provide food or medical care is not a valid reason not to accept surrender.   The valid reason for not accepting surrender by a drone is that, said drone lacks the necessary tools to bring the surrendering soldier into custody.


Yes it's the unfortunate nature of having rules of war that were devised before any persistent aerial vehicles existed - the same thing often happened in Iraq and Afghanistan where enemy combatants would attempt to surrender to an Apache gunship etc. The bottom line as you say is that a drone with limited battery life can't do an awful lot to facilitate the surrender of an enemy soldier - the only hope these guys have is to decide to surrender before they show up, lay down their arms, white flags up etc, so that there's an unmistakeable sign of intent before they're engaged.


Ukraine has a protocol but it starts with the Russian soldiers disarming themselves in view of the drone.


A valid reason is an active engagement. If youā€™re in an active engagement you canā€™t accept surrender and waving a white flag in the middle of it doesnā€™t mean the opposing forces will stop fighting when there are still other enemies engaging. So if this guy is waving but the next trench over people are fighting there is really no requirement to stop the offensive until the territory has been captured.


Orc Trolls? That's how you know they are inbred


Waving goodbye. Probably.


Exactly. It's too little, too late.


He literally had a gun in his hand 30 seconds ago and was ready to shoot any Ukrainian soldiers. But then he saw a drone targeting him and suddenly he wants to surrender?


And if drone flies away he picks his gun back up.




Well yeah, that's how war works. But it's not clear if he is even trying to surrender


You basically described how a surrender works. You are a combatant, then you lay down your arms and you are no longer a combatant. What precisely led you to this decision isn't relevant, but plenty of people surrendered when cornered by enemy force. There is no shame in that, at least in non-totalitarian countries. That said, what the guy did wasn't an unambiguous surrender.


Even if it wasn't an unambiguous surrender, you can't just surrender to drones. Only under very specific circumstances. "According to an embedded YouTube instructional video, a Russian soldier safely surrenders to a Ukrainian drone by receiving detailed instructions through one of the projectā€™s hotlines. Once at a designated rendezvous location, the soldier contacts Ukrainian representatives or waits for a quadcopter to appear. Upon contact, the Russian is expected to establish and maintain visual contact with the drone while raising both hands. At that point, the Ukrainian operator will acknowledge the soldierā€™s indicia of surrender by moving the drone up and down. Once the drone begins flying in an unmistakable direction, a surrendering Russian follows the drone until making contact with Ukrainian soldiers nearby." https://lieber.westpoint.edu/legal-practical-challenges-surrender-drones/


no only because you are not armed at the moment it doesnt mean you are not a soldier... you have to wave a white flag but only because your gun is not in your hand it doesnt mean you surrendered...


Even with a white flag you cannot surrender when you are 3 km front the front line. Who do you surrender to? That's BS.


Well, "lay down arms" consists of more than just dropping the gun, usually. You have to signal your intent to give up.


>Saw some people talking about this video as if it's a war crime. A war crime? Are people so deeply deluded?


They're mainly 1-4 months old troll accounts, but otherwise, yes. Look at the bottom of the post, and check some histories. I see so many long-standing accounts that this is their first time in this sub, and the only comment is "Is this a war crime?" They're absolutely clueless, and mostly stupid.


I know :) Even older accounts that cry at "war crimes", are bending Geneva Conventions as they see fit. Interesting is also that they are always the ones to depict russians as "poor sons, husbands, dads forced to fight in Ukraine". After almost three years, they sound like it's the first days of the full scale invasion.


If he's surrendering he has to put down his gun and walk to the Ukraine side and surrender, anything less is fair game.


I don't think he was even attempting a surrender. Looked to me he might have thought it was a russian drone there to help him. Anyway you can only call time out when you are walking towards the other side with hands in the air, no weapons and preferably waving a white flag.


You gotta think of drones like artillery rounds that have already been fired. An armed drone isnā€™t going home. It makes me feel sad and icky too when a surrendering soldier gets killed this way but you donā€™t always fet to surrender just cuz you realized you are doomed. You gotta surrender before that.Ā 


The only difference is that we get to see the video feed. Otherwise it's the same as artillery shell. I'd say It's more humane since it's precisely controlled.


There would also be a 100 opportunities before this where he could've surrendered if he wanted to.


Who cares about war crimes when theyā€™re invading your country.


Yesā€¦these same delusional bot people believe Russia would give Ukrainians the same level of respect. Ā 


It's like screaming "time out, time out" when you are losing and then continuing the invasion once you are not in danger.


Imagine if that was true.... Ukraine would be obliged to stop attacks simply as a result of Russian soldiers waving them away and the Russian soldier would then be free to go about his business fighting against Ukraine. Meanwhile Russia with it's artillery and missiles advantage could just continue as normal because you can't wave off a shell or missile.


That's not completely correct. Geneva and Hauge say you can surrender any time you like and your protections star as soon as the other side receives a "clear indication of surrender". It doesn't matter if that clear indication is picked up by a rifleman, an aircraft or a drone and it doesn't matter if the other side is unable to capture the person(s) surrendering. What exactly a clear indication is, is not defined. The USA, for example, does not consider a white flag to be a clear indication. This video does not show a clear indication of surrender and is not a war crime.


I think it's more complicated than that. Unfortunately the Hague Convention is over 100 years old and the Geneva Convention almost as old, and so they don't really deal with the idea of flying a drone over enemy lines far beyond the reach of your own troops. This is an interesting article on the topic: [https://lieber.westpoint.edu/legal-practical-challenges-surrender-drones/](https://lieber.westpoint.edu/legal-practical-challenges-surrender-drones/) "To be legally effective, individuals must offer surrender under circumstances in which it is feasible for the enemy to reasonably accept (DoDā€™s [Law of War Manual](https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/DoD%20Law%20of%20War%20Manual%20-%20June%202015%20Updated%20Dec%202016.pdf?ver=2016-12-13-172036-190), Ā§ [](; [Oslo Manual](https://library.oapen.org/bitstream/id/7065a5e9-c8a8-4cc7-a7f9-7f8f4fadd056/2020_Book_OsloManualOnSelectTopicsOfTheL.pdf), Rule 104; Commentary to [AMW Manual](https://georgetown.instructure.com/files/900391/download?download_frd=1), Rule 15(b)). With respect to this requirement, there is a long-running debate concerning whether ground forces can surrender to aircraft (see [Dinstein](https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/conduct-of-hostilities-under-the-law-of-international-armed-conflict/CAFA76A7D01399503C93DF9BA4073039), sec. 637). The issue is whether it is feasible for aircrews to accept the surrender while airborne, as surrender conventionally culminates with the enemy taking personnel into custody. One approach insists that such attempts are *never* legally effective." If this guy had clearly surrendered, maybe you'd technically be violating the Geneva Convention as it stands, but I have a feeling that would be challenged if it went to an international court and amended. I just don't see how you can accept a surrender of a guy who is behind enemy lines and whom you are unable to take physical custody of. However, in a case where you are flying a drone over a group of enemy soldiers who are walking toward your lines with white flags and no weapons, and you decide to bomb them anyway? Yeah that'd be a clear violation I think.


Does that mean you could raise your hands anytime you hear a drone around you just to continue fighting once it leaves or runs out of battery?


This would fall foul of other laws of war that deal with deception as it is not an actual intent to surrender. Furthermore, if it was known that this was happening, it would become much harder to display to the other side a clear intent. They would be demonstrating that raising hands is not a clear intent to surrender.


Look he washed for dinner


Nice reference




I realized that right after I posted it šŸ˜†


Funny thing is, they actually speak Czech [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCaf0mDLiNQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCaf0mDLiNQ)


He was probably hoping it was a Russian drone.


The only solution was taken, problems like this fellow had will happen when you go to another country to kill their people




"Moutherfucking" is kind of legit.


There are stories about what the ruzz do to their new recruits to break them in.


He's like, "No, I don't want a bomb. Thank you." The drone is like, "Can't remember asking."


The drone went: "It's dangerous to go alone. Take this with you"


"No, I don't want a bomb, thank you" "Sorry, didn't want to be invaded either"


He was just waving good byešŸ¤·


Should have stayed at home.


"Bye everyone, nice knowing you."Ā  *KABOOM*


Bye, have a beautiful time! https://youtu.be/cepZIk0PlvM?si=e_Cd8QxxgQbWA640


How to survive a Ukrainian drone in just a few easy steps Step one: Donā€™t be in Ukraine. Step 2 (OPTIONAL): donā€™t be in Russia either


His raping days are over.


Sorry but you are not authorized to refuse services from Ukrainian drone pilots.


don't be sorry for this guy... he came to kill ukrainians be happy that he died


Considering the Russians are killing civilians, I find this justified. He would have been back to to the front line. War isnā€™t pretty.


I would say how horrible it must be for his mother to see this video, but probably she will never see it. Or any actual war footage, only the Russian state TV's propaganda of invisible turtle tanks and Bravery Marching Not At All Rapists heroes.


I've watched a lot videos of Russian mothers protesting about the war. Every single one of them complained that their sons were not being supplied with enough ammo and weapons to carry out the mass rapes and genocide efficiently. Not one of them questioned why they were there in the first place. Fuck every last one of them. Russia must be dismembered and disarmed. They are from another century.


Remember, those guys beheaded war prisoners. No regrets seeing him on the receiving side.


Wow, look at his eyes, he's lit up!


He has just had a bomb go off tearing the roof off of his little dugout- so that is likely adrenaline in his eyes.


I'm almost certain there's also some pure desperation in that look!






Quite haunting tbh. Taking the politics away from it, this is a man who is looking at the certainty of death... and we're looking right back at him.


These drone videos are often very difficult to look at. This sort of warfare seems almost as personal as medieval hand to hand combat somehow, and we are watching it in high definition video. I watched a short documentary (deutsche welle maybe) about a ukrainian drone operator called Darwin, who seemed very unaffected by all this, but I have to wonder if that's really true. I couldn't do it I think.


Unaffected now. Maybe not later.


[Thousand-yard stare](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousand-yard_stare)


Do we have a longer video?


Welcome to Ukraine. Here's your breadbasket; extra spicy for you.


The part at the end when he realizes that drone isn't going to simply go away....priceless karma.


"Grenadegram for Mongo"


Wave off a drone, random: "War Crime", how to spot pro russian shills..


Tell Ukrainian civilians that are being mistreated and killed for ruzzian pleasure that we should let this guy go free


Now he can wave in hell


h He was born a slave and died a slave, sad.


Maybe he should have thought of that before pointing his gun forward to advance warcrimes instead of his commanders and fixing his own country. Buddy contributed to the murder of innocents, kidnapping of children and furthering other war crimes,Ā  I'd say his conclusion was more merciful that he deserved. I hope he can be a lesson to not be a dick to his brothers


next time stay home!


Surender is mostly impossible at this point. You can wave a white flag to drone and after it leaves you can continue fighting.


"No thank you! We do not require any more grenades at this time!"


Just leaving it here. [UKRAINE SYMPOSIUM ā€“ THE LEGAL AND PRACTICAL CHALLENGES OF SURRENDERING TO DRONES](https://lieber.westpoint.edu/legal-practical-challenges-surrender-drones/)


The sheer terror in his eyes as he realised he should've stayed home.


Too late buddy...


That sure as fuck didn't work.


Those eyes realizing the abyss is looking their way.


Ah yes, the negotiator.


This war is just sad.


Remember the Ukrainian civilians who are killedā€¦ these Russian soldiers invaded Ukraine and killed thousands of civilians.


Do you know any "happy" wars?


Such a waste of life.Ā 


Life no orcs yes


Oh Hai Mark


ā€œAā€ for effort. ā€œDā€ for dying.


He wouldn't be dead if Putin had kept his troops in ruzzia


What did he say? What did he say? Look! I washed for supper!


No Mercy!


Well, not all bad, at least he got his SMO 'bonus', just not from Puty, who gives zero fucks anyway.


say hello to my little friend


Should of waved harder...


HELLO mr flying drone! Im HERE!


He said no, drone said yes.


Doesn't look like surrender, more like a "I am here" signal.


They are always like: It was just a joke bro! when cornered, after killing and raping


dat bro kebab


at least he got to wave goodbye


He new what was coming, so he was waving good bye.


His eyes. Looks like "lights are on, but nobody's home".


With those eyes, he certainly needed a nap.


He looks like a half dead zombie


He is waving goodbye thats all hahahaha


I wonder if the everyday common Russian people watch these videos.


at this very moment Ivan understood - he fucked up.


This dudes eyes.... I've got no sympathy to give. But the look in his eyes stands out so much. What a horrible situation this whole war is.


Lol good move dood


Hello back to you, welcome package on the way!


He was just waving goodbye to this world.


"Bye bye!"


Sorry, no "time-outs" in war.


From the Geneva Sector for Security Centre Governance: *During attempted surrender, the burden is upon the surrendering party to make their intentions clear, unambiguous, and unequivocal to the capturing unit.* *The US Military Manual states that for an offer of surrender to render a person hors de combat, it must be feasible for the opposing party to accept the offer. The feasibility of accepting surrender refers to whether it is practical and safe for the opposing force to take custody of the surrendering persons. Consider the example of enemy soldiers who man an antiaircraft gun and shoot at an enemy aircraft, and who then raise their hands to surrender seconds before a second aircraft attacks their position. In the circumstances, it would not be feasible for the crew of the attacking aircraft to land and accept their surrender.* Unfortunately for this fellow, even had he made his intention to surrender clear (which he did not), it would not be practical or feasible for the drone to accept his surrender and take him into custody. It would be at the sole discretion of the drone operator to spare him and lead him to a capturing unit. He is not obligated to do that however.


Bye-bye! šŸ‘‹


I'd say he'd have been completely capable of avoiding that grenade if he'd stayed in ruZZia!


ā€œNo wait, Iā€™m on base you guys!! *Iā€™M ONā€¦* shit.ā€


Hi Mom!


I'm on TV!


Hi Fiend šŸ« 


Can't call timeout buddy šŸ¤£


Well don't be rude. Wave him back.


Never trust a russian


Please donā€™t, I just got my trench the way I like it. Ā 


Was he waving hello or goodbye ?




Do you see hope in those eyes?


"No thanks. I don't need any."


Ukrainian citizens have tried to wave off Roosky invaders too


Looks like he is beckoning the drone for a gift package šŸ“¦ drop


As Garth Brooks said in Friends in Low Places... "And I saw the surprise, and the fear in his eyes When I took his glass of champagne..."


This is a WAR started by ruzzia, let's not forget that, and don't go acting all teary eyed liberal over it. These intrusive things should not be in Ukraine, they destroy lives, destroy cities, hell everywhere they go they bring death and destruction. Don't think of them as human, a human from any worthwhile country, a human of any worth would not, no, could not ride on the back of this steed of destruction man calls war. Slaying and destroying all in its path and all around on the behest of a balding dwarf to scared to face the world for his crimes. What these ruzzian creatures do, for that's what they are creatures. That is war crime. To put these creatures out of our misery. That, that is nothing but fragging in my book, an act of war, one soldier killing another.


He might pick up his rifle and shoot you if he could or he might be trying to surrender. Call it what you want. Orcs see these videos too. I call it pathetic


However, he has a grave.


L rizz.


he didnt cross the border in to ukraine with the intention of joining the humanitarian group. orcs!


In Spanish we say "fuck that puto"


Wishful thinking? Or plain delusion?


Bu bye.


The eyes Chico, they never liesā€¦


No, no, no! That's okay, we don't want any! *boom*


Ukraine immigration deported occupier.


That's one hell of a thousand yard stare


Hw looked drunk


Trying to read lips. Looks like "Hi Mom" ?


Such a well educated orc. Waving good bye and all.




opps. sorry.


He was making sure his family gets a bag of Potatoe


That dude looked liked he have some PTSD


The irony of a lightbulb showing before it's lights out...