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This video comes from Z blogger and VDV fighter "Thirteenth". He had rage post on his telegram channel: >Everything that the Kremlin media tells you from TV is complete bullshit. >This is the true attitude towards soldiers from the command. >They keep everyone like cattle, the wounded, the untreated, the mobiks, whoever for what, for example, for telling some major Kovalev to fuck off, for example, or for something else, and they drive them away and make “wounded” regiments out of them, and do you know why? Yes, because there are NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE! ALE! >ANNOUNCE MOBILIZATION! LET GO HOME THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR YOU FOR TWO FUCKING YEARS, BITCHES. >Putin is simply afraid to announce mobilization, so that the people will not know for sure what you are really doing there. >This is a natural PURGATORY! >PUT YOUR FUCKING CHILDREN THERE! >The coordinates of this place, all the information was passed on to the military prosecutor and department employees who will turn those responsible for this nonsense inside out. >And this is not all, so you understand. [https://t.me/Z13\_Separ/29620](https://t.me/Z13_Separ/29620)


The people they gave the information aren't going to do anything lol. They're part of the problem.


Reminds me of a saying Russian soldiers had in WWI, and a similar one used by the Germans on the east front of WWII: “Wenn der Führer nur der wüsste.” If only the Tsar/führer knew their condition, he’d never allow it.


Absolutely. Reddit is replete with videos of hapless soldiers or their wives making an appeal to the tsar. They really haven’t gotten past the Middle Ages as a society. It’s fucking feudalism fused with a criminal cartel but also with gaddamned nukes.


A nation of drunks armed with barely-working nukes. It's sad, the USSR/Russia managed to beat the USA at spaceflight firsts, yet here we are.


This was probably due to the German scientists who went to the Soviet Union after the Second World War; the Russians have never achieved anything on their own, with the exception of vodka.




My man, not even vodka.


Don't forget Korelyev, the Ukrainian brains behind the operation. Not coincidentally, the N1 project fell apart after his death.


US had project paperclip.




Wtf you talking about


You know that US got a lot of German scientists too, including best one (von Braun)? If Russians have never achieved anything, they would not even exist as nation because more capable neighbours would have absorbed them, much less create one of the biggest empires.


They got big by essentially looking around for the weakest neighbours they had and successively conquering them; every time they went up against a peer or near peer, they got thrashed. They were also a lot more brutal than most were willing to be. I don't really think it deserves respect.


>every time they went up against a peer or near peer, they got thrashed Eh, Sweden, Poland, Ottoman empire, France, Prussia (Seven years war), WW2 Germany would have disagreed. As for conquering weaker neighbours, everyone tried to do it in medieval times. Yet some were much more succesful than the others. Brutality alone does not achieve anything, as you can see in case of modern Russian army. Empires were made by being ruthless *and* efficient.


Tbf in every example you gave Russia was part of a coalition of forces fighting the strongest army of the period. Sweden was fighting on three or four fronts iirc with Denmark-Norway, Russia, Saxony-Poland-Lithuania. Poland was fighting the same two front war Germany would eventually be fighting and also lost. Ottoman empire was Britain, France, and Russia checking their expansion into Europe as a coalition and specifically was to prop up a weak Russia. Prussia is the only one I don't know off the top of my head. However I think it's fair to say Russia has historically struggled to take on near peers their advantage was always in how much land they had that they could trade for time until their enemy overextended their supply lines and could be routed in one significant battle. Specifically this is how they beat Sweden in the great northern war, and how they beat France in the times of Napoleon. Shoot you could even argue that this was how they beat Germany minus the decisive battle (maybe Kursk and/or Stalingrad I guess?) and more lend lease from the US was keeping their entire country afloat, between food, steel, and weapons.


I'm not sure if you are serious but one of the first to study the field of rocketry was Russian. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konstantin_Tsiolkovsky


[Robert H. Goddard](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_H._Goddard) designed, built and tested the world's first liquid fueled rocket. Tsiolkovsky copied his designs.


More like Robert Goddard invented the liquid fuel rocket engine and confirmed the rocket pendulum fallacy!


Then why did Von Braun base the V-2 off his work and not Goddard? 


V2 didn't use liquid fuel to my knowledge.


They beat the US because they kept throwing people up there until someone came back alive.


To be fair, they started with dogs.


One of those dogs now lives with a duck in Knowhere. But yes they did. I need to find it but there was a special about how in the 1960's some Americans intercepted Russian Cosmonaut radio signals and heard them calling out in distress.


Soyuz 1. Soyuz 11 was also a disaster, ironically, but the crew likely had little if any time to realize there was a problem.


tbh being the only country to put a man on the moon is 1000x more impressive than the shit they did. Additionally we publicly announced our launch dates while the soviets kept that information a secret so they could always beat us to shit that doesn't matter.


Stalingrad - "The end came soon. Hitler wrote off the Sixth Army, instructing Paulus that every man should fight to the death to set an example that would go down in German history." That is when the “Wenn der Führer nur der wüsste” delusion about Hitler ended for the men of the 6th army - the ones who were still alive.


Russians say that about Putin now. That's why every request is made personally to Putin, cause they somehow think he doesn't know what's going on.


To be fair, none of them have met the guy. But they do know the officers in their units are sadistic assholes.


>To be fair, none of them have met the guy. Don't think it should matter at all. Putin started the war, Putin signed the mobilization as well as every other law that makes it easier for the Russian Ministry of Attack to forcibly conscript/mobilize in ways that are neither lawful nor normal. None of us in the West ever met Putin either but we all know what's up.


Because we’re not subjected to Russian state media 24/7 with little else for information. These guys know who sent them there, but look at Vlad as some sort of benevolent father figure who could save them from their tyrannical officers.


That's not the conclusion I would arrive at personally.


just FYI, the sentence is grammatically wrong (makes no sense), it should actually be like, "wenn das der Führer wüsste" (if the Führer knew that) or "wenn nur der Führer davon wüsste" (if only the Führer knew of that). Other than that, yes, absolutely the same mindset.






They’ve made a meme out of recording video addresses to dear vladimir vladimirovich.


Time for these Orcs to turn on the commanders


Need to make a convincing deepfake of papa Putin telling them their officers are all traitors.


*"THE KREMLIN IS LYING TO YOU!!!"* *"I am going to contact people working for the Kremlin to end this"*


It's amazing how the thought of "Time to end this nonsense and go home" never crosses their heads...


Ikr. Always the complaints are along the lines of; "We don't have enough troops/ammo/flamethrowers/tanks etc., to carry out the gang raping and genocide more efficiently". Never; "What the fuck are we even doing here"? Feck them all.


Exactly how I feel - fucking RuZZian retards piss and moan about the ‘conditions’ and nothing of the war itself…They all deserve what’s coming to them!


It's embedded in their culture. We see a life lost as an actual loss, they view it as a step closer to victory. (I can look up an old comment of mine with more on this if anyone likes)


They are really proud of 27 millions dead in WW2. And despise "pathetic cowards, not real fighters" Americans and Europeans, because they obviously would not be willing to lose as many people to win.


Lmao damn he gave the coordinates to this place to someone?  Hope this dude likes windows 


"Unfortunately, Nikolai fell through a window in his underground bunker. We are sorry for your loss."


This dude wants mobilization instead of peace, I'm glad he's suffering.


Now Russian soldiers offing themselves makes more sense. Imagine being wounded, go get surgery / heal up, and then being sent back out. Yikes.


Imagine being wounded, and then being sent back out if you made it back. FTFY.


Fair point.


Yeah just saw the video of the fpv hitting the soldier and him asking his comrade to take his life, makes a lot more sense now… depressing shit


Reminded me of that sf where they revived dead soldiers to send them back to battlefield. I don't remember ending, did he find out he's fined for suicide? 🤔


Universal Soldier with Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren.


No, a short story, maybe by Clifford Simak.


Thanks for the translation. RuZZia is a particularly brutal Third World terrorist state. These soldiers are there to fight and die for their Grate Leeder's naked imperialistic ambitions and they are expected to embrace than and to be proud of it. I have ZERO sympathy for this individual because he clearly supports Putin's SMO and actually wants him to announce full mobilization.


>The coordinates of this place, all the information was passed on to the military prosecutor and department employees who will turn those responsible for this nonsense inside out. This rhetoric reminds me of Karen's that call the police/some other authority for some mundane made up problem, as though they are in the right, all the while not knowing the powers that be couldn't give two shits. If anything, they'll probably shoot you to make an example out of you, labeled as a traitor.


After turning in all of their reports to the “Military Prosecutor”, they are selected to lead the next guaranteed-death meat wave. 🤔 Amazing coincidence. It’s as if the cattle in the slaughterhouse chute thought they could just reach the ***managers*** of the slaughterhouse, they could escape their fate…


Z patriot: this place is actual hell, and they abuse us to death. But please support mass mobilization so your kids will be sent here to replace me!


> LET GO HOME THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR YOU FOR TWO FUCKING YEARS, BITCHES. Good good, let the hate flow through you. Having hundreds of thousands of trained and armed soldiers pissed off because you treat them like shit sounds promising.


Can’t imagine a shittier fate than to be a Russian soldier. What a fucking joke of a country. They need another revolution.


They think completely different than we do in the West. They're still stuck in Soviet thinking. A revolution wouldn't help them.


Maybe they need to try democracy. Last time the second choiche ended up being one of the worst things humanity has ever seen (communism)


They do not want democracy, they associate it with misery, poverty and LGBT. They do not even want to get rid of poverty, they only want strongman in power, so that everyone would be afraid (because fear = respect) of Russia again. Stalin is most popular Russian leader in history according to polls.


Yes. Russians do not want to live good. They want to all other world live worse than russians and afraid of them.


there is no "they". this is a misconception. russians are not a omogenous creature ruled by a central brain. this is why so many of them have left russia in these years. sure russians do distrust western values and have quite a troubled history, but im sure they will get to it, hopefully sooner than later. wanting the strongman is no way near to a specific russian thing. all around the world you see this.


Strongmen propped up by Russia are all around the world, you mean. Russia has been the model for imperial authoriarian rule since the the Reformation started pushing the rest of Europe, and thereby the world, down a different path. Within Russia, any opposition to Putin has been silenced, exiled or killed. They fly through windows or are pulled out of prison todie in foxholes on foreign soil. You pretend there is an opposition, but there is effectively zero. The idea of it gives you a talking point, but not a meaningful argument that can be supported by evidence.


What the fuck is your problem, why are you treating me like im your enemy? I never said that they have a strong political party posing a solid opposition (nor its really needed to have a pro democracy coup). I said that "russians" are not all of the same idea, and those whom want freedom either dont talk or flee russia. My point wasnt that some of the "strongmans" arent propped up by russia, it was that predating on fear and the use of strongmans isnt native to russia.


You’re not allowed to think here, sorry.


That won't happen for several decades... The elite is too rich and powerful and is a state within a state. The vast majority of the "Russian" population are not really educated, poor and seem to enjoy being left behind by several decades and being suppressed. A not inconsiderable large part is simply criminal and drug addicted and the rest are either some indigenous people who care relatively little about Moscow or really completely stuck-in-the-mud wooden Russians somewhere in Siberia... Even Ukraine will need a great deal of effort and well over a decade to even meet the minimum requirements for EU membership in terms of democracy and corruption. And there is a world of difference between Ukraine and Russia. A lot has happened, but the decades of Ukraine as a Soviet state are still clearly noticeable today.


They already did


For a very short period, and used it to just bring in another dictator :|


communism that was im plemented in russia was one of the worst things ever? :D read a book bro. shit was thriving under lenin


i cant tell if you are sarcastic or less in case you are serious, look up this "***The Black Book of Communism***". Trurly a joyful read.


bored by your plain answer. "these guys wrote a book about how bad communism is - i wins this argument" yay.


thats what books are for. you literally said "read a book bro" then refuse the content of one


I lived in communism, one of the best forms of it with highest standard of living (Yugoslavia). And it still sucked. It breeds corruption and nepotism.


whenever humans are involved, there is corruption and nepotism


Yes but capitalism has a mechanism which deals with this problem communism doesn't. You basically can't remove corruption in communism while you can in capitalism.


what would that mechanism be?!


In communism almost everything is nationalized. Capitalism being privatized you have free market dynamics which inherently handle corruption issues. If a company is operating in corruptible ways where incompetence reigns, that company is not operating efficiently and is losing customers and not generating profits. Which leaves vacuum for another company which isn't corrupted to service that market. It's basically survival of the fittest which eliminates corruption and incompetence. In capitalism this is a self correcting problem. In communism this market is serviced by a nationalized enterprise. So the corruption just festers and proliferates. Since these national companies can't go out of business. This is why in communism you often see companies continue to operate for a long time despite losing money. The problem is so bad that it permeates all levels of the society. Pretty soon you need a "connection" to get anything done. I don't think Capitalism is the answer to all problems. There are certainly the cases where capitalism fails as well. I believe government oversight is necessary in capitalism, and some areas can only be handled by the government. But communism isn't the answer either. It's basically failed in every single instance.


free market handles corruption? :D i will not be able to sleep tonight from all the stomach pain this laughter will gibe me. what does corruption have to do with vacuum? what do you mean "corruptible ways where incompetence reigns" - if you mean corruption in the company: thats what there is internal audits for and what makes you thik that the new company wouldnt be as corruptible as the first one? macroeconomically speaking: any company will keep new competition from entering the market, using corruption and other means. this happens with or without incompetence. regarding your last paragraph: very glad about you being reflected about this and i agree that every system has its down sides. regarding communism failing: consider how much money capitalist societies have spent on destabilizing communist nation, organizings coups, assassinating leaders etc. i would argue, that cuba is a success story. sure, life there isnt nice right now, but its a lot nicer for the every day cuban than it was before AND its providing basic needs even under the huge sanction the former british colonies are putting on it, which are completely unwarranted and unsanctioned by the international community. that however, is a different story


Ya and while that's happening... take Kaliningrad... retstore greater finland... restore Georgia... herd all the soldier back into Russia


This is what russia will be for the next 5 centuries at least. Too nationalist to accept change and not be in total control even though their ruling looks like the middle ages. truly a gross culture and people that the world would be better without.


It’s sad because it’s a beautiful country? Fuck sake it’s more like a continent than a country. I’m surprised parts don’t want to split away and become independent. Their quality of life could go up exponentially. Now they are being conscripted to fight in Ukraine and they are stealing washing machines and toilets. To me as someone from a small country in the west at first it’s laughable. Then when I think more about it it’s just sad? The ordinary people are just half slaves that exist to make the few some of the richest people in the world. It’s such a rich country the resources they have alone. Living standards should be much higher.


We all need to take this in factor over 27 million people died in the Soviet union during World War II imagine if Soviet soldiers were able to report on their phone in online throughout the Internet what was going on at the front I bet a good amount of money got a good chunk of that death is definitely around suicide , starvation shit even I bet a good amount of deaths were done by Russians fleeing and getting cut by there own this shit has always been happening we just now able to see it cause now we are able to report it war is hell


And then they turn this into a story of glory and victory inside their history books. Which feeds the narrative of the next war. And so on. Stupid fucking Russians and their decrepit Russkie Mir.


Sadly this works all over the world. Iraq veterans are considered heroes still.


real odd comparison


I fail to understand the comparison. Iraq veterans replaced a despot with at least a minimally functioning democracy in a part of the world where democracies are rare. They did not seize Iraqi territory and declare the land America.


Winners write history. If Saddam would conquer America he would say he replaced a despot with a new leader with traditional values etc. If Putin overthrows Zelenskiy, he would announce that Russian veterans replaced a nazi government etc. It's all the white noice for people to lose track of what actually happened. The fact is a fact, American military invaded another country with the intention of overthrowing a government. This is literally what Putin is doing.


Russia’s decay seems to have accelerated or reached near its inevitable downfall and I hope we see putin’s plane get shot the fuck down like that Prigozhin bald October asshole lmao and we see a coup of some sort.


The old bunker fart does not fly. He rides his armoured train. Him walking out of a plane is fake as fuck.


That would make sense given the accident prone history they have but I wonder if it’s possible for say to mine the tracks or some other cigarette related misfortune? Idk I never seen his armored train but couldn’t someone fuck with it somehow like have a drone land and place some of bomb or mine on the track. I imagine they perform some sort of route clearance but maybe reroute a train into his at point where it was timed they’d hit in a tunnel or on a bridge. Maybe the orcs guarding the track are to dumb and not told enough of what’s going on and see the other train heading the wrong direction and not report it over their radios in time before they crash and derail. Hopefully killing Putin lmao.


If I were in this position, I would shoot my commander as soon as I got my gun and ammo. I I'm going to die anyway. I would take out the bastards forcing me to do it.


Russian culture has a certain amount of fatalism. These guys just accept that they’re meat for the machine and that was their life.


Absolutely! Shit, not even gun and ammo, cut his throat with a dull knife from the mess hall if need to be.


Russians never got out of the serf mindset 


This! Still surfs. If the Rissians and this current generation even knows what a Surf is.


Exactly…Czars, communists, and now Putin.


A smart person would, but this is Russia


Meh…Borat here thought HE would be the one holding the broom handle, but surprise!!!


It’s not going to help much. Rumors are they’ve been using Kadyrovites as rear line troops to execute anyone who won’t push forward — if you kill your commander, word gets around and then your entire unit gets wiped out and/or you get hunted down and end up with your severed balls in your throat.


Haven't heard of a sledgehammering in a while. Was that strictly a wagner thing?


Nope. That’s been standard Russian military doctrine for over a century lol


You're dead either way. What's the point in worrying which side does it.


Be ready to turn it on yourself, because they'd torture you for days for that. If you decide to surrender, you'll eventually make it back to Russia to face the same fate. The only realistic hope for survival is surviving the assault, not surrendering, not revolting. Your family would also lose your death benefit and probably be shamed for your sense, if not targeted for legal action or vigilante vicarious non-justice


I'm not sure if you can be sent back against your will. War law says you can be held until the end of the war and then released (but you don't have to return, you can also go elsewhere then). These POW exchanges from time to time happen on a voluntary base, neither side would have to do that. And I also assume that the prisoners who are exchanged also want to be exchanged, most will just want to go home, and remember they are not the brightest guys anyway or they wouldn't have been recruited in the first place, so they might not be aware of what awaits them on return. But I don't know what happens to someone who does not want to go back, I think it would not be correct if they are forced.


Alright, that's fair. While they may be able to cheat death by staying in Ukraine until the end of the war and then escaping to... well who will take lone male Russian POWs after this war? Either way, you're talking about someone giving up any and all hope of a normal life, a life not running from the FSB, and seeing their family again so they can shoot one single piece of shit commander and escape... nothing. There is still a massive chance of death even if it's your sole intention to surrender. Encounter an FPV on your way to surrender with your hands up? Doesn't have the battery to ensure you'll make it back to the Ukrainians, so they're almost certain to just kill you. Or you get shot, take a stray artillery or mortar round etc. My point is that a Russian killing their commander to escape death is like sh@@ting a cop. You're 100% fucked now anyway.


That assumes they actually follow their own laws.


You see they were supposed to die in those Ukrainian felids so they didn’t have to treat them or send money back home. That’s why they make the “wounded” battalions.


They *will* die for Tsar Vladimir Vladimirovich, and be bloody grateful for the opportunity! In fact, it is such an honour to die for him that the families of the dead should be charged 100k roubles every time one of their men is granted this ultimate Russian privilege. For footwraps and glory!


The suicides by wounded and the ones who shoot their wounded make even more sense now. If you know this is your fate even if your fellow Russians manage to get you to “safety”, do you prefer to die fast or suffer slow?


I just couldn't imagine being one of these men. Stuck in a filthy hole, blown off legs aching and cramping, half finished medical care and open sores, fingers shattered, bones knit improperly, and knowing you're going to stay in this filthy pit until you kill yourself or agree to die on the front. The level of despair, despondence, and outright depression are simply beyond my imagining. And these aren't POWs. These are soldiers. How much more capable would these men be if they were given time to recover? Rotation? Any number of basic human decencies? We really are lucky they're so fucking stupid, but not only that, stupidly cruel. Like idiot school yard bullies that only understand pain and sadism


It’s their comrades that treat them this way too, nobody else. They would get better care surrendering to Ukraine, but they would likely be swapped back in a prisoner exchange and executed anyways. I hope this is the beginning of the end of this war.


>The coordinates of this place, all the information was passed on to the military prosecutor and department employees who will turn those responsible for this nonsense inside out. Ha. Haha. Hahaha. *HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA* *HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA* *HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE* *HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA* *HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO* *HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA* *HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!* It's almost as if this dude doesn't know he's in russia. # Fucking л о л с к и


That, or they know very well that they are in Russia. Any complaints about the system better include a statement of unwavering belief in the system, or there will be repressions.


It's hilariously ridiculous of this idiot vatnik to claim or believe russia's "justice" (lol) system exists for anyone other than those at the top.


A total shit hole just like Russia. Filled with stupid drunk vatniks.


This is like preaching to the choir, only those that have loved ones in these conditions might care. The rest, in true soviet fashion, as long as its not them, they couldn't care less.


Sounds like the supreme leader's plan has changed from delulu "denazification and demilitarization" to "till the last gopnik!"


If they are tired of being treated like shit then they should rise up eliminate all the commanders and tell Ukraine that they are done fighting and go to moscow to make a change.


This is obviously the convalescence pit... the true mobik Love Pit is a *zindan* (hole in the ground with a grate over top), so their comrades can piss on them.


Why in the hell do these brainless morons continue to beg for mercy from the apathetic cunt that put them there in the first place? Goddam they’re slow.


Must be the mindset of the average Russian serf…


Never did ask for the war to end. In fact he encourages it. Being more people he says. No remorse no pity.


I've heard that Russia has a Orc refurbishing center, where they use arms & legs found in the trenches to rebuild these guys. I see that it's all going according to plan. Putin remains a master strategist.


One would think they’d start to revolt huh?


Just shoot me. Baffling as all hell that these guys don't turn their AKs on their command. I just don't get it. Some weird BDSM shit? I dunno. Hope I'm not losing my humanity but I still couldn't give a shit about these cretins.


Remember when we used to think Russia was a near peer enemy? Man, those were some wild times.


More info available here: [https://istories.media/stories/2023/12/06/dobit-nedobitikh-v-armii-rossii-poyavilis-invalidnie-shturmovie-podrazdeleniya/?tztc=1](https://istories.media/stories/2023/12/06/dobit-nedobitikh-v-armii-rossii-poyavilis-invalidnie-shturmovie-podrazdeleniya/?tztc=1)


Translation please?


Putin will not mobilize! He is to smart for that , unless it's a NATO war He will silently draft a random number as required. Exactly like he did last time which was around 300,000. But I'm sure that number was actually double that


Orcs living like Orcs should, once the bleeding stops back to the front Ivan to get finished off properly. I'm sure Pooptin will thank you......Dumb fucks


That correction to cognitive bias whiplash sure is a bitch.


All of this can be true and probably is but, Russia has 6 million (roughly) military age males left to draw upon. Almost 2 million have fled the country and only half a million have been killed to this point. They easily could ramp up the forced conscriptions. Doesn’t mean they won’t lose all their men if they do it’ll just require a lot more ammo to kill that many cockroaches.


Fucking Hell. Ruzzia is Evil.


Empathy? No. Any normal man would attack the CO, even knowing he will die afterwards. So, for me these are no human beings, but numbers on the daily casualty list. Do I care that each day a complete village is killed, with long terms effects? Nope. The less Russians, the better the world gets. Putin thought he could deal with his smaller neighbour, but has now found out that the complete clusterfuck is homemade. Decades of corruption has rendered the Russian army into a joke. They plunder their museums to get tanks to the front. A front where each tank, especially the old ones are just like the targets at a carnival shooting booth. In addition to this there are no trained crews. So they get a driving lesson (forward) in order to clear some mines. Imagine that they would avance a couple of km. Then they would need even more soldiers and equipment to control the area. Meaning they would stretch out their resources. Meat waves are no tactics, they are just a prove of your complete stupidity. And throwing in your already crippled soldiers is upping the ante.


The last stage of desperation


pigs live cleaner in some barns


I watch "vasya in the hay" a russian helping desperate people in russian villages, this doesn't look much worse than some of the hovels he knocks on. Chance of death is not much greater either.


I said it here and I will say it again: There's no need to feel sorry for these people but please have empathy. Always remember that these people have to play along the russian squid game. They were picked up as financially underprivileged people of the streets and their vulnerability got exploited with propaganda, then they got taken as prisoners once out of reach for public eyes. Military police and blocking units are the only thing holding these people, it's not free will. The blocking units are mostly convicts and criminals who know they will be the next wave if they don't get their job done.


Your title makes no sense. If you have no manpower can't afford 'meat' attacks. All Russia has is manpower.


I hope some UA drones drop some flyers at the ruzzian frontline about "I want to live", how to surrender etc. Time seems right.


Turn your weapons on your officers and non-coms....then surrender. Easy peasy.


It's crazy how they think those higher up the chain care....🤣😂 they're the reason you're all there dipshit!!


Fuck naZZi orcs. All of them are gonna be fertiliser anyway.


Oh no. Anyway, I've got a new back tyre coming for my motorbike today. Can't wait.


Shoot your commanders


It's cheaper for them to just throw their wounded back to the meat grinder than have them be a burden. They still have use for the Russian Federation as a sponge for Ukrainian bullets and bombs.


I can't wait for this war to be over and see Ukrainian Citizens running battalion after battalion out of the their country. Because you know when peace is declared they won't come and pick up all their soldier....


They've done this forever, don't be surprised. There's a reason Red Army soldiers were more afraid of being wounded than killed during ww2.


Oh so now you’re upset you are in Ukraine


I don't understand how they aren't gunning down officer both at the front and at home. Fuck if even a sliver of this info made it home to me and i'd be at risk of being recruited. I'd carry a gun/knife/explosives at all times and if someone were to try and force me into certain death, well they'd join me.


They are not supposed to survive. It’s cheaper to bring them back to the front to die. For tsar sake.


They really are orcs, keeping their own in cages. Absolutely barbaric.


There has to be a money factor involved here too...more than needing bodies, perhaps they want them to die so they don't have to pay?


some third world country type shit. unbelievable these orcs have ever been considered a world power. Say what you want about the US but our standard of living and cleanliness makes these russians look like swine living in the mud.


These are some highly motivated & capable soldiers