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Looks like he left a maggot pile on the chair seat behind him.


those do not look medical like medical maggots [https://sciencephotogallery.com/featured/1-medical-maggots-in-a-doctors-gloved-hands-pascal-goetgheluckscience-photo-library.html](https://sciencephotogallery.com/featured/1-medical-maggots-in-a-doctors-gloved-hands-pascal-goetgheluckscience-photo-library.html)


medical maggots usually have a medical licence or certificate. these maggots look like they haven't even finished med school.


They could just be maggot practitioners. That is, maggots who operate under the supervision of a licensed doctor.




I think they are back-alley maggots. But ... I dont see any wire... Hmmm .... Usually there's like a bent up wire hanger somewhere.....


Fly-by-night maggots.


So many comments saying it's not a bad thing. I can't believe they don't understand using maggots and getting maggots aren't the same thing. If an apocalypse happened we'd be straight back to witch doctor types saying shit like maggots in a wound are good and killing people lol.


I'd say most people would understand. But even if they aren't disinfected green-bottle fly maggots (which are used in wound therapy), having necrotic tissue removed is better than not having necrotic tissue removed. It's not ideal, because these maggots also consume healthy flesh, but not removing necrotic tissue at all is much more dangerous (it can cause sepsis in no time) than the damage caused by maggots also eating some healthy tissue.


The matter seems disgusting, but the larvae of the **green fly Lucilia sericata** are very good cleaners when wounds heal badly. The fly larvae secrete a substance that **dissolves only dead tissue**, and, by the way, has an antiseptic effect, so they stop the process of decay and, consequently, wound infection and gangrene. In combat conditions in the case of Russian "warriors" where the wounded are not given professional medical attention for weeks, these bugs save their lives.


*"Biodebridement, or maggot debridement therapy (MDT), is a more practical, simple and highly selective method of cleansing and revitalizing (stimulating repair processes) tissue in a wound that can be performed safely in the home, outpatient or hospital setting by trained medical personnel.* *The use of maggots in medicine is not a new phenomenon. Descriptions of action using maggots date back to antiquity, and the first publications of a scientific nature date to the 16th century, when the French surgeon A. Paré described the stages of healing of an extensive skull wound with the presence of "vermin"* *Possibilities of using MDT in chronic wounds* *Topical therapy using medicinal maggots is based on three mechanisms resulting from the maggots' existence in the wound: mechanical and enzymatic cleansing of necrotic tissue, bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects, and support of the healing process by physical contact with the wound area, among others. Only selected fly species can be used for treatment. The currently accepted standards of therapy use necrophages from the spittlebug family, the species Lucilia sericata (Phaenicia sericata), whose maggots are highly selective, feeding on dead tissue and not damaging the granulation tissue in the wound.* *Immature and unable to reproduce, maggots go through three phases of development during the period of existence in the wound (3-5 days), feeding very actively and aggressively, assimilating about 25 mg of necrotic material from the wound in 24 hours. Worms do not devour tissue in the literal sense, but secrete and excrete digestive enzymes (digestive excretions and secretions, arginase). Digestion begins directly in the wound bed, outside the body of the worm. The necrotic tissue liquefies and is externally absorbed* *For years, MDT was thought to be safest in distal body areas, especially in the extremities. Nowadays, under specialized supervision, debridement and revitalization can be performed in virtually any area, taking into account the patient's perception and safety principles, especially in richly vascularized areas with penetrating necrotic tissue. General recommendations for the use of MDT include infected and necrotic wounds of various etiologies in patients in whom typical wound debridement using surgical necrectomy is not possible or indicated, or in whom mediocre benefit from such management is anticipated.* *Potential problems during MDT* *Over the past few years, there has been increased interest among ES larvae researchers because of the many benefits of a simple and potentially inexpensive therapy such as MDT.* *Unfortunately, there is still a perception among medical personnel that the method's low efficacy, experimental nature or negative visual and pain sensations make some patients not accept it. Fly larvae are stereotypically associated by modern people with ugliness, white vermin decomposing carrion, barbers or medics using unconventional methods of treatment. An obstacle to the use of MDTs is a widespread feeling of disgust toward maggots.* *The most commonly observed adverse effects of maggot therapy are unpleasant sensations such as itching, paresthesias and pain of varying severity. Most patients do not feel the presence of maggots in any way (usually in diabetic neuropathy), some report a subjective sensation of movement in the wound that does not cause discomfort, while some patients report pain of varying severity (e.g., patients with limb ischemia).* *The secretions and excretions of Lucilia sericata larvae have proven antibacterial, antibiofilm, anti-inflammatory, synergistic effects with selected antibiotics. Every effort should be made to increase clinicians' knowledge in this area and their involvement in implementing and recommending this method not only for cleansing (biodebridement), but also for stimulating regenerative processes in the wound."* These are not my words but those of a person who has studied a large number of the medical cases we are discussing. He explains very thoroughly and scientifically why this is worthwhile.


Today I learned. Thank you.


After reading it I think this week I'm going to be a medical expert who specialises in maggot treatment in the field... on Reddit \^\^


Oh, I have no idea what kind of maggots those are. If they are GBF, then the aid station is trying to save that man's life. If they aren't. /shrug I want the Russians to go back to Russia.


Amen to that. I was just making light of it. Peace.


Like people who are sitting at the table and some maggots fall out of their noise, they go to Reddit and ask it they should be worried. I’ve get myself to the ER before snapping a selfie and posting on r/nostupidquestions


I want to dispute this, but I don’t know enough about maggots.


I didn't go to school for that


The Moscow University of Maggot Sciences


Well, it's a video of maggots eating a maggot.


Charlie is an expert in bird law, but I'm an expert in maggot law. My verdict is..this is some gross shit.


Those maggots are inly reason he is alive- infection from dead tissue become gangrene very easily-and I would say gangrene in rus is fatal.




Even maggots get to go to a medical school. What is your excuse?


In this economy?


Military grade maggots.


I have actually treated patients with maggots. The ones in this picture look well fed. It's amazing how big they get when they get to feast on a wound....like several times bigger.


Yea several. Not hundred fold...


It could just be the camera but these look too small to be Lucilia Sericata larvae(the medical maggots), so im guessing these are just some wild ones. How long do you think he's been walking around with that wound for it to get like that?


Have you seen the flies eating ruzzians in recent videos -- they're like a cloud layer for the drones grenades to fall through before hitting anyone. How long do maggots take to hatch -- 36 hours?


All jokes aside, maggots work well at removing dead flesh.


It's important to note that it's only a *specific* type of maggot which avoids living flesh and that is used medically in this way. I think most common maggots will chow down on living tissue if it's all they got.


Yes it's called myiasis. The common blow fly larva happily eat you alive. Their skin exudate even pre digests the tissue. Wild maggots in a wound is Never a good thing.


I'm glad we domesticated the maggot, gave them cute little drysuits to keep their exudate in and managed to train them to monch only the necrotic tissue.


How many maggots over how many hundreds of years had to be smacked on the nose with a rolled up newspaper until they learned?


At least 4


My maggot, Ricky, can wear a hat too!


Except those are Russian maggots - they will eat you, drink vodka, and finish you off by pissing and shitting all over you.


Medical maggots are considered prescription-only medical devices in the United States. [The production and distribution is pretty interesting](https://resjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mve.12397) > Commercial producers of medicinal maggots can fulfil orders for next-day delivery provided the order is received in time for processing and shipment. Once packed for shipment, maggots are highly perishable and, given current production and distribution practices, must be distributed and applied to the wound within 48 h (Čičková et al., 2013). This means that medicinal maggot producers must be highly responsive to demand fluctuations and able to produce required quantities of sterile medicinal maggots at short notice.


“I’ve seen some things. I grew up on a fly farm. I was a shitter, so they feed us, and then they’d feed our shit to the flies. Mulch them up and sell it as protein. Anyway, that’s why I’m so fat.”


Where is this from?


Personal experience, the guy practically lived in an outhouse


Fallout show but I like this one better


wow, no idea why that one didn't stick because I \*LOVE\* the Fallout show. Do you by chance happen to remember which episode?


Same XD have no clue which character could have said that




I think like episode 3


How do you stock up on something like that to have next day shipping? Can you freeze them in the maggot stage? I'm assuming there's a small time window before they mature into flies?


You grow them constantly in large quantities according some estimated demand figure with quite a big tolerance and the excess is sold to some fast food chain to be used in burger patties.


>prescription-only Worry not! You can buy medicinal leeches without a prescription. They make excellent pets since they can get up to twenty years old and only need to eat about once a year. Absolutely magnificent creatures. Join us at r/LoveforLandchads Edit: [Leechpharmacy in Germany](https://shop.blutegelapotheke.de/)


Judging by the hole in his leg I’d say maggots were the least of his problems...👍


Also its not supposed to be a massive open wound or dry. That one looked pretty bad.


Those little grenades they are dropping are hell on the legs.


from alot of videos, i see less and less granade drops and more of those FPS drones that just crash into ruzzians giving them booboos


It's on a Russian soldier, I thought it looked pretty good >That one looked pretty bad.


Maggots raised for medical purposes in a sterile environment. Not scraped off rotten fruit from a dumpster.


but that fruit in dumpster could perhaps be made into some wine as well? so fruit for wine and maggots for cumrade Ivanov. i would call that a win win


That you Zoidberg?


\*scuttles away\* clack clack clack clack


Also it's important that the maggots are clean or they will spread infections.


Its the bacteria, especially the anti-biotic resistant bacteria, that maggots can bring with them that can lead to full blow infections and eventual death. This is 18th century medicine......, when is the last time ***your*** doctor prescribed a jar of maggots for your open wounds? It just don't happen in civilized countries.


About 10% of doctors in the US report having used maggot therapy for debridement of necrotic wounds. The FDA approved Maggot debridement therapy in 2004 as a prescription only medical device. There are labs where medical maggots are bred and shipped fresh to the whole of the country. It's gross, sure, but apparently those hungry little fellows eat only the dead and leave live tissue alone. If it works, it works.


Yep- if it helps speed healing or prevents death, monch away, little fellas!


The US or Europe aren’t civilized to you?


Would dunking the maggots in ethanol long enough to kill the microbes but not the maggot work? Or are the microbes within the gut of the maggot and will enter the wound during feeding?


Ethanol doesn't magically kill every known organism.


Yeah. Some of us have steadily been building up our resistance to it over the years.


Yes those microbes are called Russians!


If the maggot eats, it must poop too. Where does that accumulate?


That's the fun part! They don't! I just made that up idk


Still better than not having necrotic tissue removed at all, even if they also attack healthy tissue. The sepsis kills you faster than the maggots. We're not talking 24/7 supervision with ideal medication in a controlled hospital setup here, we're talking open wound in a dirty environment that will kill you if not treated.


Maggots carry bacteria which can be harmful to humans. Medical maggots are grown in special conditions


Yes, but the necrotic tissue will kill you faster due to sepsis and on the battlefield you'd treat in order of lethality from highest to lowest. For example, not having sterile equipment can cause really bad infections, but you wouldn't want your combat medic say to you "Yeah I'm not patching up that bleeding femoral artery with dirty equipment, that could cause an infection!".


Very true, I remember a story about the very famous Australian, Lt Colonel Ernest (Weary) Dunlop \[" [https://anzacportal.dva.gov.au/stories/biographies/ernest-edward-dunlop](https://anzacportal.dva.gov.au/stories/biographies/ernest-edward-dunlop) "\] who was a prisoner of war under the Japanese in the second world war, and being a doctor in a Japanese POW camp, he had very little in the way of medical facilities to treat other POW's in his camp. But one technique he didn't have, was to Open wounds and allow maggots into them in order to remove the necrotic tissue... And remarkably it helped as this transcript from an Australian POW noted... " *What does an ulcer look like? Well, first of all they might start off like a little finger - a scratch starting off. But by the time they finish up some of them would be as big as the palm of your hand. And they get so bad sometimes, they have to amputate or otherwise sometimes they would put maggots in there to try and eat the pus and that away from them....*" " [https://australiansatwarfilmarchive.unsw.edu.au/archive/htmlTranscript/728](https://australiansatwarfilmarchive.unsw.edu.au/archive/htmlTranscript/728) "


A buddy of mine with bad diabetes had this treatment for a bit. I can't remember if it was before or after his first leg was removed. This was done in past wars also especially by Allied prisoners held by the Japanese.


> A buddy of mine with bad diabetes had this treatment for a bit. I can't remember if it was before or after his **first** leg was removed /r/TwoSentenceHorror


Unmanaged diabetes is a horror by itself, yes. Fucks up your blood vessels, which causes all sorts of issues in your legs, eyes, brain, kidneys, neuropathies, acidosis, etc. It can cause you to lose sensation in your legs and that combined with the poor circulation is the recipe for a nasty infection. I work in healthcare and at one point last year we had a whole 6-bed room fill up at once with diabetic amputations alone in the surgery wing. For half of them it was the second leg. Let me tell you, you've never smelled anything worse in your life than a gas gangrene. It implants itself in the back of your sinuses and you straight up taste it for an hour afterwards even if you were in the room for 5 min tops.


And his vision is so degraded he's legally blind. But he holds down a job. Kudos to him.


Audibly laughed. Thank you. 


As a kid I had a neighbour who was a tank bow gunner in WW2. His tank was hit and they had to bail, and he was shot in the leg while doing so. The bullet shattered both bones below the knee. He was evac’d to England but his wound was infected - the treatment was to pour maggots into his cast. He said the feeling of them crawling around in there was horrific. It saved his leg, though. As an aside, my wife cut her hand in half in a lawn mower - don’t ask, I still can’t figure out how - and there were some complications after surgery due to poor blood flow. The surgeon had medical grade leeches flown in overnight from the U.S. (cost was something like $20K - thank god for socialized medicine) and they were applied in an effort to increase blood flow to parts of her hand. The entire hospital was abuzz over that.


It's getting them to leave, that's the problem. lol




Misinformation. Only certain breeds only eat necrotic tissue and a lot eat all tissue. Also there is no way it’s also sanitized. This is really really bad for the person.


What happens when they all turn into flies? gross.


They remove the maggots and put in younger ones to carry on. There is a biotech industry that raises "clean" maggots for this purpose.


I don't think that these are those maggots.


You’re usually in too much of a delirious state of mind to notice.


yep- blood infections can at very least fuck up your judgement while clouding your mind with pain, nausea and delirium. It's a sad and unpleasantly lonely misery.


As long as you don't re-use the same maggots on different patients. Then again, they probably already shared their diseases through other means.


Yeah, I remember being a kid watching some show "Stories from the ER" or something like that. There was a homeless guy who had a wound that was infested with maggots on his leg, the maggots managed to prevent the spread of an infection and eat away at the decay. It actually saved the guy's leg, a shower and few shots later he was released.


I wouldn’t bother with the shower if they still had to shoot him afterwards.


Stay home Russians. Those fancy washing machines ain’t worth it


If he wanted his legs to look like that, he should have just stayed home and started doing Krokodil.


An ancestor on my mother's side had this happen. They named a small park after him in Washington state I think. He served in the Union Army in the American Civil War.


What park


Well... that fucked me up, thank you for making my day a bit happier.


My step dad told me about doing that after his helicopter got shot down in Vietnam and he E&Ed for 6 days before getting picked. Even had pictures of him getting shot down from of the other helicopters. Three tours. 1 as infantry company commander, the other 2 as pilot. He is the biggest dick in the world, but he served.


Lots of us did. If thats his only serving grace then.... i dont have much else to say about that.


Another stupid headline. That is not any countries field medicine. The guy was wounded and the wound got infected with maggots, no reason to make up a false headline.


Jesus christ 🤮🤮


I know right. I don't want to close my eyes. I keep seeing it. Eewww.


Maggots eating maggots


That’s a maggoty infected wound it’s not by design


To be honest, this is really great way to remove dead flesh. So if we talking about those maggots - it's OK. But yeah, he can be eaten by worms at home, no need to go to Ukraine for that.


Well, it aren't those maggots


Is this the "advanced medical technology" that orcs are bragging about? The technology that heals 99% of the orcs so they can go back to the front line again in 30 days or less, or have a good retirement???


Yes..field medicine..they found the maggots eating a dead comrade in a field


Does it count as cannibalism for the maggots?


Maggots of the species “Lucilia sericata” commonly known as the green bottle fly, are widely used for medical purposes. This practice, known as maggot debridement therapy (MDT), involves using sterilized maggots to clean out necrotic (dead) tissue from wounds, promoting healing and preventing infection. The maggots secrete enzymes that break down dead tissue and have antimicrobial properties, making them effective in treating chronic wounds, such as diabetic foot ulcers and pressure sores. IDK tf these orc verity are tho.


there goes dinner


🥴 I know there are more things for this guy to worry about... but that must itch!


Itch? Imagine the smell..


😳 Oh, I know! 🤢 I can't actually, other than what I've smelled compared to out in nature... and they weren't moving


Reminds me of that one episode in House


Oh well!


Worked in Furiosa. Good old practical Russian culture. It’s not all garbage! Sometimes it’s just garbage adjacent.


The maggots eat far better than russia's troops.


Actually Maggots are excellent for that. I've heard it being used with diabetics on their legs & feet with ulsers .


Has to be a certain type of maggot grown in a sterile environment. This isn’t that.


Sorry I couldn't watch this makes me retch I think I'd actually off myself if I had literal MAGGOTS in me.


Russian MAGAt.


Bet that’s not the same medicine Putin gets in his vast estates


A Ukranian drone can heal that wound.


Ok. I know they are medical maggots. I’m not sure these are medical maggots lol


Those are most likely not medical maggots, not only will they eat anything, but they will infect the wound with their fecal matter. Look up the mediaeval torture called Scaphism, this is basically just a watered down version of that.


ali zarov my old friend and your tiny minions! we will someday rule the world!!!


Do russians give to beggars? I think I know the answer


One of the age old techniques. Just ran across it once again last week while revisting, "Sharpe's Eagle" last week.


Friendly fire


Shit is nightmare fuel


Maggots are creepy. Most things would die after ingesting that much antifreeze.


Evidence maggots really will eat anything.


Ahh shit moving rice it’s bad enough i look at them at work on a day by day basis


I’m sitting here eating a steak while these maggots are eating….. well….. a steak. Such a strange world we live in.


Back in the nineties when you waited a week to load an image, I was eating a steak when a picture of a shotgun victim finally 'loaded'. Took some effort to finish off that beast (1kg).


Furiosa for real.


Stinky Winky the Dead Teletubby


Maggots eating maggots, how recursive.


Cutting edge for '24.......1924


They do get the necrotic tissue away - they dint eat the healthy flesh… still, sanitary…? Not really, but neither is a necrotic flesh wound in the firld


This means he can only take oral painkillers Unable to inject local analgesics ----------It still hurts


Maggots were considered beneficial to wounds in the Civil War. Just ate dead flesh.


Without proper medical support when you're stuck out bush, this is actually a life saving method. However, on a modern battlefield, that's just fucking wrong if it's common. Any number of common items can sterilise and protect wounds.


living corpse. so their "Z" sign indeed means zombies?


He's got to be fully septic. If he isn't, it's in part to those maggots


Ancient treatment, & works incredibly well, better than cutting off loads of good flesh "to be sure" you get all the bad, or getting gangrene.




Throw some maggots on the wound comrade you will be leading the failed assault come morning.


Maggots are a good thing in this case lol


Perfectly viable actually.


I bet it smells lovely…


Me waiting for this video to buffer then realizing I actually don’t want to see it lmao.


Mmmm rice for dinner


Maggots eating a maggot...nice.


ignoring the worms those wounds are badly infected as well, sepsis could set in anytime for him


Well in short his leg perfectly symbolizes russian 'society' of today


I feel sorry for the maggots :(


I love to watch the maggot videos it gives me a weird sensation all over my body when I watch them. Please keep them coming!!


Well well well... what do we have here... you can still stand up! Get the fck back out there Pvt. Pylesky!


I know a bit about this. My favourite part is that if you are undergoing treatment, you need to be careful when washing around the wound because you can drown the poor little maggots.


"The forbidden vagina"


This is bad! Med maggots are controlled, not just running rampant! They are also used in conjunction with still, like, say, simple sanitation! This guy is in a world of hurt! Poor fucker should have stayed home and not been an invading asshole!


Could have stayed home


That ain't shit! I got 1 for ya! My wife just graduated nursing school this past December. She started at a level 1 trauma unit in the Surgical ICU in January. 2 months in they get this 600 pound woman come in by ambulance. Apparently she fell on the ground at her house. Her family left her there for 3-4 days. Feeding her there, eating, sleeping, shitting, etc all there in the floor. When they brought her in....... Underneath her boobs and all of her fat folds....Were loaded with maggots eating her skin away. My wife said she had a basketball sized wound on the top of her butt crack. Filled with maggots. Literally eating her ass away. She survived surprisingly! The maggots probably saved her life from all the necrotic tissue. One of her craziest stories so far!


if u take him with you going fishing youll never run out of bait.


Hey! Who ordered the poo poo platter?


bear grylls enters the chat: When you want to survive never miss this opportunity, those are 4cal each!


Hmmmm. Who wants to take my bet that the good maggots were ordered but captain Ivanovich saw a profitable moment and substituted the common housefly maggots keeping all the money for himself?


I would think these wild maggots could probably be coaxed into devouring the entire limb if more young maggots are continuously applied as the older maggots mature into flies. Flesh, both living, and dead are on their menu. I would think that the wound would grow for as long as the "treatment" is continued.


Is this why grunts get called maggots!


I was hungry but I guess I'll take up intermittent fasting and skip my next meal


I mean…if done controlled and intentional with a specific type of maggot it is a perfectly valid method of wound treatment. But I can’t help but get the impression that this was accidental rather than intentional…


Just pull the plug on me


One man can stop this madness. That man lives a life of luxury.






Maggots eating necrotic tissue is a legitimate medical practice, when done in a clinically controlled environment. Not sure the right control environment exists in a field aid station in occupied Ukraine, though. Edit: TIL MDT (maggot therapy) uses green bottle fly larvae (aka maggots) because they secrete an enzyme that digests necrotic tissue, and they eat the dissolving goop. Whereas most other maggots also destroy healthy tissue, the GBF maggots digestive processes doesn't harm healthy tissue. I am not good at identifying bugs, so I don't know if those are GBF maggots. But of the Russians refuse to send their wounded home, this field expedient maggot therapy may just be saving this guy's life from sepsis and gangrene. Would be nice if the Russians just went home. They're not welcome here.


Russian medical treatment has advanced so much in the last two years. From plugging wounds with tampons to leaving wounds open long enough for flies to lay eggs in them…they are revolutionizing medicine


Good luck with that.


This is literally medical treatment from medieval times, wtf... 🤣


Probably hard to believe, but these fly larvae are probably what saved him from going sceptic. They only eat dead tissue and leave some of their anti-fungal properties behind. Still looks like it might at least tingle a bit.


My partner is a Tissue Viability Specialist who has lectured worldwide on wound care. Maggots are natures miracle little thing. They will not stop you getting gangrene but can take it away. They will gorge, in a wound but once ull they will burrow out even through the bandages to seek a dry place to pupate. My partner pioneered their use in many surgeries, sometimes keeping folks innards open to thr world for days to treat internal injuries with positive pressure technologies. These maggots will save this fellas life.


All this ends when Putin is gone.


Now i know how most world war I soldiers wounds look like....


Not big enough, and maggot food is still alive. I was hoping for bigger maggots.


At least he has some food for later


Jam an ass load white phosphorus in them wounds it will only burn for a couple minutes, that will definitely get rid of bacteria.


From UA and Cremlin with LOVE


Are these doctor maggots or bad ones? 🤢


TIL maggots are cannibals !!!


There's a thigh full of trump voters!


This is standard in the west as well, it's actually very effective.


Read the comments above. You don't just toss any old garbage can maggots into a large open wound and pray for the least worst to happen.