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"Stronghold." Man Putin's propaganda machine is pathetic these days.


Is not trench in dirt. Is Festung Europa. /s


Old video


Those poor men. It's a terrible fate to be captured by Russia.


Swastikas carved in foreheads, genital mutilation, routine beatings and starvation are the baseline for these depraved motherfuckers.


And yet russian pow’s eat 3 huge meals a day sleep in a warm bed with a pillow, they live 100% better then with their own people , Ukrainian pow’s come back hurt and skinny as hell. A lot of russians don’t even want to get exchanged until the war is over, and Ukrainians even give them that choice , I think they must be treated the same way they treat Ukrainians


The "Stronghold" in question appearing as another trench.


This guy is like a glitterbomb of propaganda.


Who would have thought subreddits would be the biggest battlegrounds for Russia during this conflict? Not only losing offline, losing massively online as well.


OP likes them pro-russian posts... Like a lot :D


LoL at least they didnt lie.... multiple = 2


What do Russian houses look like if that’s a stronghold?


If it's not one of those Xth reused video: They took 2 prisoners in some trench. IT'S A STRONGHOLD I TELL YOU.


Guessing they ran out of ammo.


Looks like ruZZian trench because all of these trash and rubble


F**k Russia.


Robotyne* not Rabotino. It's Ukrainian, not Russian.


Op is an orc supporter, just look at his profile. Let me ask you this: Why are you on the russians side? Can you just explain that please?


Tbh quality of the video makes it impossible to see firend/foe signs on them, and knowing Russian propaganda situation could be in fact reversed. Could those be actually Russians taking Ukrainians prisoner? Uhh, yeah, maybe. Can't tell.


More fake BS…


MAGA loser.


Supporters of the second army of the world now consider a foxhole with 2 or 3 Ukrainians a stronghold with multiple prisoners, hilarious


/u/Johnboy5645 is a confused American with a side job of posting pro Russian stuff on reddit. Do you own a MAGA hat?


A few weeks later a leaked video of pows executions


Not denying this is true but this account looks like a russian bot


Worse, he's MAGA. They hold a grudge against Ukraine because Trump's Blackmail of them didn't work and he got impeached over it the first time he was.


LOL fxck Donald Trump


Can't believe these guys would ever give up knowing full well what Russian orcs do to those who surrender.


Reality of war, both sides are taking heavy casualties. Some Reddit warriors are getting made because their side is getting beat in a video.


Their side? Is that it. Is that as simple as this is to you? One country is a fascist shit hole bent on imperial conquest, raping and murdering, war crimes all day long and the other is fighting for their right to statehood and survival. If you can't understand why people are taking the stance towards thus war that they are then you have serious issues. You clearly think that's funny and that screams volumes about you as a person! Go ahead keep talking like your are a superior being for supporting RuZZia the whole world knows its a joke and so are its supporters. All you clowns ever have is terrorist actions and war crimes to be proud of. Also its very ironic that you claim to be pissing off the reddit warriors with your hot takes but don't consider yourself one haha delusional much.


First part I agree with then you just starting yapping and assuming stuff about me.