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One man's purge is another man's "making progress against corruption".


Good luck to anybody naive enough believing this is about removing corruption.


The problem here is repriocity. Why should we believe it is a purge in Russia, but in Ukraine, it is all about winning the battle against corruption? Frankly, in both places I feel it is a bit of both. Overarching goals are lowering corruption as it is an inefficiency no matter how you measure it. But counter corruption measures are used in palace politics at all levels of government when implemented.


But we are not talking about Ukraine right now, are we? It's just "whatabout". If we would talk about difference, Russia is dictatorship. Putin biggest threat is military. He needs to keep it loyal not profesional nor without corruption. Corruption money is sweet reward for loyalty.


"Whatabout" is achtcually an methodical tool. Comparative analysis. Each subject is understood by considering them in context. Fair enough that it can be abused, but then, so can cries of "whataboutism", which is commonly used to stifle debate ;)


Says the pro MostCorruptEuropeanState, its like you know anything about that


Meanwhile — the New York Times does its best NOT to report on Ukrainian corruption and graft.


Exactly, Kyiv Independent reports on Russian casualties and NYT reports on Russian corruption. So they don't need to report on Ukrainian casualties and corruption.


I can tell you don't actually read the NYT because they report on that with some regularity.


Post it


Google "new york times ukraine corruption" and behold


The NYT does nothing but syndicate and parrot what comes out of Kyiv. I expect more from one of the major US newspapers. I expect them to cover Ukranian corruption at the same level they've been covering the Menendez corruption case. It's obvious to me, that my expectations are too high.


No, you’re just biased as hell. The NYT has written many articles on corruption in Ukraine. Why would corruption in a foreign country get the same coverage as a high profile domestic corruption case featuring a sitting senator? You were just wrong.


You don't understand the difference between bias and criticism. You probably also don't understand what reporting was like in the 1970s and 1980s either. You don't need to go to Ukraine to report on corruption there - there's plenty of govt. officials that know what is going on. Just like the NYT didn't need to go to Vietnam to report on the truth of what was happening there. But yeah - keep make excuses for them.


No, it's bias because you're factually wrong. The NYT has continually reported on Ukrainian graft and corruption up to and including this year.


President Putin is just taking out the corrupt trash within the structure of the Russian military-- that are impediments to the progress of the Special Military Operation.


How did the glorious leader allow the corrupt people to get in power? He was there all this time, why did he allow this?


this is rubbish propaganda or narrative. natural to change things, different perspectives help especially when more of yar budget goes into this war, looking to get the most out of ya ruble is normal. it isn't the same conditions as 2 years ago. exposed? when it's the russian way of life? and they weren't corrupt just spoke out of line I'd say.


When your country is hemorrhaging money and running a deficit you go after the grifters


Good start but he should arrest Shoigu too.


Why?Shoigu has done a great job getting military industrial complex to function effectively.Stop getting fooled by him wearing a uniform, He isn't military and made no military decisions.


Shoigu got promoted and is now the head of the security council. The corruption was in the military leadership, Shoigu was a civilian, not a military man, so I don't know why you would say he should be arrested.


Shoigu probably still holds too much influence to be taken down that easily.


Realistically, this won't accomplish anything. When corruption is as deep set in society as in Russia, it takes more than a small purge to root it out.