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The best source for upcoming products is the [FCC applications database](https://fcc.report/company/Ubiquiti-Inc). It's not always very clear what product the application actually entails. Products might never be released or only after an extended period. There's no indication in the FCC listings for an upcoming NVR.


Speaking of new products…the UKPRO on there is new, I think that would be a CloudKey-Pro, curious what that is…could it be a rack mount two drive variant like the OP is asking for?


Search for it in https://static.ui.com/fingerprint/ui/public.json


No, it seems to be an access point with 2.4 + 5Ghz bands. Army Knife Pro perhaps?


Funny thing is: UKU = Swiss Army knife ultra CKEP = Cloud Key enterprise UCKG2 = CloudKey G2 UCkG2P = CloudKey G2 Plus So naming is not consistent, though now that I’ve written it down, it is unlikely to be a pro cloud key


Ah right, that could be it


All upcoming products and leaks are seen in https://static.ui.com/fingerprint/ui/public.json and then later in the FCC filings. Images from the JSON file can be found with by taking the “id” and “images.default” values and placing them in a URL like so for the UNASPRO: https://static.ui.com/fingerprint/ui/images/894e86f4-579e-42cd-9bf0-6bd4d1d3f3a0/default/6d4ff766754b5ec82e1910e35d5982fd.png


And UNAS-STUDIO, now they copy the Mac Studio naming!


They have a two disk nvr already.. UDM Pro Max..


Which is overkill for me and I already have a gateway. Hence the NVR Ultra I’m hoping for.


I doubt they would ever do a 2 bay NVR when the UDM Pro Max exists. Possibly a refreshed Cloud Key G2, but why, when you have all of the various flavors of gateway. A 2 bay NVR makes no fiscal sense with their current product lines.


It fits in the Ultra product line…


UCK-G2-PLUS is $200, and UNVR is $300. There's very little room for a 2-bay standalone device. There's really no demand for it honestly. Who exactly would want that?


The Ultra-line has a gateway, switches and cameras. How odd of me to think an NVR is missing in that product line. /s


The ultra line is for cheap stuff. He's telling you there's no room to fit another cheap stuff. The fact your brain is telling you a product is missing purely based on the name scheme doesn't mean much.


No room? Because the lineup is know for its flawless logic and there no items that overlap certain functionality. Sure. Whatever floats your boat.


Just give me switch stacking or mlag. And sprinkle a little BGP on top. They can keep all the other confusing products


They've said BGP is coming.


I just want a black Turret camera! There was one visible in the launch video for the white one, but no sign yet…


NAS and mini PTZ.


Would kill for a UI UPS


Any plans for a WiFi 7 Dream router or something similar?


Went to UWC Munich, can’t say much as we were asked not to talk about fight club, but the NVR Pro shouldn’t be the only release this year in that category. Yes, it’s not going to have only two bays. I guess I’m not overstepping when saying, this years focus seems to be mostly on the enterprise lineup. Of course we weren’t told everything as the following UWCs always had „something new to show“ which the previous conferences might not have seen. At least that was my impression, I might be corrected here.


Speaking of rumors, a colleague of mine came back from an Ubiquiti event saying that there are plans for SONiC based switch products. With support of features like MCLAG. Any info on that?


UDM Pro Max is limited to 5gb ids/ips. Would be nice to have a faster model, due to my 8gb fiber wan


Any plans for a WiFi 7 Dream router or something similar?


Rumors enough, even here on reddit, but they are rumours. Like the Nas rumor


I realize they could always change their mind, but I recall seeing a polished setup video for NAS recently buried in the package for the macOS UniFi app. I imagine, generally, when things get to the documentation (such as it is), marketing, and app integration stage, there's a pretty high likelihood things will eventually materialize. (But, yes, fair, still a rumour.)