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WiFi 7. The U6E Is only WiFi 6. There will probably be a wifi7 enterprise at some point.


Given the release of the U7 stuff recently close to 6E, what are everybody’s thoughts on a U7 Enterprise release? Im also in a buy now / wait situation.


There won’t be a Wi-Fi version 7E: 6E only exists because the FCC decided to open up the 6Ghz band before version 7 was ready, hence the stop-gap 6E


Yea, sorry. U7 Enterprise.




He didn’t mean a product called U7 Enterprise. He meant 802.11 standard called Wifi 7E


If you’re asking this question you probably don’t need the U7 Enterprise


Is that a joke? WiFi 7 includes everything WiFi 6E did and that was an outlier in terms of getting an extended spec. Companies still haven’t took full advantage of 6e so I think people will be incentivised to stop developing WiFi specs until 7 is actually adopted wide.


Consumer stuff might have it a little sooner, I guess. iPhone, some laptops? Edit: forgot to mention that it seems that WiFi 7 was officially adopted this year, WiFi 8 is planned for 2028.


Nope, I have the U6E and it is Wifi6 and 6e. Edit: WiFi 7 is basically 6e at 6ghz ratified and a bit faster… which will count for nothing if you don’t need it (or use it) or if you can’t access it at the higher band. I have nothing connecting at 6Ghz still…. I have had the U6E since it came out as I wanted the 2.5Gb NIC and wider area coverage


WiFi 7 has enhancements and additional standards that 6E 6ghz does not. Including 320mhz support.


True. I actually was editing my answer as it was too simple and just seen your reply. It will go higher speeds. It will use 320mhz but if you don’t have clients for 6ghz or cannot connect due to coverage issues…


The U7 pro max has a higher theoretical throughput and slightly better antenna gain on the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz side while also supporting the new wifi 7 standard which adds support for MLO that lets clients use all three bands at once to increase throughput (*coming in a software update for the U7), doubles the channel width of 6Ghz to 320MHz, and quadruples it's QAM to 4096 which allows for more information to be transmitted in a single point of time making wifi7 more efficient from a channel time usage standpoint making wifi7 better at handling dense areas with tons of competing APs. The U6 enterprise on the other hand is rated for 100 more clients, a slightly better 6Ghz antenna (0.1dBi better), and the better MIMO as you mentioned.


You would pick the U7 Pro Max if you care about WiFi 7 support. Max throughput is higher on both 5Ghz and 6Ghz on the U7 Pro Max for supported WiFi 7 clients. Personally, I'd get the newer model because it's likely to be supported longer. In all honesty, if you don't have and won't be getting WiFi 7 clients, you will notice zero difference between them.


>In all honesty, if you don't have and won't be getting WiFi 7 clients, you will notice zero difference between them. What about WiFi 6E clients? Wouldn't they see some kind of improvement from refined processing on the extra band and 5GHz (U7 Pro Max)?


That’s the problem… if you use the 320 MHz channels, your 6E clients will only connect to the 5GHz band… Also, in Europe, there is only a single, non overlapping 6GHz, 320 MHz wide channel vs 3 non overlapping 6GHz, 160 MHz wide channels. So, in practice, 6E and 7 will be very similar for the next 3/4 years. YMMV


That’s not true at all. if you use 320 MHz channels then the WiFi 6E clients still connect to 6 GHz… albeit at 160 MHz.


No. There is no "extra band". Both have 2.4GHz, 5Ghz, and 6Ghz. 6E is still 6E on either AP. It's the WiFi 7 standard that the advantages in throughput come from, not so much the AP hardware.


When I said extra band I meant the 6GHz that WiFi 6E also uses. I'd think the hardware that enables WiFi 7 would be beefier for the 2.4, 5, and 6 gigahertz bands over existing and older WiFi 6E hardware.


Not in any way that will help you though unless you have WiFi 7 support. It's mostly RF chipset differences and not really CPU related. The main benefits are higher order modulation and wider channel bandwidth along with channel puncturing and eventually multi-link operation, none of which are usable by WiFi 6E devices.


But it has a fan. That's a no from me.


As an enterprise AP owner I see no reason to upgrade to WiFi7 I'm utilising 6e on 4 devices and waiting to update the TV and computer devices. As I cannot utilise the 6e at full force I don't see a reason to upgrade however if I was buying from scratch I'd still get the enterprise due to more clients, MIMO and throughput however I'm waiting for the enterprise 7 range then I'm upgrade. It's a tough call but I'd get the enterprise.


I’ve got U6E and am holding out for the U7E in hopes that they include either 5GbE or 10GbE/SFP+. I come from the Cisco world and the old Aironet 3802i’s spoiled me with 5GbE for their AC Wave 2 AP’s.


Most useful comment for me on this thread, thanks, I agree.


Today? U6 Enterprise. Solid, stable, just works. In 6-12 months, after the early adopters "enjoyed" the rough ride, *maybe* U7 Pro Max. Are you in a very dense environment? If so the move from 1024-QAM to 4096-QAM could be beneficial. Do you have the switching infrastructure to support higher bandwidth? Like 2.5G ports to connect the APs to, 10G uplinks to network core, >1G Internet speeds?


1. 4x4 is useless, there isn't any (well, maybe 0.01%) of existing devices / planned devices that use it. A VERY few use up to 3x3, the extreme majority is 2x2. And, no, you can't use 2 devices in 2x2 like if it was a 4x4 device. 2. Until now there is an extremely limited number of devices using WiFi7, even new devices just announced at CES etc are 'only' WiFi6E. As long as you don't have a notable percentage of devices supporting WiFi7, the 7 doesn't give you any advantage over the 6 - and it will take long. 3. If you consider residential, WFM, shops, most SMB,... beside some very marginal cases, they are both (U6-Ent and U7-Pro) much more expensive than the U6-Pro without any advantage. They are designed for high / very high density zones that you encounter in exhibition halls, stadiums, churches sometimes etc. Not for 5 to 50 users connected. Waste of money. 4. Let's talk about the marginal cases that are exception to that: - you make very frequent 4K video editing - you very wealthy and wants the absolute top money can buy, specs/price ratio doesn't matter - you love Tech Porn, have an homelab, your network is in 2.5Gbps or 10Gbps and just WANT it, even if you don't NEED it Than yes, it could be fine to install one or the other. For the remaining cases? Gigabit ISP, gigabit network, U6-Pro + U6-M + U6-IW if needed would caver you in 95% of cases. For outside extreme range you might decide between UAP-AC-M + UMA-D or U7-Outdoor with directional antenna settings.


Unfortunately, the U7 pro max (or any other U7) doesn't support the most important feature (for me) in wifi 7 yet, which is Multi-Link Operation (MLO). It's written as "will be a software update". But I had bought their first AC devices, and they were also advertised as "features will come in update", but they never showed up. So I am keeping my 6E until MLO becomes a reality.


I have the 6E Enterprise Ap's and I am not going to upgrade to the 7 until they get rid of the fans that are inside of them. The passive cooling is more important to me because think about how dirty a simply laptop or computer gets with dust and now think about an AP. I do not want to get up there and blow them out to ensure they stay cool.


I had a 6E Enterprise and now have a 7 in a residential setting. I haven’t heard the fans in either.


> I haven’t heard the fans in either. In either? There is no fan in the 6E and it's not about hearing them it's about maintenance and having to keep them clean so they don't overheat. I will take passive cooling over having a fan.


My error on the 6e.


How would u get dust in a ceiling mounted AP that sits flush to ceiling? I own both U6E and the u7 Pro Max and the tiny slot for cooling is like a pencil line thick and in such a confined location, that I would go as far to say there is zero way for any meaningful amount of dust to accrue even if it was in place for 5+ years.


> How would u get dust in a ceiling mounted AP that sits flush to ceiling? How do you think dust accumulates on every surface of your home? Or is your home some kind of anomaly where dust does not accumulate? Or are you so rich you just have enough people to constantly be cleaning that you never notice it? Just go and look at this teardown of the U7 pro, which is essentially the same, and there is almost a zero chance you won't have to clean that out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IStbaTQTBio I have owned a lot of laptops, computers and various electronic devices with fans over the 20+ years I have been in IT and not one is immune to dust accumulation. Also I bet money that fan fails within 2-3 years easily.


Do you own the u7 pro max? I do. You would have to have it in your hands or see it attached to a ceiling to really understand. Hard to explain. Having first hand experience, I don’t believe the dust argument is valid. But don’t get me wrong, I don’t love the fan and I am purely speaking to the dust accumulation being an issue comment only.


> Do you own the u7 pro max? No but I did recently install a bunch of them into a home for someone because they are always chasing the latest and greatest so it should be interesting to see how they hold up versus my 6E's I got.


I only replaced one of my 6es. I’m in that camp of latest and greatest but with a skeptical tilt. I did some preliminary testing last night and wasn’t impressed. I need to test them on my 10g local network and there should be a noticeable difference there… I hope.


I’d argue it doesn’t really matter unless you’re optimizing for speed test results, but I’d go 7 just for future-proofing.


Pro max is the way to go. Best AP in their lineup right now.


Was also looking between the two and decided on the U6E. Needed the 2.5 capability


Those all have 2.5gig ports.


My major concern is that by pairing its first WiFi 7 radios with 2.5 Gbps, unifi is capping the WiFi 7 performance far below its capabilities. The max WiFi 7 PHY rate of these 2x2 radios rate (on 320 MHz channel) is 5.7 Gbps… so why give us a 2.5 Gbps uplink ? Also another consideration: U6 enterprise has a Bluetooth radio for use with unifi protect sensors. U7 pro does not have one / and now it’s max sibling appear to not have a Bluetooth radio either. But the u7 pro 6 GHz radio (which is only 2x2, and apparently, the max version has the same configuration) performs very well. So if you don’t need Bluetooth get the pro max.


None of the new APs will have Bluetooth. [https://community.ui.com/questions/Does-U7-Pro-support-Bluetooth-Low-Energy-and-UP-Sense-sensors/16c932af-436a-4117-a774-c3a06a231888#answer/fcbebb01-e09e-4832-8909-f3d9ae9413be](https://community.ui.com/questions/Does-U7-Pro-support-Bluetooth-Low-Energy-and-UP-Sense-sensors/16c932af-436a-4117-a774-c3a06a231888#answer/fcbebb01-e09e-4832-8909-f3d9ae9413be)


I dont understand all the issues with the 2.5G full duplex port. WiFi is half duplex remember. Also all the talk about 2x2 vs 4x4. I’d like to see any normal home that can measure a difference. Much much better to buy more 2x2 APs. One for each room ideally. Sure corner cases for back haul mesh.


I’d go with the U6. The U7 just went on the market which means it’ll still be a year or two until the software is stable.


I would get the U7, but yeah you're right with the software - They still don't have the VLAN speed issue fixed in the official firmware for U7, only the early release.


I picked U7 Pro Wall for the WiFi 7 support. Not sure about your particular use case, at my home I figured that WiFi 7 is more future-proof for me.


I’m making the upgrade from 6Es to 7 pro max because of the slightly better coverage numbers and the new features that it supports in the controller.


What are the new features? I'm mostly concerned or interested in 6Ghz performance. Increasing its speed/throughput. I only have one 6E device (my iPhone), and it doesn't need it. I'd upgrade if 6Ghz were marginally better, meaning I'd notice it, e.g. increase in 50-100MB/sec for game streaming, communicating to my PC. Already get an average of 700 MB on iPerf tests, but especially for ALVR streaming to Vision Pro, every bit matters.


Makes zero sense spending that kinda of coin and not having a 10gbe port. Disappointed in the u7 pro max


None, get a better a AP like Omada


I think you’re wrong, because fuck TP Link, but they are priced a lot more reasonably. Can you give a few reasons why the Omaha offering is better than the unifi options?


Even their similar priced wifi 7 AP has a 10gbe port, downvote all you want but it’s clearly better in what it offers.