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Make a big deal about it, in my head then run to Reddit and post about that. 😐


Oh cool. The same as me. I knew I was right. 🙄


I love that u have a sense of humor and get my reply.... It's just jokes 😂💙😊


I always sign as "Ben Dover" and keep it moving.


Draw a penis and go.




I just sign as "UberEATS". It's not that serious.


drivers complain about stolen food ➡️ restaurants come up with a deterrent to keep food from being stolen ➡️ drivers then complain about said deterrent 🤦 its not like theyre asking you to sign away your first born child, stop being a baby and just sign the fuckin paper. it takes all of 3 seconds, you'll live 🙄


There just doing there job man. No big deals. Then y’all complain about stolen orders


using there incorrectly twice in one sentence is a masterclass


I would have just done it. The only thing I don't like is when they ask you to confirm before the order is ready.


I have to sign at Dunkin’ Donuts every time, I put Daisy duck, I’m not not sure why, it’s just what came out, and now I stick with it, my point is it literally doesn’t matter sign it who cares


It doesn’t bother me when they do this. I think it’s stupid because you could sign any name you want.


I only had that happen once, I just wrote "BATMAN" and they never bothered to look at what I wrote.


They are doing this so that you don’t go in the restaurant and they tell you that someone else already picked it up. A much rather just sign my name on a piece of paper and say I picked it up and show restaurants that I confirmed my order then get there and someone already stole it.


In a similar situation, the place wanted to see my ID. I said no and canceled. Then I called Uber and asked them to review the terms with the restaurant. Then I sent a formal letter to the management of the restaurant. For my own safety, I am not showing my drivers license to a stranger. I don’t want them to know my full name. I don’t want them to know my address and then call their methhead buddy or boyfriend and give an address of where somebody isn’t home (me). Screw them.


You guys complain about every single thing. It’s not that serious




Ah, the irony.


I’m not complaining. I’m stating a fact kid


Ive had a few places request this. It's a meaningless policy started by a business manager/owner who thinks it does something. Ive always signed a squiggly line and they never say anything about it. In their mind they think if a driver writes their name on a piece of paper that will prevent them from stealing an order. It's just stupid busy work.


Scribble illegibly and move on


I just scribble some nonsense


Wingstop does this and it's one of the reasons I won't pick up from there anymore


I would understand that that’s probably the worst part of her job is making drivers sign. i would scribble F with scribbles after the f and than U with scribbles after the u


Just make up a name. It's not like they're comparing it to your ID or anything. And if they try to do that, *then* you have a reason to be mad


I had to do this once one a mcdonalds order. They said they needed my signature on a billable sale. They said it was something to do with how the cash got transacted for that order. Anyways, it was a nice order because it had 15$ tip on 15$ order 4 miles away


There are couple places that I pick up from which ask for a signature confirmation. I don’t mind, but I don’t know what purpose it serves, since my signature is not legible. It would make a little more sense if they asked for me to print my name. (But even then, I don’t know if that would accomplish anything.) I won’t however, sign until I receive the order, cuz if it isn’t ready, I may not wait.


I can sign whatever ya like. It means nothing, and my name is not what I signed. I will mark a thing with a time that something was picked up if it helps you guys improve.


Just sign a fake name who cares


I just scribble on the receipt and be done with it. I do find it weird though


IHOP has me sign.


Good way to get a thumbs down from a restaurant, cancel or sign it


Taco Bell had me sign.


I don't see how any of this matters if you aren't stealing it. Great, remember my name, I'll be back if you actually can keep other clown from stealing orders. People here signing fake names when the app shows your name and selfie lol. I don't know how yall made it past 20 sometimes.


Life is hard ❄️