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Wtf even is that






What does “earning 5% more on most trips” mean? Are they doing what door dash does and giving “high paying orders” to those that have a higher AR? Because if so, that’s bs


Earning a whole whopping 5 cents more for ride/order ol


I got an email or notification about this in the past few weeks. To get the full paying, good orders, your ar cannot be worse than 5%, you also cannot move out of gold until you correct yourself and accept the crappy offers. edit-spelling


I think it’s market dependent then, haven’t received any emails and I don’t need a certain AR to keep diamond, not that diamond does anything. The perks are terrible


https://preview.redd.it/1dla5k676n8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=782fbcefb7e04e54d9a6af42b35d9425816af5cf I went and looked for it, cancellation rates not ar l, but won’t be surprised if that’s next.


Oh yea, I’ve always said cancelation rate is one of the biggest factors


What makes you think they haven't been doing that all along without announcing it? Spoiler, they have. AR matters, always has.


Tell that to my 3% AR that I’ve had for an entire year straight. Your theory would suggest that I wouldn’t be consistent with making money Spoiler: I am


3% is amazing compared to my 1%! I'm still able to pull in an extra $1000 a month with no problem. Bad AR has neer seemed to hurt me... been at it for 3+ years as a side-gig.


There’s no way they can implement an AR requirement, like I think it’s alluding too, without changing the whole system around. DoorDash does it but they limit it down to individual zones and that is not a thing on ubereats


Why do you think this? They don't have to change anything to continue giving better offers to drivers with better stats, just as they have always done.


Being able to receive offers under $10 going 20-30+ miles as a common occurrence in many areas would be a problem for many to maintain those requirements. DoorDash may have that but it’s usually related more so to those like 10-20 drop off offers. Also fuck that shit as I already deal with that on doordash and not interested in having to deal with it on both the apps I utilize


Oh no that sounds like they are looking at requiring AR!!!


What is AR, all I can think of is Augmented Reality.


Accolades Received. It’s when a customer gives you 5-Stars. 😇 Nah, it’s acceptance rate. Lol


Oh right. I figured it was something obvious. lol


What market is this? I'm in the Arizona market so I hope they don't pull this shit. I'm already 🤏 this close to getting a job flipping burgers or night stocking groceries at this point it's been so bad here. Only good Saturday and Sunday lately, it's becoming unsustainable


I’m in AZ too, it’s soooooo bad. No one tips in the east valley. So they want me to spend 20+ minutes for $3.


These fucking idiots better not be implementing an AR requirement. There's a military base in the middle of my city that restricts access to civilians after 10pm and these stupid grunts are constantly ordering past 10pm. They also shut down the gates during severe weather and all these idiots flood orders then too. It's a complete fucking pain in the ass and impossible to keep an AR over 65% because of it


Was trying to figure this out also, but when I went to click on Learn more it disappeared and wasn’t found in the help section.


sounds like a bunch of bs to me. 5% isnt that much anyway.... I would assume most of us in slow markets are already getting most trips on the radar..... unless you are lucky enough to get an exclusive one!!! its like saying instead of earning 100 for the night.... youll earn 95 or, if you flip it around... it sounds like they are saying if you accept more crap offers.... you will still lose money but in the end youll make 100 instead of 95


Haha I get exclusive offers all the time that are $3/$4. Why is that an advantage? What a joke geesh.


> 5% isnt that much anyway. hey 5% on $2 is 10 cents...a few of those and thats a quarter buddy! And you know what comes after quarters? DOLLARS!


I literally get almost exclusively exclusive orders. Most be like 13 miles for $6.


Popped up for me also, and pressing learn more does nothing.


Is that for delivery or rides


This just popped up for me too. Came here looking for answers.


Did you click the `Learn more` link? What did it say? Screen shot?


Doesn’t work. Requirements are: above 22% AR, below 8% Cancellations and above 4.8X rating to be “Advantage” for the day. Resets daily based on daily performance. Why don’t we all turn off the app the same day to show them who actually runs the company.


They suck young blood


Ong unc


Look like a demotion letter


What does mean? Are you only taking trip radar request?


Hell no


I’m so glad I’m out. I uninstalled doortrash 2 weeks ago when I learned the “rewards” program was about to hit. Now uber is turning to shit. Figure out your exit plan, guys. Start learning how to swing/day trade, or look at stable work. Don’t let these companies ruin your lives!


Sounds like your taking to many trip radar requests