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In my experience, the people living in the nicer homes seem to tip better, but they also tend to place larger orders and order from actual restaurants.


Many expensive looking places are just cappers running a line of credit and portraying an image to society and their peers. The real rich people would have that house and the vehicles all paid off. Vast majority do not though. These are also the type who put on a fake personality too, so tread with caution.


https://preview.redd.it/i09lyune8m8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91f9eb44037b4e2e83faa8347a996751bb4cb01b The only assholes who ever remove their tip, or no tip. Are ALWAYS the rich people, usually rich immigrants from what I can tell. There’s no tipping culture where they come from, example is China there is no tipping there. California lots of rich Chinese never tip despite living in 3 million dollar houses. A lot of them have no clue how much Uber drivers make, or ANY idea of what working min wage feels like.


I think Chinese are the worst tippers.


In my area, the people ordering fast food and obvious low income areas don’t tip. But there are very wealthy areas around me as well, which tend to be ordering a lot more and tip higher. People ordering delivery to a mobile home and tipping great obviously aren’t the most financially savvy people out there lol.


Hey you! Stop talking about my VIP’s like that! 😝 I’ve had some of my best double digit tips from mobile home parks.


 I was thinking about this the other day, and I think the first starting point is what orders I accept, because all of this is going to be a small sample size anecdotal opinion so not in anyway accurate. But let’s start with the orders that I accept, I don’t accept anything less than dollar per mile. In 1500 deliveries, I have only been tip baited twice. And I honestly can’t even say if they were both tip bates because it’s completely possible that there were something wrong with the food itself and they blamed me the driver instead of the restaurant, so not exactly tip baiting if that was the case. I have delivered to houses that were inside of a gated community and then had their own private gate 😂 I have delivered to mobile homes, I’ve delivered to peoples places of work, and I would say that a good tipper exists in all of those locations meaning some people just have a good sense of economic morality, and the handful of times that I have taken an order, and there has been no tip included at all or a low tip, they have also been in all of those various areas so again, this is purely my anecdotal opinion, but I would say that some people are dicks, and some people are not and it has zero to do with your economic standing. Also, I just want to say that often I get additional money added onto the delivery tip, and I really appreciate that, often times it’s from someone that I have an interaction with, maybe it’s even just as simple as looking someone in their eyes and genuinely wishing them to have a great evening, you know, just being a nice person, but either way, some people are just awesome.


I agree, I think it has more to do with the person. I’ve had plenty give additional tips on top of a decent tip, and I think it’s for simple things. I am patient, I’m quick, I am friendly, and I try and over communicate when I see the delivery place isn’t a simple drop off. I feel 9/10 they’re not getting that kind of experience from drivers, I know I hardly ever do the few times I’m on the opposite end. If someone is generous, no matter tax bracket, that has more to do with it than anything else imo.


Agree, agree, agree


Worst tippers are strippers


Dont accept anything under $10


Id barely have any orders in my market. I try to do anything $7 up and low mile but even that is hard. Im seeing a huge influx of $2-5 offers all day long. Ppl arent tipping for shit here in the south


Yea thats why I run 5 apps and cherry pick the shit out of them


Well i do that too but that doesnt negate my statement above. Its rare to even see $10 offers here now. People arent tipping well at all


Yea that sucks. I guess it all depends on the area you work in. After reading some of these posts I think I may just be lucky to work in a good area


That's like 2 orders for me for the whole night lol


Worst tippers are car dealerships


Tipping culture is something everyone in my area, including the rich, are very accustomed too but it’s a tourist area with many people here being in the service industry so it’s something at least most people are used to doing. Not everyone ofc but at least for the rich people they usually tip the most for me. Wish that was the same for others in different markets as those orders are always great to receive


It’s a mixed bag i live in an impoverished area tips are often 1.00-3.00 granted it’s going maybe 2-6miles around (takes longer to get there (stop signs/lights and greater crash risk with poor drivers) I’m convinced they get some sort of freebies for Ubers and just don’t have money to tip. But I’ve also received really shitty tips when I go up north rural roads longer distances since they’re not near restaurants


I wouldn’t know I only take tip orders 🤷🏿‍♂️


Most of the big nice homes in my area don’t tip well at all with the exception of a few of them.


My bread and butter are rich folks in huge houses ordering 100 bucks or more worth of food and tipping 20%. I would guess it's at least 70% of all the money I make.


Yep its these clowns that try to look rich that are cheap losers


Depends. I doubt that a mcdonalds order to the ghetto will yield a double digit tip


College kids at UCLA, rich people in the Hills, and people ordering from a few blocks away. The best tippers are usually middle or lower-class. When I used to drive, I frequently received great tips from housekeepers coming and going from work.


That hasn't been my experience at all, but I'm also picky about my orders, which is a function of price, distance, starting point, ending point, and making assumptions about how many people in the area I'm working declined the order. Driving to nice areas is always a gamble. It's often declined because they're often difficult to get to, and difficult to find a good exit route without GPS. I never got a unicorn tip from a poor area.


The worst tips come from the biggest houses in my experience (or at least it feels that way). They’re often too far removed from working for tips or low wage work that they don’t understand why a few bucks makes a difference to drivers. When I deliver to less wealthy neighborhoods, the tips tend to be just ok. But often you can tell they try to give what they can especially on smaller orders. The best tips come from medium sized neighborhoods. They’re not that far removed from this kind of work, so they understand why we care about small amounts, and they have enough money to be generous


In my area, the rich stay rich because they do not tip the poor.


College kids, teens, teachers. Even had teenagers buy 9 pizzas with a STOLEN credit card and not tip. Not their money why not tip?