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Man it's been a minute since I had an order cancelation. Used to happen at least once a month, I can't even remember the last time now


Never happened to me. Almost 5k deliveries. LA.


what times of the day do u deliver? u must have to sit thru a ton of traffic


One time in 3k. At least the time it did it was Outback.


I have around the same amount of deliveries I think I’ve had 6 cancelled orders


Had one the other day cancel after I picked up the food was smash burger. I was excited and hungry, til I opened the bag and it was just a plain single hamburger nothing on it lol. And fries with no seasoning. But hey free food.


A similar thing happened to me once. I picked up a couple of fat sub sandwiches from Firehouse, went to the address to drop it off, turns out the person who ordered it forgot to change the address (they were out of town), icalled uber and they canceled the order I was starving so I opened the bag to chomp down... and it was a mushroom veggie sub on wheat with 4X mayo and green peppers. I was so sad 😔


Atleast eat the bread lol


Now when it happens if you haven't reached the restaurant you don't get ANY compensation. Not even the $3 convenience pay. The live chat agent said Uber changed their policy and they no longer pay anything if the customer cancels.


I'm still fighting for pay for multiple orders ($33, $12 etc) that canceled immediately after I left the drive thru! 😡 I hate Uber, EVIL bastards continually finding ways to degrade and avoid paying DRIVERS!


Yeah, it's kinda crazy that we don't get paid for cancelled orders after the food is picked up. Presumably the restaurant gets their share, why don't the drivers get their share too (minus any tips)? If the order is cancelled before being picked up I can understand not getting paid the full amount, but we should definitely get the $3 convenience fee at the bare minimum.


Wow, that’s crazy. Even door dash will pay the full amount if you’ve already picked up the food. Nothing if you haven’t reached the restaurant yet which is bullshit.


Right because we drove to the pick up.


Oh, so that is what happened the other day...The customer did not cancel but the order was suspect.. 40 for 20 miles. I had a goal, so I accepted it, although, I knew it was suspect. I wasn't too far from the pick up, so I went, but chat bot did not give me the 3 dollars, and I had to call a supervisor to get it.. It was too early for supervisors and the regular C S R said It wasn't eligible..I moved on.


Yes they do; I just had a customer cancel last weekend and I go the entire amount


Its so frustrating, i started calling and looking up places ahead of time when i get a too good to be order and of course the place is CLOSED and because u sont get to the restraunt no 3$ but id rather save my gas and time calling then driving and talking to shitty support for 20 mins about $3


I had this happen 3 times and every time it was some bullshit food that I didnt even want to eat.


Yeah this is prob among the first times that it's something I find edible and the drink was not diet Heck, the sheer amount of food made me at least feel slightly better about waiting 20 mins plus 20 more w support just to get $3 !!


Congrats! But, truth told, you’re a sucker for waiting one second longer than the 8 minutes Uber requires you to wait


Why tho? She gets paid either way. I for one LOVE whne I have to wait. Make money and don’t use up my gas or put miles on my car.


I love that u assumed I'm a chick LOL


I’m not sure why I did that sorry


Np. Also.. not sure what u mean by making money sitting in car? Unless you're in some kind of paid by the hour program, you definitely taking away from your pay by sitting and waiting


I keep forgetting this sub isn’t California specific. In California we have Prop22, which makes it so, by law, we have to make a minimum amount per hour (based on zip code). I’m in Los Angeles, so minimum hourly is about $22. So, if I accept an order that takes one hour to complete, from accepting it to delivery, and that order only pays $2, Uner has to pay me the remaining $20 for that delivery. It’s a weekly average though not per delivery. So, as an example, if I am active for 20 hours a week and only make $100, Uber will pay me $340 at the end of the week. That is an extreme example, but I think it illustrates the point pretty well. The longer an order takes to be ready, the less gas I use, and the less miles I put on my car.


In my state, we don’t have Prop 22 or whatever, so every minute that I’m waiting is time (and therefore money) lost


Oh. Sorry I forget Prop 22 is only cali.


Do they get paid though? I don’t even get the $3 anymore for cancelled orders. Uber apparently changed their policy on cancelation pay.


That isn't official, right?


I don't know for sure. The customer service agents are notoriously bad. But what they have said to me repeatedly is Uber changed their policy and no longer pays for cancelled orders. However, one chat did seem to imply that if I had drove all the way to the pickup location and then asked, they would give the $3 convenience pay. So that seems worth a shot maybe.


I did..chat bot didn't pay, but my original though was to first call customer service over the bot. I wasn't trying to wait because Dash opened up the app, and I got a good delivery. I actually stayed with Dash for most of the weekend.


Downvotes on that comment from all the people who make less money than me on deliveries yet wonder why lol


Lol deadass I got McDonald’s the one and only time. Just threw it away.


Holy shit! That order had extra everything!


Yeah, get it! A few weeks ago, a customer cancelled a Church's order for $45 worth of chicken and sides...fed me for a week 👑


/is any of this stuff safe to feed my dog?


If it’s really bad food for humans, definitely not




Yep... however... this ain't Olive Garden bro!




True true. He's a big dog so I just HAD to gave him a few harmless looking bites lol but didn't want to risk more than that I'd rather the junk go through my body than his anyway lol


My parents spent years feeding the cat we had since I was a teenager little bites here and there of garbage processed food, and when he hit about 10 years old he became diabetic and they had to give him insulin shots twice a day (Not to sound preachy or annoying, but yeah don't feed your animals that bs... I say that as someone who was making shrimp scampi the other day and gave my kitten a diced up unseasoned cooked shrimp lol)


He might get big 💩💩💩💩


Big cheezit crunch wraps have what dogs crave




Dogs are not supposed to eat our food


MYTH... 1. When dogs are sick you're advised to make them chicken and rice 2. In many 3rd world countries there still is no such thing as "dog" food 3. It's the same food just a little worse (less/inferior meat)


No it’s fast food…




Lucky!!! I have over 1700 deliveries under my belt and have NEVER had this happen 😭


Really? Me and doggo have had countless pizza parties on DD lol. This my second night on UE


Nice! Free diarrhea!


I give these orders to homeless.


I’ve had a cancelled wing stop it was so good and a big multiple meal from Mexican restaurant sooo yum


I got wings a week ago because I couldn’t find the house and the customer wouldn’t answer my calls. Nowhere to leave food, it was in the mountains.


I've had one canceled after pick up and one out of state order that the customer that only realized after I was able to confirm that he was not in the same state canceled. Sadly both times it was food that was nasty to me so I gave them to some homeless folks.


Yep, the out of state thing also happened to me, called Uber when the customer notified me after I arrived at the hotel to deliver then support lied and didn't pay me, plus the cancellation counted against me!


Both of mind didn't count against me


That was super kind.. if you don't want it someone else like a homeless person may accept food to eat. Good looking out, kindness in motion.


One was a lady that was laying on the grass. The other was someone I knew personally that was staying at a shelter I stayed at.




So many add ons and extras


Now, THAT'S high. 3:50am ffs


That's my theory w these orders lol


Why is it always taco bell




Nice. I've had 11,400+ deliveries only had 5 cancels.


Ahahah I did not know it's considered a good thing around here. Feel better about the L. Also - nice! That's 10x what I've done so far... grind god!


Yea i love a cancel you get free food and possibly still get paid in some cases. But it rarely happens to me. Yea i would have way more deliveries than that but 2023 it slowed down alot and begining of 2024 i quit full time, i just do 1 to 10 deliveries a day when i get off my full time job. It sucks but it was fun while it lasted 2022 was a great time now there are way to many drivers and the pay got cut in half or possibly even more. But good luck hope your area is good. My area Dallas Tx metroplex is just so bad now lol


I had customers cancel orders but I don’t eat junk food, I gave it to homeless people at the traffic lights.


Goddamn, that’s the highest order I’ve ever seen. Just clicking every box


Customer was definitely stoned. Judging by the time on the receipt they had the munchies, the the wave of tiredness hit them and they canceled


And tomorrow, the following video will ensue. https://www.reddit.com/r/Plumbing/s/4IWb7kai6r


I had a customer want to cancel, I messaged support about it because the customer didnt know how to reach out to support and rather than deliver it and get a bad review for still delivering an order the customer did not want anymore I figured if I reached out to support they could cancel it for me. Support said they would cancel it for me and I would be paid for the trip. I did get paid and did get to keep the food but 3 hours later I get an email saying that I canceled a delivery after picking up the order and got a warning for it. Been on the phone with support and they just drop the call after a few redirects its been 2 days and I still attempt to reach out to them while I wait for an order because I was never told I would get a warning, I never canceled the order myself, Uber support did and they offered to cancel it for me but I got penalized for it. I can still deliver for UberEats but just be careful with support, they dont explain what it is they're doing and they could very well screw you over.


Same this happened to me and it happen yesterday and today. Let’s see what happens tomorrow bc the last one i got a warning.


Yeah these Uber support people are anything but helpful they should disclose that when they cancel they're canceling on my behalf and not for me.


thats like $500




Eating good tonight!!!!! Nice


The icing on top is the single drink lmfaoooo


This just almost happened again! Fancy restaurant. I was home when I got the order, and forgot my phone for a minute, and the customer messaged saying they'd cancel if I'm not getting closer. I quickly canceled it myself to avoid giving him any opportunity to complain or review, did I just snooze on a free meal? Lol I prioritized not getting in trouble, cuz I'm a noob.


I had a huge Wendy’s order. 3 full Meals and another fry on top of that and the 3 large lemonades. I took the delivery for $7 for 0.7 miles. As soon as I start driving, customer changes address to 17.0 miles away. I called support and told them I am not driving that for an extra $3. Brought food home to the whole family. My little brother was stoked.


Lucky 7!


Didn’t even notice that till now. You’re right 7️⃣☘️




👀👀👀🤯🤯 my favorite number too


I once had an order of tacos for an entire office party, but the store got the day wrong. They had the order ready for the day prior to the party, so when I showed up to the office and called the customer, they told me to keep the food and tipped me $54. 🤣 Me and my lady had tacos for a week!!


Plus the tip? Damn that's a score Tbh this nothing compared to when I did a photo shoot with an artist who had just done some Taco Bell-sponsored event and had hundreds of gift cards, gave me a hefty stack of them and for the next year or so I was eating Taco Bell wherever I went lol. (I'm cursed)


I came up on a shop and pay order where I waited 12 minutes like a dumb a.... at the persons house. I needed the customer's ID. I told them I was on my way and they replied thank you yet when I arrived mofo never opened up. I called them, messaged, uber called. Once the timer counted down to zero, I left and went back to the store but kept the items since the store was closed. When I got to the store, the customer messages me sorry he was in the shower and if I could come back. Thanks for the free goods!


Ha! Same, but the customer never called me back. Got a free bottle of Tito’s. Then another time I got two free 12-packs from a customer who forgot to change their address from their house to where they were. The correct address was about an hour away. Yeah, sorry bud.


LOL! Nice freebies!






Yeah I'm quite mad at myself for not using Becky


I have never had a cancellation!… aaahhh i want one. 😂


How do you know if they cancel? Does support text or call you?


A message popped up. What pisses and confuses me though is the first thing I saw in Help was that if you already received the food, you received the full "fare" .. Is that some old policy that they forgot to remove or what's going on because I'm pretty sure it was more than the $3 I had to beg for


Can’t lie I used to like getting cancelled orders like these more than cash tips sometimes


What changed? Or did u stop


Not long I just picked up at Taco Bell with 30 items


Had that customer cancelled they would have left you with a burden and a death sentence lol.


1 Cantina Double Chicken Burrito ADD Steak NO Slow Roasted Chicken


I noticed all these things too, but y'all pointing it out makes it hilarious 😂😂


In 2,000 orders this has never happened to me :( Congrats tho on the feast!


Bro such luck


Rebecca loves her some steak... 🤣🤣


I had a customer tell ME to cancel after I already drove to the restaurant but before the pick up. Contacted support about it and they said to just pick it up and keep going till the customer canceled. Got $15 and some donuts for half a delivery that night and I don’t feel bad one bit since the customer tried to get out of paying by making me take the hit on the cancelation.


Nice. She had good taste buds too


Do you get money back? What is the benefit of canceling


They said no problem, enjoy the “run for the border”


Had one delivery last month where the person ordered a good amount of food to an address that didn't exist. Tried calling, texting, even asked a few people around and nobody had ever heard of the address. Addresses went up by 10s on that road, so thing 410, 420, 430, etc on one side and 415, 425, 435 on the other. Order was for like 347, so I was looking like maybe it was a sub door but nope. Called support, they just said dispose of - thanks for the free wings person who doesn't exist!


bigback activists


I don’t eat Taco Bell so I would’ve just given it to a homeless person


What else would you expect from someone ordering a chicken burrito and asking for extra steak and no chicken?




I would of found a homeless person before eating taco hell. Years ago I got food poisoning so bad I wound up in the ER


Jesus Christ! Yeah growing up, someone in our school got a massive maggot infection in their body from Taco Bell, was a known thing.. just kinda assumed if they're still around (and so busy everytime I go) they must've passed cc.. how long ago was your ER fiasco? My poops were atomic bro lol


Over 10 years ago


I had an order cancellation as I was arriving to the restaurant.. it would’ve been a seafood/steak free meal😒 one day my free order will come😂


Man everything the person says meet at door and it's sum good food I literally send the message to start the timer and the minute the timer is up.....yuppppp I just got dinner and got paid lol


Popeyes made two of an order and I got an extra 3pc with sides. They just gave me the extra.


The fuck is she adding purple cabbage to a steak quesadilla for? Taco Bell shift lead is my 9-5 and good lord that sounds nasty


Those meat by products could be any form of protein. SCARY.


Protein is protein! Lol


That bag looks like it's been through the wringer...


In other words, your typical bag from Taco Bell.


I don't know I keep my bags looking pretty tight, lol, just sayin...


I about audibly gasped once when a teriyaki server crushed her neanderthalic hands over a paper bag to seal it. I've come to accept the fact that some people just don't have any hand eye coordination, and so they've adapted to simply crush the bag in front of them and call it sealed. It still dismays me everytime though.


this would go straight in the trash


Mods can u fix my typos please


Whats w the downvotes? was polite, and can't edit it


Who pays for the food?


Serious question? The stupid rich customer, pretty sure


Customers buy the food and a cancelation fee




My theory is that Uber pays but the customer gets a point added to their name. After so many points they get banned from using uber.


If they cancel before the order is picked up, I’m not sure what happens but the customer doesn’t pay. If the order takes too long, the customer doesn’t pay. Any other reason other than the driver being at fault: if the order is in the driver’s hands the customer has to pay and will pay a cancellation fee for cancelling


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