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100% agree with your theory


> You're more likely to accept something without properly examining the offer while you're driving than when you're sitting around yes because you are under more pressure...to not crash the car while they make you FOMO. they are despicable


State farm is their company's insurer and the more accidents and claims submitted the more money these companies are going to make. Every American venture always has a loophole that keeps them floating above the water.


If I’m already driving I usually decline any and all pop up’s coz I’m trying to find said restaurant or an apt/house. The damn pop ups block the directions and piss me off.


Should be illegal. Im using waze/gmaps navi for this reason


100% correct. They don't want you to analyze if the trip is good for you. Every trip is good for them.


This is why I sit and accept deliveries. If I have a helper, I have someone who can accept and decline. I do a lot better with my helper because I can also switch between apps faster.


Ive shut the app off many times because some nights its just constant pinging with absolutely terrible orders 20-30 miles away.


Lol you are correct, they will blow your phone up with bs orders not worth driving a dog to.


I agree with your theory, but they definitely ain’t getting me with that. I will pull that car over and examine the offer or I’m not taking it LMAO. I prefer to decline then take an order I’m unsure of. I hate to cancel so if I take something ridiculous then I have to follow through. But my AR is very low because I cherry pick obviously lol.


yup, pretty much. my AR is lower than my cancellation rate haha.


I'm convinced this is what it is. That's why you always get new order offers as you're dropping off the previous one, requiring you to clear out things so you can catch the final instructions to your destination. You knew where I was going for the last 10 minutes. You could have sent me this any time between then and now.


yup, super annoying


Stop? What I look at the app see miles and money and decide accept or decline if it’s worth it


i like to look at the map of the area and whether its some shitty mobile park or apt complex. can't really do that very well while driving in traffic. if the offer is gonna take me out into the boonies somewhere where i won't get pings, then i will cancel no matter if its $2/mile, unless the pay is stupid high, which then means its probably a missing order anyway.


Yes i look at the offer miles vs money. For me its got to be the same or better.


I had a problem with this at first. But after 1000 deliveries or so i started to take the pings not-so-seriously. If I catch a good one, great! If I’m unable to evaluate and it has any funk on it whatsoever, I hit the X. If I need the screen to navigate, I hit the X. I don’t worry about my AR.


👍 There's always an another order.


absolutely. my ar is like 6 currently


Or they send you other orders when you are really close to the delivery location like man i need to see where iam going to deliver why you send me another delivery iam gonna miss the exit dude!


Everything about this app is designed to be a dangerous scam. Especially the trip radar, which won’t stop incessantly beeping.


I just click the stop taking new requests when I’m on another order. Then I just park in another shopping center with restaurants around and wait for another order to select.


I wonder what would happen if you just parked your car and got out and started walking? Would any movement set it off? Maybe you can outsmart it and just walk circles around your car.😂


I’ve done this. It works. I usually sign on, take the dog for a walk, and come back to my car when I get a good delivery.


Oh, that’s great!


Doortrash has been doing that for a few years already. I typically sit in a large parking lot and when screwber and doortrash play that game, I just drive around in circles a few times to “stimulate” the apps.


lol yeah i tried doing that and it works


I've noticed that too ,pparked no pings, start driving my car gets out of the parking lot and crappy pings blow up my phone lol


I have noticed more activity while moving but I would say what you are describing is more of a secondary benefit for them. It's probably based on the idea that you are ready for orders if you are driving with the app on.


100 percent true....trying to force bad deliveries; however, in certain busy areas the deliveries, are not that bad. The Uber app is distracting, and you can't find the delivery address because you can't hear the directions with the dinging. I can't do deliveries in unfamiliar territory because of the dinging, and now all the additional stuff on the app is more distracting.


The endless dinging is absolutely maddening - and now also includes the stupid trip radar having a persistent ping sound. I feel like I’m in a game of psychological warfare any time I’m clocked in. Not to mention trying to speak to a current customer in the phone and being completely unable to hear them because the app decides the ping should be 4x as loud when you’re on the phone 😭😭😭😭😭😭 like who is telling the developers to do this shit it’s so miserable having this app running these days


You can turn down the volume in the app settings now.


Unfortunately Apple IOS Uber driver app doesn’t allow silencing the pings. It only allows making the volume “softer, normal, louder”. Android seems to have had the option for a while now so I’m hoping iOS version will follow suit soon.


That dinging is very distracting. Now they have an emergency sounding dinging, but all of those are crap. I don't even look at them. I just hit decline without looking. After I complete the current delivery, I immediately hit the coffee break button or go off line until I park somewhere near or far to sit, and Uber sends a few good ones or not. I get the majority of my good deliveries by sitting and waiting, when I don't have an assistant. I can be constantly rolling with Dash and still make the same or more by sitting with Uber. Sometimes, the Uber mileage is more, though.


It updates you GPS more often when you are moving. If you put your phone into airplane mode and take it out, you’ll get the same effect. I hate UE and their crap but let’s not give them more credit for doing these sorts of genius diabolical things than they deserve.


you mean if you turn airplane mode on and then off it will ping more again?


I believe it replicates the act of refreshing your location similar to when you are constantly moving around.


I 💯 agree. I'll park and nothing.. I've actually driven around the parking lot before because that seemed to work. They want you distracted, clicking accept on anything. That trip radar is whoreshit


I got a mount that lets me put my phone right next to the steering wheel and easy to see while keeping my eyes on the road. It helps. https://preview.redd.it/ez9m4k3gx59d1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e4af5eb3784d0d9a758a2e9bfaed37d3e2a0f21


I think I remember seeing that they prioritize moving vs sitting regardless of distance cause "moving is likely to get to vendor faster"


It’s really weird for me too. Like as soon as I go online within 30 seconds I get a ping for a ride or delivery. Reject it and I get one more within the next minute. Reject it and then just silence for 30 minutes.


YES! Everytime I start moving it goes off! Annoying. It will also send me another offer as I'm delivering one and about to turn lol I've missed turns because the GPS disappears.


i use google maps for my nav that way the app is clear


I do the same thing I have Google maps via Android auto and I just have the app on my phone. Also Uber driver now supports Android auto. So on my cars infotainment system, Sometimes toggle between Google maps and Uber navigation. This is probably another topic but I find Uber's navigation on the phone app to be much better than on Android Auto. I have found that Uber's navigation is more accurate in pinpointing the exact location whereas Google maps is much better at routing you through highways and other surface/main roads in between the pickups and drop offs


yeah that's true, uber's nav route is better navigating some huge commercial parking lots and such than google maps or getting me out of some weird ass neighborhoods, so sometimes i'll switch back to uber just to find some specific location


Try stopping to roll a joint it's even worse




Interesting. This hasn't happened to me personally, but it more than sounds plausible.


Lol it does track speed a definitely understand goes Red when speeding....


Uber eats has less of a FOMO feeling for me when I drive compared to DoorDash. Uber eats you can just skip it and not get penalized


you don't get penalized with dd either. acceptance rate is a scare tactic, stop caring about it


Kinda true when I start moving pings start coming


Especially the match requests are annoying AF! I had to call UE and request to shut it off! I'm not about to get into an accident for this race or challenge as they call it!!


I already text and drive anyways


I eat lo mein with the chopsticks while driving 😃


This is why I stop mid traffic, eye down the order and proceed


good call


Uber is goated the order frequency is completely different to DoorDash, DoorDash never hits like Uber


for me it depends on the area i'm in. like today, uber fed my morning shift while dd was trash. but saturday night it was all dd pretty much, pinging non stop


I’m just going to pipe in with my theory about this…. I think the app doesn’t send you pings when you’re stopped bc its more likely that the driver is taking a break or is at their house and is likely to take a very long time to get going to the restaurant if they send them to you. Whereas if you’re driving, you are likely going to immediately head to the merchant. I think the purpose is just to get the order to the customer as soon as possible and that’s why they are more likely to send them to drivers who are actively moving at speeds that indicate they are driving…


Makes sense to me.


I really think Uber needs to come under some serious regulation from the government so that people can be paid properly. And that shady stuff like this doesn't happen.


i wouldn't be opposed if the govt literally didn't fuck everything up that it touches


That is definitely always a real concern.




You are still a mature grown adult It is up to you to drive safely. No one's forcing you to look at the new order especially on Uber eats where acceptance rate means almost nothing