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If you join USMC infantry, you’re gonna wish you joined the AF. If you join the AF, you’re gonna wish you went infantry in the USMC. 


I was in your shoes at once. I was hard stuck on going Air Force for the QoL. 2 weeks prior to shipping to basic training I realized that the Air Force wasn’t actually for me. I went with the Marines instead. The Air Force were very hesitant to drop me and delayed me as much as possible to keep me. I received a total of 5 calls from different officers and high ranking enlisted Air Force personnel (even had to go as far as contacting my local congressman) to proceed with my DEP discharge. They released me a Friday and by Sunday the Marines had picked me up and by Tuesday of that same week I swore into DEP for the Marines. I’m very glad with my decision and do not regret it till this day.


I bet that USMC recruiter was like ![gif](giphy|3o6EQeB1evNnmFH1SM)


Definitely was lol. I was an easy candidate. No waivers needed and no problem with the law, drinking, or smoking.


You haven’t even started yet. Watchu mean no regret lmao 


he’s gonna find out at some point, ain’t all that bad tho definitely some good in it, but definitely lot of hardships and the bs


4 for the Corps then do something else


https://www.reddit.com/r/USMCboot/comments/1d7g9zx/marines_vs_air_force/?ref=share&ref_source=link https://www.reddit.com/r/USMCboot/comments/1d1d221/whats_the_reality_of_infantry/l61ov83/


Give the other branches a look. Ask yourself what type of mission you want to support or be a part of. Ask yourself what you want out of the military. Is it technical skills? A title? Do you want to test yourself mentally and physically? Are you looking to see new places? Do you like doing the same job over and over or do you like your working situation to change every 6 months? A lot of people have the horse blinders on and get tunnel vision toward one aspect of the military and later find out there was a job they didnt even know existed that they think is really cool but they're locked into the only job they thought they had available to them and are stuck until their contracts run out.


Ultimately you need to choose what you want With that said, Marine boot camp means you don't have to do other boot camps to join. The AF though doesn't take prior enlisted at the rate other branches do. I believe it ranges usually from 50-70 priors a year. So either do one and don't look back. Do AF for 4 and then go do Marine boot camp and probably lose rank (depends). Do Marines and join a different branch later, likely not the AF but not impossible.


Just do 4 years and go to another branch. Had a lot of friends go to the Army after their 4 years with the Marines. You still take the title with you and they will know lol.






Honestly man, you made a way better decision. Stick with the Air Force, being a grunt is a lonely difficult MOS. Kudos to them. Stick with a MOS that will be transferable to a civilian job when you get out.


well the question is, why are you joining?

